HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-15 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:05 A. M., Thursday, July 15, 1976, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Paul Mattke (arrived late -9:30 A.M.), Pat McGetrick (representing Clayton Powell), Wally Brt, Perry Franklin, Steve Brown, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Robin Northrop. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jerre Van Hoose. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Frank O'Donnell. The first item to be discussed was the proposed Preliminary AZALEA TERRACE Plat of Azalea Terrace, submitted by Jerry Sweetser. Preliminary Plat Jerre Van Hoose was present to represent. (A Preliminary Plat had been approved by the Planning Commission July 24, 1973, but that approval has expired). Comments were as follows: 1. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): wanted to know whether they would have T.V. Cable service. Mr. Van Hoose said he is not really certain if they plan to have T.V. Cable service or not. Mr. McWethy asked Mr. Van Hoose if he knew where the 50 ft. street right-of-way would intersect with Old Wire Road Mr. Van Hoose was not certain. Mr. McWethy asked if Mr. Sweetser had talked to Loris Stanton about the possibility of improving Colette.. Mr. Van Hoose said he did not know. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): asked what the green -belt area would be. Mr. Van Hoose said he does not really know; Mr. Sweetser bought both this property and Brookside East from Kelly Brothers. Mr. Steve Brown asked if Lot 35 will be a developed lot. Mr. Van Hoose said that all the space between the East boundary of 36 and the West boundary of 35 is extra -wide street right-of-way. Steve Brown asked if this is planned to be single-family dwellings, and if any duplexes are anticipated. Mr. Van Hoose replied that he believes it will be basically single-family residences. 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): asked if the street, Azalea Terrace, was going to extend into Brookside East. Mr. Van Hoose said that it would. Perry Franklin asked if Mr. Sweetser owns the right-of-way property. Mr. Van Hoose said he does own the right-of-way property. 4. Pat McGetrick (Assistant Street Superintendent): asked Mr. Van Hoose if he knew if Jerry Sweetser was planning on developing the 50 ft. street (Azalea Terrace) out to Old Wire Road. Mr. Van Hoose said "yes." Mr. McGetrick asked if he is going to develop Colette all the way through to Old Wire Road. Mr. Van Hoose said that Mr. Sweetser does not plan to improve Colette outside the subdivision. Mr. McGetrick said that Clayton Powell wants drainage carried to the boundary of the subdivision. Mr. McGetrick also said that one other thing to mention is sidewalks. In the near future, the City Board will consider an Ordinance that would require wheel -chair ramps on sidewalks at street intersections. Curb and gutters would then need to be built, so there will be ramps for wheel -chairs.; -on sidewalk. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): said that they would want to run gas from Old Wire Road down along Azalea Terrace. Mr. Van Hoose said that they l(9 • Plat Review July 15, 1976 would try to leave space on the East side for 10 ft. from curve and lot line. The biggest thing is that 15 ft. would be inadequate for easements. Mr. Van Hoose said that along the South easement, there won't be any water or sewer easements down there because all the sewer is outside. Is there any need for it to be larger than 15 ft.? Mr. O'Donnell said that the minimum would be 20 ft. along the South side of lots 23-40. A 10 ft. easement on the lot line between lots 7 P, 8, is needed. Mr. Van Hoose said that he would put 5 ft. on each side. Frank O'Donnell said that he will not need to be on the West side of Lots 1 P, 40 at all. Mr. Van Hoose said that power, telephone, and T.V. cable on the West side of Lots 1 P, 40 would be needed. 7. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): said that the only way he can get in is on the East end. Mr. Shaw said that on Lots 1-8 he needs 20 ft. easement on the North. On Lots 9 through 15, he needs 25 ft. easement on the North, and on lots 16 through 22, he needs 20 ft. Mr. Van Hoose said he thinks he'll make it 25 ft. along the North side from Lots 9 through 22. Mr. Shaw said that on the West side 20 ft. is needed along the West line of lots 1 $ 40. On the South side of lots 23-35, he needs 20 ft. ; he also needs 20 ft. on the East side of Lots 22 $ 23. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Arrived at 9:30 A.M. Asked Mr. Van Hoose if they plan to provide water and sewer. Everything looks fine at this stage; however, it does show storm drainage and sewer lines leaving this property, and not contained on this plat. Before we can accept lines, for occupance, we will need an easement on the plat or .to have a separate deed containing the description of the easement. Mr. Van Hoose said that the boundary line of the subdivision should be the centerline of the creek; and that is not the way this is drawn. Mr. Mattke said that the second point is flood control. Bobbie Jones said that a flood plain dedication is shown. Mr. Mattke said it needs to be part of the plat. Mr. Mattke said that we need a drainage easement of 25 ft. either side of the centerline of the creek. Bobbie Jones said that Mr. Sweetser is proposing to dedicate that to the City as "green belt She doesn't know if that means that it becomes the property of the City. Mr. Mattke said that all he is requesting is a 50 ft. easement for drainage; 25 ft. on either side of the creek, plus have an easement for a sewerline beyond that. Mr. Mattke personally feels that the City should obtain all parks. Mr. Van Hoose said that when you get ready to chanelize the creek, it will require 80 ft. Bobbie Jones said that might have to be worded differently. Mr. Van Hoose said he will revise the plat to show back of lot lines and centerline on subdivision. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): said that 4 -inch concrete monuments are needed at the subdivision corners. You might show them offset from centerline of creek; chanelization would remove them otherwise. Mr. Van Hoose asked what the policy (if street is extended East) would be for the developer of the property to the East. Would he be required to come back and break out the cul de sac? Bobbie Jones said "yes." Mr. Van Hoose asked if it would be desired to show this on the plat. Bobbie Jones said 50 ft. right-of-way should be extended from the end of the cul de sac to the end of the subdivision; they should shade that area (in excess of SO ft.) in some way. Bobbie Jones said that it is her suggestion that you show it as you are talking of; that the cul de sac be extended. She asked if the terrain was to be hilly or ordinary. She said that she thinks that whether or not the City wishes to accept, as public property, the "green -belt" area, will have to be answered by the City Board. We do need the adjacent property owners' signatures. We need a l70 • Plat Review -3- July 15, 1976 preliminary plat fee and an application. The Subdivision Ordinance limits dead-end streets to a length of 500 feet; one is 550 ft. and the other is 650 ft., so that will need to be waived by the Planning Commission. Do move your building setback line on Lot 8, 25 feet from Colette. We need a waiver on the space between street lights. The one on the corner of Azalea Terrace and Magnolia Drive is 330 ft. from the one between Lots 32 and 33. He needs 3 street lights outside the subdivision on Azalea Terrace. He also needs one on Colette at the Northwest corner of Lot 9. Sidewalks and streetlights may be on the same side of the street, but I do not want streetlights in sidewalks. You might darken street right-of-way line between Lots 35 and 36. Do you know the size of Lot 39? On the final plat we want each of the lots clearly dimensioned. Most of them are -- with the exception of the West side of Lot 40 and Lots 36-40 are not clearly dimensioned. Lot 35 has no dimension. We also want dimensions on the East end of Lots 22 ? 23. We want there to be no question about lot size or the location of the easements. Mr. Van Hoose asked about getting this on to the Planning Commission. Bobbie Jones said that if he can make the changes requested and if he can get the adjacent property owners' signatures and get the fee and application to her by July 20, it could go to the Planning Commission the 26th of July. We would like a black -line print.or one print $ borrow your tracing. She asked if he was doing any improvement of Colette from the North Lot line of 9? Mr. Van Hoose said "no." Is that gravel now? Mr. Van Hoose said it is gravel. She said Loris Stanton had been required to contribute one-half the cost of bringing Colette up to standards, along his subdivision. 10. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present, but had no comments. 11. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Not present. 12. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present, no comments. 13. Mr. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present, will call in comments later. The second item to be discussed was the Large BARGO ENGINEERING Scale Development Plan of Bargo Engineering. Large:Scale:Devel'opment 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): said that the Community Appearance would be available for consultation on appropriate plants for the area. 2. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): No comments. 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): said they will have to work something out to get to the high-pressure gas line to the Northwest. He was unsure how far it is to that line. Mr. O'Donnell said that he also needs to know their gas requirements. 5. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell): No comments. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): said that he has already talked to the Chamber of Commerce. Sewer service is not directly available on their property. What they will be installing will be a package sewer pump station that will pump it across the creek to the existing sewer. Water is 127 Plat Review -4- July 15, 1976 available in unlimited quantities. (These comments were given at a later time --he was not present). 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): said that he does not know what they want. Bobbie Jones saidit is a tool & die.company. Mr. Brt said that he wants them to put a container there. He cannot pick up any real rigid metal.. He imagines that they will probably salvage their scrap and sell it to Ozark Steel. They will need a 12' by 15' reinforced concrete pad to set the container on, and if there are any questions, they can contact him. 8. Pat McGetrick (Assistant Street Superintendent): Does not want on- site drainage to be emptied into Armstrong Street. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fite Chief): No comments: 10. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present; no comments. 11. Clyde' Terry (Warner Cable): Not present. 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present. 13. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): A lot split must be processed. Parking spaces: number is sufficient to meet ordinance, but must be paved. Setbacks are not shown. Minimums are: front - 100 ft.; side - 50 ft.; rear - 25 ft.; from centerline of easement - 25 ft. One truck berth (minimum size is 10' wide, 30' long, 14' high) is required. Article 7, Section 15 requires: "(a) The first ten feet of depth of required front yards and of required rear yards facing a street and the first ten feet of width of a required exterior yard shall be permanently maintained in suitable landscaping, a plat of the design of which shall be filed with the Planning Administrator prior to the issuance of building permit. (b) All open portions of any.lot shall have adequate grading and drainage, and shall be continuously maintained in a dust -free condition, by suitable landscaping with trees; shrubs, or planted ground cover, or by paving with asphaltic concrete, rock, portland cement, concrete, or other resilient materials. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 A. M. 1‘.