HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-02 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, June 2, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Clayton Powell, Paul Logue, Larry Wood. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, John Kehn, Andy Calloway. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Donald Nickell, Rick Cowdrey, Gary Carnahan. The first item for discussion was the large scale CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH development plan of Calvary Baptist Church, located 1420 Porter Road at 1420 Porter Road. Lalige Scale Development Donald Nickell was present to represent. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 2. Paul Logue (Fire Chief): No comments. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they would request t.v. service. Donald Nickell said they would request service for the Family Life Center. Mr. Terry said they would probably come in either with the telephone company or the power company. Mr. Nickell said all the utility services would be buried. Clyde Terry said he will ask them to furnish any conduit under the cement or blacktop. • 4. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas service is available from Porter Road. No problem. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): No problems. Said if they want a common phone line from the Church and Family Life Center to the Pastor's residence, they will be required to provide trenches and pipe under paved or concrete area. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said Porter Road is designated on the Master Street Plan as a collector street requiring 60 feet right-of-way. Presently abutting this property we have only 40 feet. It is required to dedicate additional footage needed and it is the policy to take half from each side of the street. The 10 feet on the plat needs to be annotated as additional street right-of-way. For driveways, you will need driveway and curb cut permits to determine the size of tile needed. The minimum size is 15 inch and this should be adequate. You should also have a headwall on the driveway, especially the upstream side of it. This being a church facility, the driveway could be 40 feet instead of the 20 feet shown. He said that since Porter Road is so narrow they may want to consider this. Donald Nickell said there would be ingress and egress on both sides of the Church. Clayton Powell said that with a borrow ditch abutting Porter Road, there is not much more you can do with drainage. He asked that the Church not empty any drainage on a public street but that the drainage be diverted into the ditch. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Suggested they put a trash container at the northeast corner of the Church complex. Bobbie Jones mentioned that the sanitation trucks are quite heavy and the Church will need to have a good base under the pavement. Bobbie Jones said Wally Brt will need a letter stating that it is all right for his sanitation trucks to travel onto the parking lot to pick up the trash. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 2, 1977 -2- 8. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Bobbie Jones asked if he had talked with Scott Martin and Donald Nickell said he had not but he understands sewer is in place and there is a 4 -inch water line on Porter Road. 9. Tom Haik (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 10. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 11. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said before the building permit can be issued we will need the easement for the 10 feet additional right-of-way. The City Attorney will prepare that and asked Mr. Nickell who will sign it. Mr. Nickell said he, Burton McGee, and R. H. Morgan will sign it. Bobbie Jones mentioned that no additional parking is provided for the Family Life Center and the softball diamond. Bobbie Jones asked how many of the facilities would be in use at the same time. Donald Nickell said neither the Family Life Center nor the softball diamond will be used at the same time as the Church. Bobbie Jones asked that he submit something in writing saying that they will not be used at the same time. Bobbie Jones asked what the Family Life Center will be used for and Donald Nickell said it will be used for fellowship, for students, and for dialogue. Bobbie Jones said she will need an as -built plot plan showing individual service lines for the individual utilities upon completion. She asked if they would build all of the Church complex at the same time and Donald Nickell said "no". He mentioned that the only change is that a false partition will be put in the auditorium when the church is first erected but may be taken down as the attendance of the church grows. The Family Life Center and the softball diamond will be built after the church. Bobbie Jones said if it will be a year or so before the Family Life Center will be built, they should go ahead and submit an as - built plot plan when the Church is built.and update it when the other faciltiies are completed. This plot plan must be submitted before the Church can be occupied. The setbacks are o.k. as shown on the church complex. She said the Planning Commission will need to waive the setbacks on the Family Life Center. They are showing 30 feet from the south property line and they need to be 100 feet. She said that outdoor sports without spectator facilities require 100 feet setback so they will need to get that waived for the softball diamond also. She questioned if the softball diamond will be lighted and Mr. Nickell said "no". Bobbie Jones asked for a revision by June 6, 1977, in order to go to the Planning Commission on June 13. The parking lot must be paved with minimum double chip and oil seal before the Church can be occupied or special arrangements must be made with the Planning Office. Also, any kitchen type facilities must be approved by the State Board of Health before a permit can be issued. Next was the preliminary plat of Colt Square, a commercial subdivision to be located South of Township and West of College Avenue. Gary Carnahan was present to represent. COLT SQUARE Commercial Subdivision 1. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): Not present. Said they are aware of the flood plain and are working on it. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 2, 1977 -3- 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Said he would make a plea with the developer to attempt to get a continuous flow of traffic from Highway 71 (College) to Highway 112 (Garland) to redesign this to provide a road to come from the southwest corner of the tract to tie with Township at some point around the bridge --probably east of the bridge. Larry Wood said there is a minor arterial from Highway 112 to Gregg and he thinks they will pass up a golden opportunity to get this continous flow of traffic from Gregg to Highway 71 if they don't get this development to provide the flow through there. Mr. Carnahan said they would rather not make that change. Gary Carnahan said the owners of the property along College Avenue haveasked Johnie Bassett to work with them to build a street running north and south out to Township along the East side of this subdivision so the commercial buildings along College could have access other than from College. He said he doesn't know when they will try to do that. Larry Wood said it would appear to him that if they extend this future street to Township they may have trouble on turn movements as he thinks it would intersect too near to College. He said people will have trouble making a left hand turn at College and Township. Larry Wood suggested that Johnie Bassett get with those who want to extend a street and show on the plat what they will ultimately want to do. 3. Paul Logue (Fire Chief): Asked if there would be any businesses more than one story. in height. He said if there is, they would have to make sure the street corners are not too sharp so they can get the Fire Department ladder truck in there. He asked about the fire hydrants and Gary Carnahan said he would submit those to the water department -- he hadn't determined where they would be yet. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said he concurs with Larry Wood's suggestion on the east -west road from the west side of Township Road. He said Township is designated as a minor arterial on the Master Street Plan requiring 80 feet right-of-way. He said he will need to submit his engineering plans for the intersection of Township and Green Acres Road to Calvin Peevy, District Highway Engineer, Arkansas Kighway Department, Fort Smith, Arkansas. He said they will probably make him stop curb and gutter at the south right-of-way line of Township. He said the Arkansas Highway Department would require posting of a bond when submitting plans for approval and requesting a permit. Clayton Powell said they would need a 5 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of the street and wheelchair ramps for the handi- capped at intersections. Clayton Powell explained that the sidewalks may either back up to the curb or be placed in the right-of-way on the property line. Carnahan said they would probably back them up to the curb. Gary Carnahan questioned if they could approve the plat without showing the sidewalks being put in. Clayton Powell said if the Planning Commission concurs, this will need to be stated on the plat. The plat will need to reflect where the sidewalks will be built. Clayton Powell said wheelchair ramps are usually put in the radius of the street and said the Street Department does have some plans for ramps. Clayton Powell said if they decide not to put the street in on the east side they will need to have a cul-de-sac. Clayton Powell asked that he call the easement on the east side an "easement for future street". Clayton Powell said they should show if they want a full cul-de-sac or just a T -turn around on the south end where the box culvert is. Clayton Powell said the street plans need to be approved before construction begins. Clayton Powell pointed out that the existing box culvert at the end of Green Acres Road and the road leading into Lumberjack -Gaslight Harbor parking lot are both private and were not built under the approval of the City and will not be maintained by the City. He said much of the existing storm drainage structures in this area are not sized large enough to handle the drainage coming under College from the East. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 2, 1977 -4- Clayton Powell said Ordinance 2337 requires streets abutting subdivisions to be brought up to city standards. He said Township needs widening out to 48 feet and on the south side they will need to install street paving; curb and gutter and sidewalks up to standards if the Board of Directors requires them to do so. They must dedicate 40 feet of right-of-way from the centerline. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked for a 25 foot easement running north and south the entire west side of the development (Lots 9-13) and a 20 foot easement between 11 and 12 and extendcover to the street. He said he would like for the north -south easement to turn the southwest corner at Lot 13 and go along the south propery line and tie to the easement shown which should be widened to 25 feet. On the east side of Lot 4, bring the easement on down between Lots 2 and 4. A 25 foot easement north -south on the East side of Lot 1 and a 15 foot easement running north -south on the East side of Lots 21 and 23, in addition to the 25 feet street easement already shown. Andy Calloway questioned if there is already an easement on the south or west side and Gary Carnahan said he didn't know of any. 6. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Asked about the drainage easement on Lot 7. After some discussion with Clayton Powell, Gary Carnahan said they would probably improve it with concrete line ditches or storm drainage. John Kehn said they will need a 20 foot easement along Lot 7 since this will be a utility easement and a drainage easement. He said on the north side of Colt Square Drive the easement on Lot 22 needs to be extended on out to Colt Road. Mr. Carnahan agreed to extend easements along the street in both "Colt Park" sections. John Kehn asked if the utility easement on Lots 18 and 19 would be level and Gary Carnahan said yes,after the box culvert, but it will be a ditch up to the box culvert. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they could make all of the easements 25 feet instead of 20 feet on the West and the South sides. Gary Carnahan said this wouldn't be a problem. The one on the east along the future street dedication also will need to be 25 feet. Gary Carnahan asked if they would hold the easement to 20 feet on Lots 20 and 21. Andy Calloway suggested that he take 15 feet from both sides on Lots 20 and 21 and 22 and 23 and Gary Carnhan said he would prefer to do that and make the one along the future street 15 feet wide. Clyde Terry said on the north side of Lots 22 and 23 the easement will need to be 25 feet wide. Gary Carnahan said he will change this. Mr. Terry said Warner Cable may ask the developer to furnish some conduit. Gary Carnahan said this wouldn't be a problem. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said a topography at 5 foot intervals is a requirement. Gary Carnahan said it will be on the revised plat for the Planning Commission. She said he should show a S0 -foot building setback from all street rights-of-way and show the sidewalks. She mentioned that Ordinance 2337 does say that "when development takes place along any street which does not meet full city standards, the developer, at his expense, shall install street paving, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks and shall provide any additional street width and street right-of-way where needed". She said the Planning Office will need a revision by June 6 in order to go to the Planning Commission on June 13. On the final plat you will need to have a legend for pins and monuments. A concrete monument is needed at each corner of the subdivision and a pin at each lot line and whenever there is a change in alignment. She stated that Mr. Carnahan shows a 6 -inch sewer intersecting the north section of Colt Park and will need to add an easement to cover that. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 2, 1977 -5- Bobbie Jones said that there is one place the legal description has a call reversed (the West side of Lot 7). She said the Point of Beginning is shown as the quarter section corner rather than the actual beginning point. Add the section and range numbers. Reflect on the plat a dedication of additional right-of-way (40 feet) from the existing centerline. The lot dimensions should stop where the dedication begins. She said where there are four section corners coming together they should be designated. She said there are some instances where the street light spacing will need to be waived. She mentioned the west side of Block 2which will be 465 feet. Gary Carnahan said he would put one on the line between Lots 11 and 12. From Township to where Green Acres intersects with Colt Square Drive (the corner of Lot 4) it is 325 feet, the Planning Commission may waive this. You need a street light near the southeast corner of Lot 19. One also at the east end of Colt Square drive where it terminates. If the construction goes on out to the east line of the subdivision the Planning Commission may have to waive the distance for street lights. Gary Carnahan said he would put one at the lot line of Lots 22 and 23. Bobbie Jones said if the street is extended he will need one at the intersection unless the Planning Commission waives this. Be sure the final plat is to scale and that the lot lines all add up. Indicate existing street lights along Township. You may have to add some there. Show the existing private drive and identify existing box culvert as "private". A dedication will have to be made for the new portion of Green Acres Road outside this subdivision. 9. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Stated he needs to talk to Mr. Carnahan because he thinks the sewer layout should be changed. 10. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 11. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 13. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. The last item for consideration was the preliminary plat of Century Estates located North of Township and West of Old Wire Road. Rick Cowdrey was present to represent. CENTURY ESTATES Preliminary Plat 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said this will intersect Old Wire Road 259.99 feet south of Stanton Avenue. The Ordinance says a block will be a minimum of 400 feet long. The Planning Commission will have to grant an adjustment on this. Clayton Powell said there should be`no access to Old Wire Road from Lots 1 and 14 due to traffic safety factors and the sighting distance. He said the Planning Commission and Board of Directors may require improvements to Old Wire Road and they will require them to dedicate 40 feet additional right-of-way from the centerline of Old Wire Road. Clayton Powell said he would want an improved storm drainage either concrete line or storm drainage from the lot lines to the underdrain on Elizabeth.in order to empty the drainage off of the public street. Rick Cowdrey asked if they could cut the street for the sewer. Clayton Powell said the Ordinance says if it is at all possible, they need to bore under the street. Only as a last resort can the street be cut. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting June 2, 1977 2., Paul Logue (Fire Chief): No comments. 3. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): No comments. 4. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they may need to have the easements cleaned out to get back in there. S. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they have cable on the easement on the north side. Said they will need to be cautious with the sewer there. He asked if all the utilities would go underground and Rick Cowdrey said "yes". He asked for the easement on the south side near Old Wire Road be made 25 feet all the way around. He said if SWEPCO and the telephone company decide to cross the street, the developer will be asked to furnish 2 -inch PVC conduit under the road for the crossings. 6. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. Was concerned about the drainage going through Lot 7. Rick Cowdrey said he would work with Clayton Powell and divert the drainage so it won't all go through Lot 7. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Bobbie Jones said this property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, instead of R-2,Medium Density Residential as indicated on the plat. She said she would like the description to read as it was when he acquired the property and then show the 40 feet from the center- line of Old Wire Road as a dedication. Show it as the title shows and the difference should be designated as dedicated street right-of-way. She said he will have difficulty building on Lot 2 and will have a limited building area on Lots 1 and 14. Bobbie Jones said the sidewalk will need to have a waiver if it is to go only halfway around the cul-de-sac, and the Planning Commission will have to waive the distance between street lights. The Planning Office will need a copy of the protective covenants or if there are none the plat should say "none". On Lot 11 those easements should be shown as existing, or as new easements to be dedicated by separate instrument. Bobbie Jones said she will need the adjoining property owner's signatures before it goes to the Planning Commission. Ordinance 2337 requires existing, abutting streets to be upgraded to present City standards and they may be required to do this to Old Wire Road. Show sidewalks on Old Wire Road. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 10. Paul Logue (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 11. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 13. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 A.M.