HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-09 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Thursday, December 9, 1976 in the Board Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M., of Directors Room, City Administration UTILITIES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Floyd Hornaday, Frank O'Donnell, Dick Shaw. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Tom Halk, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Angie Medlock. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Carl Russell, Harris, Attorney Tom The only item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Plan of Dr. Thermon Crocker and Dr. Floyd Harris for a Professional Office Complex on the northwest corner of Poplar and Green Acres Road. Jones, Dr. Thermon R. Crocker, Dr. Floyd R. Burke, Don Heckathorn. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE COMPLEX Drs. Harris $ Crocker 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said sewer service is available. He recommends that they get sprinkler service because it will minimize loss and danger of fire and should lower their insurance rates. If they need sprinklers, they may have some problems with the size of the water mains. The City has a 16 -inch main on the west side of College. The one on Poplar is a 6 -inch main as far west as the fire hydrant near their West property line, then it is a 211 inch main west of there. A larger line could be extended from College. Mr. Mattke asked if these would be individual offices or would there be a master meter. Dr. Harris said they would be separate offices and separate meters. Mr. Mattke said it would probably be best to have one meter per building. He said water meters would be set out on the road and that it would probably be very expensive to run individual lines from each meter. He said they can meter either from Poplar or from Green Acres, and they can cluster. Mr. Mattke said there should be no problems with the plumbing availability. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said both Poplar Street and Green Acres Road are residential (minor) streets and the right-of-way requirement is 50 feet. The City will need an additional 5 feet on the north side of Poplar and also on the West side of Green Acres Road, which is shown on the plat. He mentioned that the Board of Directors doesn't want any other commercial driveways on Poplar. He said the driveways can be up to 44 feet wide. It appears to be a little congested on the two driveways on Poplar if they remain only 20 feet wide. He said they may want to make these driveways wider. He said the location of the driveway on Green Acres is fine as shown. There is a chronic drainage problem on Poplar and Green Acres. Both are very narrow streets and have open bar (borrow) ditches. He said it would be to their advantage to storm drain the length of the lot on Poplar and install curb and gutter 15 feet from the property line of the existing right-of-way. Then the City would install base and pave the street_to the curb line. If they don't decide to do this they will have to do extensive base work in the parking lot. He said if they don't put in curb and gutter then the driveways should be headwalled. He said the Street Department will cooperate with them on Poplar to widen the street. Mr. Russell asked about staging the tile work and at the completion putting in street curb and gutter. Mr. Powell said that would be fine. He said they could put in under drains at the driveway and cover those and add to them. They would have head- walls at the West end of the storm drainage and curb and gutter at the corner of Poplar and Green Acres with a drop inlet, and pick up later with continuous storm drainage. • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting December 9, 1976 -2- 3. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Said it looks good as it is. 4. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked if this would be built in three stages and they said it would be. He asked if Dr. Harris is going to build his office first and they said "yes" and then Dr. Crocker would probably build his some time within the year. He wanted to know if they are planning to have intercoms between the offices and they said "no". In Phase 1 going north on the property line between the two buildings and to the east of Dr. Harris' building is there going to be a mechanical room? Mr. Russell said they plan to conduit into a mechanical room in each Phase and then conduit it out to the individual buildings. Mr. Shaw stated that he could come in from Poplar and turn into the building. He said they will need a 2 inch PVC conduit from the property line to the mechanical room and from the mechanical room to each separate site for a separate office. He asked if they would have lift -out ceilings and Mr. Russell said they weren't sure about this yet. He said if they will not have lift -out ceilings they will need a conduit from the main terminal board to each individual office. He said they can come in from either street for the first phase, but will need to come in from Poplar for the second two phases. The buildings will need to be tied together at the main terminal board and he will need a 4 x 8 piece of plywood mounted there. He said on the conduit it may benefit them to decide where the telephones are going to go and put the telephone wiring up the partitions before the paneling goes on. If they can do this it will eliminate running a lot of exposed cable around the rooms. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said they have service on Poplar and on Green Acres, but they would like to come off Poplar, underground, to a central location for each building. he said they could work out the locations for them as they develop. They will need a conduit from the street to the pad -mount transformer (4 inch PVC). The electric company will furnish the cable to the transformer, the developer will open and close the trench and furnish the conduit. He said they can take it from the transformer to each building metered on the building or they can work out another metering system. He said 208 voltage would be acceptable. On Poplar Street the electric company does plan to put in 3 phase. Mr. Russell asked if they could put in 208 where it doesn't justify 3-phase service and Mr. Hornaday said they could come in 240 for single service, but for the 3 phase they will need to stay 208. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said if they require TV service they need to put the cable in before the building is built. He said they wou3d need essentially the same thing as SWEPCO and the telephone company. They will need a 2-inch.PVC conduit into each Phase near the transformer of SWEPCO, from there a 2 -inch conduit to each of the utility rooms, and they could go from there into each individual office space. It would be the same for the outlets. He said they could not put the wires in the wall after the building is built, so if they decide at a later date that they want cable service, the lines would have to be run outside the walls. He said they can service from either street. 7. Frank O'Donnell (Gas Company): Said they will plan to serve from Poplar. As each phase progresses, they will make a new tap on Poplar Street. He said they would like to stay away from as much pavement as possible. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Said he recommends 6 -yard containers for each location.. He said two 6 -yard containers should serve them. They will need to pour a 12 foot by 15 foot pad to set the containers on, which may be enclosed on three sides, but they will need to leave the 15 feet on the front open. In order to get in he will need a 30 foot wide driveway, otherwise he will break the curb. Other than needing the 30 foot width, he can make it on the driveways as shown, Plat Review Committee Meeting December 9, 1976 -3- but he will need 30 feet where he has to back up and turn after pick up between Phase 1 and 2 and between Phase 2 and 3 and will need a minimum 15 foot radius on turns. He also recommends that they put a good base under the paving and requires written permission to enter on the driveways with his trucks. 9. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Said he also needs 30 -foot drives so his fire engines won't break the curbs if they have to go in there. 10. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Suggested that the requirement for screening of parking on the North be waived because he anticipates that will be office space at some time in the future. He suggested that they put screening on the West side because that is residential to the West. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that since the property to the West has different zoning she will need proof that the property owner does know of the plans for development. They can notify them by (1) putting a notice in the newspaper, (2) mailing a copy of the plans to the property owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, or (3) they can take a copy of the plat to the property owner and have them sign it and return it to the Planning Office. She said she will need to know the history of ownership of the property; proof that this has not been split since June of 1970. If it has been split or they intend to split it, they will need a waiver of Subdivision requirements. She stated that the right-of- way dedications are to be made before they will be able to issue a building -permit. Upon completion of the project, or as each Phase is finished, they will need to file an as -built plan showing the location of buildings, parking areas, driveways, signs, and utility lines on the property. Bobbie Jones said Mr. Grimes(City Manager) stressed the drainage problem. He wants to be sure they -,don't obstruct the present drainage under Poplar and they should make provisions to take care of the drainage on their own property. Mr. Grimes also commented that the Board of Directors had been very concerned about any driveways of a commercial nature onto Poplar Street and asked that the Subdivision Committe review this to see if it is "creating or compounding an existing traffic hazard". The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 A. M.