HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-03 MinutesThe Fayett June 3, 19 Fayettevil CITY REPRE MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING evi,lle Plat Rev 76,. in the Dire le, Arkansas. iew .Committee met at 9;15 A..M.,. ctors Room,. City Administration Thursday, Building, SENTATIVES PRESENT: David McWethy; Steve Brown, Perry Franklin, Pat McGetrick, Bobbie Jones, Larry Wood. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell, Dick Shaw, Clyde Terry, James Crownover. Tom Harding, Ervan Wimberly, William Meadows. The first item for discussion was a large scale development plan Campbell Soup, 1100 West 15th Street, for two expansions. Tom Harding was present to represent Campbell Soup. Comments were as follows: 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. for CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY 1100 West 15th Street Large Scale Development 2. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Asked for an explanation of the proposed expansions. Mr. Harding said that the immediate expansion was for the dry storage and warehouse area to be added onto the East side of the existing building. They proposed to add a turkey processing operation onto the Westside of the building sometime soon. Bobbie Jones said that she and Mr. Lieberenz had studied this and were prepared to clear the warehousing area under the present I-1 Zoning, but that the property would have to be rezoned before they could clear the turkey processing addition. That rezoning is scheduled for June 14, 1976. Mr. McWethy had no further comments. 3. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Asked about type of construction. Mr. Harding said that from the street the appearance would match the rest of the building. Most of it would be concrete block construction with aluminum panel facing on the street side. He said they did not expect to employ any more people in connection with the expansion. 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO); Not:present. No: conents-submitted. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): There is a problem in the location of your gas meter. The existing high pressure gas line would be under the new warehouse. We can relocate that line and meter; there would be some expense to you for us to do so. There will be some down time for you also. Mr. Harding said they would like to start construction on the warehouse the first of July. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We have I see no problems. telephone service in there. 8. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. They are not interested in TV cable. 9. Wally Brt. (Sanitation Superintendent) Not:present but...Submitted the following comments prior to the meeting: They just recently put a stationary compactor in with 5 containers. I want to be sure I have adequate room (as much as I now L r Plat Review Committee -2- June 3, 1976 have or more) to pick up the containers. The containers are rolled out onto the dockon the back of the main building, My only concern is that they keep adequate outside maneuvering room for me. Mr. Harding said the proposed expansions would not interfere with that in any way, 10. Pat McGetrick (Assistant Street Superintendent): My plat book shows an existing street right-of-way of 50 ft. There is a requirement on the Major Street Plan for 80 ft., or 15 more feet on each side. Bobbie Jones gave Mr. McGetrick copies from her file of right-of-way dedications to the Arkansas Highway Department. These were to be checked out to see if perhaps they had not already dedicated enough right-of-way. 11. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present, but submitted the following comments later: I need to know if they will have any increased demands on fire protection or any increase in water and sewer service and'how much of an increase. I need to know both quantities and qualities on sewer. The next item discussed was the preliminary plat for the SUMMER HILL proposed Summer Hill, a planned unit development and Preliminary Plat subdivision. to be located North of Stubblefield Road and Subdivision $ PUD East of Alice Street and Masonic Drive and being developed by Helen Edmiston, Claude Prewitt and William Meadows. Ervan Wimberly, with McClelland Engineers, and William Meadows were present to represent the proposal. They explained that there is also a large scale development accompanying this which would develop indoor and outdoor tennis courts, a swimming pool, handball court, and club house for use not only of the residents of Summer Hill, but also for use by the public. Comments were as follows: • 1. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): If these are to be private streets, we must have written authorization to use those streets to furnish sanitation service. Ervan Wimberly explained that the developers had planned them to be private drives; however they planned to reserve sufficient room for a 50 ft. right-of- way, in case they wanted to dedicate them as public streets in the future. He said they might be builtto minimum street standards now, but they are presently thinking of building them narrower than required for public streets. 2. Larry•Wood (Planning Consultant)•: •Will you have a property owners' association for maintenance of common areas? Mr. Wimberly said they would have and that they would probably have to execute the agreement asked for by Wally Brt to also cover fire, police, emergency, and sanitation services. They still need to work out the details on this, because water and sewer will also have to get in to service their utilities. He said they are "trying to get moving" on Lot 1 on which they propose to build Summer Hill Racquet Club; the details about the agreement and such will all have to be ironed out later. 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Are any of the proposed extensions of streets in Rolling Meadows Subdivision which we considered a week ago supposed to line up as an intersection with the streets or private drives in this subdivision. It was explained to him that this property does not extend as far East as Loxley and that Elizabeth cannot • • • Plat Review Committee -3- June 3, 1976 extend through ..because.there is already a house .built on a lot in a direct line with. it. Mr. McWethy asked about sidewalks. Mr. Wimberly said they have tried to arrange sidewalks along the back lot lines in some cases and in front in some cases, but not necessarily along the streets. He said there would be pedestrian ways provided in some manner. Mr. McWethy pointed out that the subdivision ordinance does require sidewalks in some way or another. Mr. McWethy asked about street lights which he felt should be required. He said he thought that rather than the City having to pay the monthly bill on those, that the property owners' association should pay it if these are not to be public streets. He did feel they should be installed with the spacing according to the subdivision regulations. He•said he could not think of any other place in town where the City pays the street lighting bill for a private development and that the "telling point" he considered to be whether or not these are dedicated public streets. Mr. McWethy said it might be better if they just build the streets to minimum Citystreet standards and dedicate them as public streets. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): What type of development will this be? Mr. Wimberly explained that it will be residential dwellings, possibly duplexes and maybe a tri-plex in the area close to the Racquet Club. He said the number of lots shown indicated the total number of residences proposed, but that the sizes of the lots might shift some.. Mr. Wimberly said they might leave out a lot line on the final plat; for example, so that a duplex could be built on Lots 5 and 6. He said they have not selected any names for the internal streets. He told Mr. Brown that the indoor and outdoor tennis courts, swimming pool, handball court, etc. would not be limited to use by the residents of Summer Hill. They propose 8 tennis courts altogether; 4 initially. 5. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): I would like for the street names to continue through on Alice Street and Masonic Drive. 6. Pat McGetrick (Assistant Street Superintendent): Even though you are planning to have these as private streets at this time, I would like to see them have a 50 ft. street right-of-way.and be built to street standards, because I have a feeling that the way this is going to be built and developed the City will eventually have to take them over. If they are not dedicated and built to street standards at this time, I would like some provision that if the City does have to take them over, the property owners' association will have to bring the streets up to standards. Mr. Wimberly said this is why they had planned to go on and have 50 ft. of right-of-way now so as to avoid any problems 5 or ten years from now. Mr. Wimberly said they do plan to tie into Alice Street and will provide cross drainage there. He said all the drainage is to the South at Alice Street; but at Masonic it is at a breaking point and he thought they might could get by without any drainage. Mr. McGetrick told him to reduce the amount of water flowing to the South as much as possible. Mr. McGetrick said at the Northeast corner where they are showing drainage boxes to dedicate a drainage easement across there, so, if in the future this is given to the City, the City can work it into the channel there. All utility and drainage easements must be at least 25 ft. wide. He asked if they plan to upgrade Masonic Drive and Mr. Wimberly said they do not at this time. Mr. McGetrick thought Masonic would probably carry most of the traffic going to the Racquet Club from outside the subdivision even though: it is not paved. Mr. Meadows said they estimate that 95% of the people going to the Racquet Club will use Stubblefield Road. Mr. McGetrick asked if they plan to improve Stubblefield Road in any way at this time. 155 • Plat Review Committee -4- June 3, 1976 Mr. Wimberly said all they plan to do is to. dedicate 25 ft. of right-of- way from the present centerline. Their deed reads to the North line of a 30 ft. road indicating only 30 ft. of existing right-of-way. He said they do not now plan any curb or guttering along Stubblefield Road. Mr.McGetrick said that if they do decide to curb and gutter the North side of Stubblefield Road, the City would probably participate in the widening of Stubblefield Road along their property line. The City would like to have it widened, as it is only 16 or 18 ft. wide now. If they don't widen it, they need to watch the turn radii where they intersect Stubblefield to keep cars from crossing over into the oncoming traffic lanes when entering Stubblefield. Mr. Wimberly said they plan to have a wide, fancy type entrance. 7. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Since. all of us utilities expect to be in the same easement, -we feel we'need 25 ft. wide easements on just about all the easements. You indicated you might want to get service to Lot 1 first. This would be easier for us. We have a line just on the South side of Masonic drive which we could extend on North and serve you from that easement to the West there. We can initiate extension contracts for the whole thing or for part of'it now. Down in the Southeast corner of Lot 13 we need to put a very small regulator setting just the same size as the meter'so we can tap our existing line down there and just come up that easement. Mr. O'Donnell asked if they would pave the streets and get them ready at the time they built the clubhouse as he would need'to get street crossings in first. He said if there is a 4 ft. sidewalk in those 25 ft. wide easements, that further restricts the utilities on repair and maintenance. Mr. Wimberly asked if they could have narrower easements if the telephone and TV cable were both laid in the same trench. Clyde Terry with Warner Cable explained that they had tried this in the past, but the various utilities could not all get their cable in at the same time. Mr. Wimberly asked about burying a conduit with the lines to be pushed .or pulled through at a later time when the cable came in. It was explained to him that this was much more expensive. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Mr. O'Donnell did not specify the exact easements on which we need 25 ft. width, but they are: The easement on the East side and the one on the West side, the easement coming in off Stubblefield Road on the West side'and back to the West on that easement, the easement between Lots 19 and 20, and the main easement on the back of the center lots. There are a couple of other easements on which we don't need 25 ft.; also I think 15 ft. on the North side is wide enough. I need an easement in the middle of Lot 1 to your clubhouse, because if you blacktop these courts or something like that. We will need a 1 -inch plastic conduit in that easement.into the clubhouse. We also need an easement East-West between Lots 14, 15, 16 and Lots 17 F, 18. I need the subdivision (plat) before I can serve the clubhouse. If we don't have cable in before you pave the streets, call us. If I set up my terminal and line layouts according to this plat and you drop a lot somewhere it throws all my terminal locations off. We have to have lead time of nearly 3 months to order the cable. Mr. Wimberly said he thought they could get all the lot lines tied down before the time they filed the final plat. • • 8 Plat Review Committee -5- June 3, 1976 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric); You want all utilities underground. We have the same problem as the other utilities in getting to the clubhouse. We also need a conduit to the Racquet Club. We can probably come from the West on this also. We would like to have the architect plans for the electrical layout on the clubhouse showing all the electrical loads. We need an easement between Lots 11 and 12; if no one else is in it, it can be 15 ft. wide. We also need 15 ft. between Lots 2 and 3 and between Lots 34 and 35. The developer puts our conduit in. I think we have enough cable on hand. I can give you street crossings. Mr. Wimberly said the street layout and general layout would not change, but they might vary some of the individual lot lines so he thought it best to wait before committing themselves on exactly where they would cross the streets. Mr. Crownover said he had to have somewhere to get to the back line and would cross between Lots 28 and 29 over to Lots 19-20 and between Lots 11 and 12 and Lots 14 and 17. They will also cross the West side of Lot 24. 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable); The easements covered will be sufficient. I have the same problem with the clubhouse. I need a 1 -inch plastic conduit alongside the telephone line. I will probably have to build a line to serve the subdivision before I can serve the clubhouse. Without the subdivision, I doubt if I can get to the clubhouse to serve it. I would also like to be notified in time to get conduit under the streets before they are paved. We would like to discourage some of these large developments that put these in and build houses in opposite corners of the subdivision just to get utilities in; then the rest of the lots set there for years. We want them to have a portion of that thing almost complete,and. what I just mentioned costs the utilities a lot of money. 11. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present, but submitted the following comments later: They have a problem with fire protection. The water line on Nolan is only a 4 -inch line. The line on Stubblefield is only 2; -inch. They will need to come down to the intersection of Bertha and Stubblefield with an 8 -inch line in order to get to a water main of large enough size to provide fire protection for this subdivision. The water main would need to extend along the North side of Stubblefield from their intersection with Stubblefield down to the intersection of Bertha. I would -suggest that they go to the sewer main on Masonic Drive rather than the one on Alice Street because it has more capacity. Mr. Wimberly explained that one reason the developers were thinking of having private streets initially was because of the financing costs. Mr. McGetrick said he could see where, if the property owners' association wants to disband and have the City take over the streets, they should be brought up to standards. Otherwise it would just be a way to circumvent the subdivision regulations and street standards. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): We need the signatures of adjoining property owners of unsubdivided property. Any buildings other than single family residences or duplexes in this subdivision will have to be located 100 ft. from outside lines of the subdivision with the present zoning. Mr. Wimberly said they are actually only planning duplexes. The next item discussed was related to the one just SUMMER HILL RACQUET CLUB Opreviously discussed. It was the Summer Hill Racquet Large Scale Development Club, a conditional use and large scale development, (William N. Meadows) to be located on Lot 1 of Summer Hill Subdivision. Plat Review Committee -6- June 3, 1976 Some of the comments pertinent to this were included in the foregoing comments on the subdivision. Again Mr. Wimberly and Mr. Meadows represented the proposal. Comments not previously given were as follows: 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): You might consider flopping the layout of the indoor and outdoor tennis courts with the relationship of their location to Lots 42 and 43.. Mr. Wimberly said the east half of the first four outdoor courts would probably be the first to be expanded into indoor courts. He said it was planned so that you could look down onto the indoor courts from the upper level of the clubhouse. It was pointed out that the indoor courts would be a very large'building. Mr. Wood said he would prefer the quietness of the indoor courts to the lights and noise of the outdoor courts near his residence. Mr. Meadows said there would be a cut-off time for when the games would have to stop. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): We need to set a container somewhere around the clubhouse. If we can come right straight in off the proposed street and set it'where it says."clubhouse" and delete 2 parking spaces we can get to it. I need a concrete pad 12 ft. by 15 ft. Some of the other Plat Review members thought it'would be more desirable to have it somewhere to the East of the swimming pool so it would be out of sight. Mr. Meadows said he was thinking of having more parking to the East. (Note: the developer should contact Mr. Brt further about the location of the pad, as the trucks to serve the containers require a certain amount of minimum maneuvering room). Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Based on the proposed development shown, you need a total of 31 parking spaces. These do not all have to be developed at once, if the development is being done in stages, but each stage should have enough parking spaces to meet the requirements for that particular development. The parking spaces must be sealed with a durable and dustless surface which is considered to be either asphalt or double chip and oil seal. You need State Board of Health approval on swimming pool any food facilities in clubhouse Paul Mattke (City Engineer): No problems provided he has water and sewer service. (Not at meeting; comments submitted later). Mr. Williams said his architect on this project is to be John Gerard of Little Rock. Mr. Crownover told him they could not put their cable under a building. The last item discussed was a revised preliminary plat of Bassett Place, a commercial subdivision. to be located North of Stearns Road and East of North College Avenue (Highway 71 North). Mr. Wimberly also represented this. Comments were as follows: BASSETT PLACE Revised Pre. Plat 1. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent). Planning Commission would have to waive the minimum jog distance on the street intersection at Stearns Road. Mr. Wimberly said the reason for this revision was that the Bureau of Public Roads (Federal) had denied the previously planned access point into Stearns Road. This proposal gets outside the federal right-of-way. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I will work with them when they decide what type buildings and their use there will be in this subdivision. I either need a 30 ft. by 40 ft. turn around at the end of the street or they will have to design their driveways so I can come in one and go out another, or if they have a 40 ft. radius on the cul de sac, the smaller trucks can turn in it. • • 1 • • Plat Review Committee -7- June 3, 1976 3. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant); No comments. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 5. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): I would like to have on the plat a statement that there will be limits of no access from the beginning of the frontage road around Lot 8 to the East boundary, so Lot 8 would have access only to the frontage road. I would also like to see them close that "straight -in shot" on Stearns to Joyce and make that a 90° turn. That's going to be a terrible intersection. Mr. Wimberly said Lot 3 has access presently from the A.H.D. to Highway 71, but they have already agreed to close that at the time the frontage road is built. Ozark Windows is not involved in this plat. 6. Pat McGetrick (Assistant Street Superintendent): Our comments will be the same as those made on the previous plat. 7. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We will extend North from Stearns Road in the easement along the East side of frontage road. We will make 2 street crossings: one to serve Lots 3 and 4 and one to serve Lots 1 and 2. 8. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Request that easement along the East side of frontage road be 25 ft. wide as we will all be in that. I also need a 25 ft. wide easement along the South and West sides of the subdivision. I also need a 25 ft. wide easement on the South side of Lot 3, running from Highway 71 for the depth of the Ozark Window property. I will serve Lots 1 through 4 from Highway 71 and Lots 5 through 8 from frontage road. 9. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I need a 15 ft. easement from the Southeast corner of Lot 7 to apoint 1S ft. West of the Northeast corner of Lot 8. 10. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): The electrical service boundary is the section line which splits Lots 8 and 1. We need a 25 ft. wide easement along the South side of Lot 3 all the way across to frontage road During discussion it was decided that service to the lots on the West side would be underground and service to the lots on the East side would be overhead. They would then have 3 phase service underground to the West part of the subdivision. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Show setbacks from Highway 71. Show limits of no access from Highway 71 ROW to Lots 1 through 4. 12. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not present but submitted the following comments later: Their legend indicates all the lots are for future development. This seems strange. The legend also shows all subdivision corners are highway ROW markers. I question the safety factor of the street jog as shown. It is not dimensioned, but it does not appear to meet the requirements. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A.M. 151