HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-14 Minutes• • • A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., April 14, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, John Kehn, Dick Shaw. Angie Medlock, Bobbie Jones. Floyd Hornaday, Andy Calloway, DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Neal Albright, Bob Hutson, J. The first item for discussion was the preliminary plat of Huntington Place, located South of Highway 45 East on Joe Fred Starr Road. Neal Albright and Bob Hutson were present to represent. E. McClelland. HUNTINGTON PLACE Preliminary Plat Bob Hutson 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said they will serve outside the City to this subdivision but the rate will be double, $6.60 instead of $3.30. It will be picked up twice a week. The service would have to be on an "all or none" basis. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said the gas company has an existing line on the east side of Joe Fred Starr Road running north and south and on the north side of Joe Fred Starr Road running east and west. Mr. Kehn said they would make an extension contract that you pay for extending the lines into the addition at $1.25 per foot then we refund you $125 per lot when the meter is hooked up. They will serve the lots on Huntington Drive extending around the drive itself. We would probably need an easement along Huntington Drive --lot 31 from Lots 7 through 19 (on the outside). We could get by with a 15 foot easement if we are the only ones in the easement. The gas company would like to stay away from the other utilities as much as possible. Neal Albright suggested they make the 25 foot building setback also an easement on both sides of the road since the builder can't use that area anyway. Mr. Kehn said their existing line is extremely close now and is probably in the new right-of-way. Mr. Hutson expressed concern about having gas meters in the front yards. Mr. Kehn outlined an alternate route, using easements requested by Southwestern Bell, whereby they could serve most of the lots around Huntington Drive from the rear, but the cost would be more. Mr. Hutson could make that decision later. The Gas company will put their under -the -street crossings in before the street is paved. If the gas line along Joe Fred Starr Road has to be moved when the street is widened they will need an easement there. Mr. Albright and Mr.Hutson proposed to make all the 25 foot building setbacks utility ease- ments also. The gas company will locate and expose the existing gas line for the developer when he gets ready to put in their intersections, so the line will not be damaged. If it must be lowered you must bear the cost. John Kehn also questioned whether the . additional right-of-way would remain on the north side of Joe Fred Starr Road. 3. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said there is a telephone cable there which runs on the north side of the road which runs about to the middle of Lot 30 and then crosses the road to the south. Where they cross the road there is an above ground telephone closure. There is a 100 -foot electric transmission line easement on the north side which they need to stay away from. Andy Calloway said he wants to go across the north side of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (25 feet wide) and go north along the west side of Lots 8 and 9 to the north side of Lot 9 and stop. Then go between Lots 8 and 9 all the way across in between 27 and 26; 24 and 25, and 15 and 16 (25 feet wide). Neal Albright said he will need to take it all • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 14, 1977 -2- (25 feet) off of Lot 8 and all off of Lot 16 and then split between Lots 268.27 and Lots 24 and 25 (1215 feet each side of the lot line). Andy Calloway said he would come down the east side of Lot 15 through 19 to Joe Fred Starr Road on the east side (this will extend up to the South lot line of Lot 14). He will use the 25 foot setback along Huntington Road and make one road crossing to serve Lots 11, 23, and 13 across the front. He will need a 25 foot easement between Lots 20 and 30 and 21 and 29, etc. up the middle running north and south down to the south side of Huntington road. Also, a 25 foot easement down between Lot 6 and Lots 7, 8, and 31. He mentioned that if the option is not exercised on the first 6 lots, he would need to take the entire 25 foot easement from Lots 31, 7, and 8. Andy Calloway said he will have three road crossings so if they will contact him before the road is surfaced they will go ahead and lay their pipe under it. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he will need the same easements as the telephone company and will also need a 20 foot easement to extend between Lots 2 and 3 from the north and down to Lot 1. If cable is the only one in the easement between Lots 2 and 3, he will need 20 feet. Neal Albright suggested they take this entire easement from Lot 2. 5. Bruce Kendall (Chairman, County Planning Board): Said Mr. Hutson will need to contribute the 30 feet right-of-way from the existing centerline of Joe Fred Starr Road. He also needs to give three copies of a letter stating that he will build the road to county road specifications --two to Bud Alien and Bruce Kendall, and one to Bobbie Jones. When the road is finished to county standards, the County road superintendent will certify them to standards and accept for County maintenance. Be sure to clear any drainage plans with the County road superintendent. Otherwise, everything is o.k. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said they do have the 161 KV transmission line in the 100 foot easement and asked that they not construct any permanent structures in this easement. This easement is probably on the section line so that will make 50 feet of the easement on Mr. Hutson's property. The other utilities present indicated they did not want in the easement with the transmission line. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said to locate the transmission line easement and show it. Show any other easements on or abutting the property. We need proof that people who own the abutting property have seen the plat. On the owners out of town, send a registered letter, return receipt requested. We will need a copy of the protective covenants, if any, or the plat should say if there will not be any. The final plat will need to show the radius on the curves and information sufficient to locate it on the ground. On lots 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 we have a minimum lot width of 125 feet (calculate at the setback line). Before the final plat can be approved, perculation data must be approved by the State Board of Health. Add a legend showing that there will be 4" x 4" x 30" concrete monuments at each subdivision corner and at the section corner, and iron pins Z" x 30" at all lot lines and at the curves on Lots 25 and 26 where the curves break. Add a legend for the easements. Sidewalks and street lights are not required outside the City. The right-of-way for Joe Fred Starr Road needs to be dimensioned more clearly to show the existing right-of-way and the additional dedication. There should be a radius where Joe Fred Starr Road curves. Fill in the information for the scale and the date at the bottom of the plat. She said the revision should be in by Tuesday in order to go to the Planning Commission on April 25, 1977. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): This is outside the City. No comments. 9. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Fire protection outside the city is on a call basis and a fee is charged. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 14, 1977 -3- 10. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. No comments. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 12. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present. 13. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. 14. Tom Halk (Community Development):. Not present. No comments. 15. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. Next was the proposed large scale development Large Scale Development plan of Hackney Bros. Body Company located in HACKNEY BROS. BODY CO. the Industrial Park. Industrial Park J. E. McClelland (McClelland Engineers) was present to represent. 1. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): Not present. Said he wanted them to be aware that part of the property is in the flood plain, however none of the proposed buildings are in the flood plain. Mr. McClelland said they have run a topography and less than Mr. Lieberenz's map show is actually in the flood plain. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he doesn't see any place for a container. He suggested that they put in a container. Mr. McClelland said they would work this out with Wally Brt later. Wally Brt said they .should be aware that this is a problem because he will need quite a bit of maneuvering room. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said Pump Station Road should have a SO feet right-of-way which is not indicated on the plat. Mr. Grimes, City Manager, mentioned that he had had a discussion with Hackney Brothers and the R & P Electroplating Corporation regarding bringing Pump Station Road up to current City street standards. The discussion involved the abutting property owners paying only for the materials and the City furnishing the necessary labor and equipment. Whether he has a final committment on this, Clayton Powell didn't know but said he thinks it would be advantageous to them to commit them- selves to this agreement at this time since Pump Station Road is presently a gravel street. 4. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they had noticed that there is a security fence and they would like to set their meter either at the property line or some- where outside the security fence so that they have access to it. He said they can't do anything until they find out what the company will require. The gas company does have a 2 -inch high-pressure line so they have sufficient lines to serve them. They will need to know the amount of consumption they will require. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they do not have cable service available. J. E. McClelland said he didn't know if they would require television but if they do he will get back with Clyde Terry. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): They have electric service on the south side of Pump Station Road and the east side of Armstrong. They can provide service from Armstrong without any trouble. When Hackney Bros. get farther along they will work out more definite plans on load requirements, etc. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting April 14, 1977 -4- 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked if they have figured the building size on future buildings. Mr. McClelland said he thought they were estimated sizes. Bobbie Jones asked what the building is by the 44 parking spaces. She pointed out that half of the parking is shown as under this building. She said they have plenty of parking spaces shown for the first phase. She asked if the parking will be paved and he said he is sure it will be. Bobbie Jones said for them to make a note on the plat that the parking will be paved. On phase 2 where building 2 is shown will that driveway come on out or stop. Mr. McClelland said this is just a work area, not really to be used for parking. The small building in the corner will be the office. Bobbie Jones asked where the driveway will be from the office, and said for them to show this on their plat. To save time on future developments, future driveways need to be pinpointed as to number and approximate location. Bobbie Jones questioned whether Phase 3 will have buildings and he said it would have, but they don't know what it will have yet. Bobbie Jones said they do need the right-of-way of Pump Station Road dimensioned and the right-of-way of Armstrong Road dimensioned. She said they would be required to have at least one truck berth in the back and they need to show this. It should be a minimum of 10 feet wide x 30 feet deep x 14 feet high. She read Article 7, -Section-l4,from the Code of Ordinances regarding screening and landscaping of industrial parks. Mr. McClelland asked if they had to pave the area on which they stored their finished product. She said that in the past they have permitted SB -2 type service on such areas and the Planning Commission has indicated it's approval of this; however, Article 7, Section 15, subsection (b) might not allow this. Bobbie Jones said he would need to check with Freeman Wood before having any signs made. She asked that they put the flood plain information they have calculated on the plat. The Ordinance requires an as -built plot plan showing the location of the utility lines and service lines, buildings, parking, and driveways. Final inspection will be held up for the as -built plot plan and for the paving of the parking. She suggested that the original be preserved after Phase I so that it could be added to for future phases. 8. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. No comments. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 10. Paul Logue (Acting Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 11. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. 12. Tom Haik (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 13. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments.