HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-15 Minutes• • O MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee meeting was held at 9:00 A. M. Thursday, April 15, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: James5Crownover, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Steve Brown, Paul Mattke, Charles McWhorter, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen. ENGINEERS and/or DEVELOPERS PRESENT: E. L. Jorgensen. RACKET CLUB APARTMENTS The only item for discussion was the large scale Highway 16 W, & 71 Bypass development plan submitted by E. L. Jorgensen for a proposed apartment complex and tennis courts to be located North of Highway 16 West, West of Highway 16'Bypass. Mr. Jorgensen was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. E. L. Jorgensen: This will be principally an apartment complex with tennis courts in the back yard of just about every unit. Both the 4 -unit and 6 -unit buildings will be single -story (2 bedrooms per unit) and constructed of wood frame with finish material probably being rough cut cedar with asphalt roofs. There will be a swimming pool, office, laundry facility and a pro shop in the development. 2. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): It looks like we will be making a loop on the interior, going under the tennis courts between each cluster and loop around the whole system. Our entrance would be the same thing on the interior like we laid it out Our entrance will depend on where the water goes and then we will loop through the center of the development. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We plan to come in essentially with the same route as Ozarks Electric and loop through under your tennis courts and then back from the West 16 Highway.. In answer to a question asked by Mr. Terry, Mr. Jorgensen said that the 10 feet shown onthe Northwest corner and 9 feet shown on the Northeast corner was the distance from the edge of the parking to the edge of the roof overhang. Mr. Jorgensen said he planned to dedicate a 15 foot easement to take care sf the sewer and water lines. Mr. Terry said Mr. Hawkins (Southwestern Bell) had wanted him to ask about that since Mr. Hawkins was considering going this direction also and he was concerned about having the footage to get through there with water and sewer. After talking with City Engineer Paul Mattke, it was determined that there would be enough room since there had to be a minimum of 2i' to 5' between the sewer line and telephone. Mr. Terry said that Mr. Hawkins had indicated that he did not want to be under the paved parking area. 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Our line is on 16 West and I would like to come from a point somewhere on there to run on the West side of this pool, come up and on the opposite side from the water line and with a 2 inch main to dead end and then run laterals from probably 1111 inch from the 2 inch to this central area as we talked about before and serve in this manner. We would .:want to wait until everyone else is pretty well in there and out of the way so that we would not be there all together. Since each building will have four units and we are talking about 4 meters, Plat Review -2- April 15, 1976 this will involve a lot of service lines in there, so we would probably engineer as we go along. We would locate the manifold meter loop on the end of each building: Mr. Jorgensen indicated that he planned to be using all electric. Mr. O'Donnell: If you change your mind, let us know and we can serve this.. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell left comments at Planning Office: If he agrees to a blanket easement are installed, that is okay. Will reserve other comments until after companies. Telephone): Not present at meeting but to be tied down at the end of the time the services serve by ringing the outside. Would like to I see the comments of the rest of the utility 6. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): The Community Appearance Committee is available for consultation on any plantings or landscaping you may want to do and we will be happy to assist you. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): He is planning to provide water and sewer service to these apartments. We have already talked about meter locations and service for them. I assume you still plan to individually meter them, so I don't see any problem with that. I will need engineering design of the water and sewer mains and we will need the rights -df- way that we talked about along these water mains and where we cross over the opposite side of the street. In answer to Mr. Mattke's question, Mr. Jorgensen said that he did jplan to maintain this in private roads through the system. Mr. Mattke: Your water pressure will be fairly high. You will find that you will need to reduce your pressure somewhere between the meter and the apartment on these with a small pressure regulator. These are about $10 or $12 a piece. You will probably want to put them in the plumbing in the building In answer to Fire Chief Charles McWhorter's question, Mr. Mattke said the developer would install the fire hydrants and water mains and dedicate them to the City and then the City would accept and maintain operation. These will have to be painted. He said this would be a requirement placed on the contractor to reflectorize the barrels. He said they would then come back and paint the trim after they themselves flow tested them. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Jorgensen said he would be maintaining the streets. He also said he did not plan to enclose the pads for the trash containers. Wally Brt: I will need a letter from you stating that we have permission to travel your streets and pick up your containers. The containers have already been located. Eliminate and block off the one parking space shown alongside each one of the containers. You might put a pole and chain about 3/4 of the way out to give us enough room. If you do that we will not have any problems. You have six containers which would eliminate one parking space in each instance. There was some discussion on how much right-of-way existed on Highway 16 West at this particular location. City Engineer Paul Mattke said the legal description read to the North line of the highway and the right-of-way appeared to lack approximately 1.6 feet making it 80 feet of right-of-way. He said there was an apparent conflict between the survey and the legal description and that the way the description was written, it did not reserve highway right-of-way. He told Mr. Jorgensen that he needed to make a warranty deed covering that strip of land which had been left out of his description in order to clarify the situation. Mr. Jorgensen said he had been assured that he would have a full 20 acres (1,320 feetdepth) after all dedications had been made and that this might mean that the property line would need to be shifted someohrat. 1 LS • 4, Plat Review -3- April 15, 1976 9. Clayton Powell (Street Superijtendent); I. would need the formaldedication of 40 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline,of Highway 16 abutting your property to bring it in compliance with the Major Street Plan. Mr, Mattke seems to feel that you come within 1.6 feet of it already and if the space exists, all we need is a separate deed dedicating the 40 feet from the existing centerline North to your property line. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): We talked with Mr. Jorgensen and have already solved some of the problems we discussed with him. I would suggest in naming the private drives that they not be named the same as streets we have got in the City. You paid you would have individual gas and electric meters.. I would like these apartments numbered some way, to coincide with the meters and the meters tagged or identified. Since there are this many buildings, I would like a smaller outlay of the map with these building on it.and each building numbered or otherwise identified. We will need this when the complex is finished. Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones said this would be well also.in getting the building permits since you will have to get a separate building permit for each building. Charles McWhorter: We tanclive with the 25 foot width providing there is no parking in those areas. We discussed the corners with him and We have got that all worked out. You might want to give some thought to smoke indicators (one for each unit) since there are around 160 apartments and probably 300-500 people. You are looking at about 4 to 5 minutes in response time for our earliest arrival. These smoke indicators are not required by ordinance on this size complex. They cost about $25.00 each. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): There is a rezoning petition on this property and it has to be approved for this to. materialize. I am showing 164 units and 263 parking spaces without those 6 ithat the Sanitation Superintendent requested to be eliminated. They would be adequate for the R-2 District. Your setbacks as shown are adequate. You have already seen about the driveway permit. We do need on the drawing to have you show the centerline of the right-of-way. This should be dimensioned. Mr. Jorgensen told Mrs. Jones that he did not know for sure what the total right-of-way width was. She told him to check back with the surveyor since this needed to be determined because of the additional right-of-way needed. She said on the drawing to show the total existing width and then the total,if there is any additional needed of the additional dedication, and whether it was to be made by him or the person he Was buying it from, for a full 40 feet from the centerline and to identify the centerline. She said that this did need to be shown. In answer to Bobbie Jones' question, Mr. Jorgensen said he had talked with Inspection Superintendent Harold Lieberenz concerning a sign and he had told him he could have a wall sign of 32 feet. Bobbie Jones: You will have to have State Board of Health approval on the swimming pool and on the water and sewer lines as well. Mt. Jorgensen told Mrs. Jones that this parcel would not be split up nor would there by any apartment buildings sold. Bobbie Jones: I am not sure whether the pro shop (depending on whether or not it is a retail outlet) can be approved or not since retail outlets are not allowed in residential zones. Since your laundry is on the interior, I can consider this as part of the development. I can take this to the Subdivision Committee of the Planning(Commission on the 26th of this month but I do need the right-of-way dimensioned that I asked for. There is a requirement that after this is completed you submit back to us as -built plans that shows the location of each utility line and easements. City Engineer Paul Mattke indicated that it would be good also to have where each of the utilities would be in order to organize this. an overlay of l45 Plat Review April 15, 1976 NORTH f GARLAND City Engineer Paul Mattke said he still had not received letters regarding relocation of facilities at North. and Garland that he had asked for from the utilities several Plat Review Committee meetings ago. He said the matter of reimbursement had nothing to do with these letters since the facilities would have to be moved regardless of who had to pay the cost for relocation. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas)•said he would check on this and get back with Mr. Mattke concerning this matter. • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Harold Street Revised copies of Southwestern Bell's Large Scale Development Plans on Harold Street were passed out and those present were asked to contact Clarence Young on any problems. they found. Street Superintendent Clayton Powell asked Mr. Mattke (City Engineer) if the bond required for utility street cuts,could be used as surety for the telephone company's share of the cost of the proposed improvements to Harold Street. Mr. Mattke felt the franchise agreement and their word was adequate. Mr. Powell said he would have the City's concrete contractor bill them direct for their share. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A. M.