HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-04 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING • A meeting of the Fayetteville.Plat Review Committee was held at 9;15 A. M. Thursday, September 4,11975, in the Office .of City Planning, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Floyd Hornaday, Kenneth Wagner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Ray McElhaney with Structural Systems, Inc. Addition To OZARK BOWLING LANES The only item for discussion was the proposed addition L. S. D. to Ozark Bowling Lanes on Highway 71 North. Mr. Ray McElhaney with Structural Systems in Springdale, Arkansas, was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Mr. McElhaney (Building Contractor)said immediately there were 24 bowling lanes existing and they propose to add 6 to 8 more lanes and eventually 16 lanes. A private club._(91' x 40'- approximately 3600 sq. ft.) is proposed in the front of this. He said the owners of the property also owned Gallery of Homes real estate office building and B F, C. Audio building. 2. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): How much heating load is going to be in here and do you want a separate meter? McElhaney: We will probably tie into a complete meter and just have one meter by the time we get through. We are going to have 480,000 BTU gas heat in the bowling alley area; 270,000 BTU gas heat in the club area This is lust for the proposed building. Mr. Wagner: The existing meter is back 50 feet or so up beside the building. McElhaney: All the services on this side of the building will have to be moved. New service will probably be either ()lithe back end of this building, on the side, or in the back. Wagner: When your plumber starts working, if they want to pipe around here to the corner and down we can change this service line that comes in sort of at an angle. McElhaney: We will put concrete paving in this area here. I don't know if the line will have to be changed here or not. (He didn't know if it would meet the present building code.) Wagner. There was a lot of work done 3 years ago on this highway work. We have moved some. Our main line out here is new plastic. What the existing line up to the building is I don't know. I would recommend just to be safe and since this will be paved just coming on out with an entirely new line. Then when we get ready we will tie on down here to our main which is back about 8 feet from the curb just past these islands here. Mr. McElhaney said L. $ L. Plumbing would be doing the work,: -and Mr. Wagner said he would get with them when they were ready for this and work with them in locating this line. 2. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): In answer to Mr. Brt's question, Mr. McElhaney pointed out the location where the trash container could be moved to. Wally Brt. Just leave it where we can get to it. Your container will have to be picked up more times during the week. You can give me a call. Mr. McElhaney said other than the club there would not be that much of an increase in the trash. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Warner Cable is somewhat dependent on the telephone and SWEPCO as we pay rental on their poles. We will work alongside in conjunction with SWEPCO and the telephone company in moving our lines. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): We have two poles that will have to be moved. We will have to move that trnasformer pole at the corner of the building 6( • • Plat Review -2- September 4, 1975 that sets just inside the area of the proposed new building against the existing building. As far as getting backin there, there is another pole about 50 feet East of the one shown in the island. It has gottwo lights that serve to the bowling alley now so we can relocate them or just take them down. Who will do the electrical work? McElhaney: Northwest Electric. Hornaday: Does he know where he will be putting the new entrance? McElhaney: That is still being negotiated with the owners. I would imagine it would have to come in back at the far corner (Southeast corner). Construction on the new building will have to be started before we can move these services. Hornaday asked about the South property line and Mr. McElhaney said the property line was way back up on the hill. He said that actually part of this hill would be taken out when the new parking is constructed. He told Mr. Hornaday that he thought they had an easement across that part. Hornaday: We have another pole back here that serves the refrigeration and air-conditioning place to the South. There is a possibility that we can just change this pole out and 'go with a taller pole and bring a primary in and angle it in back in here and get to that Southeast corner of the building. That looks like the easiest thing for us to do. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): It might be good to keep in mind in moving the poles that the trash service will need a lot of overhead clearance to damp the trash. You need to be sure to tell us if there are any overhead lines there. Mr. Hornaday asked about what load they would need and Mr. McElhaney said there would be 400 amp (three-phase) and then 100 amp (single phase). This is just strictly for the new building. Hornaday: I think that is all I need to know right now. When they get along further we will have an idea of how the service is coming in. McElhaney: When we get ready to move these lines we will want to get with you again. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): This is a large scale development requiring the developer to dedicate any additional right-of-way when necessary Highway 71 at this location has 60 feet of right-of-way so we need an additional 10 feet on the East side the entire length of the lot. (Plat Book reflects 80 feet). There is only one existing drain along the Highway on this property. Have your engineer design it so water can be picked up in drop inlets on the parking lot and passed into an existing storm drainage rather then emptying it out the driveway onto the highway. We have had a problem for some time with businesses and commercial establishments emptying their parking lot drainage out onto the highway and causing accidents in bad weather when it freezes. The existing parking spaces are difficult to maneuver a vehicle in and out of. I hope the new parking spaces are designed 10' x 20'. Mr. McElhaney: The new ones conform with the present regulations; I don't know about the existing parking spaces. Powell: Since this is a private parking lot I would recommend putting a little base material under your parking lot so it doesn't develop ruts. . Mr. McElhaney replied that all the new parking would be concrete. Powell: With most of the construction that has been going on on College Avenue, they overload their dirt moving equipment and the excess comes out onto the highway. Mr. McElhaney: Most of what will be coming out of there will be shale rather than red clay, but I will caution the dirt man to use caution on this. 6. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): No comments. 7 Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 8. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Not present but telephoned following comments: Need two easements. (1) 15 feet on the North property line. (2) 15 feet on the South property line. We are coming in with telephone service along with the power service to the South side of the building from the highway. It looks like from the proposed G Plat Review September 4, 1975 construction this will all have to be moved. As far as the telephone company is concerned the customer will have to pay the,cost of moving the existing outdoor service. Contact the business office at least two weeks in advance. 9. _Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You were going to the Board of Adjustment on your parking. You need 293 parking spaces and you show 152. This does not' include parking requirements for the restaurant. McElhaney: We have another plan other than this that shows parking on the property to the North. Mrs. Jones asked if this was off-site parking that would need to be approved by the Planning Commission or if they were going to the Board of Adjustment to ask for a Variance. Mr. McElhaney: He said they were going to ask for a variance. He said the ordinance shows 6 parking spaces required per bowling lane and the owners feel this is too many. Mrs: Jones: On the other hand a private club requires 1 parking space per 600 feet and I think this requirement is low..I have broken it down like this: 240 parking spaces for the 40 bowling lanes; 6 parking spaces' for the private club; and 17 on the real estate office; and 30 on the B 4 C Audio... McElhaney: They will be adding on 6 to 8 lanes right now. When the additional 16 lanes are built they will have the new parking area then. Bobbie Jones: Their parking does need to be kept either 20 feet from residentially zoned property to the East or no closer than 5 feet with screening; it should be striped off, and there should be some type of control on it. There is only one sign shown. The sign regulations do regulate the number of signs, and the size and location of signs. Before they even have a wall sign made they should talk to Freeman Wood in the Inspection Department to get the permit for it. When the additional 10 feet of right-of-way on College Avenue is dedicated there will be only about 8 feet between the existing sign and the right-of-way line. If a new sign is ever put up, it will have to be further back than this. McElhaney: We do not plan to have any signs right now other than what is up out front. Bobbie Jones: Before this can go before the Board of Directors as a large scale development the easements and additional right-of-way are required to be dedicated. I need to check on how far back the zoning goes. I can adjust the zoning regulations 50 feet and that is all. 383 feet is dimensioned here, but it is not a trueEast-West line. Note: After the meeting was adjourned, Mrs. Jones checked the zoning and the zoning map shows the zoning line to be approximately 300 feet from the centerline; the old plat book indicated the zoning line to be 300 feet from the right-of-way line. She said she was going to interpret this to be 300 feet from the right-of-way and if this property was under single ownership since June 1970 that she could move the zoning regulations for the C-2 District to 350 feet from the right-of-way line. The setback was 20 feet, so this property being used was just barely inside the zoning boundary. She told Mr. McElhaney that she would draw a line indicating the existing zoning and then a line where she could extend the regulations. This would show the part which cannot be used. 10. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Will they need an increase in water or sewer services? As long as they are doing this on the existing services it is okay. If they need new services or increased service they have a problem. The water main serving their facilities is under the highway pavement. There is an expensive cost for cutting and repairing the highway and the property owner will have to bear that cost. The same holds true for sewer; part of it is under the pavement. There is an area in their parking area in front of the bowling alley where water surfaces through the pavement. While they are working on this, they need to fix that and get it tied to a storm drain. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 A. M.