HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-31 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review -Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, March 31, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building,'. Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, John Kehn, Andy Calloway, Dick Shaw. DEVELOPERS 'AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Neal Albright, Jerry D. Sweetser. The only item for discussion was the proposed final plat of Brookside East, located North of the proposed East extension of Township Road (north of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision) and east of Winwood Estates. Bobbie Jones brought to Mr. Albright and Mr. Sweetser's attention the following letter from Harold Lieberenz, Building Superintendent dated January 11, 1976, concerning the flood plain. BROOKSIDE EAST Final Plat Jerry Sweetser r. df • : January •11, 1977 • Mr.' Neal Albright 2880 Centerwood Fayetteville, AR 72701 Lots'9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 85, 86, 87, 88, and 98; Brookside East .Dear Mr. Albright: The City has been participating in the Federal Flood Insurance Program since' the middle of 1974. The Inspection Department has been using informa- tion from the FLOOD PLAIN I:FOR`•1ATION4booklet prepared for the City of !Fayetteville by the Corps of Engineers in March 1971 since the City initiated the program. The Corps map did not indicate that your Brookside East Subdivision was in any flood area of the City. Recently, however, I received a revised Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) for Fayetteville, Arkansas hhich does show the above referenced areas to be located in a special Zone "A" Flood Hazard area of the City as of May 28, 1976. Section 2905 of Section 6-94 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances requires that structures constructed in any Flood Hazard area, as indicated on the Fayetteville Flood Hazard Map, must have their lowest floor elevated to a point where.the floor will be above the 100 -year flood elevation.. Since the Federal Insurance Administration has not to date furnished the City with any 100 -year elevation data for this area, the Engineer employed by the applicant must furnish the City Building Inspector's. Office with: • rl Plat Review Committee Meeting March_31, 1977 -2- (1) DETERMINE FLOOD HAZARD. The maximum elevation (in relation to mean sea level) that the flood water can be expected to attain at each lot location. You will need to use the enclosed copy of the Flood Hazard Boundary Map to scale from, as a means to determine the anticipated height of the flood water at those locations along the drainage creek. (2) LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION. The information which indicates the elevation (in relation to mean sea level). of the lower floor of the proposed future :structures that will be constructed along this creek so that the lower floor will l:•^ elevated two (2) feet or more above the "antics maximum elevation" of the flood water. (3) SPECIAL FOOTINGS. Furnish engineer designs, where needed, of any columns, posts, piers and footings for any of the proposed structures that will be erected in the flood area upon any of these. lots. I feel that you should havethis. information before you are ready to submit applications requesting building permits on any of the lots that might fall within the Zone "A" special flood hazard areas as indicated on the enclosed map. • 1 If I can be of any help to you regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. "1 Enclosure: cc: 'Yours.very truly, • Harold E. Lieberenz Inspection Superintendent P.O. Drawer "F" Fayetteville, AR 72701 501-521-7700 (Ext. 260) • Neal Albright said they would show the 100 -year flood plain on the final plat which will be filed. 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said the culs-de-sac are o.k. for them to turn around in and everything looks fine. 2. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas): Asked Jerry Sweetser if he is planning to clean out the drainage easement so that all the utility companies can get in there and Jerry Sweetser said he is going to do so but did not plan to take out any sizable trees. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 31, 1977 Jerry Sweetser asked when they would be able to get in there with the gas lines and Mr. Kehn said it would be 30-60 days. John Kehn said they would draw up the contract and get it to him and then they will be able to get the construction started as soon as possible. Jerry Sweetser mentioned that, although the final plat will cover all of Brookside East, they are planning to develop (construct) this in phases to a certain extent. 3. Andy Calloway (Telephone Company): Said the easement between Lots 23 and 24 and 27 and 28 running east and west shows to be 10 feet wide. That is going to be a primary feed and he will need 25 feet between the four lots. Jerry Sweetser said he feels:.they can get by with 14 feet --he said he hates to get involved with big easements on side lot lines. Andy Calloway said that there was an easement between Lots 76-77 on the preliminary plat, which needs to be shown on the final plat. Jerry Sweetser said this would not be a problem. Andy Calloway asked if Azalea Terrace would be extended to the North and Jerry Sweetser said it would be extended to Old Wire Road. Mr. Calloway said he is coming off of Township and Old Wire Road. On the west property line he is going to come up to the north and go all the way up the back side and follow this easement up Azalea Terrace and branch out and dead end into it and go on out and pick up those existing units on Colette. Hopefully, he will have this set up so that service will be available to the vacant land to the west on both sides. He said he may want to talk to Mr. Sweetser about a pipe across the bridge to cross the creek between Azalea Terrace and Brookside East Sub- divisions but he will talk to him about this later when more details have been worked out. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said the easement between Lots 76-77 needs to go all the way through so they can go north and south between these lots. Mr. Sweetser questioned if all the utility lines could go in the same ditch at the same time and Mr. Teery said they have been having to go in different ditches because everyone can't get their cable at the right time. Jerry Sweetser asked if they could get by with a 15 foot easement between Lots 23 and 24, Lots 27 and 28, and Lots 76 and 77 and Mr. Terry and Andy Calloway agreed to take a 20 foot easement there. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Bobbie Jones asked Clayton Powell if street plans have been approved and Clayton Powell said that four years ago they had them approved. He is sure they will provide adequate storm drainage now. There was some discussion about whether to make the utility cuts before or after the curb had been poured and Clayton Powell requested it to be done before the curb was poured in this subdivision. He mentioned the 25 foot drainage easement in Jerry D. Sweetser subdivision running north between Lots 1 and 2 over to the dedication for the extension of Township Road Then in the beginning of Brookside East, the easement is off about 50 feet. Jerry Sweetser said this easement has been changed and need to be redescribed (in Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision). It now runs along the back of the lots in Azalea Terrace and comes out in line with Lots 41 and 42. Between Lots 41 and 42 and on the North side of Jonquil Road the street will have to be underdrained. Jerry Sweetser said they have built catch basins with side walls there. Clayton Powell said they also need to underdrain (drop inlets) Country Way between Lots 29 and 30. The utility easement between Lots 19 and 18 on the north side of Country Way need to be labeled as utility and drainage easements. Clayton Powell asked Mr. Sweetser if he plans to continue Primrose Lane across the creek into Colette. Jerry Sweetser said the Planning Commission had omitted this when they agreed to build Azalea Terrace, so he was not going to extend Primrose. Clayton Powell said • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 31, 1977 -4- that with the:construction of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision some of the drainage pattern had to change to make it contiguous drainage. Jerry Sweetser said they have moved this to the back of the lots in Azalea Terrace Clayton Powell said the dead ends of Country Way (east and west) were approved under the previous committal but he would like the barricades of a type he would approve to be put up. He said they need the barricades because there could be a problem with accidents. 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission March 15, 1976, provided the bridge is constructed prior to the development of the subdivision. She said they still need the final plat fee. They need all lots fully dimensioned. One cul-de-sac off Robin Road does not have a name. Primrose Lane and Azalea Terrace are terminated at the right-of-way of Township so they will be able to tie in at a later date. Bobbie Jones said he needs to back the cul-de-sac off Robin Lane up so it won't touch the right-of-way of Township. Bobbie Jones asked Jerry Sweetser if he would have a contract or a bond and he said he is planning to have a contract. Bobbie Jones said there might be a possibility that the Planning Commission might request that there be no access to Town- ship Road on the lots that border Township Road. Jerry Sweetser said he doesn't object to this as long as the property on the south is not allowed to put driveways on Township either. Bobbie Jones mentioned that in two places they have stopped short on the sidewalk requirements and Jerry Sweetser said he had noticed this and it would be corrected. Also the side- walks should continue around the radius on corner lots which have sidewalks on both streets. Neal Albright asked Bobbie Jones if they need sidewalks on the stub by Azalea Terrace and Bobbie Jones said "yes". She said they have one call left out in the legal description. She mentioned that the City has changed the wording on the last certificate and she will have to get the proper wording to him. The Board does not accept the streets and improvements until they are all completed and then it is done by Ordinance. She stated that she has not finished checking the street light spacing in all places but said she would check them and if there is anything more than 300 feet she would bring it to the attention of the Planning Commission. Bobbie Jones asked if there were any dead end streets in excess of 500 feet and Neal Albright said "no". 7. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Said that between lots 11 and 12 they need a 25 foot utility easement. The easement is shown on the plat but the width is not marked. Everything else is fine. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 9. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. No comments. 11 . Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 A. M.