HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-20 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review -Committee met at 9:00 A;M:.,'Thursday; May 20, 1976, in the Directors. Room; City-Administration.Building; Fayetteville, Arkansas. 11) CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT; Clayton Powell; Wally Brt, Steve Brown, Harold Lieberenz; Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Robert Love, Jerry Thompson. The only item for consideration at this meeting was a OZARK FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. proposed. large-scale development plan for Ozark Forest (a division of Love Box Co) Products, Inc., a division of Love Box Company to construct 833 Beechwood Ave. a new pallet manufacturing building on Beechwood Avenue. Present to represent the development plan were Robert Love of Ozark Forest Products and Jerry Thompson of Mid -West Steel. Comments and requirements were as follows: • Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): We have no problems now. We can work out any we may have in the future. If they want to install some conduit, they can give us a call. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): They are not requesting TV cable service; therefore I have no comments. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): We have no problems. Gas service is available. I hope they do get converted to gas usage sometime in the future. Mr. Thompson suggested that if Ozark Forest Products plans to change over to gas in the future, it would be best to go on and install the gas lines in the floor before it is poured. Mr. O'Donnell agreed that it could be "sleeved" now or come in above grade at this time. Clayton Powell.(Street Superintendent): I see no problems. Beechwood Avenue is designated as a minor street on the Major Street Plan. Your development plan indicates there is already 50 ft. of right-of-way, which is what is required. Control your on-site drainage. I do not know what the resolution to the requirement for dustless parking areas will be; the Planning Commission has been wrestling with that for some time. Design your parking lot so that you do not have drainage emptying out driveways onto the street surfaces. Robert Love told Mr. Powell that they presently have a parking lot near Highway 62 which is surfaced with big chunks of gravel and they do not have any plans at this time to put in any parking facilities South of the railroad track. Mr. Powell asked if they would have a driveway from Beechwood Avenue to the new building and Mr. Love said they- would have. Mr. Powell then advised them that, even though Beechwood Avenue does not have a curb, it would be necessary for them to obtain driveway and curb cut permits through. the City Engineer's office. For commercial and industrial usage they are permitted a 44 ft. wide driveway with.a minimum of 25. ft. between driveways.. A minimum tile size for underdraining driveways is 15" diameter. ,If you have a consulting engineer, he should compute the runoff and the tile size above 15", if it needs to be larger than 15" diameter. 'Based'on my familiarity with the area and the amount of drainage, I would recommend you use an 18" drain tile;. The drainage here is from North to South.. You might have to have some ditch grading to get the 491 Plat Review Committee -2- May 20, 1976 tile installed. It is your responsibility since this.is a.new.structure, but then the cleaning and.so_forth.becomes.:our.responsibility beyond the driveway. 5. Wally Brt.(Sanitation Superintendent):.. Wearepresently picking up your trash from cans at two different locations on the property. I would suggest that you consider purchasing a Lo—Dal container for your entire area It would be much neater and would be easier for both your employees and for us. Mr. Brt expressed concern that his trucks might tear down some lines if they continue to pick up at the present locations. Mr. Love questioned whether they have enough trash to warrant the purchase of a container. He offered to have his employees relocate the cans they are now using and to put them out near the street on the East side of the property. Mr. Brt stated this would be fine with'.him. • 6. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): What type building do you propose and what will be its height? Mr. Thompson advised him the new building would be a painted metal building, 16 ft. high at the sidewalls and 28 ft. high to the peak of the roof. Mr. Brown had no further comments. • 7. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Not present. No comments. 8. Floyd Hornaday (Southwestern Electric Power Company): Not present. Will call comments in later. Mr. Love said they had discussed the proposalwith the electrical people. He said with the three transformers they presently have, they should have sufficient power for the new plant. They, will have to move all the electrical boxes from the existing warehouse down to the new plant about 200 ft. to the South. He said he did not know if that will require some new poles to run those lines overhead, or whether they will want to put them underground. He said a lot of power will not be needed in the old building, as it will only be used for warehousing. It is not a question of increasing electrical capacity as much as it is just relocating what they have. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present. No problems. Mr. Love asked about water facilities. He said they do plan to fully sprinkle the building for insurance purposes. 10, L Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Not.present, but submitted the following comments later in the day: Our records indicate that we have an 8 -inch water main on Beechwood Avenue. It is my recollection that this is in the street. The fire hydrant spacing on Beechwood Avenue is much too wide for a commercial, high-value system. We need to have a fire hydrant located approximately in front of where they propose..this new building, This should be in addition to whatever sprinkler facilities they wish to install We can install this hydrant for them at a cost of approximately $550.00. We have an 8-inchsewer main on.,Beechwood Avenue which is also in the street, That particular line. is on a minimum grade and is heavily loaded.• Are. they going to have very much increase in sewer needs? If they are we have a problem., I can''t.assure them the sewer main will accomodate any substantialincrease in loading; as a matter of fact, I am convinced it will not. • O • Plat Review Committee -3- May 20, 1976 11., Harold Lieberenz (lnspection Superintendent): Do you in any way use the land on the east side.of.Beechwood .Avenue? .There is an area just to your east where someone has been dumping some debris;.mostly lumber cuttings. Mr, Love said.this-land belonged to Henry Burnett and that Ozark Forest Products has not been dumping any debris on it., 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Since this has been rezoned to I-2, the front yard setback is 100 ft. (from roof overhang of building) to street right-of-way. What -is the distance from the new building to your South property line? Mr. Love stated that the 100 ft. setback would not be any problem and that there is approximately another 300 ft. to their South property line. Planning Consultant Larry Wood is not present, but I have -a note that he indicated we should check the right-of-way for Highway 62. A check of the Plat Book indicates there is presently 70 ft. of right-of-way and the Major Street Plan requires 80 ft; therefore, a dedication for 40 ft. from the centerline of the existing right-of-way is needed. Manufacturing uses require 1 parking space (10' X 20') for each 1200 sq. ft. of total floor area. Mr. Love indicated he thought the existing parking area would accomodate 40 or so cars and would meet that requirement. He and Mr. Thompson discussed putting two driveways in near the new building with a parking area in front of the new building. If that was done, they would not need another driveway in the future if they decided to construct a small office building South of the new plant. Mrs. Jones informed them that the new parking area should be sealed with a durable and dustless surface (asphalt or chip and oil seal will meet that requirement). In this zone there is no requirement for the parking to be setback from the street right- of-way, but it should not encroach on the right-of-way. The ordinance requires the developer to advise the owners of any adjacent property, having a different zoning classification, of the developmental plans. This may be done by publishing a notice in the newspaper, by mailing notices by certified mail, or by having the owners of the adjacent property sign a copy of the proposed plan and submitting the signed copy to the Planning Office. This should be done before the Subdivision Committee meets. If you can get a revised drawing back in time to be mailed by Friday noon, I will schedule this before the Subdivision Committee Monday, May 24. The ordinance also requires that after the construction is completed, you submit an "as -built" plot plan showing the location and size of all buildings, signs, driveways, parking, and utility lines. (Mr. Hornaday was contacted later in the day He stated that they have existing electrical service there now and whatever is required to extend services to the new building, they can work out with Ozark Forest Products.) The comments which came in later were relayed by phone to Mr. Love. The meeting was adjourned at 11;Q0 A.M, 1��