HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-03 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, March 3, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Angie Medlock, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, John Kehn, Andy Calloway. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Neal Albright, Dale Holland. The only item for discussion was the preliminary plat of Sunset -Sunset Addition, located North of Cleveland and South of Wedington, between Sang Avenue and Sunset. Dale Holland and Neal Albright were present to represent. SUNSET -SUNSET ADDITION Preliminary Plat 1. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said the gas company has a 6 -inch high pressure line on Lewis Avenue and they have a 1' -inch line coming from the south, which they think dead ends right across from the meter that goes to the house on the west side of Lewis just south of this subdivision. They have a 2 -inch line that dead ends in the center of Berry Street and Lewis. He said the gas company would locate each line and let the developer know exactly where they are. The best way to serve Berry Street would be to run down the front of either side of Berry Street and make service crossings. To serve Berry Street on the top (East portion), they would come off their line on the east side of Sunset and run down either side of the street (whichever would be better for the developer). They should have a 10 foot easement, in addition to street right-of-way, along the North side of both sections of Berry. Mr. O'Donnell asked Neal Albright about the end of Cedar Wood and Neal Albright said they would be T -end turn arounds at the end. They need to extend the two easements that are presently there through the middle of Blocks 1 and 2. Other than that, he sees no problems. The Gas Company will need to go in and uncover the 6 -inch line before the developer has any dozer work done, so the developer will be aware of where it is. Dale Holland said it would be about 6 months before they would start any dirt work. 2. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Said he will need an easement on the north running east and west and one on the south running east and west the entire length of the subdivision. Also an easement running north and south in Block 1 between Lots 1, 2, and 3, and Lots 4, 5, and 6. Also in Block 2 he will need an easement running north and south behind the lots. All easements should be 25 feet wide (where there are existing 10 foot easements outside the subdivision widen them with easements inside the subdivision to 25 feet wide). 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said they would need 25 foot easements. Dale Holland questioned about the owner's use of the easement. Mr. Terry said the owner could still use the land as a yard, but could not build on it. Mr. Terry said he wasn't sure if they would go overhead or underground at this time, but he would let Mr. Albright know. If they go overhead, they will still need a 20 foot easement. They will accept a 20 foot easement on the South side of Lots 10 and 11, Block 3. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said Sunset is designated as a residen- tial street, which requires 50 feet right-of-way. It is the policy to require the dedication of half the additional right-of-way needed, which is 5 feet on the West side of Sunset. On the west side of Fowler he would like to see West • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 3, 1977 -2- Berry connected to Fowler. Cedar Wood and Fowler should terminate in a cul-de-sac .;0n the north end since they cannot be extended. The Planning Commission can deter- mine whether they will require the full cul-de-sac at the extension of Lewis Avenue or let it terminate as it is since it can be extended. He said he would ask that the developer consider participating with the City on a drainage project on Sunset Avenue. He asked that they at least construct drop inlets on West Berry at the intersection of Sunset; under drain the intersection and drain to the north side of Lot 5. The City will have to continue from there. Sunset does not have any storm drainage at this time. He said he doesn't know what Mr. Holland is going to do with the drainage on the segment of West Berry Street running East on Lewis. He mentioned that the drainage is to the northeast and asked where they would take it when they get it to the cul-de-sac. Fowler and Cedar Wood are open -bar ditch -type streets. The extension of those streets will have to be to City street standards. It will probably be storm drained the entire length of Fowler Avenue and Cedar Wood Avenue to take care of the drainage. Neal Albright asked Clayton Powell if the T -turn around would not be acceptable and Clayton Powell said it would not. The Ordinance says they would have to termi- nate in a cul-de-sac if the street cannot be extended at some future time. If he would have access to Lot 3 from Fowler Avenue and Cedar Wood would have driveway access to Lots 3 and 6, all he would have to have would be a drainage easement from the north property line since the drainage is to the northeast. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator)• Said there is a 10 foot easement on the North side from the west end of the subdivision to Section Line 14. There is another 10 foot easement on the south side which picks up on the east line of Fowler and runs 225 feet east of the east right-of-way of Lewis. This would be just into Lot 7. She mentioned that Dale Holland may be able to pick up another lot if they shorten the culs-de-sac to the south. This lot would be between Lots 3 and 6. She said they might also consider a tandem lot. She stated that Mr. Albright needs to show the easements located on the adjoining property. The lot sizes on the south are one foot off the total dimension. He needs to show the 25 -foot building setback from all street rights-of-way. This will apply also to the cul-de-sacs where there is no possibility of extending them. The additional right-of-way dedication for Sunset needs to be shown. Lots 10 and 11, Block 3, only have a building depth of 25 feet if they take the 20 feet easement off the south side; 20 feet if they take a 25 -foot easement off the south side. She said Mr. Holland may apply for a variance on Lots 10 and 11. If there weren't an easement the setback on the side would be 8 feet from the south property line on Lot 11. She stated that she also needs a copy of the protective covenants, Neal Albright needs to add the acreage; add a legend showing sidewalks, utility easements and if there is a drainage easement it will need to be shown, show building setback lines; street lights, monuments. The street light on the eastern portion of Berry does exceed the spacing allowed in the ordinance so they may need to try to get the Planning Commission to waive that. Bobbie Jones mentioned that the policy on building sidewalks is that they have to be built by the person getting the building permit unless the developer options to build them himself. She said she would like to have a revision of the preliminary plat before it goes to the Planning Commission. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he could turn around in 50 feet as long as it is 20-25 feet wide in the T -turn (Lewis Avenue). He stated that there would have to be a cul-de-sac at the ends of Fowler and Cedar Wood. 7. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Stated that he is not pleased with the two ends of Berry not being connected and would prefer that it go all the way through. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting March 3, 1977 -3- 9. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. (See letter) 10. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 11. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 13. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A. M. FAYETTEVILLE, ARI -.AN -SAS CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE P. 0. DRAWER F Mrs. Bobbie Jones City Planning Administrator Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Sunset Addition Dear Mrs. Jones: 72701 (501) 521-7700 March 3, 1977 If the above referenced addition is to have adequate fire proection, the 24 inch line running north and south down Lewis Avenue will be the most economical line to extend from. Therefore an easement will be required to extend the 6 inch waterline west to Fowler. I don't believe that sewer service can be economically provided for all lots in this addition without an easement for the sewer line to go east from Lewis Avenue to West Berry Street. Easements might possibly be required to run a sewer line from Fowler to Lewis. If you have any questions concerning thisplease feel free to contact me. SBM/skb Yours truly, Scott B. Martin Acting City Engineer ,;AAR 31977 U.I ISI O% CFI Y PC.,.NNIN(1 ttXki7a:...7 z