HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-23 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was December 23, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Fayetteville, Arkansas. held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, Administration Building, CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Tom Halk, Larry Wood, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT: Bud Allen. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Andy Calloway, Jimmy Crownover. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: E. H. Sonneman, James A. Pennington, Joe Segers. The first item to be discussed was a proposed Planned Unit Development for property on the West side of Deane Solomon Road and North of E.H. SONNEMAN Planned Unit Development Deane Solomon Road Mount Comfort Road The property, owned by E. H. Sonneman, is partially inside the City and partially in the County. E. H. Sonneman and James A. Pennington were present to represent. 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said there is an error in the survey. He said they have written the description from the southeast corner of Section 32, Township 17 North, Range 30 West. He said Mr. Sonneman would have to have a new survey to correct this error. Mr. Mattke said he thinks they should have described it from the northeast corner of Section 6, Township 16 North. Paul Mattke recommended that they work with Mr. Ottis Watson because he owns a subdivision directly adjacent (West) of the mobile home park and he has both water and sewer plans nearly completed for that subdivision (Bird Haven Terrace) that Mr. Sonneman will need to connect to in his subdivision. He mentioned that this probably would not be the right fall to serve the northwest corner without going in a northwesterly direction to pick up enough grade. Mr. Pennington said he had talked with an engineer about the sewer problem and he suggested that he put in a lift station in the northwest corner of this property or come over and pump under it. Mr. Mattke said that would be one solution. He said the small lift stations take a terrific amount of maintenance. The City already has too many lift stations for the number of men he has working for him. They are a considerable investment. Mr. Mattke said if they are going to have to put sewer pump stations in, the more units they have, the better off they will be. The contours will run in an eastern and western direction and he should be able to come from the west and south and tie in. This is an economic considera- tion. He said they have water on the drawing boards for that area at this time. A water main will be brought to the intersection of Deane Solomon Road and Mount Comfort Road so they are proposing a 6 and 8 inch stub out there going north on Solomon Road. This is scheduled for early spring construction. At the present time they don't have water capacity there; a 4 -inch line is there at the southwest corner of the mobile home park and its capacity is very limited. Mr. Sonneman asked if they could come in from Highway 112. Mr. Mattke said he thought what he proposed would be a shorter distance. Mr. Sonneman asked what his expenses would be if he were to add on to the City. Mr. Mattke said the City's current policy is the developer is responsible to pay the cost up through a 6 -inch water main. Over 6 -inch, Mr. Mattke has the authority to directly obligate the City to pay for the cost in materials. Mr. Mattke pointed out that half this property is in the present city limits --half is not. Under the City's current regulations you need permission from the Board of Directors to sewer your portion which is extended outside the city limits. 23B Plat Review Committee Meeting December 23, 1976 -2- To get sewer they would have to pay $300 per living unit or $.03 per square foot of lot area, whichever is. lesser. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Said he has no negative comments. The one thing which bothers him is the fire protection; they will have to serve this out of the Cleveland and Garland station. The entrance as shown increases the Fire Departments response time into the development. Mr. Pennington said they have thought about putting another entrance drive on the east but it will tear up the concept of passing through the gate. Larry Wood asked if they would have a 24-hour guard and Sonneman said "yes". 3. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Said at present there is not a fire hydrant in this area to provide adequate fire protection. You would need some type of back-up fire protection. They will go outside the City on a call basis but there will be a fee for outside the City runs. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent). Not present. Asked if they are planning to have individual cans or LoDals. Mr. Pennington said they haven't thought much about this yet. Mr. Brt said he will not pick up either outside the City. Bobbie Jones said she asked Wally Brt if he would pick it up if part of the land is on the inside of the City limits and part on the outside and he said he still would not serve the area outside the City even if they set the containers inside the City. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said this is a wonderful concept. The exception is that the property is split, part in the county and part in the City. He doesn't see any great problem as long as he gets service there. The accessibility may be a problem. Deane Solomon is designated a collector's street on the Master Street Plan. Clayton Powell told Mr. Pennington that on side streets and parking, most Planned Unit Developments retain the streets and driveways private so they don't have to meet the setbacks. He said if they dedicate it as a City street it will have to meet City street specifications (width of right-of-way and width of and construction of roadway). Whatever they decide to do about the streets is o.k. with him. 6. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Asked if they are planning on having under- ground service and they said "yes". He mentioned that they may have some ease- ment problem and said they may ask for some conduit in some places. If all the utility companies are in the easement they will probably need a 25 -foot easement and more if they have water and sewer in the easement. Mr. Crownover asked Mr. Sonneman if they would be "all electric" and Mr. Sonneman said he doubts it. Mr. Crownover said they would like to see the electrical layout when it is completed. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said he feels the same as Mr. Crownover. They would probably ask them to furnish some conduit but they would have to see the plans before they will know exactly what they need. They will need a 2 -inch conduit to get in under any pavement so if they have to go back in they won't have to break the blacktop. They will try to plan their routeing with the telephone company or Ozarks. By doing this, there will be no expense to Warner Cable. They have cable on the east and north side of the Planned Development. He would like to know of any changes or additions. 8. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Said it looks real good except there aren't any trees. He suggested that they eventually put trees in. Mr. Sonneman said there aren't any trees there now, but they do plan to plant some. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting December 23, 1976 -3- 9. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator): Said it looks real good. The ideal thing will be if it is all taken into the City. He asked Mr. Pennington if the road along the North would be blacktopped and Mr. Pennington said "yes". Mr. Allen said it would be to everyone's advantage to take this into the City for trash pick-up, sewer, fire protection, etc. 10. Andy Calloway (Southwestern Bell): Said they will need an easement all of the way around to get into the back. The buildings which concern him are those on the inside and they will need some type of conduit for these. He needed to know if they would be using concrete or asphalt in the play area and picnic area. If they want a pay telephone in any of the buildings they will need to stub a conduit into the initial construction so they can get to it. Mr. Sonneman said he was thinking about having a switchboard in the guardhouse with all calls having to go through it. If they have a separate system in the guard house there will be cost involved in this, but they will have to sit down and talk about this. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Told Mr. Sonneman there is a 200 feet error in either his legal description or his survey. She asked if they had petitioned to be annexed to the City. She said he would need to rezone to R-1 to get this many units on the land. The R-1 zone would allow 130 total units. The minimum lot size would be 2 acres for A-1. You will have to comply with the subdivision regulations. Each parcel individually on the land would have to be denoted as a lot and the size of the lot shown. This is difficult because the only way you can pinpoint where the location is is to get the footing and foundation in and then draw the lot lines. She suggested they first assign the lot number for each building and after the foundations are set they will pinpoint the lot line and process a lot split. Subdivision regulations require that they dedicate 30 feet from the centerline of Deane Solomon Road. This will have to be shown on the plat filed in the courthouse. The maximum height for a Planned Unit Development in the R-1 district is two stories plus a basement. they would, have some limited commercial uses permitted (since they plan more than 100 dwelling units) but the regulations are fairly strict. This could not exceed 75 square feet for each unit or a total maximum of 20,000 square feet. It has to be at least 100 feet inside the property and it is limited to uses permitted in the C-1 district. The club house (if considered as part of the project and limited to residents of the Planned Unit Development) would not be commercial. It would be part of the resi- dential. The pool will have to have approval of the State Board of Health. The minimum lot size per dwelling unit is 1600 square feet. This includes. the unit and patio or other outside area. The minimum lot width is 20 feet for an individual unit. Abutting property inside the City and zoned A-1, the side setback is 20 feet. If were zoned R-1 the units along the North and South would have to be eet from those property lines. If the streets are made public streets, they must have full right-of-way (50 feet). A public street must have 30 feet of pavement and be built to minimum street specifications. If it is not a city street they (the Planned Unit Development) will have to provide maintenance through their Board of Directors. You will need a minimum of two parking spaces for each unit. These should be 10 x 20 feet and be within 200 feet of the building they need to serve. Bobbie Jones said they would probably have to annex and rezone to get any of the benefits (sewer, fire protection), etc. She suggested that they this to the Planning Commission on a feasibility question and they decided to do this. She suggested they annex to the City first and then they can rezone as a whole. 12. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Stated that if it is a public street, the setbacks would have to apply. Sidewalk requirements would probably only apply on the north and south sides, but maximum sidewalks would be needed in the interior. • Plat Review Committee Meeting December 23, 1976 -4- 13. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Not present. Gas is available. No problems with the project as drawn. 1. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said Reverand LOT SPLIT Salmon owned 5 acres on Maple, past Gray, on which James Powell he originally built a house and sold some of the balance of the property to Mike Walden, J. E. Metcalf, and Lewis Jones. He originally got 3 lot splits which is all the Planning Office can issue. Now he wants to go to the Planning Commission for a fourth lot split and a tandem lot. The tandem lot in the back owns 25 feet all the way out to a public street which is to be used as a private drive and utilities. Tandem lot does comply here if the Planning Commission will approve the conditional use. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Recommended to extend Maple Street to the Markham property east boundry but not into it. His other comments remain the same as when Reverand Salmon originally submitted it. 3. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said the kind of sewer pump station they are proposing never works satisfactorily. The best kind to install would be a grinder sewer pump such as The Farmer's Daughter has, but the cost would be $1500-$2,000. Water service is available from Maple. 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Not present. No comments. The last item to be discussed was the proposed preliminary plat of Sassafras Row Subdivision, located outside the City North of Highway 45 East. • 1. Larry Wood (Planning consultant): No comments. • SASSAFRAS ROW SUBDIVISION Joe Segers Preliminary Plat 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said he owns the abutting property and will sign a copy of the proposed plat. 3. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): No comments. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Water is available along the West property line. He thought they would set meters along the existing line and have the yard lines run in separate easements back to the lots. He said they could set 2 meters and 1 box on Lots 12 and 13 and take a line back to 6 and one back to 7. 5. Bud Allen (County Planning Administrator): Asked if Beau Lane would be dedicated as a county road and Mr. Segers said "yes". Bud Allen said he would like to have the road built to county road specifications and they will maintain it. He will need at least 25 or 30 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of the existing county road. Bud Allen stated that if they would have to destroy trees to give the 30 feet he will take 25. They are flexible on this and he will let the Plan- ning Office know what they decide. Mr. Segers said they will be glad to give whatever the County wants for the road James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Said they have a line out to the front which they can serve off of. They will need a utility easement from that line. They can use the setback on the South side of Beau Lane for the easement on that side. They also will need a 25 -foot easement between Lots 4 and 5. He is not re- questing an additional easement on Lot 1 at this time. Mr. Seger said he will give whatever is needed for easements because the lots are so big they won't build close together anyway. The easements are 25 feet down the South side of Lots 1 and 7 all the way to the back. Ozarks Electric needs a 25 foot ease ment between Lots 4 and 5 and a 25 foot easement that runs North and South down • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting December 23, 1976 the East side of Lots 6 and 7. He is leaving the easement between Lots 3, 4, and 5, and Lot 7. There is also an easement on the South side of Beau Lane to the lot line between Lots 6 and 7. They left the easement on the East side of Lots 1 and 2. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said she needs a copy of the deed restrictions and covenants. In the "location" it should be noted that it is outside the City and they should show the proposed use of the land. The plat should show the width of the existing street right-of-way for the county road; it scales to be 30 feet. It should show the dedication as a dedication for widening of the County road (Sassafras), and show the name of the road on the plat. The building setbacks should measure from the street right-of-way dedication. Dimension the lot lines on 6 and 7. We need the signatures of the adjoining property owners and a scale and a legend on the plat. When the final plat is ready it should have on each subdivision corner a 4 inch x 4 inch concrete monument. You will need pins (1 inch by 30 inches) on each lot corner, at the property line, and at changes in alignment along the right-of-way. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 A. M. D-LrY