HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-02 MinutesD n m Id iftjf" rhe IS Pfl 7 ,1 a MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat. Review.. Committee met at 9:10.,A. M. Thursday, October 2, 19754 in the Board of Directors Room,. City:Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Jack Whitting,Clyde Terry, Kenneth Wagner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Paul Mattke, Ed Connell, Bobbie Jones, David McWethy, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Steve. Brown, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Vizzier, B. W. Graue. ORTHOPAEDIC -NEUROLOGICAL CLINIC, LTD. The first item to be discussed was the Joyce Street F, Crossover Road proposed Large Scale Development for an Large Scale Development Orthopaedic -Neurological Clinic on Joyce Street and Crossover Road submitted by Drs. Coker, Kaylor, Arnold, Johnson, and Moore. Jim Vizzier was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): We have already been contacted by the architect and they have shown where our existing pole is. They have shown the route we will follow to serve this. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I doubt very much if they will request T. V. cable. We are nowhere near there and there are no plans to extend there at this time. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We will have to go under the highway since we are back over under that. field. After they moved that highway I just measured from our line over to this property line. We can go over to this Southeast line then from there take it on to the meter location. To go under the to get to this, there will be some expense involved to the developer. 4.. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): The architect got the water line size wrong. It is a 2' line out Joyce along the South side. The ', will not provide fire protection. The 36 inch (located across the creek to the South) does not run 00 to this site but does run through the balance of their land and could be accessible but it would require them to have:to extend a major water main up to the site to provide fire protection. I would judge this to be about 600 feet. Sewer is not to the North; it is to the Southwest and I would judge that distance to be about 1,000 feet. Mr. Vizzier agreed it was almost 2 mile from the intersection of Joyce and Crossover to the sewer line. Mr. Vizzier asked Mr. Mattke if there was not a 10 -inch sewer line down by Sweetbriar Subdivision. He said there was other property that they may want to develop in the future and they would want a big enough line to serve that so he probably need to go with an 8 -inch sewer line all the way. Mr. Mattke:Agreed it should be at least 8 inches. We will have to take that into consideration on the design of that. We also have provisions in the ordinances so the City can participate in the cost of material in constructing it when we require it to be oversized. The same thing applies on the waterline if he is required: to run a larger water main than he needs. Jim Vizzier: He is going to have to get services to this building anyway and if he is going to develop the land around it, he may as well build the services , to take care of the land and the City may require him to serve the land above it. Mr. Mattke: That is when we get involved, when they are required to build additional capacity for us, we participate in that. I do want to re-emphasize that fire protection is not available presently in this location or even near it. 500 or 600 feet of main will have to be extended up there just to get him fire protection. • • Plat Review -2- October 2, 1975 In answer to Mr. Vizz'ier's question, Mr. Mattke said the City.could not participate in a 6 -inch line and they would.have,to:look.into it to see,if the City can participate in anything larger than. that, Mr, Mattke: We will work withtheir engineer on water and sewer main extensions. Since this is commercial, T do not recommend privatesewage disposal. 5. Steve Brown (Community Appearance): What is his planted berm? Jim Vizzier: He is going to use the dirt out of the excavation and foundation and build up the berm to disguise the parking lot a little bit. Steve Brown: Howis the water going to be drained from the site? Jim Vizzier pointed out on the drawing how the drainage coming off the roof would be taken care of and he said he assumed parking lot drainage would be taken care of the same way. He said the site itself drained toward the creek to the South. He pointed out the creek and said that there were two minor drainage channels that run into it. 'Steve Brown: If they need any assistance in planting of -the area from the Community Appearance Committee, we would be glad to help. Jim Vizzier said he would suggest this to them. He said they would a trend for any development out there in the future and for that would want it to "be attractive. Paul Mattke: Are you watching your site distances on these berms? over about 2 foot you will start having site distance problems. Jim Vizzier said this was controlled in the Zoning Ordinance on want to set reason they If it comes up corner lots. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Joyce and Highway 265 are major arterial streets requiring 80 feet of right-of-way. I am not sure if the 80 feet was acquired when the State reconstructed Highway 265 (Crossover Road)or not. (Paul Mattke stated it was.) I would almost say for certain that we have only 40 feet of right-of-way on Joyce. The policy in Large Scale Developments is to take half of the required additional right-of-way from each side of the centerline. Therefore, we will need 20 feet of the additional right-of-way off this property along the North side from the East-West perimeter. Jim Vizzier: The best we could tell, there is 80 feet on the highway but not on Joyce. They are aware that they will have to give the additional right-of-way. Clayton Powell: I don't notice any driveways from Highway 265 (Crossover Road). Should there be any proposed they will require a permit from the State Highway Department and you obtain this through the City Engineer's Office. You will also have to get a driveway permit from City Engineer's Office for driveways on Joyce Street. Joyce is presently a gravel street leading to two residences. Sometime in the future, you may be imposed upon to participate in a street improvement district or at least substaining some cost in upgrading the _street unless they go ahead and voluntarily do it at this time Drainage seems to work beautifully. I count 3 spillways and a gooseneck detail carrying storm water from the roof drains which, if the spillways do extend to the ditch lines along Highway 265, being an open borrow -ditch, drainage system, I would recommend putting splash walls along the borrow ditch where the water is diverted. This would save some problems in the future for erosion and undercutting of the street. If it is going into existing natural drainage ditches running South to the creek this is great. The Orthopaedic Clinic gave me the utmost of support and cooperation on the construction of Sycamore Street intersection with College Avenue, so I don't anticipate any problems from them. 7. David McWethy (Administrative Assistant): Will this involve a lot split? Jim Vizzier: Two of the doctors and one of the doctor's brother owns the entire 80 acies and they are going to transfer this particular site to the clinic. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): This will involve a lot split then. We can go on and authorize.a lot split providing everyone here understands this and it does not cause any problems. David McWethy to Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones: How does this proposed Plat Review -3- October 2, 1975 usefit in with. the zoning? Bobbie Jones: They have a rezoning coming up at the October 14.Planning Commission meeting. Jim Vizzier: • The land use plan does call for commercial at this corner with R-0 beyond that. David McWethy: No other comments 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): You are showing the location of the trash container at the end of a dead-end drive. I need to have it preferably where the -truck can pick it up,back up no more than about 20 foot, turn around, and pull out. After some discussion a place on the East side in with the front of the building was decided on for the location of the :container. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The Planning Commission will like to have it screened from the highway. Wally Brt: You can screen it on three sides but be sure to leave the front open. They will probably have to go to a 6 -yard container and with the screening on three sides 12' deep by 15' wide should give us plenty of room. I would go ahead and put a concrete pad in there. It will save you money in the long run since the container would last about 10 years with a concrete pad. The weight of one of those trucks when it is full is 64,000 lbs. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I would design the drives for 73,000 lbs. then. Wally Brt: When they get further on it I will be glad to come out if they will call me. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: Minimum amount of fire protection at this time until water main is extended and a fire hydrant, is installed closer. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Did you contact the telephone office? Jim Vizzier. Telephone service is not adequate so we have to tell them what kind of service we want and they will put an underground cable in once they know what the design is. Bobbie Jones: Is the property line as shown on the survey? It runs out into the street right-of-way. I think it is about 10 feet into the street according to the survey. The right-of-way dedication should be 40 feet from the centerline of the existing right-of-way. The building is far enough back but we need to be sure the parking is far enough back as well. Will the berm interfere with the driveway:distances? Jim Vizzier: They will slope it and grass it. Bobbie Jones: I think we have got a 30 inch height restriction within the setback for anything planted there. As I said before this is subject to getting the property rezoned. It goes to the Planning Commission October 14 for rezoning. They have requested C-1 there. It is shown on the Land Use Plan as commercial there. R-0 would accommodate this but the setbacks would be figured differently. This is under Use Unit 12 as a clinic. Anything over four doctors is considereda clinic. Your parking spaces are drawn 9' x something and they do need to 10' x 20'. Jim Vizzier: He is aware of this but did not have time to get it corrected. Bobbie Jones: They do have more parking spaces there than the ordinance requires but I have found that the ordinance doesn't require enoughfor this use ordinarily. The ordinance requires 1 parking space for every 300 feet; most doctors need more than that. You do need dedication for 40 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Joyce Street. Mrs. Jones then asked if anyone had any problems withthe lot split, and asked Mr. Vizzier how many acres they had. Jim Vizzier:Right at 80 acres; it is L-shaped. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We are planning on coming back down to the back of this property whichwould be 310 feet, If they develop to the West we may have to acquire additional right-of-way (easements). From Joyce Street to where we leave the West side of the highway is about 1800 feet. We do cross back to this little creek. Plat Review October 2, 1975 Mrs.. Jones then asked the others if.they .would need any easements since this was being split off from the rest of the property._ Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): This is something .we would'have to work out in the future. We would have to go back. to North 71 and Zion Road to pickup T. V. cable to go this far. After they develop in thele T am sure we will eventually run cable on out there. Bobbie Jones: Anytime they add to this or if they put a second floor to the building they will need to check on their parking. I think the City Attorney will prepare the right-of-way dedications, but someone will have to furnish him a legal description for the right-of-way that is to be dedicated. They need to check with the Inspection. Department before doing anything on signs, even before designing one. -- Jim Vizzier: They do not like a multi -story building. Mr. Vizzier then asked Street Superintendent Clayton Powell if there were any plans to extend Joyce to Highway 71. Clayton Powell: Northwest Arkansas Gas Co. owns the property on the West end from the Frontage Street and with the financial dilemma the City is in there is no way I can make a proction. The next item for discussion was a Large Scale Development for duplexes B. M. Graue to be built on Elm Street submitted by B. M. Graue. Elm Street Mr. Graue was present to represent. Comments were as follows: L. S. D. $ Conditional Use Request 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I talked with Mr. Graue and his surveyor and I see no problems. The way he as it worked out here can and will work. When I talked with Frank Bleu we were talking about a master meter on Elm and private -yard line beyond that. I assume that is what you are still planning. I would prefer doing it this way. If you extend that main it is going to cost you more. Our water meter will be out on Elm Street. Mr. Graue: I had not really planned it that way but it would be okay. I don't mind paying the water bill but would object to paying anything else. Mr. Mattke: I do ask that he clear the actual construction of his yard lines with the Plumbing Inspector. I think the lift station approach is the only thing that will work on this area. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We are somewhat dependent on the telephone and SWEPCO since we go on their poles and I do not know how they will want to go in there. I will have to wait and find out before I know what to ask for. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We are on the South side of Elm Street. We will go up the East side of the drive and follow the drive and cross it with double meters for each duplex. Mr. Graue asked about putting the meters behind the buildings because of the appearance. Mr. Wagner said in some cases they do put the meters against the wall of the front of the building. Mr. Graue said they could.then be hidden with shrubbery. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): on this street, and I will need a place to way. Although the Pac-Mor truck is not eventually tear a street up. This is a this a 20 -foot drive? Mr. Graue: It was drawn a 20 foot drive the extra cost of 4 feet of black top. Wally Brt: I will do my best to serve you (Mr. Graue said he planned these as rental for sale as a package deal, but would not be split I will need written permission to drive turn around at the end other than that drive - as heavy as the bigger trucks, they will 16 foot drive. Is there no way you can make but I had it changed to 16 foot because of on a 16 foot street. units, but that they would be offered up.) -4 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I will need proof from you that this property has existed in this size parcel for at least 5 years; history on it from your abstract as to ownership of it as far back as June, 1970. If it has been divided since that date we need a lot split. Mr. Graue: It has been divided once. There were no problems with the utilities that were present on the lot split. Bobbie Jones: You will -need a variance from the Board of Adjustment on the minimum lot width at the street, but I think you expressed a desire to get the Planning Commission question settled first. You seem to have ample room there for what you are proposing. I know there is some opposition in the neighborhood since I have had a call from one of the property owners. I got a letter back from SWEPCO saying they had no objection. Plat Review -5- October 2, 1975 Mr. Graue agreed he could put a radius on the inside North.. corner where it turns with.a 30t x -40t turn around at the end.. Wally Brt; The gross. weight of these trucks is 21100Q or.22,000 lbs. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): In addition to the comments that have already been made, we have done extensive drainage work on Elm Street at this particular location from Erstan Avenue West to Gregg. The drainage is generally from the South to North there and this area is exceptionally soft. In addition to the comments that were made about the width of the private drive, which is your perogative, but at its intersection with Dlem Street if you propose 15 feet there, people are going to be swinging over to the opposite lane to get in and out. I would recommend at least a 20 foot radius on your driveway off Elm Street into this 16 foot drive. Another consideration other than sanitation service is the emergency vehicles that may have to go in there sometime. They cannot negotiate that 90 degree turn.and 16 feet is barely room enough for two cars to pass. I would give consideration to making it at least a 20 -foot provate drive. Mr. Graue: I am not fighting the 20 -foot width. I told them to draw a 16 foot drive and if it was brought up at this meeting I would change it to 20 feet. Drainage is specifically from the Southeast to the Northwest, even though it does not look like it falls that way. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): That whole area out there is very peculiar It has some peculiar magnetic properties. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Elm Street is a residential street requiring 50 feet of right-of-way. We would like an additional 5 feet dedication for the width of the perimeter of the property abutting Elm Street. Since this would meet commercial requirements you could go as far as a 40 foot -width on your driveway off Elm Street into the development. I would not recommend anything less than 18 feet just for a common driveway coming out of a single-family dwelling. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You will need to get a driveway permit and a permit to cut the curb from the City Engineer's Office and 25 feet between drives is required. 8. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: We cannot negotiate a 16 -foot street. The last item was a discussion on a proposal to make Construction At North. Street a direct crossing into Wedington. North & Garland Ed Connel.of.the City -Engineer 's.0£fice.was,present-.to represent:. Comments were as follows: 1. Ed Connell (Land Agent): There is a proposal to make North Street a direct' Plat Review October 2, 1975. -6- crossing into Wedington; The Arkansas: Highway .Department would like a list from all the -utilities showing the depth,:the age, the size and the exact location on all the utility services in this area, Thiswill extend from about 1,000 feet West of Garland (Hall)all the way. down to Shill Creek. on North.. Street,. and from Mt. Comfort Road back up to Hiughes.. They want this so they can draw up their plans for. the moving of those utilities. They plan some pretty fancy work... I asked for copies for all the - utility companies but only got two. They will be on file in the City Engineer's Office if they want to look at them. They want the utilities to file this information with us and then we can give it to them. -You can turn it in to Mr. Mattke. They want this information as soon as possible. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintnedent).: I am aware of the utility problems and the existing right-of-way and this has been in the preliminary planning stages since 1971 and some of the property owners were so anxious to see the street extended through there then that they were willing to dedicate right-of-way required. Today I expect they will want to be compensated. 3. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): We will spot check this all the way through. It will probably be 2 or 3 weeks before we can get it to you. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We have quite a network of wiring there at North Street and Leverett (telephone and T. V.; part of it is buried. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 A. M. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ON B. M. GRADE: Floyd Hornaday(SWEPCO): Not. present at.meeting.but submitted the following comments: Our facilities are on the street. ..I don't see any problems. •