HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-20 MinutesA meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING of.the Fayetteville Plat Review: Committee was held at 9,07 A, M. November 20, 1975) in the Board,of Directors Room} City Administration Fayetteville, Arkansas, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins, Frank O''Donnell, James Crownover. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT:. Bobbie Jones, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Steve Brown, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Tourtelot, Ervan Wimberly, Harry Gray. The first item for consideration was the Large Scale Development Plan of Harding Glass to construct a warehouse on property located at 1766 North College. - Dave Tourtelot was present to represent. Comments were as follows: HARDING GLASS Lot Split L. S. D. 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance):• In answer to some questions asked by Mr. Brown, Mr. Tourtelot said the drive could not be widened over 10 feet if any at all. He said the building would be a warehouse for the storage of plate glass, auto glass, etc. He said he would prefer to construct the building of concrete blocks since they would have to put in a 12 -inch block wall anyway. Steve Brown: If the driveway is widened, contact me and we will help with the replacement of the plantings. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Mr. Tourtelot said they would be moving their offices into the new building. Mr. Hawkins: I was unable to check this but I think the only thing we'have is an existing drop feeding your present facilities. I am sure they will have to be moved and everything redone on the building. You will need to contact the business office. Other than that, I can see no problem. We do have a pole with a large riser on it with a sectional feeder on it in the neighborhood of your driveway. If you widen your driveway and this pole has to be moved, it would be extremely expensive and you would have to pay the cost. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems with Warner Cable. 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Our service will be out of the way. The existing yard line might be under your proposed building so we will want to look into that. If you have any problems, call us. That is all I have. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Tourtelot said would need a larger container than what they already had. Wally Brt. Just put the container where we can get to it. I getting to the container. I would like to suggest that rather parking area that they asphalt it with -a good base due to the trucks. he did not think they don't see any problem in than just sealing the weight of the sanitation 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): We have 80 feet of right-of-way on College Ave. abutting these lots. The only -recommendation I have is that in the expansion that you control your on-site drainage,Since .that portion of College Avenue is storm drained you could probably drain your -parking lot drainage into the back. drop inlets. If you decide to alter'your driveway, you will need to acquire a permit from the State Highway Department. Maintenance Office. The application for this is processed through the City Engineer's Office. • n W Plat Review -2- November 20, 1975 For commercial facilities- you are allowed a driveway up to 44 feet wide including the turn radii.. Lf this should require.the removal or.relocation.of a drainage structure, T am sure that this would.be at your expense. 'Comments-of'Let'Split portion of this tequest; Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): They do not require any additional streets J. and are planning to use the existing driveway; There is no right-of-way needed on College Avenue. As long as he controls the on-site parking lot drainage and his drive- ways, T think this just about covers it. +r Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have an 8 inch water main on the West side of College Avenue and 15 inch sanitary sewer line -on the East side. Unless the services existing on the property can be utilized it will be necessary to cut College Avenue. The developer will pay the cost. No problems with the other utilities present concerning the lot split portion of the request. r 71 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You do have ample parking. When there are this many parking spaces or when it is in the required front yard (setback), the ordinance requires that the parking spaces be sealed. You are showing pavement on the front. The back should be sealed also since there are more than five spaces there. With all the multiple uses involved, it is difficult for me to decide what use unit you fall under. Automobile Service and Repair is a permitted use in the C-2 Zone as a "use by right". When we get into building materials. establishments or contract construction dealing with glass, this is called a "conditional use" requiring Planning Commission approval. I don't think there will be any problems on this due to the length of time you have been in operation at this location. However, you do need the approval of the Planning Commission on this. I don't see any problems unless it would be with the Water and Sewer Department, or SWEPCO since there is no one present to comment. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have an 8 inch water main on the West side of College Avenue and 15 inch sanitary sewer line on the East side. Unless the ser- vices existing on the property can be utilized it will be necessary to cut College Avenue. The developer will pay the cost. 9. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present at meeting and not available for comments. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): I assume there will be 20 feet of width between the proposed building and the property line. They are not showing the distance there. L I -3- Plat Review November 20, 1975 The next item for discussion was the preliminary plat of the proposed Perimeter Plaza to be located South of Zion Road of Highway 71 North (opposite the Northwest Arkansas Plaza). Ervan Wimberly and Harry Gray from McClelland Engineers were Comments were as follows: 1. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): I have no comments. PERIMETER PLAZA Preliminary Plat on the East side present to represent. 2. James Crownover (Ozarks Electric, representing)Jack Whitting): We would like to come down the front of lots 2,4,6 and 8 along the east side of the proposed street right-of-way. We will need a 15 foot easement.in addition to the street right-of-way for underground service. We will extend service from the North (Zion Road). Mr. Wimberly told Mr. Crownover that he felt 3 phase power would be advantageous, and that he didn't think the 15 foot easement would be a problem since it was within the building setback. Mr. Wimberly discussed easements with other utility representatives and it was decided that Southwestern Bell Telephone , Arkansas Western Gas and Warner Cable would need a 20 foot easement on the South property line (Lots 7 and 8), 25 foot easements along the East side of Lots 2,4,6, and 8 and from the Northeast corner of n Lot .6 to 25 foot West of the Southeast corner of Lot 4.(Increase the easement along the East side of Lots 2 and 4 to 25 feet.)Also a 15 foot easement along the North property line (Lots 1 and 2). Telephone's main feeder route is along Highway 71. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I need someplace to turn the garbage truck around. If you put the cul-de-sac in we can turn the trucks around at that point. I will see what type of buildings are there before working out sanitation service. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): We need to be assured the proposed - street ties in without any offsets with this other segment to the South between Stearns and Zion Road. You have indicated storm drainage , and right-of-way, dedication has been mentioned for Zion Road. I will reserve any final comments until I see thea.engineering plans and profiles for the street construction. I would like to keep parking lot drainage off the street. In answer to Mr. Wimberly's question concerning the temporary cul-de-sac, Mr. Powell said he thought it would be better to enclose the end with a curb and gutter and a barricade since the Frontage Road requirement exists and will eventually tie together. However, this might create a problem with the Sanitation Department on having a place to turn the garbage trucks around. If it is not too difficult on the vicinity map, show the - South portion of the Frontage Road and how they propose to tie together at the intersection of Stearns that has been disapproved by the Federal Bureau of Highways. Ervan Wimberly said they would come up with something. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You have got two calls in the legal dimensions that are the same (328 feet) along both East lines and they don't - quite add up. You do not have it. written in on either one of them. The South dimension adds up to 330 feet and the other one adds up to 325 feet. You are showing 30 feet along Zion Road but 1 would like to have it identified as a dedication of right-of-way from the centerline of the existing street. I feel a note should be put on the plat restricting access to Highway 71. You could just put"Note City of Fayetteville Ordinances 1661 and 1663 Restrict access to Highway 71." I need the signatures of the adjoining property owners and a copy of it, or at least a note from you stating you have shown it to Mr. Stout and Mr. Shepherd. Plat Review -4- November 20, 1975 I have the fee but need an application. Bobbie Jones asked about the property owned by Jim Lindsey. Ervan Wimberly said this .property was not a part of this subdivision. Mr. Wimberly said when the Lindsey property was developed they would probably replat the Eastern part of Lots 6 and 8. He felt a street stub would be taken through the Lindsey property and terminate in a cul-de-sac into these lots (6 and 8). Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone) said if he knew for sure it would develop like this it would be shorter for the telephone to have an easement through lots 6 and 8 (where the street stub would go) and going on North through the Lindsey property. This way he would not have to redo his services later. Bobbie Jones suggested that might be shown on this plat also. Bobbie Jones: The Planning Commission will want a revised drawing. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): You need to word thelast part of the legal description to read "more or less", located (or situated) in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County,Arkansas. You are planning to provide water. You do not indicate any line size. We are talking about a C-2 Zone and the 6 -inch line is not going to provide fire protection. There is a 12 inch water line along the North side of Zion Road and a 6 inch water line along the South side. There is also an 8 inch line along Highway 71 that you did not pick up. There is a recorded easement up by this property. You need to keep this in mind in location of this sewer line out there also along the back of Lots 1,3,5, and 7. I assume you will coordinate. This will need to be worked out before a plat is filed on it. Other than that I don't see anything. Your concept is good. You just need to pull a few things together. We need to keep a 10 -foot separation between the water and sewer lines and between the sewer and gas lines. 7. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: .At the present time it looks like this is for "rezoning purposes" and we don't know what is proposed. Won't have any problems with fire protection in Commercial. Will reserve comments for building permits. Plat Review November 201 1975 The last item for .the=Plat Review- Committee to consider WINWOOD..II,..SUBDIVISION was the preliminary plat.of a replat of Lots 4151 and 6 ' Replat of Lots 4;5;6; Block 2 of Block_2 in Winwood II Subdivision.. Bryan 'Wimberly and Harry Gray (McClelland Engineers was- present to represent. Comments.were as follows; 1. Mr. Wimberly: Mr, Wimberly said they had originally planned to take the street stub off Winwood Drive on through to the West to Old Wire Road, but -that it was now their intention to leave that as is and take the access -from lots 3,4,5 and 6 (Boston Place) South then -Westward toward Old Wire Road, rather than crossing the creek. He said they had not shown a cul-de=sac on this preliminary plat because they would prefer to put in a temporary cul-de-sac outside the bounds of the existing platted subdivision, not on Lots 5 and 6 but South of them. Mr. Wimberly said if this needed to be included in the dedication they could do so. He said they could either run a temporary cul-de-sac outside the subdivision or make a T-shaped type thing, because this would be extended on through toward Old Wire Road eventually probably within the next couple of years. Bobbie Jones: We have a problem with these temporary cul-de-sacs when someone sells the land at the end of one to someone wanting to build a house on property not sub- divided. 2. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I would like to reserve my comments until the problems in the first phase are resolved, such as sidewalks, street lights. That was under the old sidewalk rule and the sidewalks are supposed to be built by the developer. There are no sidewalks or street lights yet and the bonds are expiring. I also do not have the As -built plans and Engineer's Certifications yet. With the short street stub off Winwood terminating where they have it shown and planning to utilize lots around it we have open drainage coming out of both curbs flowing back to the creek. I would imagine you will want to do something with that drainage since initially this was proposed with Overcrest Street extending around and coming back out on Winwood Drive. I don't see anything srong with the street pattern.: As far as the replat of Lots 4,5, and 6, so that the street may be continued (Boston Place) to eventually re -connect back into Old Wire Road, I would like to see that done in one segment rather than in phases. In this case I think it would be better to put the cul-de-sac off the property into the Phase II Development to replat these lots. 4. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Mr. Wimberly said he anticipated they would hold fairly close to the existing grade on the extension of the street particularly in this area since there was a lot of rock. Roy Hawkins: We are already in place in the easement along the South lot line. I think we are laying on top of that rock. I can agree to this with no problem. However, if we have to lower the telephone cable it is a problem and the developer will have to pay for the cost of this. T have no other problems. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Just keep in mind that we do need the water and sewer facilities extended. You have another problem. Yourwhole concept and design and the fire hydrant spacing is with -the present arrangement. You will be required to take a water main through. here of a sufficient size to provide fire protection and then loop backinto this 21.inch.line. From a traffic flow point of view your proposal is unacceptable as far as not connecting these streets through.. What the Planning Commission will do with this, I don't know:. I commented -originally that w.e needed this tie through to Old Wire Road and it still needs to be straight through. :The approach here is totally worthless from a traffic point of view; It is a hazard for through.vehicles.since they will get in there and stack. up. It is a typical Fayetteville traffic nightmare. I give it my strongest objections. eo A Plat Review November 20, 1975 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable); With.the lot change we could possibly have a problem. He pointed out where they already have the pedestals located to reach. Lots 4 and 5 and said they would now have to cross Lot 5 to reach Lot 4 or come some other way. He said this could be worked out though. 7. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have got a piece of ; :plastic line on the East side there and when they start cutting we will need to go out there first since more than likely the tail end of it dead -ends there and will probably be in the way. We have service across to Lot 4 and we probably serve Lot 5 making a crossing down at the South end so there is no problem there. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I need the signatures of the adjoining property owners except for the platted lots in Winwood Subdivision. This meets the zoning requirements. I assume that the length of the dead-end street is the only thing. I think it was waived on the original plat. Ervan Wimberly said this was correct. Bobbie Jones: I would like the question on street lights and sidewalks settled in the present plat and on this replat. The Planning Commission will want a revised plat. Add sidewalks and street lights to your revision. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 40 A. M.