HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE • The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:05 A. M., Thursday, July 29, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Perry Franklin (arrived late - 9:30 A. M.), Steve Brown, Freeman Wood, Robin Northrop, Bruce Kendall (Representing County). UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: James Crownover, Frank O'Donnell, Harold Lee, "Boone" 'Carlon, Clyde Terry. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Phillip Warford, Neal Albright, Mr. Seabold (with Mr. Albright), Mr. Vanderlip (with Brennan -Boyd Construction Company), Mr. Bill Graue. • • 1 The first item to be discussed was the proposed Preliminary BILL GRAUE • Plat, submitted by Bill Graue. Preliminary Plat Mr. Bill Graue was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. His comment was that the street should be redesigned. 2. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. His comments were that there is no fire protection available, at the time, outside the City; however, they will service them on a call basis for a charge. 3. Mr. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present; will call in comments at a later time. 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. 5. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 6. Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): Said that Bobbie Jones' comments were as follows: 1) Each tract must have street access. 2) If sewer is unavailable, septic tank permits must be obtained. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that due to a mutual agreement between the County Planning Commission and the City Planning Commission, outside the City limits, all normal rules are to apply. General Kendall is present to comment. 8. Mr. Bruce Kendall (Representing the County): Said that this is really a preliminary, Preliminary Plat. What he is concerned about is the road off Highway 16, it comes in at two (2) 90 degree turns. The road on the South part is not involved, since it is a 10 -acre tract. We are talking about one access road, obviously, there is a line of trees Mr. Graue is trying to preserve. We will have to work out some type of a serpentine road, instead of 90 degree turns. Mr. Kendall said that he sees no problem working out the road situation.( 177 • 'J n3 Plat Review -2- July 29, 1976 It has to be ready for pavement. Mr. Clyde Terry asked where this is to be located. Mr. Kendall said that it is on the South side of the road; there is an entrance into the road by Tipton's Garage. Mr. Kendall said that 6 ft. right-of-way easements are required on each side of the road. Mr. Graue said that there will be an easement on both sides of the road. 9. Frank O'Donnell $ Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that as far as gas service is concerned, we will just simply work out each individual situation, and if easements are available along the road, we will work it out as it goes along. 10. "Boone" Carlon (Southwestern Bell): Has basically the same feelings as the gas company has. He plans on going underground. 11. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that they will probably want a 25 ft. easement to come from the back and go straight across (on the South side of the road), from the property line to the corner. 12. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that they will either work with the power company or the telephone company for easements. They do have a cable on West 16, that is available, so we will be able to serve that area. 13. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Asked if Mr. Graue had dead -ended the road, and if he was going to turn this South across the creek out of his land that sticks out at the South. Mr. Graue said that there is going to be a dead-end cul de sac there. Mr. Graue said that those are cut up in 3 -acre tracts. Paul Mattke said that they have talked about water and he thinks thatit is pretty well established that they will have to run a 6 -inch loop line here. Mr Graue said that he would rather have individual taps. Mr. Mattke said that this area will someday need fire protection and all the benefits that are involved with urbanization. Mr. Graue said that to run a 6 -inch line, would not be feasible. Mr. Mattke's comments were that he could not recommend this without making future provisions for fire protection. 14. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Wants to make it perfectly clear that there will not be any sanitation service provided. If it was annexed by the City, then'there would be service. He asked if the streets would be dedicated to the City (if annexed). Mr. Graue said that that would be between the City and the County, but right now it is for the County to decide on this. The next item to be discussed was the proposed MALCO THEATRE Large Scale Development of Malco Theatre. Large Scale Development No one was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): Said that this is located out by Lumberjack. He said that Bobbie Jones' comments were: • 1) They need a legal description and proof that the lot was created before June 29, 1970. 2) What is the seating capacity? Immediate? Eventual? They have enough parking spaces for 964 seats. /75 • • Plat Review -3- July 29, 1976 3) They have to check with the Inspection Department on the Sign Code. 4) Additional 5 ft. on each side of centerline is needed on Green Acres Road. 2. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. He commented that they will have to go by the Building Code. 3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Said that he has no comments. This is not in his territory. 4. "Boone" Carlon (Southwestern Bell): Said to notify the owner or developer that they have an underground conduit that runs underground four (4) lengths on the East side of the property. Freeman Wood asked if that was on the North College side. Mr. Carlon said "yes." 5. Frank O'Donnell $ Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas): Said that gas is available from Green Acres Road and they can work out of either location, when the time arises. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. This does not involve Warner Cable. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that water and sewer are indicated on Green Acres Road. The sewer tap will require street cut. He pointed out that if they want a sprinkler system, as they probably do, they only have a 6 -inch main on Green Acres Road 8. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Said that he would strongly encourage that they replant in the islands along Highway 71. He said that the Community Appearance Committee would be glad to work with them on planting along Highway 71; he also has a list of appropriate plantings that are applicable to Northwest Arkansas. He said that the Community Appearance Committee:is available for any consultation on planting that they may need. 9. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said that they need a container for their trash. They will also need to build a pad to place the container on. Mr. Brt wanted to know where the back of the building was going to be. Mr. Vanderlip (Brennan -Boyd Construction) said that he really doesn't know where the back entrance will be. Steve Brown said that it looks like the back entrance would be by the service drive, on the North side. Freeman Wood said that he understands that they want to start construction in a month, so they need to work this out. Wally Brt said that when they start, to give him a call, they need to get a 12' by 15' pad to set this container on -where it would be most convenient. Mr. Brt said that they can service it off Green Acres Road ; there would be no problem with the traffic. It needs to be at least 4 yards. He wants them to get in touch with him when they are ready to start construction. 10. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Wants to know if they can tell him whether the North property line abuts the dedicated Elm Street right-of-way between Green Acres and College Avenue. It is required that on large scale developments, the developers dedicate any additional right-of-way needed, to bring the street up to the Major Street Plan. If any additional dedication is needed, it would be measured from the centerline of the existing right-of-way and the property owner would be required to dedicate half of the additional easements. Freeman Wood said that there is none needed on College Avenue. • , •J� J Plat Review -4- July 29, 1976 Mr. Powell said that Green Acres Road does need 25 ft. from the centerline of the existing right-of-way, and even though Elm Street abuts this property on the North side, there will have to be improvements; that street has never been improved to current City Street Standards. An additional 5 ft. on the South side would have to be dedicated if they intend to go on with the Plat to meet with the current City Street Standards. Paul Mattke said that if they do abut that, they do have a sewer line there and they want to be sure that they don't damage that. Mr. Powell said that they do have 1 or 2 driveways, ingress and egress off College Avenue North. For these driveways, they need to obtain a permit from the State Highway Department's Engineer's Office, which you can obtain through Mr. Mattke, I request that you do not empty any on-site drainage out driveways --onto the street; that includes Highway 71. He said that they have indicated using a 12 -inch reinforced concrete pipe on site, but it is our exper- ience that anything less than 15 inches, will get full everytime a little water gets in. On Green Acres Road, they have 3 driveway accesses shown. Green Acres Road is not curbed and guttered and this presents a drainage problem there. On Poplar Street North,:theyindicated using a 24 -inch concrete pipe, in addition, I would recommend that they build head -walls, footings $ wingwalls.on each end of these driveways. They will need to obtain a permit from the State Highway Department's Engineer's Office, that should be accompanied with a drawing by an engineer. Other than that, if the rights-of-way meet street standards, he is happy to see another theatre. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. No comments. 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present; will call in comments later. 13. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Not present. The next item to be discussed was the proposed Large Scale PHILLIP J. WARFORD Development of Phillip J. Warford. Large Scale Development Mr. Phillip J. Warford was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. 2. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present; will call in comments later. 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): (Arrived late - 9:30 A. M.) Mr. Franklin's comments are listed under Clayton Powell's comments. 4. Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): Said that Bobbie Jones' comments were: 1) On parking, they cannot back into the street. 2) See Section 11, Article 7, Zoning Ordinance (Page 857). 3) They have already drawn up street easement. 5. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. He said that they need a fire plug in the area The closest one is by the City shops. 6. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): Asked what type of power they ' A • • •L, Plat Review -5- July 29, 1976_ need there. Mr. Warford said that they presents no problem. 7. "Boone" Carlon (Southwestern Bell): the telephone. already have 220. He said that this Said that there is no problem with 8. Frank O'Donnell $ Harold Lee (Arkansas Western no problem with the gas. Gas): Said that there is 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that they do have T.V. Cable service on Happy Hollow Road. He will check and see if he can reach them there. Mr. Warford said that it would not be necessary to have T.V. Cable. 10. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that water services are available from 13th Street. We do have a 2; inch line. He wanted to know if Mr. Warford would need any water services. Mr. Warford said "no." Mr. Mattke said that there is nothing he can do about fire protection, unless he wants it, and a main could be extended, at his cost. 11. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No continents. . 12. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Asked what they plan to put in there. Mr. Warford said that they will have a shredder. 13. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that the additional right- of-way dedication has been processed. This existing segment of 13th Street has been in use for 6 years, and it is nothing more than a "rut" in the ground. The map does not align with Happy Hollow Road and Ray Street, and it certainly would not be continued 90 degrees North and South. Also, on the North side portion of this street, no improvements have been made. 'It has been a problem of maintenance, as well as drainage. Some improvements should be made to the street to serve the facilities out there. We have gained two additional miles of gravel streets in the past 3 years by encroaching beyond the existing terminal points of the existing gravel streets -- with no improvements. Perry Franklin asked whose job it would be to name that (13th) street, because Mr. Warford brought up the question about naming 13th Street. Freeman Wood said that it would be up to the City Board. Mr. Warford said that he doesn't know what the reason would be for the "jog", it has always been there. The road has been known as Happy Hollow Road. Clayton Powell said that it is in between Ray Street and Happy Hollow Road, and it does align with some other streets. Paul Mattke said that Mr. Warford can write a letter, addressed to the City Manager's Office; it cannot be known as Happy Hollow Road --it is 13th Street. Freeman Wood said that he should bring this up with David McWethy (naming the street). The last item for discussion was the resubmitted NEAL ALBRIGHT Large Scale Development Plan of Jacob Stearns, known Large Scale Development as Kaber Commodities. This Large Scale Development Plan was brought back to the Plat Review Committee because of changes in the size and location of the buildings and the relocation of the storage tanks. Mr. Harold Lieberenz, Inspection Superintendent, suggested that this be processed again because of the extent of changes proposed. 1. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 75 Plat Review -6- July 29, 1976 2. Frank O'Donnell $ Harold Lee (Arkansas Western Gas): No comments. 3. '.'Boone" Carlon (Southwestern Bell): No comments. 4. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Company): No comments. 5. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. 6. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 8. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 9. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Said that his comments are the same as before. 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Said that they do not want cable service. 11. Freeman Wood (Building Inspector). Asked about this. Mr. Albright said that Mr. Harold Lieberenz, Inspection Superintendent, had suggested that he resubmit this Large Scale.Development.Plan of Jacob Stearns. He said that in the future, this will be known as Kaber Commodities. Mr. Albright said that he has sewer and water available. 12. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Said that the use of trash cans would be alright. 13. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Said that since the first discussion, it seems that San Francisco Rail Road, at one time, owned this property and the existing gravel street is not really a dedicated street; it is a private drive. He thinks it is the consensus of the Board members that they really don't want a dedication; let San Francisco Rail Road maintain it. Unless they do improve it, he does not want any dedication. Neal Albright said that it is the intentions, to close the driveway. Clayton Powell said that would be wonderful. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 A. M. • •