HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-21 Minutes• • • held Room, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, April 21, 1977, in the Board of Directors City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Angie Medlock, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Andy Calloway, John Kehn, Jimmy Crownover. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: George Myer, Gary Carnahan, Harrison Davis. The only item for discussion was the proposed large scale development of George Myer for 49 apartments south of North Street on the east side of Leverett. Large Scale Development GEORGE MYER Leverett Ave. 1. Harold Lieberenz (Building Inspector): Not present. Said he wanted to remind the developer that there will be restrictions on the size of windows on the two buildings on the south side with the 8 feet in between the buildings. Gary Carnahan said there will not be any windows between the two buildings. Mr. Lieberenz also said that this development is not in the flood plain. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said Leverett is a collector street. The City has 40 feet of existing right-of-way. The developer has designated 10 feet on the east side for additional light -of -way. Driveways are indicated as 30 feet wide with 30 foot separation. There is a critical lack of storm drainage on Leverett. He asked that they not empty the storm drainage from the driveways onto Leverett. Gary Carnahan said there would be no problem with that because of the terrain sloping down to the East. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said they show three places for trash containers. It is impossible to serve the one shown in front of the building. Two six-yard containers in back should handle it. He said he needs at least 20 feet between the two buildings. He asked how far the fence would be from the back of the building. Gary Carnahan said he can use the private drive behind Skull Creek to pick up the trash. Wally Brt said the containers need to be on a pad 12 feet deep by 15 feet wide, and may be enclosed on three sides if they wish. They will need to leave the 15 feet in the front open. He said it would help if they poured a concrete pad for the container. The approach to the container needs to meet Fayetteville street specifica- tions. He asked to have written permission from the owner of the private drive (Skull Creek Apartments) to go onto the private drive to pick up the trash. 4. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Said the City doesn't have any use at all for a water line if it is going to be master metered. Gary Carnahan said it would be master metered. Scott Martin said the developer could put a fire hydrant there on the front and the City would make a tap for the meter and the developer would have private water lines into the building. If they hook on to the sewer it will be at their own risk. They are in a low area by the sewer lift station and the sewer line surcharges during a rain. Scott Martin said it will probably be two years before they have the system rehabilitated so it can handle more customers. The City won't accept any new sewer mains in this area and the developer will have to sign something that says if they flood that the City is not at fault. Clayton Powell said the manholes do overflow. In the last month water was coming through the manholes at the intersection of North and Leverett. Scott Martin said if they do hook on to sewer, from the 8 inch sewer all the way back, the developer will have to maintain the line for as long as they own the apartments. Scott Martin said the City does have one new line there and he would check to see if that is the one they would need to hook on to. • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 21, 1977 =2- 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked how many units would be west of the fire wall. Gary Carnahan said there would be 13 units. On the other end of the fire wall there will be 14 units. He stated that they cannot go through the fire wall so they will have to have separate access to the 13 units and to the 14 units. Their primary feed comes from the corner of North and Leverett so he will want to come on the south side. The easements are not wide enough for all utilities to run along the north and south property lines and serve underground. He said they will have to have a minimum of 20 foot easement if sewer and telephone are going to be the only ones in the easement. If power goes in there, they will need 25 feet. Andy Calloway said he will need to go underground on the south side. They can drop service from the existing line for the apartments on the south. For the Northeast 14 units he decided to put the terminal point in the storage room on the east side and feed off from that. He also requested a 4 x 4 foot maintenance room to feed off of to the 13 units on the west side of the fire wall. (The developer is to place a conduit under the floor and come up into the equipment room.) He asked if there would be a crawl space so they could get inside wiring to the units and come out at a common point. Gary Carnahan said there would be. Andy Calloway said they will work with them on that. He said they need to wire all 13 units and come out at a common point. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said they do have an overhead line on the south side to service Skull Creek and they can use that to service the apartments. Said they would need a 15 foot easement with the existing overhead pole. On the north side they would need at least a 15 foot easement if they go overhead. If they go under- ground they will need at least 25 feet. He said they can drop service from the existing line for the apartments on the south side. With the fire wall they need to put the meters on the end of the buildings. For the apartments on the north side the service will be on each end. They can hit it in two places since it has a fire wall. It will be up to the electrician to wire up into the building from the end. They will work from the middle of the building on the south part (overhead line). They have a line on the west side of Leverett which they can come off of. He said he will need at least a four inch conduit from the pole to the end of the building. If they decide to go overhead SWEPCO will furnish the cable. If they go underground the developer will have to furnish the cable and conduit from the base of the post to the building. If they go overhead they will have to have a support which will be strong enough to hold it. If they decide to take the fire wall out, SWEPCO can only hit it one time at the end of the building and this would be more expensive to the developer. 7. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they have a gas line out in front of the apartments. He said he feels they will have enough room in the easements. They need to stay 5 feet away from the buildings.? They also need to stay 5 feet from the sewer main and 5 feet from the property line. The gas line needs to be in the middle of the easement. Mr. Kehn said they will locate the gas line on Leverett for the developer before he starts building. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said when this is completed there is a requirement for an "as -built plot plan". They will hold up occupancy of the building for paving of the parking area and the as -built plot plan. She said if they see that they are not going to have the parking finished, they should come back and talk to someone in the Planning Office at least a week before the building will be ready to occupy. She said they can develop it in two phases and occupy one building before the other is finished if the parking for that building is finished. They will hold • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 21, 1977 -3- up occupancy in the final building for the paving of the entire parking area and the as -built plot plans. She stated that they need to check with Freeman Wood or Greg Phifer on the proposed sign they show on the plot. She did not think a ground sign is permitted at all in the R-0 district. 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he will go with SWEPCO. If they want to go underground the builder will need to furnish them with 2 -inch PVC from the pole to the end of the building. 10. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. 11. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 12. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): Not present. No comments. 13. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 14. Tom Halk (Communtiy Appearance): Not present. No comments. •