HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-05 Minutesr 1 • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review. Committee was held at 9:Q5.A,:M. Thursday, February.5, 1976) in the.Boardof Directors. Room; City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Roy Hawkins, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, Steve Brown, Perry Franklin, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Larry Wood, Janet Bowen. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jerry Sweetser, Neal Albright, Greg Dowers, Frank Blew, Wells Bone, Jerre Van Hoose. SWEETBRIAR #2 The first item for consideration by the Plat Review Committee Preliminary Plat was the Preliminary Plat of the proposed subdivision of Sweetbriar #2, located South of Sweetbriar on Old Wire Road. Jerry Sweetser, Subdivider, and Neal Albright, Engineer, were present to represent. Comments were as follows: In answer to Planning Consultant Larry Wood's question, Mr. Sweetser and Mr. Albright said they had had an alternate plan whereby they would have set up a parallel street pattern to the water line. However, Mr. Sweetser indicated that they would have to purchase more property from Mrs. Stubblefield and he did not know at this time whether or not he would be doing this. 1. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): I don't have anything else other than perhaps establishing a parallel pattern to that water line but this would probably be requiring more land to get the same number of lots. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): In answer to Mr. Brown's question, Mr. Sweetser and Mr. Albright said that this development would be single family dwellings but that on the bigger lots they are considering requesting duplexes- - (On Lot 7, Block 9; Lots 7,8 and 9 of Block 10; and all of Block 11. Steve Brown: I have no comments. 3. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): In answer to Perry Franklin's question, Jerry Sweetser said the spelling of Sharan Avenue was spelled with an a rather than an o. Mr. Franklin was asking because of the spelling on the street sign. Perry Franklin: I want to emphasize that you remember the requirements of the ordinance concerning shrubbery at major intersections. Plantings cannot be more than 3 feet high. b^� 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I am concerned with Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, but Lot 6 in particular.about someone putting a driveway or building over our future water line easement.. This water line will be North of the existing water line = in the same 50 foot easement, We will be digging the Western part of Lot 6 up. This will be a 42 - 48 inch. main. I. would like a note on the plat specifically directing attention that a building cannot be located over this easement and that any driveways or fixed facilities be put on the Eastern part of Lot 6. In planning water and.sewer service for this area, Mr. Albright needs to know that -< we will not make any individual taps for customers to this 36 -inch main. It looks to me like your sewer main service in Sharan Street will need to be outside of this water line easement also because we will have to cross it, Jerry Sweetser: We plan to have the sewer line going parallel with the easement on the East and South. We will have to cross it twice. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): There is a State Health regulation requiring a 1 foot vertical separation between sewer and water lines where they cross. / g • Plat Review February 5, 1976 -2- When Neal Albright asked about doing some paving over the South.half.of the water easement (along Lot 7+ Block. 9)t Mr, Mattke commented; I. would like. to shift it around a little bit so the main itself fell just outside the curb line. Mr..Albright said he located the water line and plotted the easement 25 feet on each side of the line. Jerry Sweetser: The water line is about 5 feet behind where the curb will be. Mr. Mattke: That is fine. Our next main will be about 20 feet North of that. As I recall the first main went 15 feet North of the South'edge of the easement. That first main is not centered in the easement - it.is centered more in the East half of that easement, so the easement as shown is not correct. Bobbie Jones commented that moving the easement would take a little more building area off of Lot 5.. Paul Mattke: I am assuming that you are planning to sewer and provide water service to all of these lots. You need to watch if you plan on doing any cutting or excavating in the area of the water main. We also have air release valves at high points. I don't know if there are any in this area or not, but we can locate and mark them for you. 5. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Mr. O'Donnell said the utilities had discussed this and they were in agreement -generally with a 25 foot' easement but that some of the other utilities might need some more specifically. Along the West side of Lots 1,2, and 3 in Block 8 (25 feet).; Along the South side of Lot 1, Block 8 and extending along the South side of Blocks 10 and 11 (25 feet). Also;. 25 feet up around Block 11 on the East side of Lots 1 and 2. Between Lots 7 and 9 in Block 10 we need 25 feet to get up into Lot 8. This is what we all need in general and this would satisfy my organization. • 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Those easements would be sufficient. • 7. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): The easements requested by Mr. O'Donnell will be sufficient. 8. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): We would need a 15 -foot easement between Lots 2 and 3 on Block 9 down from the existing transformer and down between Lots 2 and 3 on Block 10 This will give us access to go through and feed this. Street lights: Need one at the corner of Lotl,Block 10. I think we went down the right-of-way on the other one. 9. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The road on the East end that intersects with Elaine Street is an illegal intersection Elaine becomes more paramount as a collector street now with this additional development; and we cannot have that offset jog intersection intersecting the collector street. Therefore, it would be my suggestion to straighten the lot line on Lot 2, Block 11, and straightenSharan Street and connect it further East at the intersection of Elaine Street once it is extended. Otherwise we will have a traffic hazard that will be a monster. Mr. Sweetser: We have a land use problem here with the topography being like it is. That is why we did it like this. He indicated that he would rather omit the Eastern street tying back to Elaine and have a cul-de-sac at the end of Sharan Street. Clayton Powell said this would create a condition that would be just as hazardous as the other since there would have to be a stub put in to serve the property South of this development, After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Sweetser decided that they would re -design the street pattern. The Plat Review Committee asked that it be brought back before them if it was going to be re -designed. (412 r Plat Review February 5, 1976 -3- 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present at meeting but.telephoned.the following •comments; We would like a .20 foot utility easement on'the West side of Block 8 on Lots 1, 2, and 3. (He said this was all the lots thathSWEPCO had in their territory,) • 11. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: I would like at some point in this addition to see a continued street going through to Highway 265 for fire protection purposes. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You deeded a parcel 371' by 460' to the City for a park retaining SO feet by 185 feet for right-of-way for access. Jerry Sweetser: I actually kept a 100 foot strip. The additional 50 feet was given back to me in a letter from the Mayor. Bobbie Jones asked for a copy of that letter. Bobbie Jones: On the revision, you need toshow sidewalks and street lights, and get adjoining property owners signatures. You need to pay your plat fee on this. When the street pattern is worked out,any jogs less than 150 feet on minor streets or 200 feet for collectors, (if there are any jogs) will have to be waived by the Planning Commission. Sharan Avenue should be changed to Sharan Street because it runs East - West. The other 2 running North - South should be named and should be "avenues." 13. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Just so they have 50 foot radius on their cul-de-sacs so I can turn the trucks around. The next item for discussion and consideration was the Preliminary Plat of the proposed Wooded Hollow Estates Subdivision 111 miles North of the University Experimental Station. Greg Dowers, Subdivider, and Frank Blew were present to represent. follows: WOODED HOLLOW ESTATES Preliminary Plat for property located Comments were as 1. Mr. Dowers and Mr. Blew explained to the Plat Review Committee that up until now Mr. Dowers has been using a 30 -foot existing gravel drive that belonged to the University of Arkansas as access to.his property. Mr. Dowers said he had to buy right-of-way to the South of this subdivision to be used for access. Mr. Dowers said the University of Arkansas had (at one time) said they would give another 30 feet, but that they didn't really know now what they would do or how soon. Mr. Blew said this was designed like this so that if theUniversity of Arkansas did not grant additional -right-of-way, the tract in the Northeast corner, as well as the one that it connects to,to the South, would be singular tracts with a private access of 30 feet out. He said Mr. Dowers owned these two tracts and this would leave him a private easement. Mr. Dowers plans to build a house for himself on this. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): To avoid a situation just like we had on the previous plat (Sweetbriar #2) I would suggest that we should have an overall sketch of how you propose to develop the rest of the ownership. For your purposes and to still protect yourself, I would recommend that you cut 20 feet off the East side of Lot 10 (so you would have 50 feet for a future street) and flip the cul-de-sac to the• South. rather than to the North., The.easements and setbacks would need. to be moved over 20 feet. Frank Blew: If the cul-de-sac went to the South., it would go over onto mortgaged land and Mr. Dowers would have.to go to the mortgage company to get approval. He said they would only release Lots 11 and 12. •n) r • c r.' • 5x1 ki fro r; c • • • Plat Review February 5, 1976 -4- Mr. Wood; Then I: would.recommend showing a.temporary cul-de-sac, The only other.thing I have is .50 foot radius on cul-de-sacs, In answer to Mr, Wo od's.question, Mr, Blew said access.£rom this development would not connect to University street; and that they were working with a 100 foot log. (University is, to the West of the access.) Mr. Blew said this was the only point at which they could get access because of the subdivision with existing houses to the South..of Mr. Dower's proposed development. 3. Clayton Powell (Street. Superintendent): It is required by ordinance that all public improvements be constructed under the supervision of a registered professional engineer. I feel that consulting engineers or architects are responsible for being familiar with the ordinance requirement and presenting them in such a manner that we do not have to go through the embarrassment or the antagonisms that has developed here this morning.. There is not one thing labled on the vicinity map and it is difficult to follow when submitted in this fashion. Under either the urban or the rural street specifications, they are adding to one access point and that is to Hidden Acres Road. I think some provision should be made to extend this future road shown out to the West into Hidden Acres Road. If there were ever to be a natural disaster and the road was blocked the only way to get people out of the subdivision would be by helicopter. This is in the Planning Area and they can follow either the rural or urban specifications on streets: however, I feel that it would be just as cheap to construct the streets with curb and gutter and storm drainage. Mr. Dowers, in reply to Mr. Powell's comment about extending a street to the West for access, said this could not be done because of a deep hollow there. Then on Mr. Powell's suggestion of there being bridges, box culverts, etc., Mr. Dowers said a bridge to go across the hollow would be too expensive. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): I have no comments. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): They have already contacted me for water service. In fact Gregg has already participated in our rural growth area to extend the main and oversize it to get it up to him so he can obtain service from it. So he will be connecting on public water. I would like to ask that you go ahead with the platting of this to dedicate utility and drainage easements across the back of Lots 1 through 5 and across the back of or the edge between 6,9, and 10 and then between 7,8 and 9. If it is as steep as you indicated, we better go 30 feet, and then if we get in an area where we can build we will be able to selectively go throughit and not have to cut everything down. Mr. Blew commented that he would have to cut everything down to bury a sewer line because of the rock. Mr. Mattke: I would also like to get extra wide where it says rough terrain so I can select a route where I don't damage the trees, etc. I did look into the soil classification, This soil is not too bad other than the fact that it has a fragipan and you are going to have to be sure that you puncture that everytime you install a septic tank., You want to be sure in the construction of your septic tanks on these lots that they do penetrate that thing, This fragipan would be underlaid , at a 2-4 foot of depth, of fractured chert (bed rock) 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have reached an agreement with Mr. Dower and Mr. Blew whereby we will extend our gas line North along the West line of Wooded Hollow:Drive and East along the North. side of Dowers Lane. We have the initial details all worked out. Let us know when you start cutting the streets, so we can get the street crossings in. O( Plat Review February 5, 1976 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable):' We will not be able to serve these lots.at this time. We are.a long way from.here., 8. Roy Hawkins, (Southwestern Bell.Telephone): In answer to Mr., Hawkins' question, Mr. Dowers said he would probably -build his. house about the middle:Of the Northeast tract. Mr. Hawkins: It looks as if we would have to skirt the whole subdivision to serve you with telephone in that particular area. I would like to have a 20 foot easement between Lots 6 and 7. Other than this, the existing easements shown will be sufficient. 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): In answer to Mr.. Crownover's question, Mr. Dowers said they had an existing line at the present time alongside the future street to the West. Mr. Blew said that all the service would be underground. Mr. Crownover: If everything is inside, we have access. 10. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): I would like to see some agreement between the County, the developer, or the City on street signs in these subdivisions (outside the City Limits but inside the planning area). 11. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Brt indicated that he might would serve this subdivision even though it is outside the City Limits. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I would like to have a revision to show the easements required. That should be a 50 foot radius on the cul-de-sac unless it is waived by the Planning Commission. The jog between the proposed street (Wooded Hollow Drive) with University Drive will also have to be waived by the Planning Commission. I do need the signatures of the adjoining property owners. The width of the lots on the cul-de-sac at the setback line should be computed for me. I would like to have a revision before going to the Planning Commission and,if possible,1 copy black line print. 13. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: This is in the water growth area There will be no fire hydrants for their protection unlessthey put them in themselves. This is outside the City Limits and I will offer fire protection on a call basis with a charge. BROOKSIDE EAST The final item for discussion was the Preliminary Plat of the Preliminary Plat proposed subdivision of Brookside East for property located Southeast of Old Wire Road and North of Township Road extended. Jerre Van Hoose and Wells Bone were present to represent. Comments were 1. Mr. Van Hoose said this had been approved as a preliminary plat but approval has expired; and that the water and sewer, street and drainage plans had been completed and approved by Mr, Mattke and Mr. Powell. He said this was a presentation to update(.the plat in line of any new requirements that the City might have since the last revision, He said the only two other requirements they knew of was showing location of required sidewalks and street. lights. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Is that all in the creek. to be a drainage and walkway easement? as follows: that construction Mr. Van Hoose: At the time the original plat was submitted, the subdivider proposed to dedicate that for the purpose of drainage easements and Green Belt and park, or whatever. That is all in the flood plain and creek. At that point the City was not 3-J • • • Plat Review February 5, 1o76 -6- prepared to accept it, It was indicated that the.subdiyiders.would go.ahead anddo.this ..if the City was willing on their part, Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones- said. Administrative Asst.. David McWethy (who was -unable to attend the meeting) had called her office and stated.that he and City Manager Don Grimes wanted the following questions asked concerning Brookside East Subdivision. A. What about Azalea Terrace. Do they envision that it will also be develpped within a reasonable period of time following Brookside East? Are they still contemplating the City's participation in the cost of the bridge between the two subdivisions? Mr. Wells Bone said they still comtemplated the City's participation in the cost of the bridge. He indicated that they planned to develop Azalea Terrace after Brookside East if economically feasible at that time. B. What streets are proposed to be used for access to the subdivision? There is a 50 foot right-of-way to Crossover Road indicated. Also it appears that Primrose Lane is in a position where it could be connected to Bois de Arc. Mr. Bone said that the 50 foot right-of-way to Crossover Road indicated would not be developed initially and that Primrose Lane would initially tie back to Bois -de -Arc. This is the only initial access proposed. C. We need the area map to show the location of the property with respect to all other subdivisions in the area It does not show Winwood Subdivision, Colette Avenue, or Sweetser's property on Bois de Arc.. We would like for the area map to show the proposed access roads to the subdivision. Mr. Bone said there were two access points - - one coming off Colette and then Azalea Terrace would go through to the North to Old Wire Road. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): (1) I would recommend that Township be dedicated 30 feet in keeping with the collector requirement on the Major Street Plan. (2) Recommend that Jonquil Road and Robin Road culs-de-sac be pulled back leaving only two intersections with Township.and have "limits of no access" onto Township Road except for Primrose Lane and Aialea Terrace so the City would not have driveway cuts which would be a double cut or a drive through the lots to the collector (Township). Mr. Van Hoose felt that it would be logical to. leave Azalea Terrace cul-de- sac to tie with Township since it would extend through to Old Wire Road. He pointed out that it would also be cheaper for the developers to shorten the other two culs since they would not have to construct as many streets. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Your vicinity map is out of date. This subdivision has only one access (Bois -de -Arc) which is from the Southwest corner of the subdivision. This is an inferior street both quality -wise and quantity -wise. Whether or not the proposed residential street (Country Way) is completed to the East (to Crossover Road) is immaterial because it does nothing to meet the requirements of the Master Street Plan whichcalls for Township (collector) to be extended East to Crossover Road This subdivision does abut the intended location for the extension of Township Road, The precedence has been set in Shadow Hill Subdivision for the subdivider to construct one half.o£ the street and there is another apartment complex being proposed at this time in which the developer has tentatively voluntarily agreed to construct half of a collector street. Therefore, with. this precedence already set, I feel that (rather than an easement or dedication only) that also the portion of Township abutting this subdivision be constructed at the developer's expense, (Half of it by this developer and the other half be paid for by the developer of that side.) to3 • • Plat Review February 5, 1976 -7- On the tie-in of Azalea Terrace across.the creek., City policy is that .we.will.sustain .the cost of any bridge or drainage structure across these, creeks up to.a 4 by 4 box culvert not exceeding 80 square feet to 4.cost.of14t000,.:That.would give additional access out of this subdivision... Right now,.,if there were:to be a natural.. disaster or disruption, the'only access is through. Bois -de -Arc, ,If all.of this does develop, this one point of access (Bois -de -Arc) would not last a.month.:due to its inferior construction when Winwood was- developed. With those comments, r would like to reviewtthe engineering plans and profiles for the streets, drainage, sidewalks, street lights, etc. In answer to•Mr. Van Hoose's question concerning the construction of a residential street, Clayton Powell said they were talking about a 45 ft width back of curb to back of curb plus 4 foot for sidewalks. He suggested that they establish the centerline of the street and set back from the centerline to construct the 1511 feet of the street. Mr. Powell said with a. 60 ft. right of -way, and a 45 foot street with a 4 foot sidewalk would leave 3.5 feet of available right-of-way for utilities. 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Whenever they are ready for the final plat we will get some street markers. 5• Paul Mattke (City Engineer): As I recall you submitted plans for water and sewer back in 1972, 1973 and probably any comments I made at that time would still apply. You dropped out all the off-site connections on the water. There is no way we can supply this off of Winwood Estates without tying it in at several other places You will either have to go North or now we have our 12 -inch main in Highway 265. That is about the only change. Mr. Van Hoose said this was in the plans as Mr. Mattke had recommended. I feel that the tie up to Old Wire Road or 265 is a must, and also that the tie to Bois -de -Arc is a necessity. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We can serve from either the easement back there on the East side of Winwood or from Old Wire Road It does present a load problem but maybe with a tie in, we can make it alright. The thing that disturbs me most is the matter of utility easements. Where we get everyone involved (excluding sewer) we just about have to have 25 feet. Where sewer lines are involved, gas has to have a 10 foot separation. This gets us up to a 30 foot easement. Mr. Van Hoose said he would like for all the utility companies to lay out their systems and decide on the location and size of easements before drawing up the final plat. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I agree with Mr. O'Donnell's comments. We have service in Old Wire Road (to the North) and also around Brent Lane (to the South). We will need an easement somewhere to get service into the subdivision. Unless something unforeseen happens that we can't, we will serve this new addition and I will figure out how to get there. 8. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We ordered cable for this and got it in and you were not ready to go on.. Since that time, we have gotten rid of the cable. We will serve this some way or another, I am not sure exactly how right now. I will say that the proper feed for this, telephone wise, is directly West down the Township easement to Old Wire Road, The overall easements within the subdivision are too small as they are stated now., I' will be glad.to work with. anybody as to what is needed but 25 feet will:run fairly close, .If you do dedicate the easements for Township Road, I would like to'have an additional 15 foot easement along this. This should allow enough:room with. the 5 feet.of right-of-way left over that Mr. Powell (Street Supt.) pointed out. • Plat Review February 5, 1976 -8- 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire.Chie£):. Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: - - I: am concerned that we will have a street dead --ending at the creekin both. proposed subdivisions rather than connecting.. We will have to::bring the fire truck from'the Northwest. Arrival time for.the first unit would be 4 to 5 minutes.. and 8 minutes on the second unit if we can come in from the North. If we have to go around by Winwood it will take the first unit 8 minutes. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have service to the Southwest portion of it between Lots 24 and 25. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Right now your sole access is Bois -de -Arc. Do you plan to develop the 50 foot right-of-way shown (Country Way) to Crossover Road? Mr. Van Hoose: I don't think the developers have ever indicated they would build this road. Wells Bone said they did have the right-of-way to cross this property.if the road were to be extended. Bobbie Jones: Your street light spacing gets a little greater than 300 feet in a few places On some of them, I don't see that there is very much you can do about it. There is one place where you are closer at one point and then the distance spreads out. You have one shown on the West side of Lot 59 rather than at the intersection. If you omit the one at the Northwest corner of Lot 59 and put one at the Northeast corner at the intersection, I think the spacing will be okay. From the one at the intersection of Jonquil Road and Robin Rdad to Robin Road and Robin (cul-de-sac), that spacing is too great From the intersection of Robin Road to the cul-de-sac on Azalea Terrace exceeds 300 feet. I question the distance between Lots 95 and 96 and Lots 71 and 72 on Azalea Terrace. If it is close, the Planning Commission can waive them, .On the cul-de-sac at the end of Robin Road (Lot 66, 67, and 68), I need you to compute the lot width at the setback line - - (we need 70 feet at the setback line). Submit signatures of adjoining property owners if any of them have changed. You need to confirm that this proposed connection (between the two subdivisions) aligns with what the City agreed to on the bridge. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 A. M. 105