HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-25 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVI:EW'.COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review March_25, 1976; in the Board of Directors Fayetteville, Arkansas, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, Floyd Hornaday, Dick Shaw, Committee was held at 407 Al M.,Thursday Room, City Administration Building, CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Harold Lieberenz,.David McWethy, Steve Brown, Scott Martin, Pat McGetridC,Janet Bowen, Larry Wood. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: William Wolfe, Neal Albright, William Ellis. USED CAR LOT The first item for discussion was a proposal for a used Highway 71 North car lot located East of Highway 71 North, between Sonic Drive=ln and Rita!s Beauty School. This used car lot operation is proposed to be located on a 45' by 135' portion of a larger parcel owned by C. T. Pearson, Jr. This item was submitted by William Ellis who was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Scott Martin (representing City Engineer Paul Mattke): We have a City sanitary sewer main that runs through there and as far as I can tell you are not planning any permanent buildings at this time so there appears to be no problem. It was indicated (from a drawing that Mr Martin had at the meeting) that the City sewer main is shown to run diagonally across this property from a point near the Northeast corner of the Sonic Drive -In in a Northeasterly direction to Sycamore Street. 2. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have got service on North College and we have already got electrical service to the existing portable building. We did this last week. Mr. Ellis indicated that the present electrical service was sufficient. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a gas line about 150 feet to the East of the building. It comes off of Sycamore and runs to the South across part of this property. Mr. Ellis indicated they would be using electric heaters. 4. David McWethy(Administrative Assistant): In answer to Mr. McWethy's questions, Mr. Ellis said that Mr. Pearson was in partnership on the used car lot and there would be no dividing off of the property at this time and that he was not purchasing or leasing a tract of land from Mr. Pearson. Mr. McWethy made no further comments. 5. Pat McGetrick( Street Department - -representing Clayton Powell, Street Supt.): You have access already.. On drainage, the portion you are working with now there is no problem.. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I£ on the West and North. sides of this a spot pole for us to get to it. Mr, Ellis indicated that they would 7. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant) you did request service, we have cable service property and we would request that you set not request T,.V. cable service. No comments. /2/ • Plat Review March. 25, 1976 -2- 8, Steve Brown (Community Appearance);. Along Sycamore Streetthereis a pile of junk that was cut down. atsome time in the past and it is accumulating debris on the North_end,o£ the larger part,o£ the property, Iwould recommend that the property owner be required to remove this debris from the property before the use of the used car lot is cleared to be put on the property, 9. Harold Lieberenz (Tnspection Superintendent)_: The question of pavement in used car lots is, in general, being reviewed by the Subdivision Committee of the City Planning Commission at the present time,. We, in the Office of City Planning, have not been able to determine whether the regulation of the Zoning Ordinance that pertains to surfacing off-street parking areas would pertain to areas where Mr. Little parked his vehicles for sell. It has definitely been established that some kind of dustless, durable surface must be provided for the area where the public will park when visiting the used car lot operation. There has been a complaint from the property owner to the North (Rites Beauty School) about the cars in the used car lot using her wheel guards in such a way that his vehicles project past his property over into her "off street" parking lot area. I think this matter should be worked out between the property owners as I cannot require wheel guards in a commercial area unless the property in question abuts residentially zoned property. 10. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No comments. SANITARY LAND FILL Thelast item for discussion was a request submitted Pump Station Road by William Lloyd Wolfe for a Sanitary Land Fill lying South of Town Branch, East of Morningside Drive and North of Pump Station Road. (Property is zoned 1-2.) - Mr. Wolfe along with Engineer Neal Albright was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone): As far as I can tell from this it looks alright and won't bother us in any way. 2. Scott Martin (Water and Sewer Dept.- -representing City Engineer Paul Mattke): To legally operate a sanitary land fill, besides needing a permit, it falls under the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act and the Arkansas Solid Waste Management Act as well as the federal public laws, "Solid Waste Disposal Act 89272" and the "Resources Recovery Act 91512". I would also like to enter into the minutes the catalogue "Solid Waste Management Act" and "Solid Waste Disposal Code of Arkansas". In answer to a question asked by Inspection Superintendent Harold Lieberenz, Mr Martin said that this was the State Department of Pollution Control and Ecology Commission's Manual and they did enforce this. 3. Fkoyd='_Hotna'daycs, (SWEPCO): We have service out there if it is desired. Mr. Wolfe indicated that they would not want electric service at the present time. 4. Frank.0'Donnell (You are aware.of'.the two highpressure main lines (one 6 -inch and one 8 -inch) we have across that property., I would say they are probably centerline to centerline a distance of. -1. -feet apart. We would ask. that you not encroach_any closer than 25 feet on either side of each. line. We are not only concerned ahout the possibility of physical damage, but we also want to maintain a soil condition around thepipe to maintain cathodic protection for the pipes to help prevent them -from being destroyed,. You can maintain a distance of 25 feet away from each. line. Sometime prior toyouur operation,,if you will let me know, I will go out and put permanent signs over each. line for you. fi r o5` Plat Review March. 25, 1976 Engineer Neal Albright said they were making the:tlayout_ where.they would have the land fill operation`on both_sides.,o£ the gas lines but they were aware of this requirement and would conform.with_the the. • 5. Pat McGetrick. (Street Dept; � representing Street Supt, Clayton Powell): We will need 30 feet of right -of -may -dedicated from the section line along the South side of this property on the portion of your property abutting the road. Ido not know exactly what is dedicated now) I believe it is probably 20 feet from the section line over to the fence. We have received complaints about the dust on this section of Pump Station Road even with the limited use. If there will be trucks going in from the West, I would like to request that you keep this dustless (perhaps just with oil) and also in your entranceway. I believe the Auto Salvage operation (Curry"s) to the West of this proposedsite has theirs oiled and it would be good if you could tie in with his section of the road that is oiled to .keep that dustless. I don't believe there are any residences that the dust would bother going back East from the proposed site. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. 7. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): In answer to questions asked by Mr. Brown, Mr. Wolfe said the life of thesanitary land fill would be less than two years and no more than three years depending on volume of refuge and the operational procedure. He said the first cell (a trench of 14 feet plus or minus in depth) would be East of the gas line and would progress East in a snake like pattern to follow the contour of the land going all the way down the Eastern boundary line. Mr. Albright further explained that it would basically be.worked from the Southeast corner of the 10 acre tract and go East and retain a 25 foot setback from the East property line and that it would turn and work its way back. He said a typical cell would be 40' by 80'. He said this would be scheduled out in a (more or less) cell pattern and that they would be side by side and continuous. Steve Brown the asked Inspection Superintendent Harold Lieberenz if there would be a fencing requirement. Harold Lieberenz: There is a requirement for a fence with the height varying from 5' to 8' depending upon the elevation in reference to the crown of the road. As I interpret it, if it can be observed -from the road, a solid fence would be required. That part of the fencing along the rear as well as that portion which cannot be observed readily from the road, a chain link fence could be substituted.for the'solid=fencing. After driving.out.there and looking, possibly along the Southwest portion of this property and along the South side of the property from the Southwest corner would have a wooden fence of some height. because part of the property can be seen from Pump Station Road. I will have to go out with the developer to determine just how much of the fencing will have to be solid and just what height will be required. 8. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): I glanced through this very briefly and I seem to remember something about a hedge or vegetation type fence. If you like, the Community Appearance Committee has an extensive list of things that will grow in this area. If you desire that information, it is available. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant):. My only concern is with. possible future pollution of White River and the regional water supply. I would like to ask 5 questions; (1) Asked about the "ponding" effect that would take place as the pits would be dug out then recover them. Mr. Wood: As I understand it, plans are to seal the site so that the seepage can't get back into the Town Branch.. I am wondering about the "bath tub" effect" - -is it a possibility and a potential hazard? Are we going to, over the years, collect water in excess of evaporation in here so that we end up 1 'it Plat Review March .25, 1976 _4_ 2 with -a highly -toxic pond that could in .future years get back into the Town Branch? Mr, Wolfe; With the proper amount.ef final coverage which. would be two feet of compacted clay and soil, there will not be any seepage; there will just be surface run-off, (2) Larry Wood; Another problem is with re -vegetation, It is indicated that `); this soil is- not charactistic of good - e -vegetation. I understand you are going oo) to scrape the top soil off and reserve it for cover back over to re -vegetate it. Mr. Wolfe: The top soil will be stripped off and stockpiled for 5 or 6 inch cover of top soil which will provide enough vegetation for grass and/or trees. (3) Larry Wood: Is there any potential of the gas line serving as a trough out of here into Town Branch? -_- Mr. Wolfe: No. With the 25 foot setback there should be no problem whatsoever. (4) Larry Wood: How about the flooding over the pits? Are you going to be working in the flood plain with these pits? Mr. Wolfe: No. The land fill site is on the top of the hill and at the present I am approximately 250 to 300 feet from the creek (the Town Branch). There will be no possibility of flooding. Larry Wood: I think the standard flood elevation here is roughly 1208 (mean sea level elevation) according to the Corp of Engineers I did not know whether or not you were going to be down on the slope side of the Town Branch. Mr. Wolfe: Under the recommendation of the EPCA, he told me where he felt the side should be and the height above the flood plain where it would not affect it (the flood plain) or the operation. On the working phase during inclement weather, there will be a portable pump at all times to remove the water and to eliminate the ponding effect. Any collection of water in the bottom will be pumped out before garbage will be put in the cell. 10. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): 'I will have to get with Mr. Wolfe also to determine how much solid fencing that we will need along that Southwest corner. Mr. Wolfe indicated that he would call Mr. Lieberenz Monday morning (March 29th) and they would visit the site before this went to the Subdivision Committee meeting and the Planning Commission. The only question Mr. Wolfe had was concerning the fencing. He said that Article 7, Section 11 of the Ordinance says "garbage dumps" and that it did not specify sanitary land fills. Mr. Lieberenz: My interpretation to the City would have to be that this would include the Planning Commission for a clarification. In answer to a question asked by Mr. Terry (Warner Cable); Mr. Wolfe said this sanitary land fill would be for anybody's use as long as they complied with regulations and that there would be a fee charged for dumping. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 9;43 A. M. In discussing the State Pollution Control Ecology manual with Scott Martin after the meeting it is Harold Lieberenz''s understanding that among other things the provisions of the State Permit would allow the Department,ofPollution Control and Ecology to; Cl), Inspect the site frequently to see if the approved plan was being adhered to. (2), Enforce the regulations,of the Federal Acts as well as State Acts. (3). Make inspections on the site for a period.of two (2) years after the final dump to see that.the side continues to meet the standards set forth:: by law. 34.-