HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-04 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A. M., Thursday, November 4, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Tom Halk, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Floyd Hornaday. OTHERS PRESENT: Suzie and Paul Marinoni, Jr. The only item to be discussed was the proposed large scale development submitted by Paul Marinoni, Jr. to construct duplexes on the South side of Wedington Road between Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Porter Road. Suzie and Paul Marinoni, Jr. were present to represent. Comments were as follows: MARINONI DUPLEXES Wedington Road Large Scale Development 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Requested that Aberdeen Avenue be extended to the south perimeter of the property and then terminate it in a cul de sac; that they construct the street to current street standards; the usual drainage recommendations with no on-site parking lot drainage emptying on the street. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked Mr. Marinoni if he was still going to place a four -yard container in each of the two Cloverleaf parking lots, and wanted to know if the space just south of parking space No. 8 is just a walk- way in the middle parking lot. He said that south of space 8 would probably be the best place for the container. He asked if the south parking lot would be curbed all around and Mr. Marinoni said it would be. He suggested that instead of regular cans at the single duplexes, Mr. Marinoni have them use the containers also. Paul Marinoni suggested putting a container where the 2 is on the plat and Wally Brt said it would be a good place because it would give him plenty of room to turn around and no parking is shown there. He suggested that Paul Marinoni construct a pad 12 feet wide and 15 feet deep. He may enclose it on three sides if he wishes but do not enclose the front. He said it would be up to him but he would probably enclose it. Tenants at apartments tend to keep it cleaner around unenclosed containers. Mr. Marinoni said the south driveway is on an existing 25 feet sewer easement. It would also line up as an extension of Ora (from the East) but the neighbors do not want it --and neither does he. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Not. present. Said he has previously discussed arrangements with Mr. Marinoni and that will stand unless the other utilities want to change it. 4. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not.present. No comments. 5. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Asked if the middle duplex was 15 feet from the back fence and Mr. Marinoni said it was. He wanted to know how much they had north and south of the duplex and Mr. Marinoni said 25 feet. Mr. Shaw asked if there would be any way they could move that duplex 5 feet to the west so they could have an easement of 20 feet. He said they usually required 25 feet but could make it on 20 feet. He said if they have 20 feet they shouldn't have any problems. dd5 • • • • • • Plat Review Committee November 4, 1976 -2- Mr. Shaw asked if the easement goes all the way out to the highway and Paul Marinoni said it would. Mr. Marinoni asked if the ten foot easement on the south end going to the back of the last duplex would be sufficient and both Mr. Shaw and Mr. Hornaday said that the south easement at the present time wouldn't bother them. Mr. Shaw asked for a full size blow up of the plan and Paul Marinoni said he would provide them with one after he got the building moved the requested five feet. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Asked if they would want underground lines or poles. He said Mr. Marinoni could think about this and let him know but Mr. Marinoni said he still thought poles would be the best option. Floyd Hornaday said that with the additional five feet easement they wouldn't have to cut as many trees. 8. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Asked if he was going to have grass around the duplexes and Mr. Marinoni said they were. He also encouraged him to plant some trees and Bobbie Jones suggested a list of trees and shrubs composed by Mr. Brown is available at the City Planning Office which he might like to get a copy of. 9. Paul Marinoni Jr.: Questioned whether the proposed driveway for the last two duplexes which would be on the sewer main would provide any complications for the sewer department and Bobbie Jones said she would check on this. He said the drive- way and the parking lot would be asphalt and would be on the 25 foot easement. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said Mr. Marinoni might want to indicate on the final plan where he is going to put the trash container. She also mentioned that the Sanitation Department would need a lot of room for the trucks to turn around. Mr. Marinoni asked her whether there are any regulations on how far back the con- tainer must set from the duplexes in case a fire broke out in a container. She said she didn't think so but he might want to consider it. She said the Sanitation Department would need about 18 feet of overhead clearance. He asked if he now needed to prepare a final drawing. She said "yes." Bobbie Jones said they had not received a dedication on the street yet. She explained to him that he could either prepare deeds for the rights-of-way and easements or show them on a final plat to be filed in the Court House --the plat would be more expensive. She asked him if he was agreeable to moving the cul de sac down to the South as Mr. Powell requested and he said he wouldn't want to. He said he did not know whether the future street would follow that easement with the street pattern or go directly south. It serves the parking lot on the last duplex the way it is and we will probably want to turn it at an angle and follow that sewer easement from that point. Bobbie Jones asked him if it would go southwesterly and he said he doesn't know for sure at this point. She told him he would need to have a final plat certified by various city officials and a surveyor and the owner for dedications and the Planning Commission has to certify that they approve and the Board of Directors certifies that they accept the plat, if he wants to file a plat. She said this would give a graphic illustration, and he would need to show property lines, lot lines, easements and right-of-way lines. This should be on a scale of 1" to 100' or 1" to 200'. It also has to be on a 18" x 23", and you will need to submit two mylars. He asked if they would need a legal description on each of the easements if he just submitted a deed and she said he would. She said if he does not extend the cul de sac he should go back and talk to Clayton Powell. 11. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Water and sewer are already in. As long as Mr. Marinoni realizes that if we have to cut it for any reason it is his responsibility to reinstall any driveway or parking he puts over that sewer easement. If the driveway is concrete he should put in expansion joints. c;2