HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-07 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville. Plat Review Committee was held at 9:10 A. M. Thursday, August 7, 1975, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins, Frank O'Donnell. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Harry Gray, Frank O'Donald, Parker Rushing. SHADOW HILL SUBDIVISION The first item to be discussed by the Plat Review Final Plat Committee was the proposed Final Plat of Shadow Hill Subdivision. Harry Gray (McClelland Engineers) was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Harry Gray (McClelland Engineers): The only change that has been made is the reduction of the easement between Lots 4 and 5 from 20 feet to 15 feet. We verified this on the phone with the electric company. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I can see no problems. The best I can tell there are no poles that will have to be relocated. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I can see no problems. 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have got a 2 inch steel gas line around the perimeter. Don't let a contractor go in there and start digging before we locate it. I don't know where it is in relation to these property or easement lines. I would have to bring a line in the easement and private drive between Lots 6 and 7, T East and West and go to the corner of Lot 14 and Lot 12 to serve those. Lot 11 can be served off of Collette Avenue. All the rest can be served off this steel line. If we get into a major project of lowering the existing line to make way for driveways there would be some expense to the developer. That is all I have. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent) is unable to be here today. He asked me to tell you that Lots 12, 13, and 14 would have to meet the requirements of the tandem lot provision which calls for masonry garbage can holders with screening alongside the street onto which the private drive leads or the property owner constructs a thirty (30) foot by forty (40) foot hard surface vehicular turnaround equivalent to SB -2 base or better at the end of the private drive and executes a written agreement granting the City permission to enter,upon the private drive and turnaround with sanitation vehicles. Also no vehicles shall be parked at any time on that portion of a tandem lot utilized as a private drive or on the vehicular turnaround. Bobbie Jones: The Planning Commission approved the Preliminary Plat this April 22, 1975 with three provisions. Show the dedication of total of 40 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline of Old Wire Road. We need the dedication shown on the plat and the legal description will have to be changed to contain the dedication. We also need the width of the right-of-way of Collette shown. How many of the street lights are existing? There is a little extra spacing in there (330 foot space at the one on Lot 6.) Harry Gray: I know the poles are • • • Plat Review -2- August 7, 1975 there but I am not sure about all the lights. I believe the spacing is about right. Bobbie Jones: The Planning Commission and Board of Directors would have to adjust the spacing on this; I cannot. However, you do need to find out what lights are existing. On this note about the tandem lots, I would add "Approved by the Planning Commission April 22, 1975!' In case anyone wanted to know about it, this would settle any questions. I have not added up all the lot dimensions to see if they come out. On the West line of Lot 11 I believe if the dimension were on the West and the bearing on the East it would be clearer. The Planning Commission also called for a bond or contract to agree to the paving of half of Collette to City street standards. • 6. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): I don't have any questions. I would like a copy of the modified plat. Bobbie Jones to Harry Gray: We will need a black line print of the plat after the changes are made. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): How much of a problem would it be to get a monument at the Northeast corner of the subdivision (intersection of Old Wire Road and Collette)? I think the ordinance is fairly clear on monuments on corners. Harry Gray: After going back and rewriting the legal description for the dedication, the monument would be out in the middle of Old Wire Road. Bobbie Jones: It would be in the middle of the street after rewriting the legal description but I think it could be off -set. Mr. Mattke: Just drop back down that line and offset,it. Just as long ah the plan reflects the monument and offset. Harry Gray: It would be better to put it on the corner of the right-of-way. That way it can be used. Mr. Mattke: I would ask that all the water and sewer taps, especially the water connections, be made prior to installation of the sidewalks. We had talked about holding some of the lots (those in the Northeast quadrant) until the sewer is constructed. I assume the developer realizes that we can't release those lots until the utility service is in. If there is any slippage ini:the schedule of constructing the City's portion of this new sewer, there would also be a slippage in releasing the lots. Bobbie Jones: They are posting a bond on this. I don't believe I have anything on a bond where I could hold them up from getting a building permit. Harry Gray: This would be on Lots 6,7,8,9,10, and 11 and I am not sure about Lot S. Paul Mattke: The contract has not even been let on the City's portion. If for any reason it is not let, the developer will have to run the sewer service to the existing sewer lines. No other comments. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent) Not present at the meeting but telephoned comments 8-8-75: I would like to know what specific arrangements are being made for the construction of half of Collette Avenue that has been requested by the Planning Commission. The next item was the Lot Split of Frank McDonald which also volves a tandem lot situation which must be approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. McDonald was present to represent. follows: FRANK McDONALD in- Lot Split Tandem Lot Comments were as 1. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): There are 2 main transmission lines, a 6 -inch and a 10-inch,crossing this property. I think there are some signs showing where these are We will be glad to come out and locate the lines for you. We would want buildings to setback 25 feet from both the 10 -inch and the 6 -inch line. We will be okay if you do not plan to lower the elevation of the driveways. We can serve Lots 1 and 3 from the 1; inch line going East in Ed Torbett's Lane and will more than likely serve Lot 2 from one of these transmission lines. Mr. McDonald: The driveway on Number 3 is existing, and we do not plan to cut (lower the elevation) for a driveway on number 2 or 3. 577 -• • • Plat Review -3- August 7, 1475 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): As far as telephone, I think we can serve them without any problems. Lots 1 and 2 will be served from Old Wire Road. Number 3 will be served from Ed Torbett Lane. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 4. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): If you should take any service lines, (for example, for Lot 2 across Lot 1) the person having Lot 2 should have an easement across that property that would cover wherever the line goes to protect them. Torbett Lane is owned by Mr. Torbett. Concerning the parking on Lot #3, unless you have your masonry garbage can holders withscreening at the street, you will need to construct a thirty (30) foot by forty (40) foot hard surface vehicular turnaround equivalent to SB -2 or better at the end of the private drive and execute a written agreement granting the City permission to enter upon the private drive and turnaround with sanitation vehicles. The tandem lot ordinance requires that no vehicles shall be parked at any time on that portion of the tandem lot utilized as a private drive or on the vehicular turnaround. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): There is a sewer line across the back of this property and one on the West side of Old Wire Road. Wateris also.on_the West side of Old Wire Road. I would like to make one water tap (cut Old Wire Road only one time) and put all meters in the same place. Also, on sewer I would like to make only one cut on Old Wire Road and put all the service lines in the same ditch. If Mr. Torbett will need a water tap also, then I want to do it at the same time and in the same ditch. (Mr. McDonald had mentioned that he and Mr. Torbett wanted to get a double water tap and run both their service lines up Mr. Torbett's private drive.) I would suggest that they put their water service lines somewhere between Parcels 1 and 2 and write easements to cover the lines. I think this might also be a shorter distance for Mr. Torbett to run his water line. In any event, I do not want to have to cut Old Wire Road more than one time for all the water services and one time for all the sewer services. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent) Not present at meeting but telephoned comments later: My plat book does not reflect a public street or right-of-way called "Ed Torbett Lane." PARKER RUSHING Next item for discussion was the Large Scale Development Large Scale Development Plan of Parker Rushing to construct a stable on 60 acres of his property East of Crossover Road. Mr. Rushing was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Parker Rushing: I will not need telephone services as it is planned at present. If this grows, I might possibly want to put an office in the barn later on and I would then require telephone service. I will not require any extra gas service and water is from a spring on the property and is .private and there will be no change in the sewer. I do not plan to have restrooms in the barn. At this time it will not be a "riding stable." I plan to make the arena English regulation size. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I can see no problems. It is not really that far from existing houses. If you decide you need telephone service I am sure we can get it there one way or another. 3. Clyde Terry(Warner Cable): Cable is not available there, but since you are not requesting it, there are no problems. s8 Ly ski Plat Review -4- August 7, 1975 D • rreb 4. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Since extra gas service is not requested there are no problems. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I need to check your plans against the new ordinance (Ordinance 2123) on setbacks, etc. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): As far as private water sources for public consumption, I would have to recommend against that. Water is available from Highway 265 (Crossover Road)and also from Stone Bridge Road. Sewer is available from his property in the area of Crossover Road. I think for commercial property it will have to have public water supply and public waste disposal. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent) Not present at meeting but telephoned 8-8-75 that he had "no comments". KEN LAZENBY The last item for discussion was the Lot Split of Ken Lazenby for Lot Split property located on Farmers Road. No one was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I don't see any problems. 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): I will have to go look. Note: Mr. O'Donnell called back in the afternoon and said they have a gas line running East and West which crosses the South lot 5 feet North of the South property line. He said they needed a 10 foot easement off the South side of that lot. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I will hold any comments until I can look at this. Note: Mr. Hawkins called the Planning Office later and commented as follows: After checking over the Lot Split on Farmers Road I can see no problems. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): A water line is installed in East Farmer's Road and a sewer main is also in East Farmer's Road. The sewer taps were made and brought over to the lots as they were laid out at the time of the installation of the lines. These were installed as dry taps and they will need to be paid for by the lot owner or developer. The 2; inch line will handle up to a density of duplexes on each lot, but no heavier density. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Since this lot split is for 5 lots it must be approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Office cannot approve more than 3 splits (4 lots). Mr. Lazenby proposes 5 lots - each 78.4 feet wide. There was no further discussion.. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 A. M.