HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, November 18, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, David McWethy, Angie Medlock. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Kenneth Wagner, Floyd Hornaday. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jim Vizzier, Steve Lamm, Gene Bates. The first item to be discussed was the Preliminary Plat of Ralph Brody. Mr. Jim Vizzier, Planner, was present to represent. Comments were as follows: BROPHY'S SUBDIVISION Part of Blocks 3,4,$5 Preliminary Plat 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said there is nothing wrong with the proposal. He said the gas company may be concerned about the street going over their high pressure gas line. He said the topographic map does reflect some critical construction problems in that it is very hilly terrain and will require a lot of fill for street construction. There is a drop inlet and underdrain on Township Road. He said that street specifications do not permit any warped streets because of steep terrains. However, he has varied that so that the high side of the street may be four inches high and the low side may be four inches low maintaining the parabolic crown. He said he cannot pass any approval on the streets until he sees the street plans. He said the developer is required to back slope behind the street curbs on a 3 to 1 ratio. This was not done on Mr. Brophy's previous development. He said for the benefit of the Planning Commission and the Subdivision Committee, he is concerned about the east -west street (Westview) that was proposed that has been dropped. He asked if it is going to end as it is now. He said that at the time it was constructed it was proposed to go on to meet College Avenue. He added that Mr. Brophy is going to "piece meal this to death" and will end up with some unresolvable problems. He mentioned that we need to take care of some of these problems as we go. He said they would have to have something done about the 40 foot access to College Avenue. At the time he first talked about this 40 feet was acceptable, but now it must be 50 feet in order to have it approved as a City Street. He said he was afraid that Mr. Brophy would come to the point that he wouldn't have enough land left to recover the cost to extend the street. Mr. Vizzier questioned Clayton Powell about the cost of building a bridge over the ravine, and Mr. Powell said he could not give an accurate figure but a bridge comparable to this built on Old Wire Road cost $22,000. Mr. Vizzier said the road could be extended over the ravine to meet the east -west street, and asked Clayton Powell if he is basically concerned with the street design. Clayton Powell said he is concerned with the street design and said he is also concerned about going over the high-pressure gas line. He asked if this is an exclusive gas utility easement or a public utility easement. He said he would like to have all individual utility connections made before the curb and gutter goes in and before the streets are constructed. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if these were going to be single dwelling units. Mr. Vizzier said it would be duplexes and fourplexes. The two large lots will be sold for apartments. Wally Brt said that multi -family units do need to be containerized, duplexes may have cans. He said he doesn't think they will have any problems. • • Plat Review Committee Meeting November 18, 1976 -2- 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Asked Jim Vizzier if he is talking _ about Blocks 4 and 5 for duplexes and he said yes. He asked if he wants Block 3 for single family and said he will need a conditional use request in order to put in duplexes in Block 3 since it is zoned R-1. He asked how far the western line of this proposed development is from the western line of the existing R-3. Mr. Vizzier said he believes they are the same. David McWethy said he also needs to show sidewalks and street lights. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said they already have overhead service to Block 3 and asked whether they would stay with overhead service for Blocks 4 and S. He said they will need existing easements shown on the plat. For overhead service they need 10 feet on each side of the property line or a 20 foot utility easement would be the minimum. He said he will need easements on the rear lot lines in Block 4; in Block 5 on the west lot lines on the rear; on Lot 3, Block 5, they will need 20 feet on the south side of Lot 3. They will need a 10 -foot utility easement from the rear lot line in Block 4 along whichever lots the street lights are located for the cable to get out to them (5 feet on each side of the lot line). _Also, any additional places they plan to have street lights would need 5 feet on each side of the lot line. 5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Not present. Said in Block 3 in the City (atlas) map it shows an easement about midway in Block 3, Lot 5 going east. Also, at the southeast corner of Lot 4, in Block 3, it shows an easement. He would like to have these designated as utility easements --he may have to use them. He requested 25 feet on all easements; although he assumed the power and cable would also go underground. Mr. Terry said Mr. Shaw may be able to settle for 20 feet if power and cable go overhead. The telephone company needs to know how many units will be on these lots, so they can know how many pair of cables to put in. Mr. Vizzier did not know for sure. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said the easements should cover them and they will plan on going overhead but if they do all go underground they will have to have minimum 25 feet easements. 7. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Said the gas company definitely needs to check out the location of the high-pressure gas lines. He said there could not be any construction within 25 feet of either high-pressure gas line. Gas is available and everything else seems ok. He said he would rather have 25 foot easements overall. 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Recommended dezoning if these are for single family lots. Said he feels that the street, Westview, at the north end of Karen, tying Karen and Jimmy together, needs to extend on to the west, and the new streets shown need to be named. Jim Vizzier asked if the street could still be called Brophys Circle or would it need two names. Clayton Powell said when this was replatted to continue Jimmy Lane it was presented that Westview would be extended all the way to College Avenue. He said they would need two street names. Larry Wood said the eastern street along the gas line does not reach into Mr. Brophy's land to the north, it is cut off by the north lot line of Lot 6. He feels there should be a stub there into the property to the north to provide loops back to Westview. He also wanted to know what Mr. Brophy is going to do with the unplatted portion. • 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): They won't be able to use the unplatted property without some street frontage. Said they have the North arrow in the wrong direction. They need the mailing addresses for the owner and engineer on Plat Review Committee Meeting November 18, 1976 -3- on the plat; would like to have the quarter section line referenced; in the legal description they are limiting it to the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; however, it also includes part of the Southeast of the Southwest. Township Road on the Major Street Plan is a 80 foot arterial street. She said Mr. Brophy has previously dedicated for a 60 feet collector's street. She said they need 40 feet from the center line of Township Road for dedication. This should be dedicated and identified as being dedicated for Township. The requirement on scaling is either 1" to 100' or 1" to 200'. She said they need the names on the streets, add a graphic scale, dimension all easements and specify whether they are for utilities or drainage; dimension and identify setbacks; dimension all lots; on the final plat they will have to have 1" by 30" steel pins at each lot corner or for a change of alignment and 4" by 4" x 30" concrete monuments at subdivision corners; 4 foot sidewalks are required on one side. She asked Clayton Powell if it is better to put the sidewalk on the upper or lower side of the street and he said it is more expensive to put them on the higher side but it doesn't matter. Bobbie Jones said the sidewalks may be butted against the back of the curb; street lights should be shown, they are required at intersections and at intervals of not more than 300 feet inbetween, they may be put on either side of the street. She also said they need to reference protective covenants on the plats, show width of gas easements and width of street right of way on Township Road and on the new streets; on the plat show what areas he is proposing to use for what (put blocks, zoning, and proposed use). She also said they will need the property owners that abut to sign a copy of the plat, Shiley and Bassett. She said the Planning Office will need a revision showing all the changes requested in order to take it to the Planning Commission on December 13 and will need it a week before the Planning Commission meets. The Planning Office will need a black line print or to borrow the tracing. She stated that they would like to know why he is not platting the rest of the property. 10. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Asked if Larry Wood had commented concerning the double frontage lots, and said it is unfortunate that this had to happen when it wasn't necessary. He said another engineer had come in to talk to him on this. He discussed the proper procedure for changing engineers on a project once it has begun. He said he didn't see how they could run sewer in to Block 5 without getting off-site easements because the closest sewer is on College Avenue, if he would go to the north he would have tq butcher Lot 4 to go through it. He said they will also have problems with Lots 8-13 in Block 4. He said a gravity sewer system could be constructed for Lots 1-7, Block 4, but it would be a long route. At the present time you are going to have to go north to hit a sewer line and the terrain is falling so they will have a problem. He said Mr. Brophy needs to have his engineer look at the sewer very carefully. Water will have to come from Township Road. With a circular drive, he will need a looped system with provision for a stub to the North somewhere near the zoning boundary line. The second item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Plan of Steve Lamm and Gene Bates for apartments on Stone Street. Steve Lamm and Gene Bates were present to represent. Comments were as follows: STEVE LAMM $ GENE BATES LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said he had talked with Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates about the paving of Stone Street and the problems with the surveys. He said since Stone Street is gravel, they need additional dedication of five ? 30 Plat Review Committee Meeting November 18, 1976 -4- feet and -would like for the developers to be relatively sure about the surveys. He said they may use the survey which the City had made of Stone Street if they wish. He said they plan to pave Stone Street to Sang. He said if they couldn't get 50 feet, instead of the existing 40 feet, they would not pave it because 40 feet is not wide enough. The City will also need 4 foot sidewalks. Steve Lamm said they had measured from the pins in the street. Clayton Powell said these pins are accurate based upon their survey. He said if anyone should contest this right- of-way later they would have to have two surveys to prove that the one made for the City is not accurate. Steve Lamm asked if they measured from the pins, and since they have already dedicated an additional right-of-way if they could proceed with their construction and Clayton Powell said they could. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said they could not have a trash container on Stone Street. He said it would be better, and he would highly suggest, that they put it inside the perimeter of the parking area and also suggested that they have two 4 -yard containers instead of one. He said one six-yard container is not large enough to carry 20 apartments. He also said they could enclose the pads for the containers on three sides if they wished, but to keep one side open (15 feet wide opening), and he suggested that they pour a pad for it. Wally Brt said he has to have at least 18 feet of overhead clearance and would like to have 22. He also suggested that they have a real good base under the asphalt on the parking area so his trucks won't tear up the parking lot. He said he would like to have a letter stating that it is permissable for his trucks to go on to the parking and driveway areas. He said if they build the parking lot to street specifications and have proper drainage, they shouldn't have any problems. Steve Lamm and Wally Brt discussed possibilities for locations of the containers. Steve Lamm saidhe:.would work with Wally Brt on this. 3. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said they would have a problem with the site location of the apartments because of the sewer drainage. He said the problem in the site location is that he will have to watch the elevation of the floor so that he can come north to Stone Street for sewer or else he will have to come west to get to Sang, and obtain private easements. He said water service will come from Stone Street. The water department has a 2 inch galvanized line there which services three blocks and with an additional 20 apartments on it, it will put it past its capacity. He said if they develop problems with the service, then he will make a tie into his 24 inch line at the intersection of Stone and Sang. `He stated that Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates need to make a determination about the sewer before they set their floor elevations. He said the soil in that area is very bad, it has very little strength, so they will need to be very careful in their parking lot to compensate for this. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Said the electric service is overhead on the north side of Stone Street. On the east side Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates only show 8 feet from the property line to the building. He said if they desire service from the north end to the back of the apartments this will have to be widened to 25 feet or a minimum of 20 feet, whether they go overhead or underground. He stated that they can't get in either way with 8 feet. He said they need to figure out some way to shift the apartments to the West if possible, but Mr. Lamm said they only have 18 feet so they can't shift them very much. He said they want individual meters on the apartments. Mr. Hornaday said they could run the wiring all of the way through with a meter on the north end of the building, but this would be expensive. He said they will need an 18 foot easement along the west line from Stone Street south and Warner Cable will need to be in this easement also. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): There is no way to get from Mitchell Street from the South, there are no easements or pole lines on from the south. Said he will have 2-3 Plat Review Committee Meeting November 18, 1976 -5- to feed off of Stone Street. He said he could serve along with SWEPCO from the north end and south end but the telephone company cannot. They would want an 18 foot easement along the west line. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Not present. Said the telephone company cannot serve with SWEPCO and Warner Cable. They will have to come to the center of the apartments. He stated that if he couldn't get sufficient easements to get in to dig, they could provide him with a 2 -inch conduit from Stone Street to the center of the apartments and down to the end and on to the center of the south apartments that he could get by with that. 7. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Said they could not make it with an 8 foot easement on the west side. He said that their high-pressure line is on Stone Street and they would need a gas setting on the corner. If any other utilities go underground the least they could get by with is 25 feet. 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Said he is afraid this might look more like a motel than apartments. He said it is not as attractive and suggested they look at townhouses on Gregg. Bobbie Jones mentioned that they might want to put the apartments in front and park behind it which would help with the sewer problems. He stated that if they are within 8 feet of the property line, the building height is limited to 20 feet, the parking lot must be paved, with wheel stops and striped, if the parking lot is closer than 20 feet to the west property line, they would have to put up either a fence or a hedge for screening. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said Wally Brt will need 30 feet width for the driveways. She said she will need proof that this has been a piece of property in this size since or before June 1970 or they will have to have a lot split. He will need to bring a copy of a warranty deed to the Planning Office. Discussion followed on how they may revise their plans and come back to the Plat Review Committee. Mr. Lamm and Mr. Bates decided they would consider revising their plans to either an H-shaped or a U-shaped so it would be more attractive and try to eliminate the sewer problem. 10. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Will these buildings be more than one story? If so, I wish to reserve comments. The utility companies present discussed utility cut problems and decided this would be the subject of a future Plat Review meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A. M. STREET CUT PROBLEMS