HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-05 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee meeting was held Thursday, August 5, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Robin Northrop, Charles McWhorter. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, James Crownover, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: James Mickle, Ray McElhaney, Ervan Wimberly. The first item to be discussed was the Final Plat ROLLING MEADOWS, PHASE 1 of Rolling Meadows, Phase 1. Final Plat Mr. James Mickle was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Said that the only thing was that he had not noticed any fire hydrants. Mrs. Bobbie Jones said that they would be on the water plans. Mr. Mickle said that they tried to put them where they agreed on the Preliminary Plat. Mr. McWhorter said that there are two (2) through streets, and he does not see any problems. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that he has not had a chance to review the engineering plans and profiles for the street. However, Mr. Mickle can make notations to construct Loxley Avenue to residential street standards (31 ft. back of curb to back of curb). Mr. Powell wants Mr. Mickle to leave the 60 ft. right-of-way dedication. Mr. Powell noticed that Mr. Mickle has agreed to go ahead with the sidewalk on Old Missouri Road. Mr. Powell said that he would like to make Old Missouri Road a 44 ft. street with four (4) 11 ft. lanes, flow - line to flow -line. They should measure from the centerline of the right-of-way over 22 ft. and then put in a combination curb, gutter, and sidewalk, like it has been done,. to the South at Rolling Hills Drive. They should pave from the exist- ing edge of pavement over to his sidewalk and gutter. Mr. Mickle said that the City Manager called and they tentatively agreed to pay for the cost of curb and gutter on the West side of Old Missouri Road, but thought that the money would be given to the City as a deposit until such time as the City wants to construct to current standards. Along Old Missouri Road, there are three (3) street under -drains, two of which are pipe and the other is concrete box culvert. Mr. Mickle said that the survey, which he did, has two (2) under -drains --one is between Lots 40 and 41, the other is between Lots 36 and 37. They are the equivalent of two (2) corrugated metal pipes. Clayton Powell said that he wants to be sure that provisions are made for the drainage. Mr. Powell said that a recent Federal Highway Department Law has been passed that if the City expects future Federal aid, at every intersection, they must construct wheelchair ramps. Mr. Mickle said that he has agreed to the sidewalk, too. Mr. Mickle would like to, if permissable, use his plans, which provides 311 ft. between curb and • Plat Review -2- August 5, 1976 gutter and the sidewalk, which puts the sidewalk back on the property line, the reason being that he would like to be able to fluctuate the grade either plus 3 inches with the sidewalk or the curb, or minus 3 inches --to minimize the filling. Mr. Powell said that the sidewalk policies are flexible; if they would like to set back on the right-of-way of Old Missouri Road, that would be o.k. Mr. Mickle said that unless the City is in a position to do it at the same time, they would like to give the City the money. They would like to start the box culvert next week. This is the one item they would like to start construction on. It is an Arkansas Highway Department standard box culvert. Mr. Powell said that, thus far, in the preliminary planning stage, the engineers and the developers seem to cooperate fully in standards. 4. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No comments. 5. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that their lines are on the North and since Mr. Mickle would have to build Ozarks Electric would have to have the final lay -out of all the Mr. Mickle said that it would cost money to give them the final grant them the easements required. Mr. Crownover explained that he did not need a final plat ---just the lot lay -out. Mr. Mickle said they plan to stay with the Preliminary Plat. present some on lots. lay -out utility the South, ; he will 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that Mr. Buddy Coleman had indicated that they would not want any gas service. Mr. Mickle said that, frankly, for the price --$1.25 a ft., he considers this very reasonable. He reserved judgment on this Mr. O'Donnell said that gas service is currently available on lots on the South side of 5-12. Mr. Mickle said that he thinks he has adequate room by the box culvert. Mr. O'Donnell said that they have room on his side of Old Missouri Road and Eton (easement North). 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that he believes the easements are sufficient. There is cable available in this area to serve them. Warner Cable will work with Ozarks Electric Company and ArkansasWestern Gas and he does understand that they will want this underground. Mr. Mickle said that he thinks it is unlikely that they would request underground electrical as there are several places of rock --he thinks it would cost too much money. He will reserve judgment on this. It is overhead on the South line of the property. Mr. Terry said that they can work this out at the proper time. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Asked if they are developing this in preparation for builders to buy lots. Mr. Mickle said that whether the developer is going to do the building himself or partially, they are going to develop --to sell lots. Mr. Shaw asked when they intend to start construction. Mr. Mickle said that they will post a bond immediately, and start construction as soon as possible. 9. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 10. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Not present. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. X90 • J Plat Review -3- August 5, 1976 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 13. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. 14. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator). Said that the acreage needs to be shown. She wants to be sure, on Lot 44, that it is 70 ft. wide. She would like mailing addresses for the owner and engineer shown on the plat. There is no resolution or certificate. Mr. Mickle said that this is a partnership. Bobbie Jones said that she will check with the City Attorney about partnerships. The main thing is on the certificates there are a few omitted words. She will give them a copy of the correct wording. Mrs. Jones asked if they had submitted plans to the State Board of Health. Mr. Mickle said that this has been done. She said that drainage --water and sewer have not been checked yet. Mr. Mickle said that they are going to request variances (conditional uses for duplexes) on Lots 13-16 and 33-44, all the lots that front on Old Missouri Road, with the exception of Lot 33, which is isolated from the West by a drainage ditch. Mr. Mickle wanted to know if it was possible to review these "conditional uses" at the same time that the Planning Commission reviews the Plat. Mrs. Jones said that she thinks this is possible. Clayton Powell said that he has no objections to duplexes on Old Missouri Road. Bobbie Jones said he had the option of posting a cash bond, a performance bond, entering into a contract, or complete the improvements and have them certified complete and in accordance with requirements. Mr. Mickle said they will post a performance bond. Mrs. Jones asked that he include a legend for 25 ft. building setback in the legend. Also, the drawing should more clearly reflect that this plat dedicates 30 ft. Of right-of-way for Old Missouri Road. The second item to be discussed was the large scale PACKAGING SPECIALTIES development plan for Packaging Specialties, Large Scale Development Mr. Ray McElhaney was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No comments. 2. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Said that this is more than two (2) miles from the nearest fire station and that their insurance might cost them a little more; if they intend to have 5% of insurance rating. Mr. McEhaney said that they will have to check with the insurance company about. stations. Mr. McElhaney said that the roof was U.L. 90 rated roof. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said that he sees that they have a pad for the container; and where it is now, it won't be any problem. He needs either a 4 or 6 yard container. Wally Brt asked Mr. McElhaney if he was going to have the container on pavement. Mr. McElhaney said that it will be paved right up to it. Mr. Brt asked if he was going to concrete it. Mr. McElhaney said that it will be with asphalt or concrete. Mr. Brt said that he highly suggests that he concrete it. Mr. McElhaney said that he is going to recommend 6 inch concrete. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Not present. (8t Plat Review -4- August 51 1976- • 5. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent). Not present. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that this is abutting Armstrong Road, which has an asphalt curb and gutter --he is permitted up to a 40 ft. wide driveway. If he has sufficient frontage, he can have as many 40 ft. driveways as he wants as long as he has them separated by 25 ft. The precedent has been set that all drainage coming off the North side of Highway 16 East drains to the West of the natural drain on Town Branch, along the East side of Armstrong Boulevard. The precedent has been established that a 24 -inch tile, for driveway purposes, will be used. They should have headwalls, toewalls, and wingwalls. Mr. Powell said that Armstrong Road was accepted by his predecessor 6 or 7 years ago and has a roller -coaster effect. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present, but submitted following comments: That the sewer is barely underground in the easement and they will have to put an individual pump station facility there. The water service is in unlimited quantity on Armstrong Boulevard. Clayton Powell suggested that there should be a reducer valve put on the water line. Ervan Wimberly commented that the sewer lines are very old and fragile -- One is a 24" and one is a 30". They serve about 80 percent of the town. Mr. McElhaney said that they will not mess with those two lines. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Said that a lot split will have to be approved. This is the second lot split out of Block 4. Mrs. Jones talked to Mr. Christy, at the Chamber of Commerce. Three (3) lot splits are all she can handle --this is the 2nd lot split. She asked what this would be used for. Mr. McElhaney said that it was a printing process business (printing on plastic film). Bobbie Jones said that she thinks this can go on to the Subdivision Committee on Monday. Mr. McElhaney said that the business is presently located on Hill Street. Mrs. Jones said to be sure to have the grounds maintained "durable and dustless", either paving or greenery. 9. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that their line is North of where they are and that the standard policy is that the developer pays the full cost, depending on the footage, until we reach their property line, and then they receive a refund for whatever connects the line within a 5 -year period. Mr. O'Donnell asked if they would need gas there. Mr. McElhaney said that he thinks that Packaging Specialties will need gas services. Mr. O'Donnell said that he will get back with Mr. McElhaney and work this out. 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that to the best of his memory, they did not request any cable service. Mr. McElhaney agreed. 11. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Said that they have got cable there, the only thing he would request is that they give him notice of when they intend to start this project. 12. Mr. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 13. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 14. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): No comments. • Plat Review -5- August 5, 1976 The last item to be discussed was the Revised Preliminary SUMMER HILL Plat of Summer Hi11•;:=a-Rianne&Unit.Development. Revised Preliminary Plat Mr. Ervan Wimberly was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Asked Mr. Wimberly if this was going to be single-family residences. Mr. Wimberly said that there may be some two-family residences on lots adjoining the Racquet Club. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Not present. 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 4. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. He said that fire plugs need to be shown. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked if he planned to concrete all of this (the streets). Mr. Wimberly said that it will be asphalt, with curb and gutter. Mr. Brt said that he will need a letter, in writing, with permission to go into these streets, if they are private streets. Bobbie Jones reminded Wally Brt that he will have a container at the Racquet Club, on Lot 1. David McWethy said that Lot 1 has 50 ft. frontage on the private road. Mr. Brt said that all he wants is a letter, with permission for him to enter. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that whether or not the streets are dedicated will make a considerable difference. He would like to point out that Masonic Drive, Alice Street, and Nolan are chronic drainage problems. Alice Street terminates at the West property line of this subdivision. There is a nat- ural drain that goes all the way down through to Stubblefield Road; there is no access to it on Alice Street. On Masonic Drive, Mr... Wimberly indicated drop inlets. He wants to know if any improving of Masonic Drive off the site is planned. Mr. Wimberly said that they will show on Lot 2, a turn -around of temporary nature. Clayton Powell said that the cul de sacs don't correlate with the centermedian; they need to have a 50 ft. radius, they need to dedicate 100 ft. over-all width. Mr. Wimberly asked if 30 ft. paved surface was enough. Clayton Powell said that he thinks this would be permissable. He said that he needs the engineering plans and profiles. Mr. Wimberly said that they plan to curb and gutter the front portion of Stubblefield. Mr. Powell asked if this meant that he would storm drain the ditch. If they do, where the storm drainage terminates, they should make a concrete swale into the ditch. Clayton Powell said that he had lived on Stubblefield; there is no drainage problem. Ervan Wimberly said that the intention is to dedicate streets, But instead of sidewalks on streets, they would like to put sidewalks on the back, all the way around, instead of having them on the street. Clayton Powell said that the Planning Commission would have to consider this. Mr. McWethy asked why he wants to do it that way. He wanted to know why he /03 Plat Review -6- August 5, 1976 doesn't go ahead and put in the sidewalks along the streets. Clayton Powell said that the maintenance of the sidewalks will be the responsi- bilities of the property owners --not the taxpayers. David McWethy asked what the common area in the upper left hand corner was. Mr. Wimberly said that just happened to be the shape of the property. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Said that if he does dedicate Masonic Drive, he has no objection to them going around back on sidewalks. They will need some street lights. He conferred with Bobbie Jones and he said it is their feeling that a reasonable spacing would be to put streetlights in the traffic island between Lots 23 and 24; on the West side of the street between Lots 25 and 26; in the island of the cul de sac between Lots 17 and 21; in the island of the cul de sac between Lots 31 and 27; on the West side of the street between Lots 32 and 31; in the island of the cul de sac between Lots 12 and 16; in the island of the cul de sac between Lots 36 and 32; on the West side of the street between Lots 36 and 37; in the island of the cul de sac between Lots 7 and 10; on the North side of the street between Lots 3 and 4; and on the North side of the street at the West edge of Lot 2. Mr. Wimberly suggested moving the one on the West side of Lot 2 and put it between Lots 2 and 3; and move the one between Lots 3 and 4 closer to the entrance of the Racquet Club. David McWethy said that he has no problem with doing that; put one at the Northeast corner of Lot 5 or the Northwest corner of Lot 6. Ervan Wimberly said that he will discuss that with the developer later. 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that he thinks that all the utility companies are in agreement on easements. Generally, everywhere it says "20 ft." they want "25 ft." In otherwords, the utility companies (electric, telephone, T.V. Cable, and gas) need the following easements: Increase the width of the easement between Lots 2 through 8 and Lot 1 to 25 ft. Increase the width of the easement between Lots 9, 10 and Lots 12, 13 to 25 ft. and extend it between Lots 11 and 12 all the way to the street. Increase the easement between Lots 15 and 18 (and extending slightly into Lots 16 and 17) to 25 ft. wide. Increase the width of the easement between Lots 20 and 22 (and extending slightly into Lot 21) to 25 ft. Add a 25 ft. easement down the West side of Lots 24, 25, and 26 and extending into Lot 27--25 ft. North of Lot 26 and 25 ft. East of the West line of Lot 26. East of this point, the easement along the South line of Lot 27 may remain 15 ft. (needed for street lights). West of the back lot line of Lot 26, increase the width of the easement along the South side of Lots 27 and 28 to 25 ft. Increase the width of the easement between Lots 30 and 33 (and extending slightly into Lots 31 and 32) to 25 ft. Increase the width of the easement between Lots 35, 36 and Lots 37, 38 to 25 ft. Make the 25 ft. building setback along the Northwest side of Lots 34 and 35 (along Masonic Drive) a 25 ft. utility easement also. Bobbie Jones commented that he may need to make Lot 31 smaller to give more buildable area to Lot 28. 10. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that he concurs with Mr. Crownover. He would make observation, however, concerning sidewalks. A gas meter on sidewalks would be a hazard at night; sidewalks should not be installed until all the utility lines are in. 11. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): Asked what kind of construction plans theyLI 0J • Plat Review -7- August 5, 1976 have. Mr. Wimberly said that they want to get under construction very soon -- within 3 or 4 weeks. Mr. Shaw said that there would be a minimum of 8 weeks before he can get cable. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator). Said that this does not indicate the number of dwelling units. Mr. Wimberly said that the maximum would be maybe 20 more dwellings. Possibly 3 -family units each on Lots 3-7. May possibly be 3 -family type condominiums. Lots 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 37, and 38, may be two-family dwellings (condominiums). Mrs. Jones asked what the easements between 13 and 14 and 8 and 9 were for. Mr. Wimberly said that those are drainage easements. Mrs. Jones said that he will need to identify all easements. He will need to make revisions they asked for, in the size of the ease- ments, and the street lights. She has to check to see if he is within the density for 58 units. He might want to identify Lot 1 as the "Racquet Club." Mr. Wimberly said that the Racquet Club is a private ownership. Bobbie Jones said that Paul Mattke's comments were that : "what he discussed with Mr. Wimberly was o.k.; his comments remained the same as before." 13. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Comments the same as expressed by Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. Crownover. 14. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present. (Comments are listed under Mrs. Jones statement): The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A. M. _o::: •