HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-08 Minutesnn MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:05 A. M. Thursday, January 8, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville,• Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, Wally Brt, Janet Bowen. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Floyd Hornaday, Clyde Terry, James Crownover, Richard Rutledge. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Ervan Wimberly, Harry Gray, John Box. J. B. HAYS The first item for discussion was a large North College Avenue scale development plan submitted by Dr. J. B. Hays L. S. D. for property located on Highway 71 North (College Avenue) between Cook's Paint Store and Sizzlin Sirloin Steak House. John Box was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent). We have adequate right-of-way for Highway 71 at that point. The only request I have of Dr. Hayes is that he continue to control on-site drainage as he has in the past So far he has-been cooperative. If you are cutting any new driveways it will require a permit from the State Highway Departmentwhich you submit through the City Engineer's Office. The plat as drawn is within the prescribed specifications. You can go up to a 40 foot driveway on commercial and you have the proper spacing between driveways. 2. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Mr. Box told Mr. Mattke that the proposed On' use for the new building would be a retail uniform shop and that there would be no cleaning of uniforms. ^_ Mr. Mattke: That sewer that they will have to tie anything on is marginal to say rn the best for it. As long as they are just adding a small additional sewage, I don't think it will be any worse off than it is now. If we have to cut College Avenue for water, it will be at the full cost of the developer plus there is a lengthy delay (approximately three weeks) to get the permit from the State Highway Department. It would be expensive to cut College Avenue. I would suggest you try to use an existing service and just add on another meter. Mr. Box commented that there seemed to be plenty of water. Mr. Mattke: If it is not enough, we will have to cut College Avenue. 3. Richard Rutledge (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We have got plenty of cable and everything right by there. If there are any poles that will have to be moved, you will need to contact our business office and they will determine the cost of this. Mr. Box: One pole will have to be moved. • le 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Mr. Box said he did not think there would be any request for T. V. Cable service. Mr. Terry: I don't anticipate any problems. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Mr. Box answered Mr. Hornaday by saying that the pole on the South would still have to be moved. Mr. Hornaday: We talked about this before. We will talk to you later then abciit moving that one pole. • Plat Review January 8, 1976 -2- 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent); Mr, Box said he felt they could get by with trash. cans. Wally Brt: I don't see any problems. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The parking shown is only sufficient for Cook's Paint, the Automotive and the proposed uniform shop and we need enough for the two old buildings as well.If you can check the size and call me back I can figure out how many you will need. I know we can pick up 8 or 9 more parking spaces between Cook's Paint and the other building but any parking shown will have to be developed and paved. Planning Office Note: Mr. Box called the Planning Office later that day (1-8-76) and Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones found that 8 more parking spaces were needed and with Mr. Box's approval she agreed to revise the original drawing to show them on the South side of the proposed building. 8. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Nor present but telephoned that he had no comments. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present but telephoned that he had no comments. 10. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Not present at meeting but telephoned that there were no problems. PERIMETER PLAZA Zion Road $ Highway 71 North The next item for discussion was Perimeter Plaza, a proposed commercial subdivision to be located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Zion Road and Highway 71 North. Engineers Ervan Wimberly and Harry Gray (McClelland Engineers) were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Ervan Wimberly: This revised plat is the same as the original one except that it includes Jim Lindsey's property and this might affect some of the easements. It also changes the location of the force main and the sewer lift station. The force main was located along Highway 71 on the original drawing and it would now be located on the East side of the proposed street (the same side as the gravity sewer). 2. Richard Rutledge (Southwestern Bell Telephone): In answer to Mr. Rutledge's question, Mr. Wimberly said there was a possibility that Lots 8 and 10 would be divided sometime in the future. He said if it was divided they would probably come in with a street through Lots 3 and 4 from Zion Road with a cul-de-sac at the end. Richard Rutledge: As it is shown now, the easements are sufficient for us unless the property is divided. If it is divided we would need an easement down that road and cul-de-sac. 3. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): There is no problem as far as Ozarks Electric is concerned on easements. If Lots 8 and 10 are divided, I would need to look at this again. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): The same with us. Easements are sufficient unless they divide further. If they do, I will have to look at it again. 5. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): I am not sure we have even got anything in there but I will go along with Clyde Terry (Warner Cable). We will go along and see what happens. X13 • • Plat Review -3- January 8, 1976 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent); In a commercial zone we .require 5 foot sidewalks not 4 feet. 1 am not sure whether sidewalks are required on both sides of the street or only one. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): It would probably be preferable to have sidewalks on both sides but the ordinance requires sidewalk on one side for local streets and both sides for collectors. Clayton Powell: Since you are changing the topography of the area until I see your street plans and profiles and your tile sizing, there are no other comments I can make. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I have discussed water and sewer service with the developer's engineers but I have obviously not received water and sewer plans yet. However, I have been assured that they will water and sewer the area With those stipulations, I have no problem. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Wimberly (in answer to Mr. Brt's question) said he did not know if any of the lots had been sold. He said the t -shaped turn around was still planned. Wally Brt: I guess we will just have to wait and see what type of development they will have in there. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): After checking on the street light spacing, Bobbie Jones commented: Your street light spacing will have to be shifted some. You may want to request the Planning Commission to allow you to move them to the lot lines. I cannot do this. Ervan Wimberly: I think we will check with the Planning Commission on it. Bobbie Jones: Also, street lights should be shown on Zion Road. I'm not sure about Highway 71. Ervan Wimberly said Highway 71 is already lighted with lights down the median. Bobbie Jones: You need to change the sidewalks from .4 feet to 5 feet and change the street light spacing. I need a black line print revision and a plat with adjoining property owners signatures or a note that you have shown it to the adjoining property owners. I think Ordinances 1661 and 1663 shown on the plat are the correct numbers. Note: See Plat Review minutes of 11-20-75. Paul Mattke (City Engineer)•: We have had an awful problem with legal descriptions and easements coming from attorneys, engineers and abstractors mainly because they are not checked after they have been typed. We are contacting all of them to ask that they check all legal descriptions they write. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but telephoned the following comments: I don't have enough information to make comments. Will get to it later when building permits are applied for. 11. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): • • • Plat Review January 8, 1976 -4- The last item for discussion was a L. S. D. for a proposed office building RALPH GOFF located on the South side of 15th Street. 15th Street There was no one present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): That is a non -dedicated private driveway to be maintained by the owner developer. If:there should be any alterations in the driveway onto 15th Street, the permit from the State Highway Department District Engineer is required. Respectfully request on-site drainage be controlled. I am sure there is a creek bed due West of there, if they could arrange to drain it off from their parking lot in that direction. They do not show any dimension on parking spaces. The ordinance requires that they be 10' x 20'. There is no additional right-of-way needed on 15th Street. 2.Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Water and sewer is available. Unless he can utilize existing services on the property it will require street cutting. This requires a State Highway permit which takes three weeks and he will have to pay the full cost of cutting and repairing the highway for these services. 3. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Mr. Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent) talked with Mr. Goff and Mr. Goff thought he could go to the sewer back out to 15th Street or he thought he could go to the main line to the South. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): The one to the South is a long way but that would be preferable to cutting 15th Street. If he put a meter in to the water line that serves the laundry to the East, he,could cut his own street (the private drive). 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I have no comments. 5. Richard Rutledge (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I don't have any problems as long as we don't have to cross any one else's property other than his. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have service just to the Northeast of there and we don't have any problems. 8. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but telephoned that there were no problems. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present but telephoned that he had no comments. 10. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas We'stern Gas): Can serve this with gas. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 A. M. G5