HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-12 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, May 12, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Acting Fire Chief Paul Logue, Wally Brt, Angie Medlock, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Andy Calloway, Clyde Terry, Kenneth Wagner, James Crownover. OTHERS PRESENT: Larry Gage, Mr. Foss, Mel Milholland, Carl Russell, Robert Head. The first item for discussion was the addition to the Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Larry Gage and Jeffrey Foss= were present to represent. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS PLAZA 4201 North College 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Foss said they would put another container south and west of Dillards. Wally Brt said this would be fine. 2. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Mr. Foss explained the sprinkler system to Paul Logue and Paul Logue said there would be no problems. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said that except for Sears, all of the gas service to the Mall is on top of the building. It comes up where the new Mall office will be built and it will need to be relocated. Kenneth Wagner said they shouldn't have to shut down service. If they can arrange with Sears for the gas company to install three-way fittings over their part of the building they may not have to shut down gas service. Otherwise, there could be a 24 hour shut -down of service. Kenneth Wagner said he would like to have an easement for future expansion on the south side of the south entrance road to the west line of the mall development. He said he doesn't see how they could serve the area back into the west unless they come in from Johnson Road without this easement. From the Frontage Road by Sambo's running west along by Sears, he would recommend an easement on back along the boundary line the same size as the other easements. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said they have a transformer and an underground vault under the new building which will have to be moved. He said they are at least 36 inches underground. He said there are two lines under the building one of which can stay in conduit and the other will probably have to be moved. S. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they will have to lower some of their cable. He said it comes up rather shallow and then comes up into conduit into the present GMAC office. He said if the contractor will open the ditch they will lower this at no cost. To serve the new buildings they can come out of the present GMAC office and would ask the builder to furnish conduit where necessary. He said they can run it over a lift -out ceiling without conduit. Mr. Terry said they do have a booster or amplifier in the GMAC office. He said otherwise he would have to serve around the north perimeter to get to the west side of the drive and then would ask the builder to furnish him with 2 -inch PVC pipe underneath the pavement into the new building. Mr. Foss said they would rather go the other way. Mr. Terry said he would try to go the other way but he would like to go under the drive anyway for future expansion. He said someone would need to contact Warner Cable when they start digging so he can locate the cable. 6. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said they have the same concern in the area behind Sears and behind the present GMAC office as Mr. Terry has. He said they are in the same trench with him. He said they would like to be notified when they start 9. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 10. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 11. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Not present. No comments. He said they are working entirely within their own property and will not affect streets. 12. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 13. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. *Scott Martin (last page) The next item for consideration was the large FEDERAL LAND BANK scale development of the Federal Land Bank, located Large Scale Development West of Highway 71 Bypass, and south of Highway 16 Highway 16 West West. Carl Russell and Robert Head, manager of the Federal Land Bank were present to represent. 1. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Said they have three-phase power available. He asked if they are thinking of overhead or underground service and Mr. Russell said he would prefer underground. Mr. Crownover said the line runs right in front of the building. Mr. Crownover said, depending on the load, they may need primary or secondary service. He said the developer would be responsible for opening and closing the trench. Mr. Crownover said Ozarks Electric would supply the primary up the pole and to the transformer. He said all the secondary wire would be at the developer's expense. He said if they will give them a layout of the electrical plans, they will work with them. He felt that secondary service will be enough for them. He said the maintenance of secondary service is up to the owner. Mr. Crownover questioned what they have planned for the future for the adjacent land and Mr. Russell said the Farm Bureau may build to the west. J i Plat Review Committee Meeting May 12, 1977 -2- 1 digging so they can locate their cable. He said that on the north end of the drive (Shoney's front door) they have a cable that stops almost even with that on top of the ground and one that comes in across the west side of the drive. He said they are about to exhaust this cable. It was placed with the idea of picking up any future growth to the back of the buildings. He said it would probably be necessary to come into the new addition or back into the equipment room and come out underneath the pavement with a conduit to get to the proposed easement so they can bring the cable up and across. He said the conduit into the proposed manhold would need to be a 4 -inch PVC conduit. Some provision should be made at this_time for future increase in telephone service needs. 7. Harold Lieberenz (Building Inspection Superintendent): Bobbie Jones referred to a letter from Mr. Lieberenz dated May 10 concerning the building code and addressed to John D. Quinn, Jr. She gave Mr. Foss a copy of that letter. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said she believes they will be a little short of parking spaces required. There was some discussion on how the Planning Office arrived at the number of parking spaces required. Bobbie Jones explained that they would need something which would show the square footage per type of store to determine the parking spaces required. Bobbie Jones said the Ordinance requires an as -built plot plan showing utility lines, etc. when the building is completed. Mr. Foss said he is aware of that and it is presently being worked on. He said this will be done continously throughout the building. Bobbie Jones said this can be scheduled for the Subdivision Committee on May 23, 1977. Bobbie Jones said they will need to notify the adjoining property owners. She said the easiest way to do this would be to have them sign a copy of the plat showing what they are proposing to do. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 12, 1977 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. 3. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked how many lines for telephone service they would require. Carl Russell said three rotary lines and an intercom. There was some discussion about the size of the telephone board and Mr. Calloway said he would prefer a 4 foot by 8 foot plywood section. Mr. Calloway said his unit would project from the wall about 18 inches and it does have a cover over it that comes off so they need a four -foot working space He said it would require A/C power service. He said they would probably sleeve in under the turn around. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Said he has gas service on the north side of the road. He said that since they have plans for the west side of the drive, he would recommend encasing it under the blacktop. He said the meter could be at the property line and they could take their low-pressure line up to the building. If they meter it at -the building, he would recommend encasing it to the meter because it will be a high-pressure gas line. Mr. Russell .asked if Arkansas Western Gas would be responsible for bringing it under the highway and Kenneth Wagner said "yes". He said he will need a 15 foot gas easement from the east side of the drive to the west property line along the highway right-of-way. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he wants a letter stating that it is all right for his sanitation trucks to come on the driveway to pick up the trash. He said __ the location of the cans 15 fine as shown. Carl Russell said it may be in the contract with the janitorial service to pick up the trash, but if it is not, they will furnish him with a letter. 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said he should check on the sewer, as far as distance, grade, number of property owners he would have to cross, etc. James Crownover, Ozarks Electric, said they would be interested in getting sewer, too, if the Federal Land Bank works something out to make it available. She said he would have to have the perculation test results before he can get a building permit. Bobbie Jones said that unless the property to the east is rezoned commercial, they will need a screening fence 5-8 feet high where the parking is near the property line or move the parking -spaces back to 20 feet from the property line. Carl Russell said they may drop two of the parking spaces because they have 8 extra. She mentioned that they are permitted to widen the driveway to a maximum of 40 feet if they desire. She said if they build another driveway there, they will need a minimum of 30 foot separation between them. She said they will need a permit from the State Highway Department to build the driveway. Carl Russell said he already has the permit. Bobbie Jones said they need to process a lot split for this and another one if they sell off another parcel of land. She noted that they may have a problem with the land in the back if they decide to sell it in the future. Mr. Head said they plan to hold that property. Bobbie Jones said the parking must be paved by the time the building is finished or she will need something in writing saying when it will be finished. She said he should check with the sign inspector on the 32 square foot sign which is being proposed. She said they would need to notify the property owners to the west, south and east. She said they maY mail them a copy of the plot plan by certified letter, take them a copy of the plat and have them sign it or publish a notice in the paper. Carl Russell questioned if he could notify the attorney of the heirs of the estate and Bobbie Jones said she thought this would be acceptable. Bobbie Jones.said:there should be a note on the plat saying "2 parking spaces would bedeletedif the property.to.the East .is -not. rezoned commercial beforethebuilding permit is issued." She said there is sufficient right-of-way for Highway 16. 7. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 12, 1977 -4- 9. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 10. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments 11 Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 12. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said State Highway 16 is designated arterial and requires 40 feet of right of way from the centerline of the exisiting right-of-way. This should be deeded'to the City. Driveway permits must be obtained from the Arkansas Highway Department. The minimum tile size is 18" inside diameter, but they may require larger. 13. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Water is available but no sewer facilities are available. Next was the proposed preliminary plat of Miller's Addition, located on Willoughby Road, east of Highway 71. Mel Milholland was present to represent. MILLER'S ADDITION Preliminary Plat Willoughby Road 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said they would need to put cans on Willoughby Road to service the front and the back lot. He said they would need a total of 8 cans, and they should be encased either in brick or masonry. The lots in the back will need to bring their trash to Willoughby Road as the Sanitation trucks do not want to go on the private drives to pick it up. :2. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked what the width of the easement running east and west is and Mr. Milholland said it is shown as 20 feet. Andy Calloway said he would want 25 feet and Mel Milholland said he would make it 25 feet. Andy Calloway questioned the access and Mel Milholland said the only access would be on Willoughby Road. Mel Milholland said the back lots would have to be tandem lots with 25 foot private drives, which would also be utility easements. Andy Calloway said he would like the building setback along the south edge to be designated as setback and utility easement (running east and west). He would like to have a 25 foot utility easement running north and south the entire length along the west side of the property, Lots 1 and 16 and a 25 foot easement on the east side running north and south along Lot 9 the entire length. 3. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said they need to submit a plat on an 18" by 23" sheet so they will need to cut down what they have submitted. She said the tandem lots are conditional uses and must be approved by the Planning Commission and would be limited to one single-family residence on each tandem lot unless they are futher subdivided and a public street run in to them. The 25 feet should be a part of the tan- dem lot, not an easement across the lots in front. The right-of-way needs to be dimensioned and shown as right-of-way. The dimensions of the lots should be shown to the right-of-way point. On the final plat, you will need a concrete monument at each subdivision corner 4 inch by 4 inch by 30 inches and an iron pin at _each lot corner. That should be shown on the plat with a legend; squares for concrete monuments and small circles for iron pins. It is a requirement for sidewalks on one side which would have to be built by the person getting the building permit or by the property owner if no one builds on the lot within 5 years. Street lights must be shown each 300 feet. She said they will need to give the Planning Office a copy of the protective covenants and they need the signatures of the adjoining property owners. They need to show a graphic scale She said she will need a revision before it goes to the Planning Commission. On the final plat the legal description must be more exact. Bobbie Jones said there should be some comment on the plat that Lots 1 through 8 could not be • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting May 12, 1977 -5- further subdivided without a public street being built. She said there will need to be a statement that they were approved by the Planning Commission as tandem lots on (date) and are limited to one single-family dwelling and customary accessory buildings per lot and may not be further divided without the construction of a public street. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said Willoughby Road is designated as a state highway and an arterial road on the Master Street Plan which would require 80 feet of right-of-way. He said they would need to dedicate 1.1 of the additional right-of- way.from the centerline to the north side. He said if the Planning Commission does not require any off-site improvements such as bringing Willoughby Road up to City street standards, they will have to have an 18" driveway tile at each driveway and will need a permit from the:State Highway Department for each driveway. If the Planning Commission does not require any improvements on Willoughby, he will still have to submit an engineering profile and engineering plans for street lights and sidewalks for approval, and this will require posting of a bond. If the Planning Commission requires any improvements to Willoughby they will have to be approved by the State Highway Department. Clayton Powell said they need to put a note on the plat saying that utility and access easements are private drives and are in the future ineligible for public maintenance. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they do not have cable on Willoughby Road at this time. He said if and when enough building is done there to justify running cable out there, they will do so at that time. He said he would follow the easements Mr. Calloway asked for. 6. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they have gas to the west side of George Walter's property (southwest corner of the subdivision). He said he will go with the easements the telephone company has asked for. He said they have a contract where the developer pays to have the lines installed and is refunded so much money for each meter when they are hooked up. Mel Milholland asked Bobbie Jones if`.it is a require- ment of the Planning Commission that the developer put the utilities in before the final plat is approved. Bobbie Jones said the developer would need to plan to extend the utilities within the subdivision itself. 7. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 8. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 9. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 10. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 11. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 12. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Water is available but no sewer facilities are available. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 A. M. *14. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Water and sewer are available. Said he would have to work with Mr. Foss. There are some water and sewer lines under- neath the proposed building which may have to be moved.