HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-28 Minutes1 • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday; October 28, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Wally Brt, Tom Halk, Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Harry Gray, Albert Green, L. W. Kirby, Sam Askew. The first item to be discussed was the proposed Revision BASSETT PLACE to the preliminary plat of Bassett Place. Revised Preliminary Plat Mr. Harry Gray with McClelland Engineers; Inc., arrived late to represent: said they had ended up with lots 350 feet deep which is deeper than you would use normally for one business establishment so they came up with this arrange- ment about the lots. He said probably 5 and SA would be sold together but this gives them a more flexible system of selling their lots. The 20 foot easement shown down the East side of Lots 5A, 6A, and 7A is incorrect --it should extend all the way to the property line. Sewer for Perimeter Plaza is in that easement. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said he was glad they had left the storm drainage in there. He said that Highway 71B, as far as access for Ozark Window, was designed for limited access. He said that he believed that continued access from Ozark Window to Highway 71B would definitely be a traffic hazard. He said some provision should be made for access to the property to the east but if Stearns Road is developed, the property owners could construct their own roads. He mentioned that the lot lines and utility lines have no bearing on the quality of street construction. The main factor bearing on street construction is the inter- section between the Frontage Road and Stearns Road, that it comply with Arkansas Highway Department regulations on setbacks. Street construction must meet minimum City Street Standards. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): The "T" shaped turn around will work fine for the Sanitation trucks. Said it was still hard to tell what they are going to do with Lots 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 7, and 7A. He said if they split these up like this he wants a letter permitting his trucks (either tender or pak-mor) to drive on the driveways between the buildings. He suggested that they construct the driveways to meet the minimum street standards of the City of Fayetteville. Brt said the same applied to the other lots if they split any of them. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said he would run a gas line up the east side of Frontage Road and make one street crossing between Lots 2 and 3. He said he would put this in before the street gets paved and serve lots 1 and 4 off the existing line on the highway. He said he would serve all those lots on the east side off of Frontage Road. Mr. Gray said there are two crossings shown on the plat: one between Lots 1 and 2, and one between Lots 3 and 4. Mr. O'Donnell agreed • • • Plat Review October 28, 1976 -2- that it might be better to use those as shown than to go back out on the highway. He said he could serve that area if those two crossings were there and not have to go back to the highway, there would then be no need for a crossing between Lots 2 and 3. The crossings should have either 2" or 3" incasement. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that if the existing pole line is over to the east of that 20 foot utility easement, in order to get into Lot 6, they would need a 20 foot easement along the South line of Lot 6A; also, a 20 foot easement along the South line of Lot 7A to serve Lot 7. He said that he believed that 20 feet would do since the gas company wasn't going to be in there. He asked for a 25 foot easement on the East side (back of Lots 5A, 6A, 7A) rather than 20 feet. That is all Mr. Shaw said he needed for the Telephone Company, too. Also, they need a 20 foot easement on the North side of Ozark Windows (South side of Lot 3). He said 20 feet would do on the South side if telephone and TV are all that need to go in there, plus what is already there. Mr. Shaw had told him that the Telephone Company had planned to go along the road until they split Lots 5, 6, and 7 up, so any easements Southwestern Bell had formerly requested along Frontage Road can be disregarded with this lot arrangement. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Mentioned to Harry Gray that he would need to check the street jog, to make sure that there is adequate distance between the Frontage Road and Highway 71B access road, and that he needed to check to see if the street light spacing had been waived, if not, they needed to be 300 feet apart instead of the 330 feet shown on the plat. She also pointed out to Mr. Gray that on the plat, all lots are shown for future development, all subdivision corners are shown as right-of-way markers, they will need iron pins for lot corners, con- crete monuments for Subdivision corners, a graphic scale, and show all lot dimen- sions. She said the right-of-way width of the Frontage Road was not given, and the following were not to scale. the South side of Lot 4, the South side of Lot 3, the North side of Lot 1, the East side of Lots 5A, 6A, the South side of Lot 7, and the West side of Lots SA and 6A. Add the mailing addresses of the Owners and Developers and of the Engineers. Resubmit a revised copy (black line print) no later than November 2 and this will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for November 8. 6. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 7. Tom Haik (Community Appearance): No comments. 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): said he was concerned that with this plat we are forcing Ozark Window to Highway 71B access and it would be nice if they could use the Frontage Road for access. He said that he felt that at some point they would have to stub a stretch to the East to pick up properties between the proposed offices (Brooks, Brandon, and Turley) and this commercial footage -- maybe Shepard Lane can be extended to the East. He said he was concerned about the nature of the plat on Lots 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 7, 7A --do they plan buildings compatible with one another or are they just stacking.commercial buildings behind each other. He said he hated to lock Ozark Window to 71B, which is supposed to be a limited access highway. 9. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): said the water and sewer plans had been submitted and approved. He said they would need to obtain a curb cut permit for the Frontage Road; and if they are now off the Highway portion and on public streets, they will need to obtain that permit from the City. He said he didn't care a�� • • • Plat Review October 28, 1976 -3- how they rearranged it as long as they have water and sewer. He said the inter- section location is not good, but it is probably as good as anything out there. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. No comments. 11. James Crownover (Ozark Electric): Not present. No comments. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 13. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Not present. Refer to Clyde Terry's comments. The second item to be discussed was the proposed final PERIMETER PLAZA plat of Perimeter Plaza. Final Plat Harry Gray was there to represent. 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): said the easements are sufficient for them. 2. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Not present. Said the easements are sufficient. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): said the easements were all right with him but that he would need to get street crossings across the North end of both streets before they are paved. 4. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): No comments. 5. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): said the only thing that he could see is that they might want to look at whether or not to extend the road through Lot 12. That would get us access into the back portion. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): said they would have to have side- walks 5 feet wide on both sides of the road as shown. He said as long as the Sanitation Department could turn around he was satisfied. He said there was no problem with the storm drainage, and that the developer would pay for materials to curb, gutter and storm drain and widen that section of Zion Road. He said the City would provide labor and equipment. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): said she would need the names and mailing addresses of those people listed as owners and engineers on the plat, and that the certificates are o.k. She also pointed out that the easements along the South side should be 25 feet wide rather than 20 (for Dick Shaw). No street lights are shown along Zion Road, the Planning Commission did waive street light spacing for a maximum of 350 feet. They need to add the street names and show Highway 71 right-of-way. She also asked Clayton Powell if he had the street plans and specifications submitted and approved but he didn't remember. Gray said he had a letter on the West side but not on the East side, and Clayton Powell said that the East side was approved also. She asked if there had been approval on water and sewer and Mr. Gray said yes. She asked Mr. Gray if they wished to put up a bond or enter into a contract and he said that he would try to find out. She told him the City Attorney has said the Planning Commission must know before they can approve the plat. Plat Review October 28, 1976 -4- 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): said he had no comment other than they do need turn arounds and wondered if they should be constructed at this time. Harry Gray said they plan a "lip curb" on one street at this time. 9. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): said the water and sewer plans had been approved. He also wished to remind McClelland Engineers that we will need the off-site ease- ments and the property dedication for the sewer lift station before they can put it in service. He said they hadn't received any of them yet. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. No comments. 11. James Crownover (Ozark Electric): Not present. No comments. 12. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 13. Charlie McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. Bobbie Jones asked for a revised black line print no later than November 2 so this can be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for November 8. The last item to be discussed was the Revision to the Large Scale Development of University Baptist Church. L. W. Kirby, Al Green, and Sam Askew were present to represent. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 315 West Maple Large Scale Development 1. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): said that University Baptist Church was proposing to build an educational building on the northern part of the property South of Maple. The Subdivision Committee thought it should be looked at by the Plat Committee. One thing that was discussed in the Subdivision Committee was about the dedication of the right-of-way at the intersection of Maple and Vandeventer Avenue to try to take that jog out and also whether Vandeventer could be vacated as public right-of-way and go back to private ownership. She also said that our pre- sent ordinance on large scale developments requires dedication of additional street right-of-way to meet the Major Street Plan. This would affect Maple and Lafayette, and maybe West and Campbell She said this could be waived only by the Planning Commission and the Board of Directors. She said that the telephone company was formerly concerned about taking out the jog at Vandeventer, but she didn't know how they felt about it now. She said if the Church wanted to pursue closing Vande- venter, they would need written concurrences from each of the utility companies, from Mr. Mattke, Clayton Powell, and Wally Brt. If the Church cannot comply with the regulations governing parking (number of spaces, location, paving, screening) they must appeal to the Board of Adjustment for a variance. Some variances on parking were granted by the Board of Adjustment in 1973; but these have expired, as they were only temporary variances. You have some areas across Lafayette Street from the Church shown for parking which have never been approved by the Planning Commission as off-site parking. This must be approved. Street right-of-way requirements for the different streets are as follows: Maple Street (West of Vandeventer) - existing right-of-way is 60 ft.; 60 ft. is required, so no additional dedication required here. Maple Street (East of Vandeventer) - existing right-of-way is 40 ft.; 60 ft. is required, so an additional 10 ft. on each side of the street is needed in addition to what is required at the intersection to take the jog out. Lafayette Street - existing right-of-way is 50 ft.; 60 ft. is required, so an additional S ft. each side of the existing right-of-way is needed. West Avenue - existing right-of-way is 40 ft.; 50 ft. is required, so an additional 5 ft. each side of the existing right-of-way is needed. 22*4 • • Plat Review -5- October 28, 1976 Vandeventer Avenue - if Vandeventer is not vacated as public right-of-way, the existing right-of-way is 40 ft.; 50 ft. would be required, or an additional 5 ft. on each side of the existing street right-of-way. Campbell Avenue - existing street right-of-way is only 23 ft.; 50 ft. is required, or an additional 1311 ft. on each side of the existing street right- of-way. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): said that straightening out the inter- section itself is all that poses a problem for them. They would need an easement if Vandeventer is closed. Keep the new building as far from your gas line as you can. 3. Al Green: said he was going to put thenew building about five feet away from the gas line. He said that if they straighten out the jog, they would just lose a couple of parking spaces and move everything back from Maple Mr. Green wanted to know if the location of the building would be a problem whether or not they close Vandeventer, or is that a separate issue? Bobbie Jones said the location shouldn't change unless for some reason more than 25 feet of additional right-of-way is needed. 4. L. W. Kirby: said they would never want to completely close off Vandeventer. He said at the present time that he sees no need for phones in the educational building. He said they would not block either end of Vandeventer. He said all they could guarantee is that they would keep their end of Vandeventer open. Mr. Powell had expressed some concern about the house on the corner and Mr. Kirby said that the house on the corner is going to go after they get the building built and before they get the parking lot built. He said he believed the Church would still be receptive to the trade which was discussed at an earlier meeting. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): said this was the first that he had heard about closing Vandeventer. He said that Warner Cable does have a line down that road but that should be no problem if they had an easement. He asked if they would request TV service and Askew said this had not been discussed. He said to let them know if they would need TV service, and he would like to have a conduit run from a location to be decided later to an outlet through the walls, or rough it in during construction. 6. Dick Shaw (Telephone Company): Not present. Said to askif they would want single phones, push button phones, or multiple phones. He said if they wanted any- thing other than single phones, they would need to contact him. It might be best to rough in conduit for future phones also during construction. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said the only problem would be getting his trucks in and out. Asked Mr. Kirby if they would block either end of Vandeventer. Mr. Brt said they would need something in writing if Vandeventer is closed saying that his trucks could come out there. He asked Mr. Kirby if he could make the 20 feet wide driveway 30 feet wide. Mr. Kirby said it would be better from their respects to widen it. Mr. Brt said that would still keep them 70 feet from the intersection and 60 feet from the property line. He said by doing this that his trucks could turn without going into the other lane. He said to state in the letter that one end of Vandeventer would remain open. He told Mr. Kirby that they may want to put a pad there, a little higher than the pavement (perhaps 4"), and maybe enclose it on three sides to set the container on, but leave the front open. Mr. Green said the North parking lot they wish to have optional and to retain the exist- ing location of the Lo Dal container until the North parking lot is built. He also said that concrete would stand up better than asphalt. The house on West Avenue between your two lots sets his trash out on Vandeventer to be picked up. 2?3 • • Plat Review October 28, 1976 -6- 8. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Said that his main concern was that he hated to see gravel parking lots and that by relocating this building they would have to build additional parking lots. Mr. Green reminded him that the zoning ordinance required them to provide parking, and Mr. Halk said that he was aware of this, but it looked like the original plan left him with more room for parking. He said he would like to see the parking isolated rather than spread out through the neighborhood. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): said he would like to make a strong plea to get the jog out of Maple for traffic purposes. 10. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): said his comments remain the same as in 1973. He said he felt they were trying to put too much on too little space. He said the original discussion on the closure of Vandeventer was a trade -out to try to take the jog out of Maple. He said in the Master Street Plan both Lafayette and Maple are designated as Collectors streets, and this jog is a very critical traffic hazard, especially from the University area which is a high traffic generator. He noted that Vandeventer seems to be used mainly for Church purposes and said he thinks it is advantageous to both the City and the Church to straighten out Maple. He said that the building should be 45 feet from the existing center line on Maple plus their setback (25 feet) or a total of 70 feet. 10. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Asked Mr. Kirby if they were planning to install a sprinkler system in the new 2 -story educational facility (combination fellowship hall and education building). He urged them to do so. He said that sprinkler systems are the best protection available at a nominal cost. The only water main in the area big enough to feed a sprinkler system is in Maple, and if it is to be done, it needs to be done before the repaving to straighten out Maple is done. He said if they don't put it in, they need to at least make provisions for it. He asked him if they were going to need additional water service. Mr. Green said he was not sure but he felt that the water service was from Vandeventer. Mr. Mattke said it was on Vandeventer, but it is a small line. He said that he had noticed that the water pressure at the Church is low so they might look into additional service or enlarging the service which they now have. He suggested a master meter, because it would be cheaper than several small meters. He said there is no problem at all with the sewer. He said he had no objection to the closing of Vandeventer, as long as they maintained easements for the utilities. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 A. M.