HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-04 Minutesn n MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW CQMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:O1A.,M., Thursday, December 4, 1975, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: James Crownover, Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins. Perry Franklin, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Glen Oldham, Ray McElhaney, Jim Vizzier, Alan Beauchamp. The first item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Glen Oldham for a proposed furniture store at '2262 South School. Mr. Oldham and Contractor Ray McElhaney were present were as follows: GLEN'S FURNITURE 2262 South School L. S. D. to represent. Comments 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Mr. Oldham told Mr. Terry that he would want cable service. He said he would not require underground service and they would be able to drill in to enter the building. He said he would not want a weather head where the cable entered the building.. Clyde Terry: I don't see any problems with' Warner Cable. 2. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We do have a water main (8 inch) along the front of this property. Sewer service is not available at this time. We have plans to extend sewer close to this area in the future. We will know in February exactly where the sewer service will be extended to. I would need a 25 foot easement along the street right-of-way for this. The yardines should come out to the front. I would recommend using some type of temporary sewer system until we know something definite. A septic tank just will not work in this type of soil. (NOTE: See Letter). 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): You said all you will require is a regular telephone service (1 line). We have an existing aerial cable in front of your site and can serve you. 4. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): I don't see anything that will affect me. This is under the Arkansas Highway Department. If you need to alter your drive- way, I can get in touch with them for you if you want me to, but I don't see any problems. 4. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): In answer to Steve Brown's question, Mr. McElhaney said this would be a pre-engineered metal building with a glass store front with a canopy 10 feet wide by 100 feet long across the front of the building. Steve Brown: Highway 71 South is proposed to be widened sometime in the future. I would encourage you to plant any sort of trees or shrubs around your building; any- thing to improve the appearance of the community. 6. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I would like to see you get a LoDal container down there. It would be cheaper on you and I think you would be happier with it. You can think about it and if you decide to use a container, you can call me and we can discuss a place to locate it. You have plenty of room. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The plan does reflect the required 80 feet of right-of-way for Highway 71 South. It also reflects an existing EN FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSA= CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE P. 0. DRAWER F Mrs. Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator Cit of Fayetteville Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Mrs. Jones: 72701 (son 521.77U. December 4, 1975 • Re: Large scale development plan for Glenn's Furniture, South School Avei This letter is to clarify the status of sewer service to this property. At the present time we have an -.approved Community Development project for sewer service in this general area. We are somewhat limited by the definitioi.: of property that can be served under Community Development construction projects and obviously available building funds. We are in the process of completing the design on this project and should have a determination in late January or early February. I, therefore, recommend that the final.. decision as to type of sewer service be postponed until that time. Assuming that you wish to approve this project conditionally, I am furnishing additional information for your consideration. I have observed the soil conditions at the site and question its ability to serve for septic disposal. I do not believe it will be possible to obtain a successful perc test for this site. Therefore, they have two coursesof action: (1) Connection to sanitary sewer, or (2) Packaged, self—contained disposal units serviced by commercial contractors such as the construction toilets, chemical toilets, etc. IX I L:E ()F 1;11Y PL.' iI 's.t.1; FWM:bj cc: Inspection Department Si erely yours, . Mattke 1/ Water &.Sewer Superintendent • Plat Review December 4, 1975 -2- 40 foot driveway whichis the maximum for commercial facilities. If there is any alteration to be done to the driveway, it should be moved Southso that it doesn't lie on the property line. There is a requirement to have 25 foot separation between driveways. This enters into federal Highway 71 which the State Highway Department has jurisdiction of and you would have to obtain a permit from them which is submitted through the City Engineer's Office to do this alteration. I think this is a grand location for a furniture store. I don't think the Planning Commission or the Board of Directors has decided yet exactly what is a "dustless" surface for parking lots. You need to control your on-site drainage rather than dumping it out on the driveway. Ray McElhaney: There is a drainage ditch along the South property line that the drainage will be diverted into. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): This property was rezoned in 1974. The point of beginning in the legal description is 120 feet off what it was in the rezoning ordinance. I know this is a corrected legal description. I will get in touch with the City Attorney. I think he will just type a corrected ordinance and run it through the Board of Directors because we were the ones that told Mr. Ashley we thought his legal description was off and I think he had a survey made to get it corrected. This does need to be taken care of. You do have your setback of SO feet shown. That is from the roof 'overhang to the property line. You do have a setback requirement of 15 feet from each side property line because of the abutting residentially zoned property. Mr. McElhaney said the building would not be over 17 feet high at any point. Bobbie Jones: There is to be no storage of furniture on the outside. It will have to be all contained within the building. You need 33 parking spaces. You have 37 shown but some of these do not meet the requirements of the ordinance. Mr. McElhaney: We had to shift the building a little bit to the South and there will be no parking on the South whatsoever. He said the setback was still okay on the South side after moving the building a little further that direction. Bobbie Jones: You cannot have parking closer than 5 feet to residentially zoned property. If you have it as close as 5 feet to that property the parking must be screened by a view -obscuring fence or hedge 5 to 8 feet high. You may not have it closer than 20 feet to residentially zoned property without that screening.. The ordinance will eliminate the parking on the Southwest corner of the lot. This is not in an A.or R. District, but it is within 50 feet of such district so that your parking must be setback 25 feet from the right-of-way line within 50 feet of your side property lines. We are going to need a little bit different layout and I will need a redrawing. I would go ahead and check with the Inspection Office this morning on your temporary sewage system and also on signs. You may need to show this on the drawing also. I don't know if you can cover a septic field with your parking or not. I will need a revision on the drawing showing where the building will be and also the location of the parking, and the screening shown. I will need a black line print and I would like to have that before I take it before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will have only one meeting in December (December 9) and we will need to get the materials together for that meeting this afternoon. I would like a copy of the deed Mr. Ashby had originally and the corrected one he obtained if it is in the abstract. If it is not, you should go back and have them do it that way. 10. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western ---unable to attend but telephoned the following comments): As far as I can tell we can serve them with gas: I will try to check it out more thoroughly. 11. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Water and fire protection is available. I would recommend the building be automatically sprinkled.. That is a recommendation. 12. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Unable to attend meeting and not available for comments. g2J • • • • Plat Review Committee December 4, 1975 -3- The only other item for the Plat Review to discuss was the large scale development plan submitted by Alan Beauchamp to construct some tennis courts and a single family residence on property located North of Old Wire Road and West of Crossover Road. The ALAN BEAUCHAMP Tennis Courts Old Wire Road $ Crossover Road tennis courts are a conditional use in the R-1 Zone. The Planning L.S.Development P, C.U. Commission has already approved this use for this property with a stipulation that Mr. Beauchamp bring a development plan back to them. Mr. Beauchamp and Planning Consultant Jim Vizzier were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Jim Vizzier explained that Mr. Beauchamp had 30 acres and at the present time planned to build a small house for himself. He said this area had some flood plain along the creek and was not good for anything except recreation and this was where Mr. Beauchamp would like to have a drive into the property to get to his house and tennis courts. He said Mr. Beauchamp might wish to put in a couple more lighted tennis courts later on and would possibly place a plastic bubble over one in bad weather if the demand indicated that requirement. Mr. Vizzier said the rest of the land was buildable and Mr. Beauchamp might sell off a lot with a house on it along Old Wire Road at a later date; also possibly another vacant lot next to it. He indicated Mr. Beauchamp might do this to help pay for his tennis operation. He said Mr. Beauchamp'planned to maintain frontage on Old Wire Road for the 10 -acre hill indicated on the plot plan which he may wish to sell for a house site later; if the buyer of that 10 -acres wanted to subdivide it the buyer would have to make a subdivision out of it including building a street. Mr. Beauchamp was also planning to retain frontage for himself onto Old Wire Road along the creek. This area would only be developed for recreation area. Mr. Vizzier thought Mr. Beauchamp was wanting to bring water to his house and tennis courts from Highway 265 and to use a septic tank system and put in a gravel private drive into the site from Old Wire Road. He pointed out that Mr. Beauchamp only had definite plans for the area along the creek and the rest of it was speculation at this time. At the time he was actually in negotiation with someone to sell one of the 3 sites mentioned, they would seek approval of a lot split. 2. Alan Beauchamp: I may start out with only one or two tennis courts, but I would like to have the potential to have as many as 8 if I decide to do so. In answer to Administrative Assistant David McWethy's question, Bobbie Jones explained that Mr. Beauchamp had already been granted approval for a conditional use by the Planning Commission; however, he had to come back to them with a development plan to show how many tennis courts there would be and where they would be located. 3. David McWethy commented that he was concerned about the unpleasant odor emitted from the sewer lift station at the intersection of Old Wire Road and Crossover Road and that it could be smelled as far away as his house. He also asked Mr. Beauchamp if he was aware of a City park on the Southwest corner of Old Wire Road and Crossover Road. Mr. Beauchamp acknowledged that there was land being given for a City park but he thought it would not conflict with his proposal. He also said he was aware of the sewer lift station but did not expect it to be a problem except at certain times of the year. City Engineer Paul Mattke said the lift station would probably cause more of an odor problem in the fall of the year when the weather is uncertain. They usually discontinue the addition of oxygen at that time thinking the cooler weather will take care of the odor; however if the weather warms back up, the station emits an unpleasant odor. Mr. Mattke said as this area develops, they will have to maintain a little better control over the station. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Were the flood plains taken into consideration in making plans for this development? The Corps of Engineers' study did not cover this area. Mr. Vizzier said they had used the Soil Conservation's flood plain and also had Y3 A • i • Plat Review Committee December 4, 1975 -4- gotten someone from the University to go out and make some soil tests and they indicated that some of this had never been flooded. Mr. Mattke suggested they consider going out to Old Wire Road for water service rather than crossing Crossover Road. He said that when the City had put the future sewer crossing in there, they were in solid rock almost from the surface down. Rock excavation is very expensive, and it may exceed the cost of running the extra distance back to Old Wire Road. Mr. Beauchamp would have to bear the cost of getting to water. Mr. Mattke suggested they parallel the contours, generally in the same way shown for the drive, and he thought they would have a much better tendency to avoid rock. Also, the State Highway (Crossover Road) cannot be cut. It would be necessary to bore under it, and this cannot be done if there is rock there. Mr. Beauchamp asked if spring water could be used since this was to be a private club that would not be opened to just anyone, or if distilled water could be brought in for drinking purposes and the spring water used for toilet facilities. Mr. Mattke thought he should have to provide public water. He said getting water in to the site will be expensive, but a private water supply would be expensive to maintain to meet State Health requirements. Concerning bottled water, Mr. Mattke said it is not regulated and may or may not be pure; in some cases where it was actually checked out, it was not only unpure, but bacteriologically unsafe It is hot possible to tap onto the sewer line there, because it is a forced main. I am not convinced a septic tank will work, but I think this is the best thing. For commercial ventures, the most reliable unit I have seen is one called "Environment 1" that is being used by The Farmer's Daughter. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I think this development should be approached with skepticism in that (1) the public dedications of public utilities including streets cannot be in the flood plain. If he should go with the intent of building a private gravel drive now and selling lots later, he will end up with a house built abutting a gravel drive which would later have to be removed or torn up to build a dedicated public street outside the flood plain. Mr. Powell discouraged the location of two private drives that close together. If the dead-end street is dedicated, the maximum length of a dead-end street would have to be waived since the maximum length is 1,000 feet. He has indicated parking spaces inside a cul-de-sac which, if it becomes a dedicated street, really negates the purpose of a cul-de-sac I think if this should become a commercial tennis court or recreation area, it must abut a public street. Mr. Vizzier called to Mr. Powell's attention that the property abuts both Crossover Road and Old Wire Road, and that Mr. Beauchamp is maintaining as his property that part along the creek all the way down to the sewer lift station at Old Wire Road. Mr. Vizzier said they have the drive drawn right on the edge of the flood plain so that if necessary it could be built up above it. He said the cul-de-sac could be shortened to 1,000 ft. and the parking could be put off to one side of the drive. Mr. Beauchamp explained that he did not want his private drive used for any eventual street going into the rest of the property if it does develop. He said he was not planning to develop the rest of the property himself. He said he hoped he could find someone to buy the 10 acres, build a house on it, and not even develop that property. Mr. Powell also noted that Old Wire Road is designated on the Major Street Plan as an arterial street requiring 80 ft. of right -of -way ---40 ft. from the centerline of the existing street ----if this is considered as a subdivision or large scale development. Both Mr. Mattke and Mr. Powell tried to point out to Mr. Beauchamp that if the rest of the property is going to be developed and more than one property owner will be using the driveway, it would be better to go ahead and take that into consideration in locating the drive and in improving it. Otherwise, it could become necessary to completely rebuild it to street specifications and move it at a later date. gtt • Plat Review Committee December 4, 1975 -5- 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I don't care what you have out there. You are too far off the road and I must have permission from you in writing to allow the sanitation trucks to use your private drive for sanitation purposes. Those heavy sanitation trucks will "chew up" a gravel drive. As an alternative, you can set your trash cans along Old Wire Road, but you will need some type of container to put them in. People will steal them if they are setting out where they can see them and can get to them. I think it would be better to hide them or disguise them in some way. They will need to be off the street right-of-way but within 50 ft. of Old Wire Road. Just remember, if you want your trash picked up at the house and tennis courts, I need written permission from you to use that drive, and I will not take the responsibility for tearing up the drive. When you get ready to decide on service, give me a call. I don't know how big this club will become. Bobbie Jones informed Mr. Beauchamp that the Planning Commission may require that the container for the garbage cans be screened with a masonry wall if it is set along Old Wire Road. 7. Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): I would caution you about vehicles pulling out on the hill there. Residents pulling out from Strawberry Hill Subdivision to the West have trouble getting out there. 8. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Mr. Hawkins initially asked for a dedicated 10 -ft. easement paralleling the private drive. Mr. Beauchamp did not like -the idea of another utility easement cutting up his property. Also, he said if there should be a street put in in the future and its location was not the same as the private drive it would serve to further cut up his property. Mr. Beauchamp said he could probably live the rest of his life without a telephone. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that since this would be a tennis club the need to summon emergency help might arise and it would be bad under those circumstances to have to travel some distance to use a telephone. Mr. Beauchamp asked Mr. Hawkins if he would meet him on the property and try to pick out the lease damaging location for the easement. Mr. Hawkins agreed, but informed Mr. Beauchamp that in order to extend service to someone who is more than 500 ft. from a sheathed cable, it is necessary to extend a sheathed cable or conversation will not carry over the line and the telephone company will not install a sheathed cable without an easement. Mr. Hawkins reserved final comments as to the location of and width of an easement until he had had an opportunity to look into it further. 9. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric): Mr. Beauchamp indicated on the drawing the two locations where he thought he would eventually want lighted courts. Mr. Crownover asked for an easement across the property along the section line between Sections 30 and 31. For overhead service, the easement should be 30 ft. wide. For underground service, the easement should be 15 ft. wide. Also for underground service, Mr. Beauchamp would be required to open and close the trench and provide the pads for the transformers at his own expense; and in rocky ground, such as this is, the line would have to be bedded in sand. Mr. Beauchamp asked Mr. Crownover to meet him on the site also. 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We do not have cable available at this time. I don't have any idea where I can serve you from. If and when TV cable service is needed (and available) we will need a 20 -ft. easement in order to get a backhoe in to work. That can be worked out when service is needed. 11. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): located over our 10" high pressure gas main. 12. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): I don't driveway. There is not much fire protection, the narrowness of the driveway and the water. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 A.M. I prefer that his cul-de-sac not be We will try to contact him. see any dimension on the width of the fire fighting will be limited because of