HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-12 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9;15.A. M, Thursday, February.12a.19.76, in the. Board,of Directors...Roots, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT; Frank Ot Donnell, Roy -Hawkins, Clyde.Terry. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Paul Mattke, Steve Brown; Perry Franklin, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jerry Sweetser, Neal Albright, Ellis Bogan, Joe Hodges. The first item for discussion by the , PARADISE VALLEY GOLF COURSE Plat Review Committee was a large scale development Old Missouri Road Y, Joyce Street plan submitted by Ellis Bogan to construct Ellis Bogan a clubhouse on property at the Southeast corner of Old Missouri Road and Joyce Street (Paradise Valley Golf Course). Ellis Bogan and Joe Hodges (Architect) was present to represent..Comments were as follows: 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We are a long way from there at this time. We hope for this in the future. Mr. Bogan indicated that he would want cable service if they did service that area in the future. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas); Mr, Bogan can tie right onto the existing lines. That is all I have. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We have service there now and can maintain it. You will need to contact the business office to have your telephone moved. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I notice you plan to extend sewer out to tie in along the creek. That is good. I want to compliment you on that. I think it is great. This will be a private yardline and no one else is allowed to tie into it. (One structure per yard line). Of course, water service is presently there. 5. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): The Community Appearance is putting together a brochure with appropriate plantings for the area. When this is done, I will mail you a copy. Any assistance that you need, feel free to callus. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Joyce Street is designated as a major arterial on the Major Street Plan requiring 80 feet of right-of-way. Old Missouri Road, designated a collector street on the Major Street Plan, requires 60 feet of right-of-way. Existing right-of-way for each. is 40 feet. I. understand that possibly any additional dedication abutting your property would jeopardize two or three greens of your golf course. If we look at the property as it is developed, only half the additional right-of-way needed is required from each. side of the street, Since the property immediately North of you is undeveloped and with. the exception of the frame house at the Southwest corner of Old Missouri. Road is the only development other than pasture and fence line, possibly some exchange could be worked out if you were willing to enter a contract with the City to pay the condemnation cost for the additional right-of-way on the West side of Old Missouri. Road and the North side of Joyce Street: I would like to see it work out for you. I have no desire whatsoever to be unreasonable. I would like the Planning Commission to be aware of this. With the existing Old Missouri. Road being somewhat crooked and on your Southwest corner there is a bridge and then a curve, which I do not think it would hurt any at all if we did acquire the • Plat Review February 12, 1976 -2- additional right.of �way,off the .West side.of:.Qld Missouri, Road and,off the North side of Joyce Street. However, to.comply with_the.policy,.the.Planning Commission and Board..o£ Directors may request.o£ youto enter a.contract to sustain some of the cost of acquiring all of the additionallyneeded right-of-way.of these streets through. condemnation or negotiation.. sincethereis no other public dedications involved, r have no other comment except to point out that we need this additional right -of -way -to comply with the Master Street Plan. Mr. Bogan wondered why Old Missouri Road and Joyce Street were proposed to be wider than North College Avenue when they were both dead end streets. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): In answer to the Traffic Superinten- dent's questions, Mr. Bogan stated that they would be using the same access and that it would be a semi -private clubhouse. City Engineer Paul Mattke pointed out to Mr. Bogan that his present access on the intersection was in violation of the safety setback requirement and he would eventually lose this access point. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator) then added that if Mr. Bogan did decide to change this access or to re -locate it, he should move it SO feet from the inter- section either way (measured from the end of the radii) with a maximum 40 foot driveway. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: If they want a container, have them to contact me. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): No comments. 10 Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 11. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: There are no problems but Mr. Bogan does need to contact Ozarks Electric because they are showing a couple of poles to be moved that they cannot move. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): In answer to the Planning Administrator's question, Mr. Bogan stated that he planned on moving the present clubhouse later on to be used for a greenskeeper house. He did not know at this time where he would be moving it to on the property. Your snack bar must be approved by the State Board of Health. You are in the A-1 Zone and in this zone we have both a golf course and a private club or lodge listed as a conditional use requiring Planning Commission approval. The golf course requires 4 parking spaces per hole and club or lodge requires 1 for every 600 feet of floor area In answer to Bobbie Jones' question, Mr. Hodges said they would be making the asphalt area larger. Bobbie Jones: On the new parking lot that you are putting in, it should be 25 feet from .the street right-of-way. It must be graded and drained and surfaced. You are showing asphalt surfacing whichis acceptable. The ordinance also calls for wheel guards or bumper guards, so that the vehicles do not extend out of the parking area. You own the property all around that, so I don't think there is any other problem on parking. If you decide that you want a sign, you need to check with Mr. Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent) on those requirements. The dedication of right-of-way is needed before the Board.of Directors will approve a Large Scale Development Plan.. In answer to Mr. Bogan's question, Bobbie Jones said he would have to check with the City Attorney if he questioned the legality of the street dedications tied in with the building permit.application. Bobbie Jones: If you do decide to appeal this, I would like a copy of the letter to go with the Planning Commission agenda. id -1 d 1--7 1 • • • Plat Review February 12, 1976 -3- The last item for.consideration was the.second • submittal on the proposed Sweetbriar.#2.Subdivisipn located South:of Sweetbriar Subdivision on. Qld Missouri. Road,. Jerry Sweetser and NeaLAlbright were present to:represent, 'Comments were as follows: -SWEETBRIAR # 2 ' Preliminary Plat 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): At the meeting one week ago We asked for the easements that were necessary along with the gas company, telephone company, etc. I believe that the easements are sufficient that they'have as far as I can see. I would say no problems. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas); The same goes for the gas company. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell'Telephone): Will be the same route. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): You indicated where the flood plain was on this (1252 elevation). That is going to make Lot 5 and 9 unbuildable. Mr. Albright said he planned to change the contour of Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 5 Block 11 and the back part of Lot 8 by building up the area from excavation when they cut the street. Paul Mattke: Be sure and show the location of the existing water main and the future location as we discussed it so that we dont get anybody building over it. I think my comments concerning Block 11, Lot 1 would still be the same. They will want to make their access on the Eastern part of the. lot or on the South half. The existing water line is 15 feet from the East'line of the easement. Neal Albright: When we move 35 feet to the West that cuts in considerably on Lot 5, Block 10. I discussed this with the developer and we could possibly move those lines to the West 15 or 20 feet or whatever we need. In other words enlarge Lot 5 and cut down on Lot 1. Paul Mattke: When you are putting that on there, why don't you go ahead show the proposed future water main site. Let's just add a note to tell not to put permanent improvements over that such as fences in excess of 6 feet in height., driveways, etc. The rest of my comments are basically as the last time. I think something should be done to discourage the changing of street names in Fayetteville. The names of streets are deeply embedded in our legal descriptions, maps; etc.::..and it sometimes takes years for the changes of street names to be straightened out. I am concerned about the name of this Sharan Street being confused or sounding too much like the existing Sheryle Avenue on emergency calls, etc. 5. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): In answer to Steve Brown's question, Neal Albright said they had tentative plans to put duplexes on the larger lots at the end. Steve Brown: No comments. and just them the same 6. Clayton Powell ( Street Superintendent): Thenatural-draintand-naturalAdrainage flow is to the East. At this- point+ in addition to the existing easements, we would need a 20 -foot drainage easement from the East end of the cul-de-sac all the way back. to Mud Creekand we would like that easement improved by the developer (whether it is an open ditch. or tile), This street arrangement is much. better than the original submitted, It. is evident that the entire Stubblefield property wi11 continue to develop in incremental and "Piece meal'.' fashion and that either Katherine or Pine Street will eventually tie into the extension of Stubblefield Road which -is designated as a collector on the Major Street Plan, or Errol Street which. is constructed running East off of Old Missouri Road on the North side of theApple Tree Inn. Also, the property • • Plat Review February 12, 1976 -4- on the West side (iowned by the Stubblefield$.) has a "For Sale" sign on it. An overall proposed use or developmentof this Stubblefield property.would.be.bene£icial to the Plat Review Committee members; as well'as the Planning. Commission., That way we could plan a.street pattern and other public improvements-., - Since the existing terrain and topography isgoingto be changed; no public improvements may be constiucted..in a flood plain._ I will have to reserve comments on drainage and street construction until I see the engineering plans and profiles. Concerning the 20'foot drainage easement as requested by Mr. Powell, Mr. Albright stated that they would provide the drainage easement. It was indicated that they might'do this by going between Lot 8 and 9, go North, and then down the common line to the park to Lot 9, and the ,.same thing.to.avoid conflict with utility easements. Clayton Powell: My final comment is: The consulting engineer should resolve this with the client as long as we have the easement for drainage. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): No comments. 8. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present buttelephoned that his comments remained the same as the last time. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present at meeting but itlephoned that his comments remained the same as last time. 10. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: We need a 15 foot easement between Lots 2 and 3. Otherwise, all the easements are okay. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I still need the signatures of adjoining property owners. You have one place where your street light spacing gets greater than permitted by ordinance unless it is waived by the Planning Commission. That is in Block 11 which measures 370 feet from the one at the intersection of Sharan and Pine to the one in the cul-de-sac. If this is not wiaved by the Planning Commission, I would suggest moving that street light on down into the cul-de-sac and putting one between Lots 1 and 3.. Also, the sidewalk should go all the way around the cul-de-sac and extended down one side of Pine Avenue. I would suggest the West side since the street light is shown on the East side. City Engineer Paul Mattke felt that street lights and sidewalks should be on the same side of the street. Street Superintendent Clayton Powell agreed with this except requested that the street lights not be embedded in the sidewalks. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07. A. M. /Dei