HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-23 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, September 23, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Doug Williford, Robin Northrop, David McWethy. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry, James Crownover. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey, Neal Albright, Kenneth Ball, Joe Fox, Pat McGettrick. The first item to be discussed was the Preliminary Plat ZION TERRACE ADDITION of Zion Terrace Addition. Preliminary Plat Mr. Jim Lindsey, Mr. Neal Albright, and Mr. Kenneth Ball were present to represent. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. Comments were: (1) Old Missouri Road is a collector, which calls for 30 ft. --they have 32.7 shown. That is o.k., as long as they meet the 30 ft. requirement from the centerline; (2) It is not zoned properly; (3) There is no sewer available; and (4) No building setbacks or easements are shown. Mr. Albright said that they (Bobbie Jones said the 32.7 be 30 ft.). Mr. Lindsey said that this this area. will make the right-of-way 30 ft. from the centerline is not a 90° angle.. She thought the 90° angle would won't be a Final Plat until the sewer is brought into.s 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Comments were: As long as they have a turn -around (either a cul de sac, or a "T", o.k.) They have a 50 ft. radius on the cul de sac, which will be sufficient. 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that they need to show sidewalks and street lights on final plat. He suggests three street lights --one at the inter- section of Lots 1 and 2, one at the intersection of Lots 4 and 5, and one down at the intersection of Old Missouri Road. He said that it doesn't matter which side of the street they are located on. Bobbie Jones said that they need sidewalks down one side of the street and around the cul de sac. 4. Doug Williford (Assistant Street Superintendent): Wanted to know about drainage. Mr. Albright said that they will put a culvert across Old Missouri Road and they will carry water from the Si de sac to Old Missouri Road. Bobbie.Jones wanted to know if there was anywhere where the grade exceeds 10 per cent. Mr. Williford said that there is no location where the grade exceeds 10 per cent. Mr. Williford said that he doesn't know what Clayton Powell's comments will be. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. Submitted these comments: In order to sewer this, they will have to construct 6,000 ft. of off-site sewer for 11 lots ---it does not seem too feasible. He would rather see them go into a sewer improvement district with the adjacent property owners on this. There has been some talk of this with Mr. Lindsey and the other property owners in the area, and he must recommend that this area not be permitted to develop on septic tanks, Plat Review -2- September 23, 1976 • but go in with a sewer improvement district. • • 6. Tom Halk (Community Appearance).: Not present. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 8. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 10. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that they will want to be on the E -W side of the subdivision (around the perimeter) and he asked for 25 ft. easements. He wanted to know if Mr. Ball''s (Ken) house is to be built on Lot 2, Block 2. Mr. Lindsey agreed. Frank O''Donnell said that they will not need to be on the South end. Mr. O'Donnell said that if the house is 30 ft. away from the East property line --a 25 ft. easement would be o.k. Mr. Lindsey wanted to know if it would be easier to put everyone at the front of the lots, along the street. Mr. O'Donnell said that he would have no objection, but he would have to have a regulator set at the NW corner of Lot 6, Block 2; otherwise, it would be on the NE corner of Lot 6, Block 2. Mr. O'Donnell wanted to know where the water main would be. Mr. Lindsey said that it would be on the street and the sewer would be there, too. Mr. Albright said that the water will be on the West side, and the sewer will be on the East side, within the street right-of-way. Mr. Lindsey wanted to know if they could put a gas meter near the house. Frank O'Donnell said yes. Mr. O'Donnell said that they want a 10 ft. easement on the North side of Lot 6, Block 2, and outside the street right- of-way down the West side of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 2. 11. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that they are not close to this addition. He would have to guess that they would not be able to serve this until they come out with a final plat. With this many lots to serve, he said that he would have to make a study to see if it is feasible. He said that their trunk line stops at Zion Road and Highway 71. Eventually, he is sure that they can be out there. Mr. Lindsey said that he plans on having sewer within a year. Mr. Terry said that he will have to make a study. He said that he thinks, for the future, the easements Mr. O'Donnell called for would be sufficient. Mr. Terry wanted to know if Ozarks Electric is going overhead or underground, Mr. Crownover said that they are going to go underground. 12. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that they would like to come down the road (down the cul de sac), just so they can get around the cul de sac at Lot 1, and they need a 15 ft. easement on the West side of the street and around the cul de sac to the line between Lots 1 and 2, Block 2. He said that they could serve it with two (2) transformers (down the road), and it would probably have to have four (4) transformers the other way. He said that the. developer has to pay a cash deposit on transformers, and that there would be about a $1,400.00 to $2,000.00 difference in cost. Mr. Lindsey said that he thinks that would be best to do it that way, and put meters back to the house or in the woods. Mr. Crownover said that when the transformer(s) are activated, the deposit will be refunded. He said that they would prefer to come down the front. Mr. Crownover said that they require two (2) transformers: one to be located at the end of the cul de sac between Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, and one between Lots 4 and 5 -- it doesn't matter which side of the streets they come on. Mr. Lindsey said that they will have to separate sleeves where the utilities cross the street. Mr. Crownover said that they can angle them. Mr. Crownover said that they will set a pole at the street intersection then go underground. Mr. Lindsey said that they need the power line now. Mr. Crownover said that he needs four days in advance to work this out. Mr. Crownover said that he would like a signed easement to protect him until the plat is filed. He said that he will draw up the easement, along the road. as 3 • • Plat Review -3- September 23, 1976 Mr. Lindsey said that they'll have to get together to make sure that they have crossings at the places that they need crossings. Bobbie Jones said that the City will want street lights before the final plat is filed. Mr. Crownover said that they will run about $564.00, or about $188.00 a piece. Mr. Crownover said that the size of the lots has a lot to do with the number of transformers needed. 13. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Asked Mr. Ball when the house would be finished -.constructed, Mr. Ball said that it will be completed sometime between December and January. Mr. Shaw concurred with the other utility companies. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Reviewed the easements requested as follows: - 15 ft. down the West side of the street and around the cul de sac to the lot line between Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 (Ozarks Electric); 10 ft. across the North side of Lot 6, Block 1 and down the East side of the street to the lot line between Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 (Arkansas Western Gas); 15 ft. down the East and West sides of the subdivision (Warner Cable and Southwestern Bell). Bobbie Jones said that on the revision, they need to show where sidewalks, street lights, and easements will be; and sidewalks should be down one side of the street and around the cul de sac. She needs some dimensions on all the lots. She said that she would like a copy of the TOPO map.- They need to show the name of the avenue (lane). (Mr. Lindsey thought that they wanted to call it Bally). She needs the signatures of the adjacent property owners on the West, South, and East. She said that they should have some general drainage plan on the revision, have culverts. She said that if they have protective covenants, they will need to show how they will be recorded. Add the street name; Mr. Lindsey said that Mr. Ball wants to name the street "Bally" Lane. Mrs. Jones said that they will need to add a signature block for the Planning Commission. They also need to show the location of the house that is under construction, and let her know how close it is to the property lines. She said that it must either be rezoned from A-1 to an R -District (R-1, probably), or increase the size of the lots. They need to show the building setback lines and utility easements (building setbacks are different in A-1 and R-1). She suggested that they show zoning presently A-1, proposed R-1. Mr. McWethy said that the rezoning can be done before or after the preliminary plat, and the sewer can be done before, during, or after. He said that there is a better chance of getting R-1 if the sewer is in process. Mr. Lindsey said that this is proposed R-1. Mr. Lindsey said that Mr. Ball wants the City to know what he is building, and that the street will be built to City Standards, and the water will also meet City Standards. Bobbie Jones said that she can take this to the Planning Commission before the rezoning, and they might approve it, contingent on property being rezoned. She said that they need the street plans approved by Clayton Powell before street construction. Mr. Lindsey said that he talked with Paul Mattke (no one knows how deep the sewer main will be). Neal -Albright said that it will be on a minimum grade inside this subdivision; there will be no problem where it ties on. Mr. Lindsey said that Paul Mattke said that as long as he came out on minimum grade and stubbed it, it would be o.k. (3 ft. deep is minimum grade). Bobbie Jones said that she needs the revision before October 11•or- October 2Sth. Any approval the Planning Commission gives will require rezoning. Bobbie Jones said that the setbacks along Old Missouri Road and the proposed street would be 25 ft. in R-1. Neal Albright said that they plan to have surface drainage on the street from the cul de sac down to Old Missouri Road. Bobbie Jones wanted to know how many feet from the centerline of Old Missouri Road, the cul de sac would be. Mr. Albright said that it is 562 ft. from the center of the cul de sac to the centerline of Old Missouri Road He said that they would put a culvert across the street at Old Missouri Road with a box culvert at the curb line. • • • Plat Review -4- September 23, 1976 The last item for discussion was the Preliminary Plat SEQUOYAH WOODS, PHASE II of Sequoyah Woods, Phase II. Preliminary Plat Mr. Joe Fox and Mr. Pat McGetrick were present to represent. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. His comments were that they have changed the original design, but he isn't upset about that. (1) It appears that the cul de sacs should carry the same name when they are across the street from each other, (2) Whippoorwill Lane runs into Whippoorwill Court; (3) They had previous approval on some areas to build apartments --they are subdividing those areas into lots; (4) Do they need to dedicate any more land for Joe Fred Starr Road? Shows 22 ft. + 8 ft. utility and street right-of-way easement. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Said that so long as they have ample turn -around, o.k. They show a 50 ft. radius, which is all they need. He sees no problem. 3. David McWethy (Administrative -Assistant): Not.present. Comments were: (1) Both Multiproperties, Inc., and Hodges, Vines, Fox, Castin, F, Associates need to produce proof of payment of the City's Business•License and Occupation Tax; (2) Suggests that the street names be consistent across intersections: Not "Bayberry" changing into "Blackberry," as it crosses Whippoorwill Lane, etc. 4. Doug Williford (Assistant Street Superintendent): Said that they will have to get in touch with Clayton Powell. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. Submitted these comments later. He would request that they submit a map showing proposed water and sewer taps. On the basis of the map they submitted --he has a question that sewer will be available to Lots 116, 183-187, Lot 118, 161, 128, 129, 140, 141, 152, 153, 180, and 181. Subject to their providing sewer service to all lots in this addition and, of course, water service to all lots within this addition, he has no objections. The line along Whippoorwill Lane should be increased in size from 6 inches to 8 inches as far as the fire hydrant at the intersection of Whippoorwill Lane and Whippoorwill Court. For their information, the elevation of the high-pressure system is 1812 MSL, and the elevation of the lower -pressure system is 1578 MSL. 6. Tom Halk (Community Appearance): Not present. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 8. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Said that they have to get adequate fire hydrants (they have none shown.) If they do show them, they need to get them back, and he will help place them. Mr. Fox said that they submitted a copy to Paul Mattke. 10. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Wanted to request an easement between Lots 164 and 165 (15 ft. --711 on each side of lot line). Mr. Crownover asked for an easement between Lots 176 and 177 --all utility companies will be there, hecan go with a 20 ft. easement. Mr. Terry agreed with this 20 ft. easement. Mr. Crownover said that he definitely wants a 20 ft. easement between Lots 137 and 138. Also, a 20 ft. easement between Lots 185 and 186. Mr. Crownover said that he doesn't think they have access to transmission line (Lot 118). He wnated to know if they could 'put a building setback and utility easement around the cul de sac on Lots 118, 119, and 120 • It is a 25 ft. setback. He needs to get service to Lots 119 and 120 off it. Plat Review -5- September 23, 1976, Mr. Fox said that SWEPCO had a 50 ft. easement there. SWEPCO allowed them to change • that and plat in a 20 ft. utility easement (and a 30 ft. additional easement, for maintenance on Phase I). Mr. Crownover said that the building setback on Joe Fred Starr Road will be 25 ft. --Could they make that'a building setback and utility ease- ment? Mr. Crownover said that all of the utilities are "scared to death"of the 8 ft. street right-of-way and utility easement on Joe Fred Starr Road. Mr. Fox said that it seems that they want to keep pedestals to the right-of-way line instead of 25 ft. to a person's backyard. Mr. McGetrick said that in Phase I the pedestals are over 15 ft. on the edge of the road. Mr. Fox said that the bigger the easement, the worse it is for the houses. Mr. Fox said that they want a 25 ft. backyard setback on Joe Fred Starr Road (Lots 128, 129, and 130). Mr. Crownover said that they can "dog." Mr. Crownover said that Ozarks -Electric -requires metallic conduit for street crossing sleeves (cast iron, steel pipe, or galvanized would be fine). Mr. Crownover said that he has no objections to the layout as long as he can get access to the lot lines. He said that there might be a problem getting access to Lot 122. Mr. Crownover said that he will have to have something to Lot 117 and something to Lot 121. Mr. Crownover said that they can draw up a layout for the utility companies and they can give it to them to approve.easements. • • 11. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): said that Arkansas Western Gas uses PVC for street crossings. He said that. coming in the back is the best way for him. Mr. O'Donnell said that they need 25 ft. easements around the outside of the subdivision (except along the North side). Where there is an existing 20 ft. easement, outside the subdivision, dedicate an additional 5 ft. 12. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said that the only problem they have with less than 25 ft. easements,is one they run into when they are already in and must come back to work inside the easement after all the utilities are already in. Mr. Fox said that they want to conserve trees and he wanted to know who clears the easements for the utilities. Mr. Shaw said that he can better preserve the trees in a wider easement. Mr. McGetrick pointed out that there is an existing 20 ft. easement shown outside the West property line in Inwood Development and Glenwood Subdivision --also Sherwood Forest Estates dedicated a 20 ft. easement along part of the subdivision property line. Mr. Shaw said that they will need an additional 5 ft. easement where there is an existing 20 ft. easement. He said that it would be much better and save everyone a headache if they would prepare easements on plats ahead of time. He said that they are showing + and - on lot line dimensions and he wanted to know how much feet on the right-of-way this would add up to. Mr. Fox said that after the plat is reviewed, they will come up with final dimensions on the lots. Mr. Shaw said that he has to go by the Preliminary Plats to draw up his orders and plan his materials; he cannot wait for Final Plats. 13. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Mr.. Fox said that they are trying to make larger lots. He wanted to know if it would be possible to get a copy of the utility companies' layout of easements needed. Mr. Terry said that this would be fine. Mr. Fox said that they will give easements wherever they need them. He said that he has no disagreement (however, he would frankly prefer 15 ft. easement to a 20 ft. easement). Mr. Terry wanted to know how soon he wanted the layout. Mr. Fox said that they will start design probably within 60 days, depending upon the weather. Warner Cable uses 2 -inch PVC for street crossings. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that the names on the cul de sacs are worrying everyone. Mr. Fox said that in Little Rock they have different names for postal requirements (much easier).. Mrs. Jones said that she sees his point, but feels it would be less confusing if they were the same. Bobbie Jones said that Applegate might be confused with Appleby and Whippoorwill Court and Whippoorwill Lane would also be confused. The people involved (mainly) are the Police, Fire Plat Review -6- September 23, 1976 Department, and Ambulance Services. The people calling them for assistance are usually excited and may not speak or think too clearly. Mr. Fox said that three accesses were required on the original Preliminary Plat. Bobbie Jones wanted to know what the heavy lines represented. Mr. Fox said that it is the storm sewer system. Bobbie Jones said that Friar Lane (proposed Second Phase, Sherwood Forest Estates) never developed, but would have stubbed into the South of this subdivision (about Lot 132). She said that they need to show 25 ft. building setback on Lots 119 to 128, where it parallels Joe Fred Starr Road. They need to add a legend for building setbacks. On the Final Plat, they need to show concrete monuments at four corners of the plat.(4" by 4" by 30", with iron pins, measuring 1" by 30" at each lot corner. The 30 ft. back-to-back curb should be shown 31•ft. back-to-back curb. Bobbie Jones said that the next Planning Commission meeting will be October 11, they need to submit a revised plat by October 6. Mr. Fox said that they should be able to have the final plat computed by October 11. She said that she would like the easements outside the subdivision shown, also. She said that the Planning Commission will have to waive the length of Blackberry Court and they will need to waive the distances on street lights in two locations. Bobbie Jones wanted to know where the nearest street light in Phase I was located. Mr. Fox said that it is located at the first -intersection (140 ft.). Bobbie Jones said that they don't have a sidewalk shown on Applegate Place. She wanted to know about protective covenants. Mr. Fox -said that they are the same as on Phase I. She said that some of the easements were not drawn to scale, on the Final Plat of Phase I and she has had a lot of problems from that. She said that she would like the final plat drawn to scale; and the acreage shown. Mr. McGetrick said that the acreage is shown on the legal description. Bobbie Jones said that she would like acreage shown anyway. She said that she would like to have the revision back before they go to the Planning Commission. They should show the 50 ft. easement that SWEPCO has. If SWEPCO drops this easement, let her know. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 A.M. • •