HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-10 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A. M. Thursday, April 10, 1975, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins, Kenneth Wagner, Randy Schneider. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Wally Brt, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Kerry Schultz, Joe Hodges and Kirby Estes. The first item for discussion by the Plat Review Committee was the Large Scale Development plan of the proposed Mcllroy Branch Bank located at North Garland and Wedington Drive. Mr. Joe Hodges and Mr. Kirby Estes were present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): If you do comments. If you do, I think we will need place to get into the building. I am sure told Mr. Terry they would not be wanting T. McILROY BRANCH BANK N. Garland and Wedington Large Scale Development not want T. V. Service I have no some conduits placed at the proper you will want to go underground. They V. Cable. Mr. Terry: No other comments. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I believe that we have a pole in your driveway. We are on public right-of-way in this particular instance and when you get ready to build you will have to have this pole requested to be moved or removed at your own cost. Due to the amount of cement or asphalt that you will have in this area we would need a 11 inch conduit to the property line on Garland Street to come up in your building, In your building we will need some kind of small location where we can terminate this cable and wire all of your telephone up. It depends on the kind of system you want but if you have a blank wall (like in a closet or storage room) enough that we can take about 4 feet of it from floor to ceiling should be sufficient. And if they want a multi -button telephone system we will also need an electrical receptacle at this location to furnish power for the equipment, 110 volts is sufficient. 3. Kenneth Wagner(Arkansas Western Gas): I talked to Mr. Hodges and we do have gas in front and just to the North a little. He told us that he would build a cement guard in front for the gas meter. I would like to keep the low pressure from the road up to the building. I would recommend putting a casing in from the road up to the building in case this line ever gave trouble; it would save going in and tearing the cement up. Gas is available for the standard equipment you will have. 4. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): We don't have anything close to here. I think the closest thing we have got is at your southwest property line; we have got a single-phase that comes up to the road but does not come across. We will have to put in a couple of poles to come down to your property whether we go up here on street right-of-way or what. Since you want underground, we could work this out on how far you want our poles. If I remember correctly, you have to have a minimum of 75 KW a load to be eligible for this without having to pay any cost difference. You would have to furnish the conduit and we would furnish the primary wiring for a small padmount transformer and then you would have to furnish your secondary out of the transformer, to wherever you would put your switches and fuse box. I believe we furnish the wire up to 125 feet and after that you would have to furnish the primary wiring, or pay the cost difference in what it costs. Since you do not 43__A i/ Plat Review April 10, 1975 - 2 want any underground service your voltage would be 120 - 208; this is the only thing we can get padmount in without a special order. I usually need to know what amp entrance you will want (400, 200, or 600). When we work this out there will be some papers that will need to be filled out on this underground agreement and the size. Where we set our transformer we will need close to a 4'.x 4' square and we would have to have 10 feet of clearance in front of it for hot stick work. It does not have to be enclosed, but if you do enclose it we would have to have a gate or something in the front part where we can open it up and work with a hot stick. As far as we are concerned the conduit could be scheduled 40 PVC. We would require steel 90 degree bends coming up into the transformer. We will serve them off of Highway 16 highway poles. We will serve them off of street right-of-way so easement will not be required. I will need to build this line in before you start construction. We will have to have 2 weeks notice before you start construction. There will be a charge for setting temporary service because of a transformer setting. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I think this has been divided off of a larger piece of property. I need to know when it was done. If it was done prior to June 29, 1970 I need a proof of Lot of Record. If it has been since then we will need to go through a Waiver of Subdivision Requirements (Lot Split). I will need a legal description for this. You have a setback problem on the South side. You have a minimum setback of 50 feet after street right-of-way of 40 feet from the centerline of the street. I assume the 30 feet shown is from the centerline. If I go 40 feet from the centerlinethen measure the setback of 50 feet, that gives me a required setback of 60 feet from the South property line. You have 20 feet and 8 inches shown to the future expansion. From the East and South you have a required setback of 60 feet from existing property lines. The ordinance does not say "front setback". Setback is from street rights-of-way. We have supplementary regulations that cover drive-in facilities and this does include a drive-in bank. 80 per cent of the area not covered by building should be developed by a permanent surface such as concrete or asphalt with a minimum of 20 per cent for landscaped open space. You do not have 80 per cent of the lot in parking. It would probably be reasonable to say this is the depth of your development and would not be required on the extreme back portion. It also calls for raised curb a minimum of 6 inches in height to be constructed along the entire street property line except for drive- ways. Also a screening wall is required to buffer this from any residential and there is residential west of this property. However, I do not know if this applies in this case since you are set back 90 feet from the West property line. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Both abutting streets are designated State Highways and designated as principal arterials on the Master Street Plan, thereby requiring 80 feet of right-of-way. We think we have existing 60 feet of right-of-way but for the additional 20 feet of required right-of-way it is policy that half be taken from each side; therefore, we would need 10 additional feet on both Garland Avenue and Wedington Drive sides. It was almost a "go" project 2 years ago for North Street to be continued directly across Garland and the curve and intersection with Garland on the West side but the State Highway Department ran into a funding problem and since we did not have the adequate right-of-way for the project, that was their prime reason to delay. However, it looks as though within the current calendar year it might become a reality. If we had the right-of-way dedicated the Highway Department could not use rthis .'as an excuse. The -maximum width for driveways in commercial areas is 44 feet. The driveways do require a permit and since this is onto a designated state highway (District 5 Enginner in Fort Smith) will have to issue that permit. You submit your application through Mr. Mattke's (City Engineer) Office. There is no indication of a driveway onto Wedington Drive on the South side. You might give this some thought since it is a drive-through facility and with the possibility of this continuation of North Street straight Lq Plat Review -3- April 10, 1975 across to intersect wfth_Wedington Drive and eliminate that curve it might be advantageous to have a driveway -on the Wedington Drive side. However, being hilly terrain your driveways must be -50 feet from any intersection with. a 25 feet separation between drives. You have no separation.problem since thele are no existing driveways on either Garland or Wedington Drive. However, the 50 feet which is measured from the right-of-way will have'to be adhered to or else the State Highway Department District 5 Engineer will have to waive that. I request that you not empty your drainage out of your paved parking and drive areas out onto the street. It does appear that you have designated two drainage inlets at the throat'of the intersection on Garland Avenue ---this is great If so, try to put a parabolic crown in your driveway so that the water is picked up in these drop inlets'rather than being emptied out onto the street. The contractor is responsible for keepting mud and debris off the streets as he is pulling in and out of the construction area, I think this facility will greatly improve that corner. We will provide you with. the State Highway Department engineering plans and profiles for this extension of North Street and Wedington Drive as soon as they are recieved. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Hodges and Mr. Estes told Wally Brt that there would be 5 employees at this bank. Wally Brt: Let's use cans out there (since there will be no more employees than that) unless you want a container. I think it would be a waste to have a container. You might set some can holders so that the garbage cans won't be rolling all over the parking area I think these can holders are about $5 or $6 each. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): The only problem that I might have is that since you only .purchased part of this tract from Mr. Wilson, you might need an easement from him to go across it to get sewer, but I believe you have got sufficient fall (grade). I would suggest you have the exact location of that manhole and make sure you have considerable grade and obtain an easement from Mr. Wilson. Water is available from a 12 inch main along Garland. It is on your side of the street. The last item for consideration.bythe Plat Review Committee COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES was the Replat of Lots 97-110 and 112--117 of Country Club Replat of Lots 97-110 Estates located on Country Club Drive. and 112 to 117 Kerry Schultz was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent). Since this revision does not alter the streets or drainage patterns I have no additional comments from last meeting we had on Country Club Estates. However, the comments concerning streets and drainage from the last meeting remain the same. 2. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I have written Mr. Jim Nickell concerning the water and sewer taps. I think we have figured out a way to do it. When we get the go ahead and pre -payment on the taps, we will try it. If that doesn't work, we will have to try to figure something else out. We are trying to keep from cutting the streets. 3. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): All the easements look fine to me for what we need to put in here. (Mr. Schultz told Mr. Shcneider that he was trying to get a waiver from the Planning Commission on sidewalks and street lights.) Randy Schneider: If street lights are required I will need the -following easements: 5 feet on the North side of Lots 214 and 215. Need a 5 foot easement on the South and East property lines of Lots 217. I need 5 feet on the North prpoerty line of Lot 220. 5 feet on North property line of Lot 201. That is six lights they would have to put in. This does not allow for any lights on Country Club Road because they are not changing those lots. If sidewalks are required, I need to know the location so we won't put street lights over them. 45 I Plat Review April 10, 1975 -4- 4. Kenneth. Wagner (Arkansas.Western:Gas):. The easements lookpretty. good, We have gas to Lot 112, We have a street crossing across 28th.Circle between Lots 112 and 207 going South and then back over on the Southside,o£ Lot 97 we have a street crossing across 26th. Circle, Depending on how you decide to build in there we can work arrangements before we put the gas line in. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Easements look good, They are exactly what we asked for at the other meeting. The only thing I have to say is that I would like to reiterate what I said at the last meeting and that is we will not put service into this area until we have been notified that there has been some kind of activity as far as selling or building. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Easements are sufficient for Warner Cable and we will cooridnate our work with telephone and SWEPCO in burying the cable. 7. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): No comments. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator). I think this is zoned R-1 rather than R-2. They show it R-2 and that needs to be changed. I want the wording changed on the certificacy We are trying to standardize these. The approval of the water and sewer system should be signed by the Water and Sewer Superintendent. Even though he is the same as the City Engineer, the title of Water and Sewer Superintendent needs to be on there. The monumentation should be actually shown as to where the metal rods will be. Usually a little circle is used to indicate these. They should be at each lot corner and each change of alignment for each lot. These should be metal rods (15 inch by 30 inch). The ordinance calls for reinforced concrete monuments 4" x 4" x 30" at the corner of a subdivision. I don't think this will be required on a replat. I would like the waiver: request: in writing. I feel like you will be required to put in some street lights; probably at the end of each cul-de-sac and at the intersection of 26th Circle. If they do require sidewalks they would probably be required to be installed by the person obtaining the building permit and they would probably be required only on one side of the street and around the cul-de-sac. On corner lots the setback from both street rights-of-way is 25 feet. We will need one black line print and a couple of blue line prints to make copies for the Planning Commission meeting. There was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 A. M.