HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-28 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review April 28, 1977, in the Board of Directors Arkansas. Committee was held at 9:30 A. M., Thursday, Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Scott Martin, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Andy Calloway, Floyd Hornaday, Clyde Terry, Kenneth Wagner. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Mr. and Mrs. David Carter. The only item for consideration was the large scale development plan of R. David Carter to construct a skating rink at 661 West Ash. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT David Carter 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that if the dedication for the street does not comply with the Master Street Plan requirement, that will be a necessity.' He said for them to control the on-site drainage, especially off the paved parking lot. He said for them not to run the drainage into the street --use a drain or curb and gutter. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Suggested they set a container instead of cans. Asked if Mr. Carter would build a 12 foot by 15 foot pad to set the container on and discussed the best location for the container. They decided to put it on the north- east corner between the two parking areas. 3. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Said water and sewer are available. No problems. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Said Mr. Carter would probably want the gas meter close to the building. He would recommend encasing the line under the blacktop to the street. Said gas is available from the north side of Ash Street. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked if they requested TV cable. He said they do not have cable available but if they do request it, they will work with Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter said he doesn't request cable at this time. 6. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said he doesn't see any problems. Asked what type of building this would be. Mr. Carter said it would be a standard metal building. Mr. Calloway asked if they know what their phone require- ment will be and Mr. Carter said it will probably be two lines. 7. Bobbie Jones said the Planning Commission approved the conditional use on January 17, 1977. She said they show 82 parking spaces and the Ordinance calls fdr one parking space for each 200 square feet of floor space This puts them about eight spaces short. Only the Board of Adjustment may vary this. Mr. Carter said the eight spaces could be fairly easily picked up. She said the parking must be on a durable and dustless surface, which means a minimum of a double chip and oil seal. She said 20 feet from the south property line (as shown) is the minimum spacing they can put parking without putting up a view -obstructing fence. She said the setback from the R-2 zoned property to the South will need to be 100 feet, if fully air-conditioned, and 200 feet if not fully air-conditioned. Mr. Carter said it would be fully air- conditioned. Bobbie Jones said the Planning Commission may vary this requirement on review of a Large Scale Development. She stated that there is a requirement that before the building permit can be issued, the Planning Office must have the easement for the additional 5 feet of right-of-way for Ash and Chestnut. There is also a requirement in the Ordinance that he must submit an as -built plot plan showing, • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 28, 1977 -2- in addition to the plan being reviewed, where individual service lines are running. This must be done and the parking paved before the building can be occupied. She mentioned that if they are interested in any kind of landscaping, there is a booklet of plants, etc., which the Planning Office can get for them. She said this large scale development would go to the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission on May 9. 8. Harold Lieberenz (Building Inspection Superintendent): Discussed the Building Code restrictions on the maximum floor areas allowed for a structure that is to be used as a skating rink. He pointed out that if the applicant planned to build a structure of Type III, Type IV or Type V construction that the applicant could get an additional 46% increase over the maximum base floor area allowed simply by moving the structure an additional five feet to the west. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. Not present. 10. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 11. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 12. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 13. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present No comments. The preliminary plat of Amrita Acres was postponed until May 5, 1977, so that someone could be present to answer questions and discuss some things with the utility companies. • The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A. M. • AMRITA ACRES Preliminary Plat