HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-07 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, October 7, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Mary Parnell. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, Clyde Terry. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Ervan Wimberly. The first item for discussion was the proposed Final Plat of Summerhill, A Planned Unit Development (and subdivision). Ervan Wimberly with McClelland Consulting Engineers was present to represent the proposed follows: SUMMERHILL A Planned Unit Development Final Plat plat. Comments were as 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Plans and specifications for streets and drainage have been submitted and have been approved contingent upon them extending concrete -lined ditches from the end of the two culs de sac in the Northeast portion of the Subdivision to the end of the main drainage channel. The reason for the concrete -lined ditches is because when homes are built on these lots, the property owners are prone to fill in the ditches so they can mow them with a riding lawn mower. Otherwise, the plat looks great. I would remind them to follow routine construction and inspection procedures during construction. Mr. Wimberly said that when they originally discussed this Subdivision, they planned to go 15 ft. North of the centerline of the existing street right-of-way on Stubblefield Road and the developer would put in curb and gutter and the City would widen the street to the new curb and gutter. However, Stubblefield has an existing 50 ft. street right-of-way. The existing pavement is in the extreme North part of the right-of-way, so they will install storm drainage behind the curb and put the curb and gutter on the edge of the existing pavement. The curb will be only 5 ft. South of the North right-of-way line of Stubblefield Road. Water and Sewer are both on the North side of the right-of-way also. Mr. Wimberly said that if Stubblefield Road is ever widened (the pavement), it must be widened to the South. Mr. Powell indicated this would be acceptable as long as the storm drainage, as well as the curb and gutter, is installed. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problem on the Subdivision Plat, but Bill Meadows does need to contact me on sanitation service to the Racquet Club. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): We have a problem that has occurred 3 or 4 times. We are having to design our service off preliminary plats in order to order materials and get our supplies in time. Then when we get the final plat, it is changed. This causes us to have to go back and redraw our jobs in order to put our serving points at the property line where they belong. Because of this, I am going to have to start waiting until we get the 4inal plat, which means there will be a property owner who will have to wait for phone service. Mr. Shaw emphasized that the final plat should stay with the lot sizes shown on the approved preliminary plat. Mr. Shaw also asked that the plat show existing easements outside, but abutting, the subdivision. (This is a requirement of the Plat Review Committee October 7, 1976 -2- Subdivision Ordinance.) Mr. Shaw indicated that with the correction of the width of the easement on the South side of Lot 1, the easements shown were sufficient for his purposes. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): With the correction of the width of the easement on the South side of Lot 1, the easements shown are sufficient for his purposes. Mr. Terry explained that sometimes it is necessary for them to go back at a later date and rebury their services. That is when they really must have the wider easements. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Easements are sufficient. 6. Jimmy Crownover (Ozarks Electric Co-operative): Not present. 7. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 8. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No. Comments. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. 10. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. 11. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments as long as they get their street lights and sidewalks where they are supposed to be. 12. Paul Mattke (City Engineer). Not present, but submitted comments after the meeting. They have submitted plans and specifications for water and sewer improvements, and the plans have been approved. I worked with the Fire Chief and he is also satisfied with the fire hydrant -spacing, etc. on this. The plat appears to be in the proper form. 13. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Our previous notes indicate that the utility companies requested that the easement between Lot 1 and Lots 2 through 8 be 25 ft. wide instead of 20 ft. wide. Mr. Wimberly agreed to change the width of the easement. Dimension the width of the existing street right-of-way for Stubblefield Road (there will be no additional right-of-way dedication here). Will the names of the culs de sac be "A", "B", "C", "D"? Mr. Wimberly said they probably would not be named thus. Two dimensions shown in the South part of Lot 1 do not scale out; the dimension for the lot line between Lots 25 and 26 appears to be wrong ---it does not scale Several lot line dimensions are written on the easement lines; this should be changed.Dimension all lot lines of all lots ----some are missing. Dimension the width of the streets and the radii of the culs de sac. Will the streets be public or private? Mr. Wimberly said they would be public. Pay the final plat fee and submit the final plat application. The note on the West side of Lot 34 refers to a 25 ft. drainage and utility easement It should also be identified as a 25 ft. building setback line. You might add a different legend for building setbacks that are also easements (Lots 34 and 35 along Masonic Drive and Lots 23 and 24 along Stubblefield Road). In the legend show that the concrete monuments will be 4" X 4" X 30" and that the iron pins will be 1" X 30". Add a graphic scale to the plat. The wording in some of the "Certificates" should be changed. Mr. Wimberly said he had already been advised of some of these changes and they would be made. He hoped to get a revised copy back to the Planning Office the same day in order to be on the next Planning Commission Agenda. Will the Subdivider wish to enter into a Contract or post a bond? J Plat Review Committee October 7, 1976 Mr. Wimberly passed out copies of the plat of Perimeter PERIMETER PLAZA • Plaza and explained to those present that when they had Subdivision in processed the Preliminary Plat they had said that they Process might break up the property belonging to Jim Lindsey into • • lots. He said they have now decided to do this and it is shown on this copy as Lots 9-14, with a street down through part of it. The only other change they have made is that they put the easement down the side of Lot 12. Within the next few days they will have the lot sizes worked out and hope to have the final plat submitted within the next 2 weeks. Mr. Wimberly said the water, sewer, street and drainage plans have all been submitted and approved and the only thing they have not been able to decide is where to locate the sewer lift station. 1. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Some easements are shown 15 ft. and 20 ft. wide. We need 25 ft. wide easements. Mr. Wimberly pointed out that the 15 ft. wide easements were all alongside street right-of-way. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We would like 25 ft. wide easements along the East side of Lot 12 and between Lots 9 through 12 and Lots 5 through 8 and along the South side of the subdivision. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): This was originally discussed and taken to the Board of Directors for public participation to take that deep swag out of Zion Road. The Board of Directors approved it to the extent that the City would not spend any money on it we would furnish labor and equipment, but no materials and with some coordination between the City Street Superintendent and the developers' consulting engineers. I would encourage them to put curb and gutter on the South side of Zion Road since they will have two intersecting streets that will have curb and gutter. It will facilitate drainage and enhance the value of their property. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked for clarification on the square shown at the South end of both streets. Mr. Wimberly said this was shown for the benefit of the Sanitation Department. It will be for turn -around purposes and if the streets are extended in the future, it will revert back to the lots. The total width of the turn -around area will be 70 ft. Mr. Brt indicated that width would be sufficient for his trucks. Clyde Terry asked Mr. Wimberly what he knew about a BIRD HAVEN TERRACE proposal to develop Bird Haven Terrace. Mr. Wimberly Proposal to Build Streets said that Mr. McClelland was working with Ottis Watson on that; but that it was his understanding that Mr. Watson wanted to stay with the plat filed on record a number of years ago. He proposes to construct the streets as shown on that plat. All the utility companies stated that the easements dedicated on the original plat on file were not wide enough for them to work in. The last item for discussion was a proposed large scale PAUL MARINONI APTS. development plan submitted by Paul Marinoni to construct Wedington Drive 33 apartment units on property on the South side of Wedington Large Scale Development Drive, just West of Lonnie Avenue (Porter Road) and just East of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. There was no one present to represent this item. Comments were as follows: 1. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The Planning Commission will consider a rezoning petition to rezone this property from R-1 to R-2 on October 11. The property must be rezoned in order to develop it into apartments. Although the City maps and the City Plat Book show this Subdivision (Angus Acres) on them, the plat was never filed. Water and sewer lines were installed in this aoci Plat Review Committee October 7, 1976 -4- portion of the property. Curbs and gutters were also installed for Aberdeen Avenue and it is my understanding that the base material was also put in, but the street was never paved and the plat was never finaled and filed. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): With 33 units he will need to have at least two 6 -cubic yard containers. He shows an area for one, which is a good location, but he will definitely need another one. Mr. Brt suggested as the best location for a second container was to come straight in on the first driveway shown off Wedington Drive and place the container in front of units 3 and 4. This would eliminate two required parking spaces. He also said that Mr. Marinoni could have a walkway from the front apartment units and place two containers side by side in the location he has already shown on the plan. Mr. Brt suggested that the 20 ft. wide driveways be widened at least to 30 ft. wide; otherwise, his trucks, and fire trucks if they had to make a call, would break out the curbs at the driveways. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I have talked to Mr Marinoni at length on 4 separate occasions. The City Plat Book does reflect the entire farm as being subdivided; and if it isn't recorded, then he has to meet the large scale development -subdivision requirements. The street does have base material there. I have performed an on-site inspection. The curbs and gutters are 30 ft. 2 inches back to back. That is close enough to accept, rather than ripping out one side of the curb to widen them 10 inches. The curbs and gutters terminate at the South side with no cul de sac. Mr. Marinoni doesn't have any immediate plans for any second development beyond these two apartment buildings. He alluded to me that he would like to have a variance to delete the requirement for a cul de sac and just terminate the street in a dead end. Since the plat was never filed, he will have to dedicate the right-of-way through the normal platting procedure. Street specifications require all public improvements be constructed under the approval of a registered, professional engineer. He would like to circumvent that regulation. We could, with the existing base material and curbs and gutters, inspect the construction on the normal inspection procedures. But then once you vary this requirement, every other subdivider or large scale developer will come along with, in their opinion, the same thing, so we.digress to no standards or specifications at all. Therefore, I say follow the large scale development or subdivision requirements fully, with the exception of utilizing the existing curbs and gutters and base material there. That would include submitting formal engineering plans and profiles annotated to the effect that, if the Planning Commissions agrees, the existing curb and gutter and base material could be utilized. However, the subbase and base material would have to meet the proctor density and plasticity index. The on-site drainage will be directed to the creek. The street drains now toward Highway 16. He should grade his parking lots to drain to the East to the creek. For the benefit of the utility representatives present, this plat was discussed in 1965 and somehow got drawn on the official Plat Book; but we don't yet have any official utility easements. We may have to have some commitment as to his intentions for the remainder of the property conducive for expansion. Even though he didn't have any immediate plans to develop the rest of the property, he discussed replatting the streets to agree with a sewer line that goes across this property. That existing street (Aberdeen Avenue) has never been a public used street, except that the Church has used it, and I do not consider that as public usage. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): I think all of us (utility companies) are in agreement on these comments. We would prefer that he were here, it would help. Assuming that Mr. Marinoni wants underground utilities, the easement on the East side will not be wide enough. The way the ditch lies in there against that fence ado Plat Review Committee October 7, 1976 -5- line, we would need at least 20 or 25 ft. wide easement. It looks like that would cause problems. Down on the South end, we would be under his parking lot and on the extreme South, we would be under his buildings. He would lose some units (at least two). If we could have the easement on the West side of the property made a 25 ft. wide easement and have it extend all the way from Highway 16 to the South side of the property, we could come down that way. On that 15 ft. wide East-West easement between the two sets of apartments, he shows parking there. That would cut out some parking if we have to put pedestals in there for the various utilities. We would use the North half of that easement down the East side of the property (down the back of those apartments) and would need 25 ft. We will have to stay away from that ditch because if we start trenching in there, it will give way. We really need to meet with Mr. Marinoni and talk to him. We need 25 ft. easement all down the West side and across the South side. 5. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We will need to retain the 15 ft. wide easement on the South half of the East side of the property. If any other utility goes in there with us, 15 ft. will not be wide enough. • 6. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Other than comments already given by Mr. Hornaday, I reserve comments until we can meet with Mr Marinoni. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Since this property cannot be used in the way he proposes unless it is rezoned, and since the rezoning petition will be considered by the City Planning Commission on October 11, I would suggest that we ask Mr. Marinoni to meet with the Plat Review Committee on October 14, if the Planning Commission approves the rezoning petition. 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments other than what Mr. Hornaday discussed. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 11. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 12. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 13. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): Not present. No comments. 14. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present, but submitted the following comments after the meeting: We have both water and sewer in that street (Aberdeen Avenue), so we are well able to serve him. There is no problem on that, other than making the formal dedications that he needs to in order to dedicate the street. The water and sewer systems have been there for over 7 years, so it is the City's by prescription, I feel. I think he needs to go ahead and file a plat of that portion of the property at least. Water and sewer are both in front (to the West) in what would be street right-of-way. We will want a drainage easement on that ditch, at least 15 ft. from the centerline of the ditch. I would suggest that he make the 14 ft. shown and the 15 ft. ease- ment shown a drainage and utility easement. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 A.M.