HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-02 Minutess • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, December 2, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry, Floyd Hornaday, Dick Shaw. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Steve Lamm, Gene Bates. The only item to be discussed was the Revised Large Scale Development Plan of Steve Lamm and Gene Bates for apartments on Stone Street east of Sang Avenue. STEVE LAMM $ GENE BATES REVISED LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT STONE STREET 1. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Asked if they could put the gas meters on the northeast and northwest corners of the buildings on the sides, and Mr. Lamm said they could. Mr. O'Donnell said that this would be fine and that it would be the most economical. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said the driveway locations are supposed to have 25 -foot separation. He said they would need a 12.5 foot setback from the property line and they only show a 10 -foot setback. He said they can take the additional 2.5 feet from the driveway and make the driveway 27.5 feet. He said the 30 foot driveway width is fine; they could go to a maximum of 44 feet wide for the driveway. He said he may be concerned about the sight distance there, they may want to check how far they are from the crest of the hill on Stone Street since they will have a lot of traffic going in and out. He said they would need at least 100 feet sight distance from the crest of the hill. 3. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not Present. Said the way the apartments are arranged now, most of the problems he foresaw earlier have been solved, and he sees no problems. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said he wouldn't want the trash containers any closer to the street than shown. He said he is concerned about the one container being enough for the apartments. Mr. Bates said they have decided to put two four -yard containers in and Wally Brt said two four -yard containers would be better. He said they would cost them about $60 a month for service (to get them picked up eight times a month) and the owners would need to buy the containers which would cost them about $850.00 for the two four -yard containers. Wally Brt said they may want to put the additional container on the east property line in the parking area. He said they will need a good sub -base. He suggested they put two 5 -inch lifts of SB2 and then put two inches of asphalt over that and it should hold his trucks if they have proper drainage. He said they should go ahead and build a 12 by 15 foot pad for each container, enclosed on three sides if they wish but keep the front (15 feet) open. 5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked if they would have any fire walls or would it be a continuous U -shape. Steve Lamm said they do not plan any fire walls but there will be a breezeway type opening behind the front ten apartments on each side. Mr. Shaw said he will need a copy of the plans to see where the doors will be. He said he would need a 20 -foot easement or a 2 -inch plastic conduit on the west side. He said if there is a green strip and without a conduit the telephone company will need at least 15 feet. Mr. Shaw said the telephone company would make a direct burial from the North side of Stone Street 933 Plat Review Committee Meeting December 2, 1976 -2- across the street and to the Northwest corner of the building. From that point (northwest corner of the building), he asked that the builders install a 2 -inch PVC conduit down the West side of the building to about the middle of the building. Also they would make a direct burial on the North side of the sidewalk to about the middle of the North side of the building, then they would need a conduit under the sidewalk to the building back out to the north side of the sidewalk, from there they would run direct burial between the street and sidewalk to the Northeast corner of the building, down the East side of the build- ing direct burial. He said he would like to request that the lawn areas be shown as lawn and utility easements so if they ever need to go back in there, it would be permitted. He also asked Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates to give him a call when they get everything framed out so they can pre -wire for telephones. 6. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked what the footage of the apartments would be. Mr. Lamm said it would be approximately 875 square feet. Mr. Hornaday said he can service them with either overhead or underground. Mr. Hornaday said if they go -overhead the electric company will furnish the wire all the way to the building, if they go underground SWEPCO will come down the pole and then Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates would need to furnish the trench and the wire underground to the building. He said with the breezeways, they will be able to "hit" the apartments three times with overhead service. He said the 25 feet on the east side would be sufficient clearance. He said they could put the pole anywhere on the street, but would like to set one on each side of the building in line with the breezeways. He said the 8 feet on the west side of the building between the building and the driveway would not be sufficient, they will need at least 10 feet and would prefer 15. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Asked Mr. Lamm what the height of the building would be on the southeast corner. He said it would be about 20 feet. She said there is a height limitation that any building that is over 20 feet high, the setback from the property line has to be increased one foot for each foot over 10 feet. Mr. Lamm said he doesn't think it will be more than 20 feet. Bobbie Jones mentioned that on the parking spaces they will need to measure the ten feet straight across the parking spaces, so they may lose two parking spaces, but this won't matter since they have extra spaces. She said none of the parking will need to be screened. She said the parking spaces will need to be individually striped, with curb or something in between the two strips of 14 parking spaces. 8. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said the same thing that Mr. Hornaday said will go for Warner Cable. He said if they go overhead they will follow the overhead pole line all of the way into the building from the pole to the building. They will need a minimum of four "drops", two on the east and two on the west side. He asked if they plan to have a fire wall in the middle of the front ten apartments. Mr. Lamm said they plan on having double walls between each apartment with sound proof barriers. Mr. Terry said if they go overhead, Warner Cable will furnish all of the wire. If they do decide to go underground, they should contact him. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates agreedto move the building five feet to the East adding 21 feet each side of the driveway (121/2 feet from the right-of-way line to driveway and 1011 feet from the driveway to the building). The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 A. M.