HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-29 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING &meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A. M. Thursday, January 29, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Richard Rutledge. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Steve Brown, Perry Franklin, Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: W. S. Robinson. The only item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Plan submitted by W. S. Robinson for a proposed 10 -unit apartment building for property located on Leverett Street South of where it intersects with Sycamore Street. Mr. Robinson was present to represent. Comments were as follows: W. S. ROBINSON Leverett Street L. S. D. 1. Mr. Robinson said that he proposed a building with wood or masonite siding and that there was no future development planned to the East at this time. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Leverett Street is proposed on the Major Street Plan to be a collector street requiring 60 feet of right-of-way, and 30 feet of right-of-way from the centerline is needed. Present existing right-of-way is 40 feet, therefore, we need dedication for an additional 10 feet on Leverett. On your driveway, you show a 22 foot width. You are allowed to go up to a 24 foot driveway for residential and 40 feet for commercial. I consider an apartment building commercial. If you wanted to, you could have a 40 foot driveway with a median in the middle with two-way traffic. Mr. Robinson: I think I will go to a 24 foot driveway and not put a median in to separate the ingress from the egress. Clayton Powell: You will have to obtain a driveway or curb cut permit from the City Engineer's Office for the driveway you plan to install. Any alteration in your existing drive will also have to have a permit. Your property does not abut Sycamore Street. However, Sycamore Street is proposed in the future to extend from Gregg Street all the way across to Leverett East of Skull Creek, and from whoever develops the corner at Leverett and Sycamore we would expect some participation on the developer's part there. You do need to control your on-site drainage. We do have storm drainage down the West side, but even with the storm drainage we have, Leverett Street is so flat and so long that even now in a very nominal rainfall, the street will flood at various points. You could drain to the East to Skull Creek. If you have any further questions concerning drainage or driveways, please feel free to call my office. We will not do your engineering or your architectural design for you, but we will certainly help you as much. as possible. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent); You have agreed to a Lo Dal container. One 4 -yard container should be sufficient for 10 apartments. These Lo Dal containers are picked up twice a week by our big tender trucks. If you do not plan to enclose it, a 10 foot by 12 foot pad will be big enough. Mr. Robinson and Wally Brt agreed on a location for the Lo Dal container East of the parking area about the middle of the lot. • • Plat Review January 29, 1976 -2- 4. Perry Franklin(Traffic Superintendent): If he has any shrubs or poles at .the driveway entrance they need to be less than.3 feet high. and 25 feet either side of the driveway for site distances, Mr. Robinson said that nothing was planned at the entrance of the driveway. S. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): I would recommend that you save as much as possible of the existing trees or whatever is on the ground. The shading is irreplaceable. Any plantings that you did do around the buildings would enhance the appearance of the apartments. The Community Appearance Program is putting together a brochure on appropriate plantings for this area. When this brochure is ready, I. will mail you a copy. It should be useful. 6. David McWethy, (Administrative Assistant): In answer to David McWethy's question, Mr. Robinson said that the creek was approximately his property line. David McWethy: That is all I have. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Sewer is available from Leverett. We will have to cut Leverett. This is a newly paved street. This is a new technique we have to use. We will cut into the street over g down tothe main then bore under the pavement over to the property to get the service in. .It is costly and you will be expected to bear the cost of doing this. The only problem is this area is fairly high density in development and our system was designed for an R-1 Density. Be sure that your floor grades are so you can get gravity flow. Water service is basically the same thing. I assume you will want a master meter. With 10 units you will need to have your plumber to come and arrange your water and sewer service. Also, we designed fire hydrant spacing for residential type area and the hydrant spacing is not really: adequate since the higher density development in the area. This will affect your fire insurance premiums. If you wish, we can set an additional fire hydrant at your cost - - approximately $550. You will probably want to have a pressure reducer with'.the pressure on that water line. It lengthens the life of your hot water heater and helps prevent leaks. In answer to Mr. Robinson's question, Mr. Mattke said there was a pressure pump system for sewer which he thought was called Environmental One that was being used and tested in some locations. Mr. Robinson indicated that he would like to have tile drain laid to drain the lot but could not find anyone to do this. Mr. Mattke gave him the name of a Mr. Wilson and also Alex Smith. He told Mr. Robinson that he felt either one of these men would lay the drain tile for him. If.you are thinking about a sprinkler system, remember there is only a 6 inch water line there. -However, you are close enough that you could probably go to the 24 inch line in Sycamore. 8. Richard Rutledge (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We discussed somewhat the easements that are necessary. You stated that you wanted to place a 10 foot patio on the back. That will leave us a maximum of 12 feet which for our purposes will be alright because we can go in the same ditchwith any other utility. We would loop these in there and would like to preferably have at least one closure for each three units. We allow two lines per outlet. Would need one end looped back out. A two inch conduit would be more than adequate and it can be plastic. It does not have to be steel. The exact location can be worked out at a later date. We would like to have, if possible; a 10 foot easement on both North and South sides of the property. Mr. Robinson said there was: a 10 foot strip laid out along the South side of this lot that was not a deeded easement (:the old Evints Farm Plat). He said he had thought about abandoning it but could retain it if necessary. Mr. Rutledge indicated that he would like to retain this easement for any future development. PD Plat Review January 29, 1976 -3- 9. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO); Since you have expressed a desire for overhead service, 10 feet would be sufficient for us. So. we will want a IQ foot easement along the North. property line from Leverett Street,•to the East, In answer to Bobbie Jonesr question, Mr. Hornaday said this should be ample room for T. V. Cable (to either go in the ditchwith the telephone or on the pole with SWEPCO. Mr. Robinson stated that he planned to have total electric apartments. 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Not present but telephoned the following comments: We will go with power and telephone. We do have service out there. 11. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present but telephoned the following:_ No comments. 12. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following: Since this is electric, gas will not be involved. If he should change his mind, gas is available and we can serve him if we need to. 13. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You are providing more than the minimum of parking spaces required which is 12 per unit. You are also showing asphalt on your parking area which is correct. I need a revised black line print showing the easements asked for and the location of the Lo Dal container. 14. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting, but telephoned the following: They are showing a 22 foot drive and I need for them to keep it this width at least so the fire trucks can get in to it. Would like to have a "No Parking" zone in the middle of the parking area to leave room for the fire trucks to maneuver in case of fire. Note: Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones said she felt he was talking about putting a no parking sign on a couple of the parking spaces for this. She told Mr. Robinson that she could ask Mr. McWhorter to clarify this. Mr. Robinson indicated that he would not go along with this recommendation as he felt they would park in the drive in case of a fire. He asked her to inform Mr. McWhorter of this. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 A. M. • •