HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-24 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:05 A. M., Thursday, June 24, 1976, n the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Steve Brown, Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Perry Franklin, Paul Logue, Bobbie Jones, Robin Northrop. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Boone Carlon, Kenneth Wagner. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Ray McElhaney, Larry Smith, Wade Bishop. The first item to be discussed was the proposed site of Dr. Buckley $ Dr. Hart for Doctors' Offices, to be located on the Southeast corner of Leverett and North. Drs, Buckley $ Hart Southeast corner of Leverett & North Larry Smith, with Warren Segraves Architect Firm, was present to represent. 1. Boone Carlon (Southwestern Bell): Does not have many comments. He wants to ascertain that this is a piece of property North of Skull Creek Apartments; does not see any problems. 2. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We do have a 3 -inch line on the East side of Leverett. One thing I was wondering about is if it is a convenient spot for a gas meter to set. I recommend running a casing under the blacktop and setting the meter near the building. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I think this is a very desirable location for a Doctors' building. North Street is proposed to be widened to 4 lanes, each 12 ft. wide. Being a collector (or higher designation) street, that requires sidewalks on both sides. The construction of the North Street project will go from the bridge East of Leverett Avenue, adjacent to the Tune Construction Office, to the intersection of Garland. They will have four 12 ft. lanes, in addition, there will be turn radii at the corners which will require additional right-of-way, therefore, plan utilities and setbacks accordingly. This is a large scale development; other important thing pertinent to the Street Department is drainage, sidewalks, and street lights. There is presently no drainage built into the North Street intersection and drainage just comes down the hill and out onto the street; control your on-site drainage so that this does not happen with your development. Driveways can be a maximum of 40 ft. in width measured from radius to radius points. Driveways must be 50 feet from street intersections; minimum distance between individual driveways is 25 feet. I am certain beyond any doubt that every utility on North Street and Leverett Street on this S.E. corner is going to have to be relocated. Leverett is classified as a collector.street. There are no funds to widen it. We need dedication of right-of-way to provide 30 ft. from the centerline of the existing right-of-way on Leverett. We need minimum right-of-way dedication for North Street in the amount of 40 ft. from the centerline of the existing right-of-way. • • 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have not gotten the property descriptions yet for the right-of-way the State needs. What will your lower floor elevation be in relation to ground? Ground elevation is 94; lower floor is 96. Sewer is very shallow; not even 2 feet deep in places --actually only 6 inches deep. This is a real problem. It floods when it rains. It is urgent that you get your water and sewer taps and utility connections done before the street construction, because we will not cut that street once it is paved. There is a sewer lift station on North Street, it has been there since 1906 and there will be odors from it. l Se va Plat Review -2- June 24, 1976 5. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Asked what the piece of property was zoned and what will be there. Larry Smith said it zoned R-0, and that they ,y plan to construct Doctors' Offices. Larry Smith said that they plan to landscape this quite heavily. The Community Appearance Committee is available to suggest any appropriate planting. Larry Smith said that it should be a very nicely developed project. 6. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): There is plenty of parking space. There will be a two-phase traffic signal at that intersection. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): This 20 ft. driveway needs to be a little bit wider; I am concerned about breaking up the curb on sanitation pick-up. I would suggest you widen drive to 30 feet; 20 feet is not wide enough. You need a container -I suggest a concrete slab 12 by 15 ft. to set the container on. Location of pad was discussed to determine how it could best be serviced. 8. Paul Logue (Assistant Fire Chief): No comments. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): There is some conflict between their survey and the Plat Book. The Plat Book shows SO feet and the survey shows 60 feet. right-of-way on North Street. The Plat Book shows 50 ft. and survey shows 40 ft. on Leverett; 30' from centerline is requited. There is an existing 50 feet of right-of-way on North Street. We need an additional 15 feet of right-of-way on both the North and South sides. Any part of the structure over 30 inches high must be 30 feet from right-of-way, without parking between, and 50 feet with parking between. You are o.k. on setbacks on West and South; on the East we have a minimum setback of 15 feet and that should be increased if the building exceeds a height of 20 feet; 45 parking spaces are required. You have more than enough parking spaces. The only problem I see is the requirement of 25 ft. setback for parking from street right-of-way; you may request a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Also, if you dedicate 15 ft. of right-of-way for North Street, then the building roof overhang cannot be closer to that right-of-way than 30 ft. without parking. Mr. Smith determined that the building would either have to be moved 9 ft. to the South, or a variance would be needed. We need dedication of right-of-way before we can issue a building permit. I would like a revision that shows the changes asked for on the width of the driveway and trash location, and if they are going to appeal setback of parking to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Larry Smith said he would talk to Ed Connell about the amount of right-of-way the State needs. 1 44 • :1 Plat Review June 24, 1976 The second item for discussion was a large scale development plan for a mini -storage building plan for Cy Carney, West of South School Avenue. CY CARNEY West of South School Avenue Large Scale Development Ray McElhaney was present to represent Mr. Cy Carney. Comments were as follows: 1. Ray McElhaney: Stated that the property is located South of Goff Warehouse. He stated that Mr. Carney only wants outside mercury vapor lights; he does not want any other utilities. He said that the building would be of masonry block -- no wood would be involved. This would have a Type B, 20 year built-up roof. He said that the private road which runs South of Mr. Quick (comes out on Hwy. 71B) is the main entrance to the property. 2. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Stated that we really need to get the road shown on the map. There is no lot -split needed. The West 400 feet of the property is zoned I-1, the balance of the property is C-2; the proposed warehouse is in I-1 zone. If they wanted a sign, they would need to check with the Inspec- tion Department. The Zoning Ordinancerequires that this property needs to have some kind of public street frontage, therefore, a description or sketch of the other property is needed. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The only thing he had to comment on was that when Goff Warehouse was built they left the creek in awful condition. When they do any filling, they need to smooth it out and rip -rap along the creek. They also need to be sure to control on-site drainage so that it does not empty out on private street. 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Wants to know about the Flood Plain Study. Mr. McElhaney stated that there are no flood problems. 5. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. (not present) 6. Boone Carlon (Southwestern Bell): No comments. 7. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No comments. 8. Paul Logue (Assistant Fire Chief): No comments. 9. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present; will call in comments later. 11. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Have water and sewer both on Highway 16 (15th Street) and Highway 71B. We have a sewer main paralleling the creek and running right through this property They must not build over either the sewer line or the easement. Those are mayor lines and we will be coming back along there in the future with an even larger sewer main. 12. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Stated that the proposed driveways and curb cuts be shown on the site location map. He also wants a vicinity map. O • Plat Review June 24, 1976 The last item for review was the proposed final plat WADE BISHOP of Bishop Addition, Unit 2. The Preliminary Plat for Bishop Addition #2 both Unit 1 and Unit 2 had been approved at the same time. Water, sewer, and street plans had also been submitted on the entire development when Unit 1 was developed. 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Left early; gave comments to Bobbie Jones. He said that he had already approved the water and sewer plans and that the approval still stands. If they want to deviate from the approval plans, they would need to consult with him. 2. Boone Carlon (Southwestern Bell): Asked Mr. Bishop if he would start building right away. Mr. Bishop stated that he would. Mr. Boone said that as far as he could tell, this is fine with Southwestern Bell. 3. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Asked how much of this would be developed. Mr. Bishop said that all of this property shown was for immediate development. He also asked if Mr: Bishop knew of any further future plans to the North or West. Mr. Bishop said that the West would not develop soon and that he did not know the person to the North, but that that property had been up for sale for quite some time 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): If there is a 40 foot radius constructed on cul de sacs, then there will be no problems. 6. Paul Logue (Assistant Fire Chief): He asked if Mr. Bishop had any plans for fire hydrants. Mr. Bishop stated that they would be on same location as they are on Peg Lane. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): This final Plat has changed the names of the Westerly Streets in Blocks 1, 2, and 3, which is of minor significance. The ordinance requires sidewalks to extend completely around cul de sacs and future street easements. That pertains to the North end of Susan Carol Street and Sunny Lane. I would recommend to the Planning Commission to carry cul de sacs to property line rather than make a requirement on future developers to build 100 feet of street before they can start building to the North. There is a collector street across the South end of the existing Peg Lane, and it is in the preliminary planning stage in connection with a large scale development to the South of this property. That development needs three (3) exits, the existing access is Villa Boulevard. He proposes two things: 1). Dedications of right-of-way instead of easement for the collector streets, at this time, and; 2) Planning Commission to make ruling if Mr: Bishop should participate in the construction of the collector street on the South side of his property. He felt it important to get this participation. We cannot continue on a "hit or miss" basis. I reserve future comments when I see future plans. Bobbie Jones stated that what they would like to do is start construction before they file the final plat. Mr. Powell said that as soon as the Planning Commission rules on those points he requested, he will review the street plans. The 12 inch drain pipe will give problems; it will have to be enlarged to a 15 inch diameter. Plat Review June 24, 1976 8. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No comments. 9. Floyd Horhaday (SWEPCO): Not present -will call comments in later. 10. Bobbie .Jones :Planning • Administrator): Stated that they need street lights at the North end of the cul de sacs and possibly at the South end also. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A. M. ( • • •