HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-28 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, July 28, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Mary Parnell, Angie Medlock, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Clyde Randall. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Jimmy Crownover, Dick Shaw, Andy Calloway, Clyde Terry, John Kehn. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Gary King, Rick Runyon, Ervan Wimberly, Ann Sugg, Ken Jones. The first item for discussion was the proposed plat to record the MALL EASEMENT easements and service road rights-of-way for Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Gary King and Rick Runyon, Engineering Services, Inc., were present representing General Growth, Inc. 1. Clyde Randall (Water and Sewer Department): Easements are o.k. as shown. On the easement just north of Sambo's, water and sewer need to be 10 feet apart. Former acting City Engineer Scott Martin asked that they submit the finished plans to the new city engineer. 2. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Easements are o.k. as shown. 3. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Had only requested one 25 foot easement and it is shown. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Easements are sufficient. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): All existing facilities are shown. He asked if this is just for the existing easements and Gary King said "yes". Mary Parnell (Planning Office): Said this will need to be reduced and resubmitted to the Planning Office. The building line for the plaza needs to be identified on both sides. We will need the certificates and the title block on the plat along with a boundary legal description. I assume all the property shown is still under their ownership. If not, all owners must sign the plat. Any tracts proposed for separate ownership should be given some separate designation (Tract A, B, C, or Lot or block numbers); however, each so designated parcel must have frontage on a public street. Dimension the width of the street rights-of-way. 7. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said they have a 6 -inch transmission line which will be in the existing Frontage Road or may be on the highway property. He said they will give them the dimensions on that so they can show it on the plat. 8. Paul Logue (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 9. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments 10. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 11. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The by-pass service roads running east - west to the north of and adjacent to Sambo's and to the south of and adjacent to Shoney's are acceptable to me as public street right-of-way as presently constructed but none of the internal drives are. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 28, 1977 -2- 12. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. The second item for discussion was the final plat of Bassett Place, located north of Stearns Road and east of Highway 71. Ken Jones, with McClelland Engineers, was present to represent. BASSETT PLACE Final Plat 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said on the preliminary plat there was considerable discussion on the intersection of Stearns Road and the State Highway Department right-of-way which finally evolved in the type of intersection shown on tthe:plat. They need to add the temporary turn -around on the north end of the street as it was shown on the preliminary plat. In a commercial zone, 5 foot sidewalks should be on both sides of the street. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): No comments. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Said he will be able to serve either with the Lodal or the Packmor. Said he would need a letter allowing him to go onto the private drives on Lots 5A, 6A, and 7A. 4. Clyde Randall (Water and Sewer Department): Water and sewer are in the ground. Water has been approved but sewer cannot be approved until it is cleaned up. 5. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): No comments. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Will need a 5 foot square utility easement on the northeast corner of Lot 8 to serve that lot. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he would follow the telephone company. 8. Mary Parnell (Planning Office): The Planning Office needs a final plat fee and an application. The easements and setbacks should be clarified with a darker line. Street lights should be in the street right-of-way. 5 foot sidewalks will need to be on both sides of the street. On the preliminary plat show the 10 foot easement for Ozarks Electric on the north side of Lots 5 and SA. The dimension on the west side of Lot 3 (128.O') and the southwest part of Lot 4 (23.78') do not add up to the 151.80' in the legal description. The highway right-of-way should be shown where Ozark Window is and marked as right-of-way, then mark the Ozark Window property as "Not part of this plat". The right-of-way of Stearns Road should be dimensioned. Frontage Road needs to be labeled as Frontage Road on the plat. Curve data should be marked on the street for curves 1 and 2. Some of the lot lines are not to scale on Lots 5 and 5A and 6 and 6A. They are reversed. On the southeast corner of 7A, the utility easement should not be any smaller than 25 feet. It is shown as 20 feet. The signature block for the mayor and city clerk needs to be deleted. There are two misspelled words in the certificates. The south 20 feet of the subdivision should be labeled as a right-of-way dedication, and the lot line and monuments should be at the north line of the dedication. The street light will need to be moved back off of the 20 feet right-of-way dedication. The Planning Commission did waive street light spacing to permit 330 feet spacing. The Planning Commission had recommended some access to Frontage Road be worked out for Ozark Windows. This has not been done. I assume it was not possible. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 2E, 1977 -3- The 25 foot along the east side of Frontage Road should be identified as a utility easement. Will they enter into a contract or post a bond? Add a note on the plat that there is to be no driveway access to any lot from Highway 71 or from Stearns Road. 9. Paul Logue (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 10. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 11. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. The last item for discussion was the proposed Planned Unit Development of Sunset Woods located south of North Street and West of Sunset Avenue. Ervan Wimberly and Ann Sugg were present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Noted that Cedarwood and Fowler will be public streets. The other streets will be private drives and not for public maintenance. Clayton Powell asked for 5 feet additional right-of-way dedication for Sunset Drive (east side of the property). Clayton Powell said there has been a problem with the drainage onto North Street. He said Oak Drive and Valley View Drive on the north side are curb and guttered and paved streets and he didn't know if the Planning Commission would require right-of-way on North Street. He said if they didn't, he thinks the private street should be constructed through the intersection to tie into the existing paved, curb and guttered street on the north side to control drainage. Ervan Wimberly said they would be putting storm drainage across the intersection. Clayton Powell said if the Planning Commission doesn't require any off-site improvements on North Street he would prefer the street right-of-way be closed running east and west and just have the right-of-way running north and south with the private drives connected onthe.north streets. On Cedarwood Avenue which connects to Eva, Eva is a curb and guttered and paved street where they will need to tie on to. At the south end of Eva there is a natural drainage ditch. You will need a drainage structure there. He noted that Ken Lazenby had submitted a proposal for two lots and obtained permission from the Board to extend Berry Street from its present terminal point to two lots running east to the standards which presently exist on the street. He said it is impossible to piece -meal this. He wanted the Planning Commission to reconsider Mr. Lazenby's portion of the street also. SUNSET WOODS Planned Unit Development 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked how wide the private streets will be. Ervan Wimberly said it would be asphalt, and 18-22 feet wide. Wally Brt asked what the radius on the cul-de-sac would be on Sunset Place. Ervan Wimberly said it would be 80 foot diameter on the cul-de-sac. Wally Brt asked for a letter stating that the roads are for the use of public service vehicles. He said as long as the streets are wide enough and he can turn around, he is o.k. 3. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said they do have an existing 6 -inch transmission line up Lewis Avenue. He said this may affect the setback on Lots 7 and 8. He said they have a gas line to the south of Lots 2 and 4 and asked for a 25 -foot easement between Lots 2 and 4, (this easement to continue to the NW corner of Lot 4); and an easement west through Lot 2 to get into Lot 1. He also asked for a 25 foot easement between Lots 6 and 7. They have a gas line to the south of this. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 28, 1977. -4- Mr,Kehn said he would need to go up to the north line of Lot 6 or 7 to cross to Lots 3, 5, and 8. The gas company has an existing 2 -inch line which they can use to serve some of the lots on Eva. John Kehn said they would like to go down the street but don't know where they can go until the street is worked out. Ervan Wimberly said Oak -Lewis Lane may present a problem but when they get the center- line of the road staked out, they will get with the gas company. John Kehn said they would take easements at that time. Ervan Wimberly said the street right-of-way will be designated as utility easements also. 4. Clyde Randall (Water and Sewer Department): Said he has not received water and sewer plans. He said the new city engineer will need to look the plans over and approve them. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked what kind of electrical service they would require. Ervan Wimberly said they would want underground. Floyd Hornaday felt they could serve underground but noted that it may be more expensive. Anything over 40¢ per foot in trenching costs will go back to the developer. Floyd Hornaday asked for a 25 -foot easement between Lots 1 and 2, and Lots 3 and 4. He asked how much easement they could have on the street right-of-way. Ervan Wimberly said they could have 10 feet either side of the curb on Oak Lewis. Floyd Hornaday said they would look at this when the street is worked out. 6. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Company): John Kehn asked if they could get a larger easement on one side of the street if they need it and Ervan Wimberly said they could give 5-10 feet more if needed. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they will try to follow SWEPCO or the telephone company. The developer will need to furnish 2" PVC conduit to go across the street in order to serve both sides. Ervan Wimberly said they would prefer not to put transformers on the street but they will if they have to. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked for a 25 foot easement between Lots 3 and 4; . 5 and 6; and '7 and 8 (east and west). He asked for a 25 foot easement all the way around the outside perimeter of the lots on Sunset Place. He said to make sure the easement crosses the common walkway. Mr. Shaw said he would need to cut through somewhere between Lots 23 and 26 to get to the lots on Sunset. He said he may also need to cut through somewhere between Lots 12 and 15 to get through to the lots on Valley View. He said they will ask for the required easement before they get to the final plat. 9. Mary Parnell (Planning Office): Said the streets scale to 40 feet and they show them to be 50 feet so the right-of-way needs to be the same. He said they need to specify the 5 foot dedication on Sunset. The point of beginning needs to be shown and referenced for the quarter section corner. Iron pins and monuments need to be on the final plat. The topography will need to be waived by the Planning Commission to allow 25 foot intervals instead of 5 foot intervals. The radius on the cul-de-sac needs to be shown. All easements need to be dimensioned. She said he had left out a lot line dimension between Lots 31 and 32, and the small line between Lots 34 and 35, from the cul-de-sac to the property line. The angles and bearings need to be shown on the final plat. Protective covenants need to be shown or if there are none, it needs to say "none". The common area between Lots 44 and 18 and Lots 30 and 35 needs to be dimensioned along the property line. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting July 28, 1977 -5- Indicate the unimproved right-of-way of North Street. We will need the signatures of the adjoining property owners. Dick Shaw mentioned that the utility companies have been having trouble with the developers changing the lot sizes from the preliminary to the final plats and this creates a terrific problem for the utility companies. He said the developer needs to let the utility companies know if there are any changes. Ervan Wimberly said when they get down to the construction drawings in a month or so they will let the utility companies know the exact sizes of the lots. Clayton Powell noted that there is a court case between a private property owner and the city regarding the right-of-way and a fence line. He said with houses fronting the other street, there is no useful purpose in retaining the right-of-way for North Street. He said on the through private streets, there won't be any designated right-of-way. - The private drives should be marked as such and the public streets should be marked as dedicated streets. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A. M.