HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-02 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A. M., Thursday, September 2, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Steve Brown, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, General Bruce Kendall (with the County), Robin Northrop. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Clyde Terry, James Crownover, Harold Lee. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Bill Graue, Neal Albright. The first item to be discussed was the JERRY D. SWEETSER SUBDIVISION Final Plat for Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision. Final Plat Mr. Neal Albright was present to represent this. 1. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. Paul Mattke will comment. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. Clayton Powell will comment. 5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): No comments. 6. Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas)• No comments. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. 8. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): No comments. 9. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that he is "pleased as punch" that there are sidewalks and street lights on the plat. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 12. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that he has the engineering plans and profiles in his office. He was under the impression, when this was originally submitted, that they were going to have a "T", rather than a dead-end on Bois de Arc Lane. This hast.tocbe_cariied to the end (Bois de Arc Lane). He said that "Barracade" should be "Barricade." There are four (4) lots that are going to be served by this street; and that means that the sanitation trucks will have to pull into and back -out of a private driveway. Clayton Powell said whichever the Planning Commission approves is o.k.--we have to have one or the other; the street does have to be carried to the property line. This is a problem for the sanitation vehicles. He is willing to accept a "T" rather than a cul de sac. Mr. Powell said that he hasn't gotten around to �3q • • Plat Review -2- September 2, 1976 checking the street plans, as of yet; he will try to get to them before September 13th (the final plat cannot be approved until after the plans and specifications for all the improvements are approved). Mr. Albright asked Mr. Powell if the cul de sac or the "T" is the developer's option. Mr. Powell said that it is. Clayton Powell wanted to know how long it would be before Primrose Lane goes into Brookside East. Mr. Albright said that it would be very soon. Mr. Powell said that there is not a standard on a "T", but if the Planning Commission approves --he wants 15 ft. wide and 50 ft. long (or 25 ft. on each side of centerline of right-of-way). He wants the barricade put at the property line. (Mr. Powell called the Planning Office later in the day. He had talked to Sanitation Superintendent, Wally Brt, who told him he could serve the lots on the East end of Bois de Arc Lane without either a cul de sac or a "T". :Mr. Powell suggested the Planning Commission rule on whether to have: (1) a "T" (2) a cul de sac; (3) the street simply dead end at the property line with a barricade.), 13. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that he has discussed this with Mr. Albright. On Bois de Arc Lane, he requires a minimum 8 -inch water main to the intersection with Primrose Lane, and then a 6 -inch water main, extended to the end of Bois de Arc Lane. He said that valving is needed at locations. Fire hydrants are required and blow -off assembly on dead-end portions, if they are going to be dead-end, for any period of time (more than a week). Mr. Mattke has not looked at the street plans, either, he will try to get through with them by September 13, 1976. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that "baracade" should be "barricade." She thinks the sidewalk should go all the way to the East property line on Bois de Arc Lane. She would like to have dimensions on the North side of the lots in Block 1; they have a slight difference in the overall East-West dimensions between the North-South sides of the lots. She said that the utility companies had asked for a 25 ft. easement on Lot 4, Block 2; that is not shown. There is a 30 ft. street easement shown; why not make that 30 ft. street and utility easement. Show Primrose Lane as having 50 ft. of right-of- way. In the legal description --"Beginning at a point: "0.52 feet" ---"feet" is omitted. Bobbie Jones asked if Mr. Sweetser was going to enter into a contract or post a bond. Mr. Albright said that he will post a bond. She said that Mr. Lieberenz said that since they will have a future street running along the North line of Block 2, the concrete monuments will be lost when the street is built. Therefore, he wants two sets (with one set offset), one at the corner of the subdivision, another 30 ft. to the South on the edge of the street easement. He should indicate the amount of the offset. Bobbie Jones said that she doesn't have protective covenants. Add the "acreage" under "Zoning Classif- ication." She gave him back a copy of the plat with the above corrections noted on it and indicating some changes to be made in the wording of the Certificates. The next item to be discussed was the Preliminary MILDRED LEE ESTATES Plat of Mildred Lee Estates. Preliminary Plat • Mr. Bill Graue was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 1 90 Plat Review -3- September 2, 1976 • 2. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Said that no fire protection is available outside the City limits, except on a call and charge basis. • 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 5. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Wanted to know why the street cannot have smooth curves rather than "kinks." 6. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Asked if there were any street lights proposed. Mr. Graue said "no." Mr. McWethy said none are required, but if he puts them in, the City will not pay the electrical bill. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that he was contacted by someone named "Bayley" for a water tap. He wanted to know which lot Bayley owned. Mr. Graue said that Bailey owns Lot 8 and has already moved into his house. Mr. Mattke wanted to know which lot "Edens" owns. Mr. Graue said that he sold him 6 acres on the West side (Lots 1 and 2). Mr. Mattke wanted to know if he had sold any property to "Barnes." Mr. Graue said no, he has sold Grady King 3 acres (Lot 6) on East corner. Mr. Graue said he has a contract to sell 6 acres on Lots 3 $ 4 to Wayne Flores; Mr. Graue said he has an oral contract for Lot 5, but it is not sold. Lot 7 is not sold either. Paul Mattke said that the minimum water main size that is acceptable for subdivisions is 6 -inch, and the Ordinance requires that the developer be responsible for installation up to 6 inches. The City will pay the increased cost for a main larger than 6 inches. Mr. Graue said that a 2 -inch line would service everything in there and, at one time, Mr. Mattke had told him he would accept a 4 -inch lime.. Mr. Graue said he would rather not put any water line in there --for 8 lots, he said thatthe.cannot; see-putting.a.,6-inch.line in there. Paul Mattke said that they have subdivision standards, and this is a subdivision. Mr. Mattke said that he has similar feelings, but there is nothing he can do about that. Mr. Graue wanted to know what would happen if he puts wells in there, would he be able to service the ones on the road with individual taps and drill wells on the ones on the back. Mr. Mattke said that he would imagine so. Mr. Mattke said that there are two different sets of requirements. As a subdivision, this does not meet standards for subdivision land. As individual parcels, you are talking about an entirely different thing. Mr. Graue wanted to know what type of 6 -inch line he could use. Mr. Mattke said that he could have a choice between cast-iron and transite. Mr. Mattke again said that this does not meet subdivision require- ments. Mr. Mattke said that they cannot make water taps on those lots that.are sold until plumbing permits have been issued. Mr. Mattke said there are 22.47 acres on this plat and it has the potential to go to high-density. He said it would take a 12 -inch sleeve to run a 6 -inch line under the highway. Paul Mattke said concrete monuments 4" X 4" X 30" are needed at the extreme corners of the subdivision. The plat needs to have a legend on it. He also asked for a 25 ft. wide drainage and utility easement across the back of Lots 2 through 5 (South side). Paul Mattke also said that this plat should be signed by everyone who has interest in the property shown on this plat on the date of the plat filing. Mr. Mattke feels he cannot recommend approval of this if Mr. Graue will not concur.with the 6 -inch water main. • 8. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 9. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said that on the Southeast corner of the cul de sac it looks like 18 ft. measurement --does this lie within the 25 ft. building setback and utility easement? Mr. Graue said that it did. Mr. Shaw said he was /CO • • • Plat Review -4- September 2, 1976 glad because he would need that for an easement. Mr. Shaw said he had heard that on Lots 1 and 2, they are planning on building 20 duplexes --Mr. Mattke said that he was told there would be 18 duplexes. Mr. Graue said that he doesn't think the law (State Board of Health)will allow that many on septic tanks. Mr. Shaw said that he has to get some access to those, which he doesn't have now. He doesn't have enough facilities in there to serve that many. He said that they want an easement on the West side of Lots 1 and 2 (25 ft. easement) all the way to the creek, and one on the East side of Lot 2 (25 ft easement) so he can get to the duplexes. • 10. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Wanted to know if they want to go underground on Lots 3 and 4. He concurs with Mr. Shaw's easement request. 11. Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that he concurs with Mr. Shaw's easement request. 12. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Wanted to know if he had a target date on when these are ready to sell. Mr. Graue said that they are all sold, but one. Mr. Terry said that he wanted to know so he could get cable. Mr. Terry said that he concurs with Mr. Shaw's easement request. 13. Clayton Powell (Sanitation Superintendent): Said that he will'yield to General Kendall on the streets. Mr. Graue said that he talked with General Kendall and he said that the street would conform to their regulations, and it would be acceptable as it is drawn, with the provision that it is built to their standards. 14. General Bruce Kendall (with the County): Said that the lay -out is o.k., and that the County approves their builders plans. He will comply with County road specifications and road plan. He said that they are ready for County signature and then they will be all set. 15. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that Mr. Graue went to the Planning Commission and their action, at that time, was for him to work out the road with General Kendall; to work out the water with Paul Mattke; and bring the plat back. She said that this is outside the City. Mr. Graue said that it is located East of Tipton's Garage; about a mile West of Randall Barnes' property. Bobbie Jones said that -the signature block needs to be worked out. All property owners of record in the Courthouse must sign the plat. Mr. Graue said that Lloyd Bayley and his wife, and Edens and his wife, and Mr. Graue and his wife need to sign (signature block). Bobbie Jones said that the highway right-of-way should be shown by a heavy line and the amount of right-of-way contained within this legal description should be dimensioned. Monuments along highway and creek should be offset and he needs to indicate how much the offset is. On the 25 ft. building setback and utility easement, she thinks they need to insert "and" on Lot 1 and somewhere between Lots 3 and 4. On Lots 1 and 6, the lot dimension, after the right-of-way, should be shown. On the road --there is a dimension of 40.4 feet that does not have the bearing of the angle. There should be a legend for concrete monuments and iron pins. She would like a copy of the covenants. She would like the application and the plat fee. All the property owners must sign it and be listed as "owners". On certificates: On "Certificate of Approval of Water Supply System" ---"Water Supply" is omitted. There are a couple of places where iron pins are not shown at the lot corners. The distances along the North side of Lots 6, 7, 8, do not add up to the outside distance shown on the plat. The same thing is true for the South side of Lots 6 and 7. Some dimensions are not drawn to scale --they should be. Rather than show 558.24 ft. for the East .line of Lot 2 --leave the 498.24 ft. g • • • Plat Review -5- September 2, 1976 shown on Lot 3 and show 60 ft. across the street frontage for Lot 2. Add a date in the lower right hand corner of the plat. Bobbie Jones said that she would like a revised copy by next Tuesday, if possible. She would like one blue -line print (revised), and one black -line print (revised). The next item for discussion was the Preliminary Plat HYLAND PARK for Hyland Park, Phase 3, Block 6. PHASE 3, BLOCK 6 Preliminary Plat No one was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 2. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 3. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 4. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 5. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that a street light needs to be added at the Southwest corner of Lot 32, near the pedestrian pathway. If a pedestrian pathway is planned for the Lots 1-24 and 34-36, it needs to be reflected on the Plat. If not, some provision needs to be made to satisfy the Code requirements for sidewalks. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that the original overall plan had shown a tie-in of Canterbury Road, and through the various minor changes, it has become deleted. In the Phase II, Mr. Lindsey had said that he would dedicate right-of-way on a future phase. He said that the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission minutes did not reflect on this, whatsoever. Bobbie Jones said that Mr. Lindsey had left 60 ft. for this purpose and he recently told her he did not plan to do anything with it. Clayton Powell said that Mr. Lindsey has blocked all emergency access. All phases of Highway 265 --he tied together and now there is no access, whatsoever. There is no provision for right-of-way, let alone construction. Clayton Powell said that this is very "hilly" terrain. Clayton Powell said that unless that road up to Boston Mountain View is revised to street standards, there should be no building permit issued on any lot having access to it. Clayton Powell told Paul Mattke that he agreed to allow 4 -inch warping on each side of the street if they maintain the 6 -inch parabolic crown (uphill 4 inches, and 4 inches downhill). Mr. Powell said that he reserves further comment until he receives additional profiles. 8. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that they asked, originally, for a 25 ft. easement on the South side of Rock Cliff Road, and 10 ft. on the North side of Rock Cliff Road. They have been reversed on this plat. Paul Mattke said that the fact that the sewer line is on the North side of the street, he will have water line on the South side. Bobbie Jones said that they missed a 20 ft. easement on the Southeast side of Lot 24, that someone requested. Mr. Crownover said that he doesn't need the 20 ft. easement on Lot 24 if the 30 ft. easement he shows outside this subdivision has already been dedicated. 9. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Concurred with Mr. Crownover's statement. 143 • • Plat Review -6- September 2, 1976 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Concurred with Mr. Crownover's statement. 11. Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas): Concurred with Mr. Crownover's statement. 12. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that he strongly recommends that a tie be made from the upper part (higher elevation) to the lower part (all-weather road tie). We have an entire subdivision, that if a simple accident occured, (example --a tree falling, accident of nature).this-.would isolate the entire area. He recommends that they tie from Hyland Park Road to Canterbury Road. He recommends this to the Planning Commission. He said that he has two more comments: (1) He would like to ask engineers to have their iron pins and concrete monuments legend come to our standards so that these monuments are con- sistent with the others (squares for 4" X 4" X 30" concrete monuments and small circle for 1/2" X 30" iron pins). He said that he is waiting for water and sewer plans for this addition to be submitted. (2) They will need to reflect on the plat, all of existing easements (utility) (example ---they omitted an easement on the Northwest corner of Lot 3.) He said that this is a very poor plat (quality of print). Paul Mattke said that they need to show that Phase 3 does not include portion of Block 3, Phase 1. 13. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 14. Bobbie Jones .(Planning Administrator): Said that street light on the North side would be better, which would change spacing because lot lines don't correspond across the street. She said that the bearing down the West side does not agree with replat of Block 3; it is off one second. She said that on dead-end streets, the maximum length for hilly terrain is 1000 ft., and ordinary terrain is 500 ft. She needs mailing addresses shown for owner/developer, and engineer; adjoining property owners' signatures; sidewalks; protective covenants; waivers on Ozarks Electric Company. She pointed out that this includes a Replat of part of Lot 18 of Block 5, (Lots fronting on Boston Mountaiin'View)--Lot 12 -- that was a part of Block 5. Clayton Powell wanted to know if that was Lot 18, Block 6 (Boston Mountain View): Bobbie Jones said that it was and is shown on this plat as all of Lots 11 and 12, and part of Lots 10 and 13. The last item for discussion was the Final Plat HYLAND PARK of a Replat of Hyland Park, Part of Block 3, Phase I. PART OF BLOCK 3, PHASE 1 Final Plat No one was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Not present. No comments. 2. Perry Franklin. -.(Traffic Superintendent): Not present. No comments. 3. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 5. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that the street lights need to be shown unless they were shown on the original plat, will not change, and still meet the Code requirements. 104 • i • Plat Review September 2, 1976 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation .Siuperintendent): Not present. No comments. 7. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said that this replat has. increased lot sizes and has done away with Lot 8, the pedestals which are already installed will fall on different property lines now. If there are any complaints, they will have to pay the expense to move a pedestal to get them in line with where they belong. Lot 10 and 11 increased in 20 ft. in length. This has thrown the existing pedestal off 20 ft. into Lot 11. He said that they are in the North easement, but off the line between the two properties, themselves. 9. Clyde Terry :(Warner Cable): Concurs with Mr. Shaw. 10. Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas)• Concurs with Mr. Shaw. 11. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Concurs with Mr. Shaw. 12. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): No further comments, since streets are in on this portion. 13. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that the legends (monuments) need to conform with others in use throughout the City. According to as-builts, sewer service has not yet been provided for Lot 11, which will be a problem. Lot 11 needs to be served someway. The sewer line runs between Lots 9 and 10. They need to be careful, as they have moved the lot line between lots and utility services, crossing the street, are already installed, we will have a problem because we may have someone's sewer service in the wrong location. He suggests that the developer check this and be sure that the service taps are installed. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that the scale is drawn 1" to 50'; it should be 1" to 100'. The measurement is not the same across Lots 10 and 11 as on the original plat, nor are the degree and dimension on the East side of Lot 11. She needs the application and the final plat fee. Paul Mattke said that he would have no objections if they submit this at a scale of 1" = 50'. Bobbie Jones wanted to know about numbering. It looks strange that Lot 8 was dropped out. Paul Mattke said that he would prefer that they bust numbers when they renumber. He said that they should change all the lot numbers. Bobbie Jones said that Mr. Lieberenz said that he would prefer to leave Note 2 off the plat completely Underline "Certificate", and it should read, "Do hereby Certify that." They don't have a monument shown on the corner of subdivision. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Ig5