HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-23 Minutes• th 4 7 r 0 k 11,1 nt .7r A meeting Thursday, Building, MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING of the:Rayetteville Plat Review, Committee was held'at 9;15 A. M. October 23, 1975) in the Board.,o£ Directors Room, City Administration Fayetteville, Arkansas, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry,, Frank O'Donnell. • CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Wally Brt, Pat McGetrick, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen, Steve Brown. OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Cassat•, B. W. Graue. The first item for discussion for the Plat Review was the Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Charles Cassat on Township Road. Mr. Cassat was to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Pat McGetrick (Street Department"-- representing Clayton Powell, Street Supt.): We need 20 feet extra right-of-way (40 feet from the existing centerline). All the driveway permits will have to be obtained from the State Highway Department through Mr. Mattke's Office (City Engineer). What about the traffic flow coming into your parking area'? Will you have enough to get between the buildings?, Charles Cassat..: I have about a 30 40 foot driveway and another that is about 18 feet existing now. I plan to tear about 30 feet off on the East end of the existing building. I have part of the existing building rented to Mistletoe and Fayetteville Monument Company. Pat McGetrick: That is all I have. Drainage is no problem. Committee present CHARLES CASSAT' Township Road L. S. D. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): We have already talked some about you getting a container. If you do decide on one, I need room to get into it. Would you want to have the container at the back? Charles Cassat.: Yes. I do own all the property at the back. Wally Brt: I would recommend constructing an 8' x 10' concrete pad for the container. It will be worth the money in the long run since it would keep the container up off the ground out of the water. Also, unless you have a good base and paving on your parking lot the sanitation trucks will tear it up. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Do you anticipate any problems on gas service at all? Charles Cassat.: No. I have gas over on the other side. Frank O'Donnell: We can run it on over. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We have T. V. cable available if you want it. No problems. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator); What are the uses for the two buildings? Charles Cassat :- Part of the existing building is rented to Mistletoe Express Service and Fayetteville Monument Company, I guess they will stay. I am going to use part of the proposed building for my upholstering shop and maybe rent the other part, Bobbie Jones; It looks like your building is back far enough.. On a large scale development, you are required to dedicate any additional street right-of-way that is needed to meet the Major Street Plan, As Mr, McGetrick (Street Department) has already asked £or,40 feet from the existing centerline, which would probably come to 20 feet, additional right -,of -way that is.needed,. This dedication has to be made before the Board,of Directors will approve it and before a building permit can be issued; however, you have a.rezoning to go through before this anyway. • • Plat Review October 23, 1975 Your setback then for the new building wpuld.be .50 feet from the 20 foot dedication, (from Township) which_comes to about 9.O.feet £rom.the.centerline. You show 100 feet. Charles Cassat'.; That 100 feet is to. the ditchr.then there is another 15feet or so to the centerline, Bobbie Jones: You should have plenty of .room there then. You have enough parking spaces shown. The ordinance.says that where you have six or more parking spaces it has to be graded and drained to dispose.of surface water and sealed with a durable and dustless surface. The ordinance does 'not say anything about the driveway, it just says parking areas. It also does not say how much. of a seal to put. The less seal you put on, though, the more often you would have to seal it. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Those garbage trucks are heavy, you might want to consider putting asphalt. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): It might be well to go ahead and seal the driveways also. If you are not putting in any new driveways or changing the two existing ones, you will/need a permit. If you do decide to make any changes you will need to check with the City Engineer's Office. Since you have not talked with City Engineer Paul Mattke on the water and sewer, I will try to get in touch with him on this and let you know what he says. Note: Paul Mattke submitted 'the following -comments' on Charles Cassat on 10-31-75. Water is available across Township Road. I suggest he get his application for water service in because we will have to apply for a Highway permit which takes 3 to 4 weeks. How will he get to sewer? I think that will be quite an expensive process. Provided he has access and is not separated by other property there is a sewer back North, either toward the North edge or just North of his property, that can be tapped. It will be very expensive; we know it is in rock. There will be a charge for any rock work that has to be done. I recommend that he install a pressure regulator on water. Bobbie Jones: I talked with Mr. Hawkins who is with Southwestern Bell Telephone and he did not anticipate any problems. He said he would look over it again and let me know if there were any problems. Mr. Hornaday (SWEPCO) is not here either. Charles Cassat: They were running some electricity next door (next to the street) so they put me a loop there so all.I will have to do is hook on. Bobbie Jones: Your rezoning petition will go before the Planning Commission November 11. A telephone call later to Mr. Cassat : There is a 24 ft. overlap between your legal .description and that of Mr. Pennington to the East of you. Please check into this. One of you has less land than is shown on your deeds. -2- 6 Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 7. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Not present at meeting and not available for comments. Plat Review October -23, 1975 -3- Next was a lot splitsubmittedby R.,.W, Graue. Mr. Graue B. W. GRAUE was present to represent., Comments were as follows; Edgehill Dr. L. S. D. 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable); We do have cable available. There is a full line West...of this property-. I don"t_see any problems.. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Our closest gas, the best I could determine, was back over, and I -don't know how far, from your Northwest corner, but I would say it is available. There might be some cost to you to get to that point. We conceivably could run down in this right-of-way along the street. Mr. Graue agreed to give any easement they might need. He said he already had n an easement across the property to the East going to Highway 45 all the way across the property(20 foot easement along the South line of the old house where the fence line is.) Mr. O'Donnell: It might be advantageous to come in that way. 3. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Be sure there is a 10 foot separation between the gas and the sewer in that easement. Sewer is available from Mission; this will be a very involved project. We will need to reserve an easement across the back of these lots. You are very fortunate on water. The water pressure here used to be inadequate, but we just installed a high pressure line so you have got good water service out there. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problems. 5. Pat McGetrick (representing Street Superintendent Clayton Powell):. 5 feet additional right-of-way is enough to_satisfy the Master Street Plan. Clayton Powell • asked me to point out that we will require you to widen the street to make sure it meets City street specifications; curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and to take care of Fi the drainage across the front lot line (East side of the street). Widen 15 rol feet from the existing centerline (pavement) of the street. It will probably help you in handling drainage coming off the street rather than it having to cut across the lots. I believe the street is only 20 feet wide so we would need to move over about 5 feet, curb and gutter it,extend asphalt to the new curb. 6. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): No comments. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I still need the legal description of the total property. This strip that he (Blew & Associates) is showing between the edge of the pavement and edge of the right-of-way still worries me because it is reflected on that original plat. Mr. Graue: What Blew (Blew and Associates) is showing is the difference between the pavement and the street. It is 4 feet on one end and 5 feet on the other. Bobbie Jones: There wouldn't be any problem if that is correct. I just want to assure myself that that is the intention on the original plat that Clay Yoe filed. The plat doesn't show what this 4.5 and 5.8 is, it just shows it. Mr. Graue: In talking with Blew he assured me that the 10 foot went with the road frontage and what was shown on there now is the difference between the dirt and blacktop. Bobbie Jones: If that is right, there is not any problems on it. Mr. Graue: We will have to go throughtwo chain link fences and a rock wall to extend utilities in this easement. After some discussion, Mr. Mattke and Mr. O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas) suggested that the easement running across the balance of the property be relocated to the North to avoid going through the 2 fences and the rock wall. Mr. Mattke said the sewer fall would be about the same as it would with the ease- i' ment located the other way. r • Plat Review , October 23, 1975 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant); Knox Drive stubs into his property from the North. It should be either extended or vacated,: (Knox Drive has been closed South of Birwin Street;)'. He should show -the total property he owns =.=::that is in relationship to where he is showing the 5 foot dedication on Edgehill Drive, You cannot tell exactly what he is dedicating and what he owns.. The Northwestcorner where the lot doesn't come all the way out to the right-of-way (of Edgehill). Who owns the triangular piece there? If he owns it, it should be part of the lot.,If he doesn't, T dont know what we do: (He.does not.) 9. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: No problems. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Could not obtain comments. J. B. HAYES Highway 71 North The last item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Jim Lindsey's office. for J. B. Hayes for a proposed restaurant (Western Sizzlin Steak House) on Highway 71 North just South of Arkansas Best Freight. There was no one present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): They have made arrangements for sewer service. In fact, I believe the taps have already been made. If not, it is along their side of the street and they do have access. Water service is available. I believe they have made arrangements for that. I would ask that they put in a good grease separator and that it be properly maintained. This particular sewer line they are tying into is a 6 -inch asbesto cement line. It is not overloaded as far as flow, but there are already two eating establishments tied onto it and too much grease could upset it. They will need to get a driveway permit through my office. This is a State Highway. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas service is available from the front. I don't see'any problems. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): T. V. cable is available from the front. I don't see any problems if they desire the service. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I need an 8' x 10' pad if it is not enclosed. If it is enclosed, I need a 12' x 15' pad and leave the front open so we can get to the container. I want to speak to them before they construct the pad because it is not in a very good location. We can get into it but I don't think we can get out. We are going to have to work-out some other place to set it. I don't see any other place unless we could pull in where there is plenty of room and back into the service area before we get to the roof overhang. This is a possibility. I will need to see how much room they have there. If they deleted the last parking space on the East end of each row, I think.I can pick it up, back up and come on out. I will not back out onto Highway 71, Bobbie Jones: They have more parking spaces than are required, but I don't know if they have more than they will need, 5. Pat McGetrick (Street Department);.;aHe_needs to get the permits from the State through. Mr, Mattkets Of£ice.(City.Engineer)', We will not be.responsible for any drainage from that hill,after excavating. I do not think the catch basins they are showing will be sufficient,. I think they will get a lot of water off that hill. He is going to run it all the way through the parking area which means the dirt is going to slide down on the parking area. During construction he needs to keep the highway clean. I think he should look into either extending another catch basin back to the East Plat Review October 23, 1975 to tie into this other one here or.putting a- couple at .the back (East) to pick up the water, ,I.f.he doesn't have a swale to carry.that water to the catch_basins he is going to have a rough.time. 6. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): T am concerned about the hillside being cut in all along here and 1 strongly recommend that something be planted on the ground to hold it, in order to prevent it from coming down into the parking lot. There are some planter islands along Highway 71 and 1 would recommend that they contact me on what kind of trees to plant so it will be the same type of plantings.used in the other planter islands. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): They have more parking than is required by ordinance, and their plan as drawn looks as if it complies with all of the zoning regulations. They told me that this would not be split off in a separate parcel. If now, or in the future at any time, it is divided off, they will need a lot split. 8. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 9. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone). No problems. 10. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Could not obtain comments. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 A. M.