HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-09 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A.M „ Thursday, September 9, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Steve Brown, Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, Robin Northrop, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Dick Shaw, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Frank Blew. The only item for discussion was the Final OLD WIRE ROAD NORTH SUBDIVISION Plat of Old Wire Road North Subdivision. Final Plat Mr. Frank Blew, Surveyor, was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): 3. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): added on the plat stating that Lot 5, to Old Wire Road, except the existing the life of the dwelling. No comments. No comments. Not present. He asked that a note be Block 4, is not to have driveway access house may retain its present access for 4. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that he would suggest that they move the street light, shown at the intersection of Lots 3 and 6, of Block 2 (on Terry Drive), to Lot 6 and 7, Block 2, and move the 5 ft. utility easement. That would give them spacing of 374 ft. Mr. Blew said that he has no objection to moving the street light, but he would like the power company to also agree to it because it was put in there upon their request. Mr. McWethy said that he doesn't feel they will object to this. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. He said it will be satisfactory to move the street light to the lot line between Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, so long as they give 5 ft. easement on either the East side of Lot 7, or the West side of Lot 6. All other easements are satisfactory with SWEPCO. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that he has written his resume on the street plans and profiles and he understands that there is some controversy about the stub streets running South. The City cannot see the need to subsidize two (2) bridges there that are not needed, and the Elmwood Drive stub can be relocated further East, and one could be across the bridge. He said that nobody agrees with him on the developers building half the street abutting the property. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that what they would like to do is, unless the developer has an objection, would be to relocate Elmwood Drive to the East Iq� Plat Review -2- September 9, 1976 side of the creek. He said, basically, they would like one street to tie through to the South, instead of two. Frank Blew wanted to know if they could forego the limitation on the length of blocks (Subdivision requirements for length of block). Mr. Mattke said that it is 500 ft. for rural, and 1000 ft. for urban. Mr. Blew said that as far as Elmwood is concerned, they can take it out or put it in Block 3. Of course, they lose a lot if they put it on the East side of the creek, and they don't gain a lot if they put it on the West side of the lot. Paul Mattke said that he suggests that they make Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 3, 90 ft. lots. That will give him 30 additional feet and with 80 ft., it would give him 110 ft. It would give him a minimum lot width for a building permit. Mr. Blew said that he is sure that that would be fine to do that, but they want to give access to both sides of the creek. Mr. Blew said that they will have to take 6 ft. off of Lot 1, Block 3, to get 56 ft. of frontage at the street line for Lot 6, Block 1, or they will have to move lot line of Lot 6, Block 1, North, to get to the street. Mr. Mattke suggested a "bubble" in the right-of-way. He also said that it was not proposed to cross the creek on Elmwood, but to turn and go down the West side of the creek then turn back to Old Wire Road. Mr. Blew said that the whole thinking was to let Elmwood stay on the West side of the creek. Mr. Mattke said that this is a request, not a requirement. Mr. Blew said that he would prefer to do it this way --move Elmwood to the West, and make provisions for the adjoining property owners to have an outlet into their property. Mr. Mattke said that water and sewer plans have been approved and if the street is changed, they can just make "field changes." 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments, except if there is a bridge, make it strong enough to support sanitation vehicles. 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that Mr. Mattke gave him permission to go around this house, at the corner of Township Road, in the sewer easement. If that house is moved and the cable would have to be moved hack, he requests the developer to pay for moving it. He has the house setting where the utility easements should go. Mr. Blew said that it was reflected in the minutes, of the proceeding minutes, that the house is going to stay; but if Township is ever extended, the developer will move the house, at his own cost ---at the time the City builds Township. He said that he can make the proposal to the developer about the utility easements, but he does not expect him to agree. 10. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said that he agrees with Mr. Terry, that the developer should pay for moving the cables. He is blocking off the easement. He said that his 900 pair main feeder cable has to be put in a 25 ft. easement. He said that.the cost they are talking about is the trenching cost. Mr. Blew said that if they build and dig that next to the house as close as they can dig (approx. 4 ft.) they would be 4 ft. from the end of the house and that would make this approximately 2 ft. on the inside of the street right-of-way. Discussion revealed that in order to construct Township and match the grade of Old Wire Road, would require about 6 ft. of ground fill. If the utilities were buried 2 ft. below present grade, they should not have to be moved when the street is constructed. Mr. Powell said that filling the street and taking drainage off the street is no problem --they have a gradual fall to the creek; it would enhance drainage. Mr. Shaw wanted to know what would happen as far as culverts are concerned. Mr. Powell said that the more fill, the easier it is to work with. 107 _A • • • Plat Review September 9, 1976 Mr. Shaw said that he goes along with this, if they have fill. Mr. Blew said that if they come up with street plans, he will guarantee that they will have 6 ft. of fill. Mr. Blew said that there are two houses on the property --one is on Lot 5, Block 5, and one is on Lot 5, Block 4. Mr. Stewart, Sr., lives in the house on Lot 5, Block 4. Bobbie Jones said that the utility companies requested that an easement on Lot 5, Block 4 be 20 ft., and it is shown as 15 ft. Mr. Terry said that all the utility companies will be in that easement; they really need 20 ft. Mr. Blew said that he will recheck the location of the house. Mr. Shaw wanted to know when they are going to start on these streets. Mr. Blew said that they let a contract last week. Mr. Shaw said that they need to get their street crossings in there, too. 11. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that he has no problems with this; he has a contract with Mr. Terry Stewart. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that between Lots 7 and 8, Block 5 --they should extend easement on out to Terry Street right-of-way line. Between Lots 16 and 17, Block 2, on Stewart Street, they should also extend the easement to the street right-of-way line. Mr. Blew said, in response to Mr. Wood's statement about access to Old Wire Road, he feels a driveway onto Old Wire Road would be much more desirable and safer than one onto Stewart Street, coming out right at the intersection. Mr. Powell said that he sees no problem with a driveway onto Old Wire Road for that lot. Bobbie Jones said that the Planning Commission can decide on this. Mr. Blew said that this would create a hardship on the lot because of the way the setbacks and easements restrict the buildable area. Bobbie Jones said that Mr. McWhorter stated that they should be sure to have adequate fire hydrants. Mr. Mattke said they do have adequate fire hydrants. Chief McWhorter also said that with driveway access prohibited on Old Wire Road and Township, people driving on Old Wire Road and Township will see the back sides of these houses only. The fact that the Zoning Ordinance would not permit screening fences within the 25 ft. setback from street right-of-way along the streets was discussed. Bobbie Jones pointed out some minor changes needed in the wording of the certificates. She also asked that the plat indicate what protective covenants, if any, there would be. If there are to be none, the plat should reflect that. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 A.M. Iq'