HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, March 24, 1977, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Wally Brt, Doug Williford, Scott Martin, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Kehn, Floyd Hornaday. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Dr. J. B. Hays, Don Swaty, Ervan Wimberly, William Sherwood. The subject(s) for discussion at this meeting were two separate site plans both pertaining to property owned by Dr. J. B. Hays. They were considered in composite form since they both pertained to the same overall property. Proposed for construction are "Power Bowl Building", "King Pizza", and "'Beacon Drive -In". Dr. J. B. Hays, property owner, was present to represent the plan. Also present were Don Swaty, on the Power Bowl Building; William Sherwood, on the King Pizza; and Ervan Wimberly, on the Beacon Drive -In. Bobbie Jones read comments submitted by those not present first, then those present submitted their comments. Comments were as follows:. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. I would like to see the Beacon Drive In eliminate one of the driveways shown and incorporate it in with one of the other driveways. Dr. Hays and Ervan Wimberly both said they thought Beacon would need two driveways in order to get traffic in and out of the property safely. 2. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Due to the size of the building, they will be required to sprinkle the bowling alley building with automatic sprinklers. We also need to install another fire hydrant somewhere in that area. For the best insurance ratings it should be within S00 ft. of the buildings. Mr. Swaty said they plan to sprinkle the part of the bowling alley where the people will be, but not over the bowling lanes. (Chief McWhorter was not present, but submitted his comments to the Planning Office earlier.) 3. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): Not present, but had submitted a memo to the Planning Office earlier. Points covered in the memo are as follows: "The structure; Bowling Alley appears to exceed the allowable area for a class (B) type IV (metal structure Bowling Alley) without further fire proofing." (After the meeting Mr. Lieberenz commented that Mr. Swaty's proposal to sprinkle only a portion of the building would not meet the Southern Standard Building Code requirements for fire proofing.) "The structure will probably be heated and/or air conditioned, so the builder will have to furnish to the Inspection Department information that will certify that the insulation will comply with appendix "J" of the 1976 Standard Building Code." "The electrical wiring installed in the structure: (Bowling Alley) will be required to be installed in conduit because of an assembly type structure classification of the National Electric Code." "The King Pizza building is located in a flood plain hazard area. This area extends approximately 50 feet on either side of the centerline of the creek." DR. J. B. HAYS Large Scale Development North College Avenue Power Bowl, King Pizza, $ Beacon Drive In • • • Plat Review Committee Page 2 - March 24, 1977 "The floor of the King Pizza structure will have to be elevated to a "freeboard" of 2 foot above the 100 year flood mean sea level elevations at this point." This will have to be computed by an engineer. "There could be other building code problems, but the lack of building plans prevents further comments at this time." 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I would recommend that they place a 6 cubic yard container at each building. Since there was none shown for the King Pizza, Mr. Brt and Mr. Swaty discussed the best location for one. They decided to locate one at the southwest corner of the King Pizza building. In order to make it easier for the Sanitation trucks to cross from one property to the other when servicing the containers, Mr. Brt asked that there be a break in the curb between the King Pizza and the Beacon Drive In somewhere behind the King Pizza. He pointed out that the pads for the containers should be 12 ft. by 15 ft. and may be enclosed on three sides, but the front (15 ft. wide) must be left open. Mr. Brt agreed that Beacon should have 2 driveways as shown on the plan unless there was to be a driveway opened on the line between King Pizza and Beacon Drive In. S. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer). I think the water lines should be field checked. It is hard for me to believe that they would dead end at both the North and South ends of this property. We need to determine what is there. If the water line does not go across this property, and if you extend a main to connect the two ends together, that would be a way of getting around a water extension fee. The sewer line also needs to be positively located and checked for damage. Prior to construction we need to determine what is there and keep up with it. Mr. Wimberly said the sewer line is located as shown on the Beacon site plan --- they have field checked its location. They plan to stub out two sewer lines from that line ----one to the North and one to the South. 6. Doug Williford (Assistant Street Superintendent): Permits for the driveways must be obtained from the Arkansas Highway Department. The best manner to submit these was discussed, but no conclusion reached. Mr. Wimberly said that no drainage will be permitted to run out the driveways into the street as all this property drains to the back (West). 7. John Kehn (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): We will have to have an easement to get gas service between the bowling alley and King Pizza. We will serve both of them off this one line. Dr. Hays indicated the easement would be no problem. 8. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Our transmission line is on the East side of College Avenue. Since we cannot get permission to cut College Avenue, we will have to cross the highway using poles. We will set one on the North end in order to cross near the bowling alley. I would like to look at underground service with a pad mount transformer preferably on the East side of the building somewhere. (either the Northeast or Southeast part of the building). Dr. Hays requested the pad mount transformer be located in back of the building. Mr. Hornaday said he could put it behind the building on the Northwest corner of the building if the contractor would furnish a 4 inch rigid conduit all the way from the pole near the highway back to the transformer (including under the corner of the building); otherwise they would need more room in which to work. SWEPCO would furnish the wire. Mr. Hornaday asked about electrical load requirements. Mr. Swaty said they will have about 40 tons of heating and air conditioning on the bowling alley with another 25 or 30 tons of heating and air conditioning for the offices upstairs. He said they would have a sizeable load requirement requiring 3-phase service. The bowling alley equipment is electrically controlled. Plat Review Committee Page 3 - March 24, 1977 As far as service to King Pizza and Beacon, SWEPCO will have to set another pole at the edge of the road then bring a pole line down between the two buildings. He said he did not think the service would be enough to justify underground primary, but they could have underground secondary service. Dr. Hays again asked if there was any way to get away from poles or at least have them across the back. Mr. Hornaday said they could set the pole at the edge of the highway (they cannot cross the highway underground) and let the contractor take underground secondary service to the buildings. The developer would have to furnish the wire for that. SWEPCO will furnish the wire all the way to the buildings on overhead service, but not on underground. Or, they could set a pole at the highway and another one between the 2 buildings and the contractor could take the service from there either underground or overhead 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Not present. 104. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Not present. 11. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 13. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): Not present. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): On both the King Pizza and the Beacon Drive In, the ordinance requires that 80% of the land not occupied by building be paved or concreted and that 20% of the land not occupied by building be landscaped. Dr. Hays said he did not wish to be held to any definite landscaping plan. How many lanes will the bowling alley have? Mr. Swaty said there will be 24. Mrs. Jones said there should be 6 parking spaces for each lane (plus one for each 300 sq. ft. for office space). Since there will be offices upstairs, you need to be sure and check with the Inspection Department on exits and such. The size of the sign shown is too large unless you are planning a joint identifica- tion sign. All present indicated that each building would probably want its own ground sign. Mrs. Jones urged them to be sure to contact Freeman Wood, Building Inspector, about the type and size of sign they would be permitted before ordering any sign. The parking areas must all be paved, but you are indicating concrete, so no problem. This does not seem to border any residentially zoned property, so there are no requirements for fencing. Will there be any food service in the bowling alley? Mr. Swaty indicated there would be. Mrs. Jones stated that before any building permits can be issued on any of the buildings, they must submit the plans to the State Board of Health for approval. There will be 2 lot splits to ' process on this total property. I have the information to complete the one on the property which was purchased off the Theatre property. I need Mr. Cardwell's legal description of the property he owned on June 29, 1970, to complete the other one. This will be reviewed by the Subdivision Committee on March 28. Someone should be present. When the project is completed, it will be necessary to file an "as built plot plan" with the Planning Office showing the location of all improvements including: building, signs, driveways, parking, trash containers, and underground utility lines. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M.