HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-12 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A. M., Thursday, August 12, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Robin Northrop, Perry Franklin, Scott Martin, Steve Brown. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Dick Shaw, James Crownover, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jim Lindsey. OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Marshall Carlisle, Charles Muncy. The first item to be discussed was the large scale development plan for Hilltop Apartments, submitted by Steve Cummings, for property -located at the West side of Gregg Avenue and North of Central HILLTOP APARTMENTS Large Scale Development Baptist Church. Attorney Marshall Carlisle and Mr. Charles Muncy were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Wanted to know if they would need all the parking spaces -- he would like to cut off three (3) parking spaces, in the Southeast corner of the parking lot so he can turn sanitation trucks around and not have to back into the street. 2. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): The street should be called Lawson, instead of Holly. Greg should be "Gregg." 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No comments. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Wanted to know how many apartments are planned. Mr. Carlisle said that there would be 10 units. Mr. Brown wanted to know how tall the building would be. Mr. Carlisle said that the apartments would be two -stories high. Mr. Brown wanted to know what materials would go into the construction of these apartment units. Mr. Carlisle said that it would be masonry, brick, and steel. Mr. Carlisle said that they have previously built two apartment complexes using the same materials. S. Scott Martin (Assistant City Engineer): No comments. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Wanted to know what their load would be; he has a gas line shown on the plat. Mr. Carlisle said that everything was to be gas, as far as heating and hot water are concerned. Mr. O'Donnell said that a meter can be designed to adequately handle this. It can be located close to the street or to the building. He sees no problem with this. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Wanted to know if he planned to go underground or overhead with the wires. Mr. Carlisle said that he believes they will be going underground. Mr. Terry said that they have to go to the West and they will need compensation. He said that they can work this out when the time comes. /Rs Plat Review -2- August 12, 1976 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): He said that he is not asking for any easements; just a verbal o.k. They will come out to the West side of the building, about the middle of the building, and then they will continue to go North to the property line, and then they will follow the property line out to the street. 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): No comments. 10. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that Gregg Avenue has gone through a lot of face lifts -- the City has just completed widening of Gregg to four lanes, from Spruce to Ash, and the next segment proposed for construction is from Elm to Township. It is designated on the Major Street Plan as an 80' arterial street. We plan on this going all the way to 15th and maybe even to Cato Springs Road. On right-of-way, we need to have 40 ft. from the centerline of the existing right-of-way. The Plat Book shows only 15' from the quarter section line, off this property, being in the right-of-way. Mr. Carlisle said that they are willing to give whatever is necessary Mr. Powell said that they should square the intersection of Gregg Avenue and North Street and then widen both sides in order to get by houses on the East side of Gregg. 40 ft. from the centerline of Gregg is needed to the West. Directly across the street from this property, there is a wet -weather spring in a driveway, that flows year around. When the temperature gets around 30-34 degrees, the entire street is nothing but a sheet of glazed ice. He said that he needs to meet site distance requirements for his driveway (from the crest of the hill). He said that. Mr. Franklin should have'nentioned2thIsi Mr. Powell said that he suggests that the developer voluntarily participate in building the street (Gregg). He feels that participating in the cost of improving Gregg would be beneficial. Mr. Carlisle asked if that would mean filling the ditch and putting in curb and gutter. Mr. Powell agreed and said that no drainage would have to be installed. The curb and gutter would be set for a 44 ft. wide street and the City would widen the pavement to the curb and gutter. The plans for this would have to be approved by Mr. Powell before the curb and gutter were installed. Mr. Powell said they need to have the correct site distance requirements for sidewalks and they also need to get driveway permit. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that she is working on a lot split. They need 40 ft. of street right-of-way from the existing centerline of the right-of-way; she received three conflicting sources of information on exist- ing right-of-way: (1) Church's legal description "less and excepts" 30 ft. off East side for right-of-way; (2) Survey submitted only shows 8 ft. of this property in right-of-way (the North dimension is the same on both descriptions); (3) The City Plat Book shows a total right-of-way of 40 ft.: 15' Westof the quarter - section line and 25' East of the quarter -section line. Mr. Powell said that the church dedicated right-of-way on what they sold Mr. Sweetser. Marshall Carlisle asked if that was 30 ft. off the South end. Bobbie Jones said that the abstract cover for the church said "less and except 30 ft. off the East side." Mr. Carlisle said that the simplest way to handle this would be to find the centerline of the existing right-of-way and go back 40 feet. Mr. Powell said that would be o.k.; he said that the Plat Book shows 25 ft. on the East and 15 ft. on the West of the quarter -section line. Mr. Carlisle asked if this would increase the building setback. Mrs. Jones said she wanted the right-of-way question cleared up before answering that. She said that Mr. Cummings had asked her if the stairway could go down to the parking lot, but she had not understood him to mean inside the front setback. If this does get within the setback, she wants to talk to Mr. Lieberenz about whether the stairway will have • Plat Review August 12, 1976 to be moved. Mr. Carlisle said that they cannot move the building any further West and get into sewer. Bobbie Jones said that as soon as he gets the right- of-way worked out, to come back. Also, change the name of the street on the East side of Gregg to Lawson, instead of Holly; and change Greg to Gregg. 12. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. He said that something had to be done about the right-of-way on Gregg Avenue. 13. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. 14. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 15. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. The last item to be discussed was the Preliminary HYLAND PARK, PHASE 3 Plat of Hyland Park, Phase 3. Preliminary Plat Mr. Jim Lindsey was present to represent this. Comments were as follows: 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. • 2. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. • 3. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 4. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No comments. 5. Scott Martin (Assistant City Engineer): No comments. Mr. Lindsey mentioned that they have an easement that comes to Lot 13, on the Southeast corner -- it is designed to hook up this pump station into this, and, more than likely, Paul Mattke will want a 25 ft. easement between Lots 13 and 14. Mr. Lindsey said that sewer is already in --on the North side, it goes to Lot 22. 6. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said that he needs some type of turn -around at the end of Rock Cliff Road. Clayton Powell said that he would prefer a "T". Wally Brt said that a "T" was o.k. Bobbie Jones asked if the "T" would be on Lots 24 and 25, or outside the subdivision. Mr. Powell said that it would be at the terminal point --past the lot line. 9. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that this is a continuation of the original plat of Hyland Park, and he thinks it is fine. He has been to the site. He wants to stress that it would be best if the utilities went in before the street is paved. 10. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Proposes street lights on the South corner of Lot 24; at the common lot line of Lots 25 and 26; midway East and West on the front of Lot 28; on Lot 30, directly across from the line between Lots 16 and 17; intersection of Hyland Park Road and Rock Cliff Road, /9r7 Plat Review -4- August 12, 1976 at the corner of either Lot 31 or 14; one near the end of Hyland Park Road, as shown on the map; one midway on the front of Lot 6 and one at the cul de sac. Mr. Crownover said that he would like to recommend a lay -out to the City Manager's Office on street lights for approval. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that the legal description is incomplete; she needs application and fee; the adjoining'property owners' sig- natures; there is no vicinity map --there should be one; the plat should contain the names and addresses of the owner, developer, engineer, and surveyor; locate quarter section corner, and identify it by section, township, and range; show building setbacks and show proposed sidewalks of paths and street lights; if it is not "hilly" terrain, the Planning Commission will have to waive the maximum length of the dead-end street, slightly (Hyland Park Road scales out to be 550 ft. ± from the North line of its intersection with Rock Cliff Road to the center of the cul de sac); they should show the existing easements; the plat should be revised to show the easements discussed today; they need to show water and sewer lines. The lot sizes are fine. They should have a Certification statement for the Planning Commission. Mr. Shaw and the other utility representatives said that they would like a composite of all three phases. Mr. Lindsey said that it is being worked on, he will furnish all the utility companies with a complete, overall plat of all three phases when it is completed. Bobbie Jones asked Mr. Lindsey about the 60 ft. off the North side of Block 5, Phase 2. Mr. Lindsey said that they should possibly close that, except for one reason --it is serving as an emergency access road right now. People can use it to get onto Hwy. 265 quicker --there are doctors living in the vicinity. Also, it may be the only way out that is passable during icy weather. Mr. Lindsey said none of the buildings shown on the plat will remain. All but one shed have already been removed. 12. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas.Western Gas): Spoke for all the utility companies. He requested that the required 25 ft. front setback be shown as a utility easement, that could enable them to work along the East side of Hyland Park Road, and partway around the cul de sac to the.East line of Lot 9, and along the South side of Rock Cliff Road Mr. Lindsey said he has misgivings on putting utilities on the North side because of the slope. The utility companies feel they want the use of both the North and the South sides. Mr. O'Donnell said that the plumbers will put in the meters. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Terry said that they would like a 20 ft. easement on the South side of Lot 24. Mr. Shaw said that a 25 ft. easement on both sides of Rock Cliff would enable him to drop pedestals there, the main feeder would be on the South side of the road. Clayton Powell said that he would suggest the utilities cross under the street at the ravine. Mr. Shaw said that they all need 25 ft. on the South and 10 to 15 ft. on the North side of Rock Cliff Road Bobbie Jones said that they could just make a 25 ft. square easement between certain lots. Clyde Terry said that 10 ft. all along the right-of-way would be better. Dick Shaw said that a 121 ft. easement is desired on Lot 1, Phase 3, and there is already a 121/2 ft. easement on the West side. 13. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Concurs with Mr. O'Donnell's statement. 14. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Concurs with Mr. O'Donnell's statement. 15. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Concurs- with Mr. O'Donnell's statement. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A. M.