HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-26 Minutes• • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW: COMMI.TTEE MEETING A meeting,of the Fayetteville Plat .Review Committee Was.held.at 9;101A, M, Thursday, February 26; 1976, in the Board.,of DirectorS.Room; City Administration Building, Fayetteville; Arkansas.. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell; Clyde Terry, Floyd Hornaday, Roy Hawkins, CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Harold Lieberenz, Bobbie Jones, Pat McGetrick, Perry Franklin, Steve Brown, David McWethy, Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, Janet Bowen. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Lee Taylor, Jim Ogden. VILLA NORTH The only item for consideration by the Plat Review Committee Preliminary Plat was the preliminary plat for the proposed Villa North, located North of Villa Mobile Home Park on Villa Boulevard. Engineer Lee Taylor and Developer Jim Ogden were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): We do not have enough information to review this. I don't know if this will come under the Mobile Home Park ordinance or under the Subdivision Regulations. If it is going to be a mobile home park, then it will have to meet the regulations under the new Mobile Home Park ordinance which went into effect in 1972. We would need information on street lighting and recreation facilities. The structures are too close together for a mobile home park and there are screening requirements. I think this should be brought back to the Plat Review Committee at its next meeting one week from today, after everyone has had a chance to find out what you have planned. Jim Ogden: This will be a subdivision for manufactured houses. They are sold as mobile homes (HUD approved) but will be attached to a permanent foundation. These homes are called Third Party Primary Houses. I think this would have to satisfy the requirements of your Mobile Home .Park. regulations. The mobile homes will be owned by the individual and the lots would be leased on contract. We would be using the existing recreational facilities that are in Villa Mobile Home Park. We had planned to use those facilities for the entire development when we put in the mobile home park a few years ago. Mr. Lieberenz said if these were going to be a pre -fab structure, he would need to do some research concerning this. 2. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): I HUD pre -fab type homes that were transported Co all the City requirements there. In answer to Mr. Franklin's question, Mr, Ogden house. Perry Franklin was concerned about the swampy area where part of the lots would be located, He said he could remember when the existing sewer main was put in - - it was mucky. Mr. Ogden said there is a natural drainage ditch. there. 3. Clyde Terry(Warner Cable); We run into problems when all the utilities are in the same easement as the sewer, You..show.sewer going backbehind the lots where the T, V,„ telephone, and electric, etc, will have to go., Mr.. Terry was concerned about one utility cutting lines of another ments. Mr. Ogden: We propose to run the street and the mains and put in the service we build the houses. used to work at a place that made the site on a chassis and that met said these would be the same type of in narrow ease - lines as 110 • • i Plat Review -2- February.26, 1976. The gas, water and sewer mains will be.in,the street, I.don't think.. we have any problems in the depth; Frank O Donnell:: (Arkansas Western Gas); If we are.all at the back ,of the lots, a 20 -foot easement will not be enough.. A minimum of 25 feet or 30 feet would be more practical. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): When the existing Villa was developed, we put in enough cable (and T, V.)_to serve this portion also. Those facilities are at the South line of this proposed development. • Mr. Hawkins suggested that, in installing, the sewer main, that they put it in to one side of the easement as far as possible. It would give the rest of the utilities more room. Mr. Mattke (City Engineer) said there was a minimum distance that the sewer line had to be in the easement. Along this easement that is running East and West between these two parks, you have a large drainage ditch (up to 8 feet deep on the East end but it gets shallower as it goes West). That is a 10 foot easement.. Instead of having to cross this ditch every time we "make a run" (extend a line) into your new park, I would like to be able to come across and pick up two at a time: To do this we need this 10 foot easement widened to a 20 foot easement. We will need to serve that West tier of spaces from the back and that is only a 10 foot easement; we need a 20 or 30 foot easement depending on what else is in there. An additional 10 foot easement in the back, generally, would be appreciated. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We will probably run a.main across the North edge of those lots on the North and,then runlaterals back South.: 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): That sounds good. 8. Pat McGetrick - -representing Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The ordinance states that all streets have to meet minimum street specifications of 50 feet of right-of-way, 30 foot wide street, pavement plus curb and gutter. There is also a requirement for 50 foot radius on right-of-way for culs-de-sac. This means that you will have to completely change your plans. Mr. Ogden said he had talked with Clayton Powell on this and Clayton Powell had indicated that he would prefer the streets to be private drives and on that basis approved the widths. That was why he had shown them this way. He said they planned to ask for a variance on this. Also, Clayton Powell had suggested that Mr. Ogden construct one half of the collector street required along the North side of this property. Pat McGetrick: Clayton'.does not have the authority to waive the ordinance requirements. I can see how you might get a waiver on the interior streets but not on the outer one. Mr. McGetrick indicated he was opposed to any waiver and did not approve of building half a street; however, the final decision would have to be made by those having the authority to waive the regulations. 9. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): If these dead-end culs-de-sac are used as private drives., I: will need permission in writing to allow my trucks to go down there to pickup the garbage, A 35 -foot radius is not enough for me to turn my truck in. I will not be held responsible for any vehicles that I knockout of the way. I will have to bring a helicopter into the parking area to get in it, I think you are trying to put too muchin too little of an area, I: need a 40 -:foot radius on the culs-de-sac to turn the packer truck around. Containers are strictly out. There is no way I can turn the tender truck in there. I would recommend the use of these Plat Review February 26, 1976 -3- - hexagon -shaped, pre -cast concrete garb age can holders-. They are cheaper and better. You need to consider the Fire Department; also. Fire hydrantsare at the North -end of the culs-de-sac,..The .fire trucks: would have a problem getting throughif there are any cars parked along the streets; 10. Charles McWhorter'CFire Chief)1 Not present but telephoned the following comments: Asked that they relocate the fire plugs which are shown on the plan about half way down the culs-de-sac. Would prefer that they be on the Northend of each cul-de-sac..where they intersect with the East-West street. There is no problem with the length of the dead-end culs. Will a 6 -inch water line be large enough? They will have 97 houses and as narrow as these lots are and with a hard wind blowing, we could have a roaring fire (get out of control and spread), Will the City have any inspection rights over the dwelling units? 11. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Would ask you to move the fire hydrant location up to the North end of the streets then you can change the size of the main between the fire hydrants and ends of culs from 6 -inch to'211 inch in 12 foot lengths, (no longer lengths)..- -- I would like to ask that the 6 -inch main around the un -named street (along the North) be made an 8 -inch main. With the problems of being in the way of the utilities, would ask you to locate the sewer mains in front rather than behind the lots. Mr. Taylor indicated there might be some problems with this. He said the one existing sewer falls in the back. Mr. Mattke: We will make water and sewer taps to the system. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ogden said they had planned to make the sewer and water taps into • the main as they went along. Mr. Mattke: The tapping "T" has two objections: (1) where the household will hook on and the other one (2) is the in-line position. By adding these, you add more joints, therefore, increasing the potential for leaks. We require this to be proof -tested (either air tested or hydrostatic tested). One of the problems with the developers making the sewer taps is that we sometimes cannot locate them once they are covered since they are not staked out. On the water we will make the taps and since you want individual taps, probably put two meters in one box. We will have to do those taps after the lines have been completely accepted. There is a gas main approximately 1 foot East of my 20 -inch water main. I see no reason why you can't develop this in increments so long as you plan it this way. I think the planning is the important factor in this. Concerning the streets, I agree with Clayton in street layouts because of the increased traffic. I don'tthink he wanted all that arterial traffic running through the mobile home park. 12. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Everybody else has already stolen my thunder. 13. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You should name this East-West collector street, I do not know who the waiver request concerning the streets would be referred to. Up until this time, we have not had any developments under this. new mobile home ordinance, Anything that is appealed under this ordinance ordinarily goes to the Housing Board. However, I feel that the Planning Commission and Board,of Directors would want to look at this. I suggest that you check. with -the Inspection Superintendent on this'matter. There was no further discussion, The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 A, M.