HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-20 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee' was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, January 20, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, David McWethy, Harold Lieberenz, Wally Brt. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, Floyd Hornaday, Andy Calloway, Jimmy Crownover. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey, Ervan Wimberly, Neal Albright. The first item for discussion was the preliminary Jim Lindsey plat of Clear Spring Acres, east of Highway 265 CLEAR SPRING ACRES (Crossover Road) and Northeast of Lake Fayetteville. Preliminary Plat The property is in the County. Jim Lindsey and Neal Albright were present to represent. 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Only the west perimeter abuts the City Limits and I am sure they have the 80 feet right-of-way for Crossover Road. Due to an agreement between the County Planning Commission and the City Planning Commission, any development outside the City Limits but inside the growth area,'streets will be constructed to County road standards. The right-of-way required is 60 feet on the roads already in existence; there probably won't be any additional construction required on those, but I am sure the County will require the 60 feet right-of-way dedication. 2. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked Mr. Lindsey if Clear Springs Road will be a hard surface. Mr. Lindsey said he didn't know for sure what standards the County will need, but he thinks it will be a double chip seal road. Mr. Albright• said he had talked with the County and they said minimum requirements would be at least 6 inches of SB 2 on an approved subbase. Mr. Calloway said the lots that bother him are those on the south side of Clear Springs Road. The other thing would be whether or not we would want to come right down Clear Springs Road. On the east side of the subdivision (north side of Lots 27 and 28) we would probably want a 25 foot easement, and also a .25 foot easement between Lots 7 and 26. We also need one all the way out to the county road on the east side. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they have a 10 -inch high pressure line on the east side of Highway 265 from which they could serve. He said he had thought about running down the north side of Clear Springs Road with an easement, or they could possibly get on the south side of the road Mr. Lindsey said he would advise all the utility companies to be on the north side of the road. Mr. O'Donnell said this would be fine, they could make service crossings every so often. The gas company will also need at least a 10 foot easement on the north side of the county road on the south side of the subdivision. He emphasized that the 10 -inch gas line is a major artery to Springdale and Rogers, and the developer will need to give the gas company notice and adequate time to get out there before they start digging the trench. He said even a dent in that pipe could disrupt gas service to the North. I will need a 10 -foot ease- ment on the north side of Clear Springs Road.For all utilities, make easements 25 feet wide. 4. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Said as deep as some of the lots are, they are going to have to take individual primary back up into some lots. The way it has worked in the past is that the individual lot owners have • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 20, 1977 -2- developed'their ownvundergrouhd lines into their lots. _People buying the lots should be aware that this is an expense for underground service. If it is over- head there would not be an easement expense. Mr. Crossover said he would like to know whether they want overhead or underground service before the plat is filed. He thinks they have service on all four sides so they shouldn't have any problems. He said they will need 15 -foot easements if they go underground and 25 feet if they go overhead, 30 feet if it is in the trees. Location of easements will have to be worked out. We have overhead service on Highway 265 and on the south side of the county road. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he would like to check with Springdale TV Cable and asked Mr. Albright to check with them also. He suggested if they do go overhead, to designate the easement as "utility easement" so they can get in it also. They will need 25 feet. He said they do not have cable there at this time and if this is their territory, it will be quite some time before they are out there. 6. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Said since this is outside the City, there will only be fire protection on a fee basis. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Where is says "zoning" it should say "outside the city". Show the right-of-way for Highway 265 and those three existing county roads. If any of this property lies in the right-of-way then show that amount as being in the right-of-way. If they are below right-of-way standards, they will have to be brought up to the standards for right-of-way unless the County waives this requirement. If these county roads have names, put the names on them. Highway 265 inside Fayetteville is designated as Crossover Road. Add a graphic scale; show the acreage; existing city limits; and the proposed use within the subdivision. I will need a copy of the protective covenants, if any; perculation tests will have to be submitted to the State Board of Health; and pinpoint the point of beginning as being the quarter section corner. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No Comments. 9. Harold Lieberenz (Building Superintendent): Said this is outside the City and the Federal Flood Insurance Program doesn't cover anything outside the City at this time. From the revised flood plain maps it looks like the approximate flood area would be about 300 feet wide along that creek. As long as they built outside the City they can't get flood insurance. If this is ever taken into the city, anybody that would build would have to put their floor level two feet above the 100 -year flood plain. Mr. Albright said they need to keep them from building within that 300 feet if possible. Mr. Lieberenz said if they decide this is in the 100 -year flood plain, if Mr. Albright could get a table with the mean sea level with recommended floor level, it would help the developer and the property owner. 10. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present. Told Jim Lindsey that he could connect to the 36 inch water line located on the east side of his development. He could use 4 inch -transite pipe and a 2 inch PVC for supply lines. 11. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): We do not serve outside the City. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting January 20, 1977 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have a transmission line crossing this. I suspect there is a 100 -foot easement covering that. It should be shown. The last item for discussion was the large scale development plan of Wayne Bayley for apartments East of Leverett and South of Poplar. Ervan Wimberly was present to represent. WAYNE BAYLEY APARTMENTS Large Scale Development 1. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Would like to have the driveway opening on Leverett at least 30 feet wide. 2. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The Ordinance requires that Mr. Bayley in some way notify the owner of SpeeDee Mart (Mr. Greenwood). He may mail him a copy of the plans, return receipt requested; put a notice in the paper; or have him sign a copy of the plat. You do show sufficient parking spaces, but make sure the parking spaces are 5 feet from the street right-of-way line. She asked Mr. Wimberly what the square footage of the lot is. He said it is about 180 feet (north and south) by 183 feet (east and west). You are showing the additional 10 feet on Leverett for right-of-way., Poplar Street needs an additional 5 feet and so does Ash. I will let the Subdivision Committee rule on whether that should be applicable in this case. Show the driveway to the existing house. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): He does have additional right-of-way for Leverett designated. Insure that your driveway meets the setback require- ments for intersections on each side of the road. He asked that Mr. Bayley not empty off-site drainage on to Leverett. The City doesn't have adequate storm drainage on Leverett. It would be desirable to have a street light at the driveway whether it is required or not. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Will need a letter in writing stating that he can go on the private drive in the Mobile Home Park to pick up trash. That truck will really tear that drive up. Everything else looks o.k. 5. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Would like to have a 2 -inch conduit under the 8 foot concrete slab on both buildings, in the middle of each building. Said he is not sure if they would serve off of Poplar or Leverett but they would need an easement across the east and then the north end so they could come in either way, or he could tell them later for sure which way they would come in. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Since this is supposed to be total electric, he had no comments. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Asked Mr. Wimberly if they were planning on going overhead or underground. Mr. Wimberly said he thought he would go underground. Mr. Terry said Warner Cable will be able to serve it, but he would prefer to go overhead. If Mr. Bayley wants to go underground we will work something out. Our cable is on the north side of Poplar Street. I would like the easement to be designated as utility easement. 8. Floyd Hornaday(SWEPCO): Stated that he is sure Mr. Bayley will want to have individual meters. They will have no problems in furnishing service. 9. Scott Martin (Acting City Engineer): Not present.Water and sewer are both available Mr. Wimberly said water would be master metered. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A. M.