HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-11 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:05 A. M. Thursday, December 11, 1975, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Floyd Hornaday, Roy Hawkins and Richard Rutledge, Frank O'Donnell, CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Steve Brown, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: E. R. Beffort, Walter Locey. The only item for consideration was the large scale FARM SERVICE COOPERATIVE development plan submitted by Farm Service Cooperative Large Scale Development for property at Beechwood Avenue and 15th Street.. Mr. Beffort and Mr. Locey were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): Mr. Locey told Mr. Brown that this would be a pre-engineered building used for a garden and nursery center. He said the buildings would look nice and they would nave plenty of parking. He said they had hired the people to do it right and they plan to do some landscaping. He said they would have an internal drive in later development phase. He also mentioned the possibility of putting a lake near 15th Street in a later phase of their development. Steve Brown: On any landscaping you do or propose to do, the Community Appearance Committee is available for consultation. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): T. V. cable service is not available at this time but if you want it contact me so I can see how to work it out. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Mr. Locey said they would probably want a line for security. Mr. Hawkins: We have stuff in the vicinity. On a steel building such as this I think we can serve. We will require a location inside the building where we can terminate our stuff. We will require that you stub us a piece of conduit through the steel part of the building and a place to terminate it. I think PVC size of 2 inch will be more than sufficient. We would come up Beechwood Avenue from 15th Street. This would be underground. I will need a 20 foot easement running North and South along the East side of the right-of-way of Beechwood Avenue.This will give us sufficient room for all utilities. There is a 50 foot (SWEPCO) easement on the East side of the property and I can bury in this. If there is no right-of-way dedication needed for Razorback Road, I will need to extend the 50 foot SWEPCO easement to the North. If there is a dedication required, I will need an easement outside that dedication. City Engineer Paul Mattke suggested, and all the utility companies agreed, that if the Planning Commission and Board of Directors do go and require right-of-way dedication for Razorback at this time, it would be better to increase the SWEPCO easement so that all utility companies could use it. Since there is a 50 foot setback requirement, he recommended increasing it to a full 50 foot easement in addition to street right-of-way. Parking lots could be placed over the easement. Mr. Mattke anticipated this being taken into the Arkansas Highway Department system in the future and the State will not permit utilities within their rights-of-way. • 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have got 12 KV distribution down on 15th Street with 16 over it. We are in the same kind of situation as the telephone. Mr. Hornaday went along with the easement asked for by Mr. Hawkins of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company according to whether or not there would be any street dedications required on Razorback g� J Plat Review 2 - December 11, 1975 5. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have got a line at the North of this property. We can set the meter there and you will have to run your own yardline to the nursery. This would be at your own expense. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): There are three streets abutting this property. Beechwood Avenue is a minor street requiring 50 feet of right-of-way. Our plat book reflects 50 feet down to a point but not the full distance. We would like confirmation and dedication of that right-of-way 25 feet from the centerline along the West side of your property. Razorback on the East side is designated as a minor arterial on the Major Street Plan requiring 80 feet of right-of-way. The plat book shows 30 feet of right-of-way presently -on Razorback and we will need dedication of 25 feet along your East property line for Razorback to meet the Major Street Plan or 40 feet from the centerline shown on plat book. We need a bond for 11 of the cost of improving Razorback Road The plat book shows an existing right-of-way of 50 feet on 15th Street, 80 feet being required. Therefore, we need 1S feet of right-of-way dedicated on the South side of your property to meet the Major Street Plan requirements, 40 feet from the centerline. Mr. Locey explained to Mr. Powell that all they were concerned about at the present was the nursery and that future development for the rest of the property might be 10 to 15 years away. He could not understand why they needed to dedicate all of this . right-of-way at this time. Mr. Powell (Street Superintendent): said that this was a large scale development and that the dedication of rights-of-way was required before going to the Board of Directors. He explained to Mr. Locey that he was a technical advisor making recommendations to the Planning Commission and it would be up to them to make the decision concerning the dedication of rights-of-way. Mr. Locey then asked Mr. Powell about the grade of the railroad spur if they brought it in to their property. Mr. Powell said Frisco railroad would have to set the grade and when the road was extended, they would have to work with this grade. He said this needed to be worked out ahead of time. Mr. Powell: You have two natural drainage ditches on the property. In developing this tract, if you wanted to re -channel these ditches you would have to size the drainage structures accordingly. I haven't had a chance to check the flood plain area; however, sidewalks, streets, etc. cannot be built in the flood plain area. Mr. Locey asked about the possibility of using steam from the proposed municipal solid waste treatment plant to be located South of Highway 62 West and East of Razorback Road. Administrative Assistant David McWethy told Mr. Locey that it would not be likely that they _could use the steam from this plant in the very near future. He said it might be possible within 10 to 15 years. He said he would be glad to discuss this with Mr. Locey anytime. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): For the proposed nursery water is available from the North. Sewer is availablefrom Beechwood. You need to have elevation of the manhole verified before you set your foundation. We will have to cut the street. The sewer line in Beechwood will carry very, very little additional load as it is on a very poor grade. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Mrs. Jones explained to Mr. Locey that the Planning Comjission would review this and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. She said the Planning Commission and Board of Directors had the power to vary the requirement on dedication of rights-of-way. Bobbie Jones: I believe there is already sufficient right-of-way on Beechwood and 15th Street. I question the 30 feet right-of-way shown in the plat book for Razorback. That would match the 15 ft. water easement the development plan shows. a% ^,7 J iv ter F rl ii • Plat Review December 11, 1975 A plant nursery is a conditional use on appeal to the Planning Commission city wide in any zone, but I do not forsee'a problem in getting the conditional use for a plant nursery granted. With this many parking spaces, the ordinance requires that they be sealed with a durable, dustless surface. Mr. Beffort indicated that they would rather not pave the parking spaces Bobbie Jones: Only the Board of Adjustment has the authority to vary that requirement. Bobbie Jones asked Mr. Locey and Mr. Beffort if they had enough room to turn large trucks around and they indicated they thought they did. Mr. Locey and Mr. Beffort indicated they needed to be in operation at this site by late February or early March. Bobbie Jones:- If this is ;approved, and if you can begin operations out of a portable building, you might possibly work something out with Mr. Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent) in using a temporary building until the permanent structure is constructed.. As long as it is 8 feet by 10 feet or under no permit would be required. The temporary building would have to be removed after the construction of the permanent building has been completed. I still need proof of when the property was last divided. 9. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): 40 feet of right of way is needed on the East side of Razorback for future extension. 10. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I would suggest that they use a container instead of cans. They may contact me on this. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 A. M. It is)