HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-06 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Thursday, February 6, 1975, in the Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M. Board of Directors Room, City Administration Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins, Jack Whitting, Randy Schneider, John Parker. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Larry Wood, David McWethy, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Janet Bowen. OTHERS PRESENT: Helen Edmiston, Neal Albright, Claude Prewitt, Chase Reid, Larry Whitehorn, Gilford Heckathorn, Max Greenwood. The first item to be discussed was the Lot Split and Large Scale Development of Donal $ Gilford Heckathorn for property located at 1790 Birch Avenue. DONAL f, GILFORD HECKATHORN Lot Split $ L.S.D. 1790 Birch Ave. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): I don't see any problems. The poles are lo- cated where he shows the split lot. I don't believe we will have any problems serving them. Whenever you do get ready to build contact us and let us know what your load will be to be sure we will have enough capacity to serve you. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): T.V. cable is not available at this location. I don't see any need for it at the present time. No problems. Mr. Heckathorn confirmed there would not be a need for T. V. cable service at this time. 3. Frank O'Donnell ( Northwest Arkansas Gas): Do you anticipate any gas needs? Mr. Heckathorn: No. Frank O'Donnell: If anything comes up let me know because we are across the street. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I see no problems. I believe Mr. Heckathorn is aware that Birch Ave. does not continue beyond Lot 9. (It terminates at Ash Street.) The developer of the industrially zoned property there has constructed Ash Street. We will be constructing the crossing of the railroad track at Sycamore Street going West to Chestnut Street. The only request that I have is that you raise your lots where drainage is into the back where natural drainage ditches will go into a pond which is located approximately where Lot 10 is rather than dumping it out onto the street. Mr. Heckathorn said the pond was no longer there and it was impossible to drain into it. The natural drainage for this property is to the North and to the West. Clayton Powell: Do you plan any paving on these parking lots around the storage buildings? Mr. Heckathorn: Later on. We will have them all SB -2 and get them packed in good first. Clayton Powell: This would help the drainage because the mud, debris, and silt, etc. would not be washing out into the street. 5. Larry Wood ( Planning Consultant): No comments. 6. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments. 7. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No comments. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): How will you get water service to Lots 8 and 9? Mr. Heckathorn said he could cross the right-of-way �f Birch South ,) n ,y Plat Review February 6, 1975" -2- of the dead end and get to water. As to sewer, he said he had had the contractor extend the sewer across Birchto his lots when the City put sewer in and before Birch was paved. He said the manhole will only serve his 2 lots as it is only about 2 feet deep. Mr. Mattke: Will have to get back to you later on this after I look at it. 9. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: If sanitation service is needed have him to contact me. Mr. Heckathorn said they are presently taking care of their own sanitation needs. 10. Bobbie Jones (Planning Admininstrator): 5 feet of additional right-of-way is needed for Birch Avenue. MAX GREENWOOD The next item to be discussed by the Plat Review Committee was 19th Street the property of Mr. Max Greenwood, located off of 19th Street. Mr. Greenwood had wanted to place a building to be used as a hobby shop on the property. • However, there are two Major Streets proposed to cross the property. (College on:the West and 22nd Street to tie to Pump Station Road ) For What he' proposes he will have to go to the Board of Adjustment for a zoning setback 'and the Board of Directors on setback for the Major Street Plan question. Mr. Greenwood wants to build 8 feet from the West property line. This property is zoned I-1. Bobbie Jones said since she did not get the material out to them on this she would make a copy of the legal description. Mr. Greenwood wanted to know if it would make a difference in whether he put up a temporary structure or portable type building. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I would have to be opposed to it since it took 4 years to get the Master Street Plan finalized and untold dollars and every minor collector and arterial street on the map is programmed to be completed. For the past 3 years we have worked as dilligently as possible with the resources available and to go and bottle -neck two Major collector streets in the Southeast section of town we might as well throw the whole plan out and forget it. Mr. Greenwood: My house already sets in the path of one of the proposed major streets anyway.(College). I am proposing to build a temporary structure that is not permanently attached to the land and could be moved easily and just get a variance to use it until the road comes through, then I could move it somewhere else. It has been my experience in the past that temporary structures can sometimes become permanent structures and the cost increases to an exorbitant level when these buildings have to be condemned in acquiring the rights-of-way. Mr. Greenwood wanted to know if it would help if he would sign a contract agreeing to pay the expense of relocating the building. 2. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): Mr. Greenwood told David McWethy that this building would be used for a hobby shop (private use) but might later on become about 80 percent commercial use. He said it did not matter because he did not want it located there, but that he needed it for the time being to store his machinery as he is renting another building for this purpose at the present time. David McWethy: I think if you did offer to execute a document to the effect that you, in consideration of them letting you put the portable building there, at some later time you would be willing to move it at your own expense that it would not hurt. Mr. Greenwood said he would make a drawing of this. I© Plat Review -3- February 6, 1975 CLOVER CREEK The next item was the proposed Replat of part of Future Development Clover Creek. Chase Reid, with McClelland Engineers, and Helen Edmiston and Claude Prewitt were present. Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer). In answer to Mr. Mattke's question, Helen Edmiston said that the lots as they are now,are platted out for single family dwellings but if there was a need for planned unit development in that area of town she would like to utilize it in this way. Mr. Mattke: Water and sewer are already in existance for this development. These lots you are shifting the lines on may cause some shifting of services which you will have to bear the cost of. I don't see any insurmountable problems. We will have to see what you are going to do in that area before we know what we can do here. I might ask that Ervan Wimberly (Engineer on the project) go ahead and go through this change and see what it has done to the location of the services. Services have been put in except for Lots 57-60. Claude Prewitt: Our sewer line is over there now so there would be no actual taps needed on that side. Mr. Mattke: You originally had two streets going back there (West side of Clover Drive) and we stubbed to the water main but we cannot use this for individual residential services because we cannot keep the water potable. Ervan and I talked about this approximately 6 months ago and that is about the only real prpblem I saw. I did tell him at that time that Lots 57 through 60 cannot be released until this problem is solved. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I see no problems whether it is developed as shown here or as previously planned. The drainage patterns, streets, etc. have all been installed with the exception of this stub going into the parking lot. If that dedicated street is deleted I would like the driveway deleted back to the normal right-of-way line to Clover Drive rather than having the stub for a driveway going into parking lots or to service the multiple -family dwelling (Lot 68). Bobbie Jones commented that this was stubbed for a future street. Claude Prewitt showed a possible lot layout for replatting Lot 68 if it is not used as a Planned Unit Development. (On the original plat there were two streets going in with lots up both sides.) To get these lots deeper for FHA Ervan Wimberly (Engineer on the project) changed this. Paul Mattke: In certain cases this has been given a lot number and that retained as part of the corporate ownership in case it became part of the Planned Unit Development. Bobbie Jones: It is only SO feet wide and is not wide enough to be a lot. Clayton Powell: The only objection I have is that we cannot keep the gates up to block the streets as long as they are supposed to be released as far as public use is concerned. Also the sidewalks are not in yet. I will request from your consulting engineer an estimate for thecost of this and if his estimate exceeds my estimate a bond will be adequate. Concerning the street lights, I believe the electric company has the contracts to install those. As far as improvements pertaining to the street department, I have no objections to releasing all but one or two of the lots for the remainder of the public improvements to be installed. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): How wide will your streets be curb. line from back to back? Chase Reid: 31 feet from back to back with a 50 foot right-of-way dedication. Mr. Hawkins: Some months ago at your request the telephone company and, I believe, the T. V. company and possibly the power company placed pipe under the street to the easements of the original plat. Since this time you have moved the easements. Our street crossings will now be at the wrong location. Also, on your future development, we can in no way plan what size cable to put into this development until we have some kind of plat on this section. Otherwise we will have to bury in and oversize our cable, which is extremely expensive, or bury in again at a later date, which is even more expensive. Plat Review -4- February 1975 (42 Under the present zoning (R-1) 22 lots (with single-family dwellings) or 40 living units would be the maximum on a Planned Unit Development. This gave Mr. Hawkins a figure with which to work until he could get a plat of this section. Mr. Hawkins: I need a 5 foot additional easement running North and South along the East side (along the street) from lots 57,58,59,60 and 61. I understand our piece of pipe right now is crossing about 10 feet or 15 somewhere past the easement that is running between Lot 60 and 61. I am concerned with the sewer and everything else going in there because of the digging we will have to do. I would like to have a final plat of this future development as soon as possible. This is all I have. 4. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments at that time but later said: Since this is a replat, I think the street lights should conform to the present regulations for spacing of street lights, even though it may be necessary to furnish some easements on the property not being replatted. 5. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 6. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a street crossing down there in that old easement between Lots 13 and 14 and 56 and 57. We can utilize it but we will have to dog -leg to the North. Chase Reid: This easement is still there but is about 121 feet off as shown on the original plat. Frank O'Donnell: We can dog -leg over alright. I see no problems. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): I think Mr. Hawkins fairly well covered my comments, because we are in the same situation as they are as far as crossings and easements. We have these PVC pipes laid under your roads for the old drawing so the extra easements that Mr. Hawkins requested are pretty well the same as we will need. 8. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO):.Randy Schneider asked for the following easements on the replat of Clover Creek: We need the same 5 feet easements as T. V. and telephone except on Lot 54 we need one along the street for the same reason. Between Lots 51 and 52 we will need a 15 foot easement because we plan to bury some secondary cable there. For our primary cable to be buried in, we need a 15 foot easement between Lots 54 and 55. We need a 15 foot easement between Lots 58 and 59. We previously requested an easement between Lots 56 and 57 and we do not need this now the way we plan serving it. (Telephone, gas, and T. V. Cable do need this easement.) Probably for the future development we would need a 10 foot easement between Lots 59 and 60. Need a 10 foot easement between Lots 63 and 64. We also need a 15 foot easement between Lots 65 and 66. We need a 10 foot easement between Lots 66 and 67 for street lights (5 feet each side of the property line in case they build a fence and we have to come back in later.) To put in street lights according to the present regulations, we need easements on the original plat: 10 feet, 5 feet either side of the lot lines, between,... Lots 6 and 7 of Clover Creek Plat; 10 feet between Lots 11 and 12 and 10 feet between of the original Clover Creek Plat. the following the original Lots 46 and 47 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): We need the sidewalks and the street lights shown on the plat. You have an appeal in to the Board of Adjustment for a rear -yard setback on Lot 47. The house that is there sets 8 feet from the property line and you show a 20 foot easement there. The house encroaches on the easement. Helen Edmiston: The property line on the plat was the property line when the house was purchased. Show your radius on your cul-de-sac rights-of-way and include the original Lot numbers in your legal description. The legal description should read • • Plat Review February% 1975 Cc -5- Lots 24 through 38 of Clover Creek Subdivision and a part of the NW; The lot numbers have changed from 24-38 on the old plat to 51-68 on the replat. Larry Wood recommended that to save confusion when filing in the Courthouse that the old lot numbers be dropped and pick up the new ones. Bobbie Jones: I would like a revised drawing in black line print. REPLAT OF SWEETBRIAR The next item to be discussed was a question on an Block 1 easement on the Replat of Block 1, Sweetbriar (19th Green). Comments were as follows: (Helen Edmiston and Neal Albright were present.) 1. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator). The Board of Directors met on this Tuesday night (Feb..5, 1975) and they stated they were not inclined to delete the easements. 2. Helen Edmiston: The way this land lies 50 feet off of it would mean deleting 2 units. 3. Frank O'Donnell(Arkansas Western Gas): I feel we can delete this easement on the West side if she will give a 20 foot easement along the South side of Lot 16 at the time of development. 4. Randy Schneider(SWEPCO): Need a 20 foot easement along the South side of Lot 16 only. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): Our usual precudure is to come up behind the lots, but I am sure we can serve it with a 20 foot easement going along the front. I will need a plat assoon as possible. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Will go along with the easements as requested. 7. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): We are using SWEPCO's easement so eliminating the West one will not bother us. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I believe there was a document recorded on these two easements which is in your abstract. If that is the case you will need to go back before the Board of Directors to get those released. You will have to have the release drawn up for the one and a new one dedicated. Water and sewer has no objections. 9. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): No problems. Mr. Albright was going to check the location of utilities in the easement along the East property line to determine if it could be reduced also. BASSETT PLACE Stearns Rd $ College Ave. The next item to be discussed was the preliminary plat of Bassett Place located North of Stearns Road and East of College Avenue. Chase Reid was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): At present time Lots 8 and 9 are not served with water. Lots 7,8,9, and 10 are not served with fire protection that is suitable for sprinkler systems, _even if that 2; inch line were extended over between Lots 7 and 8. That combined with the shortage of 2; inch pipe I suggest that you increase this to 6 inch pipe so that it can serve sprinkler system. I suggest 6� • '7 Plat Review -6- February/7; 1975 it be extended over to between Lots 7 and 8. I would also ask that a 20 foot utility easement be indicated along the East side of Lots 8 and 9. It would give better coverage (this is optional) if you were to consider installing a fire hydrant near the intersection of Frontage Road and Stearns. We have a fire hydrant South but it is across several major roads and it would not give as good a service. You have one fire hydrant at the Northwest corner of Lot 5. Normally when you get into an industrial application I like to pair hydrants and the next hydrant to pair this with is clear down across Frontage Road.. On sewer service, from what I see here, I question that Lots 1 and 6 will be able to receive sewer service with the lines you plan to install. I recommend that you stub on up.and cross the Frontage Road (coming from the East) and end in a manhole there in the Southeast corner of Lot 1 and that way it would serve Lots 1 and 6. I would ask that the Arkansas Highway Department concurrence on Frontage Road and all the necessary approvals be obtained.before the engineering design of water and sewer lines is submitted. I would like a written copy of the approval along with the plans. I would like to see the sidewalk on the East side Frontage Road and on the North side of Street A. This way the sidewalks would not be located over water and sewer . I want a 10 foot separation between the gas company's facilities and ours. This separation is not critical except on gas and sewer. 2. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): We have 9 cable 15 KV that comes right along the North line of the subdivision which feeds the Northwest Arkansas Plaza Mall. We have an existing line which is not shown on here(on the East boundary) that serves the Ralph Goff property. We will need an easement here. There is no easement shown for street lights. We will need a 10 foot easement along the right-of-way on Frontage Road preferably on the West.side. We will put street lights on the same side of the.street as sidewalks. 3. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Since the Fire Chief is not here I would like to comment on the radius on that cul-de-sac. I assume they are working with future commercial development on those lots. It would be very difficult to turn a fire truck around within the cul-de-sac. My other recommendation is that there be limits of non -access on Lot 6 along Stearns Road. ( Do not think the Arkansas Highway Department will allow Lot 1 to access onto Stearns Road.) 4. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Mr. Skelton in an attempt to get access to Ozark Window. Co. other than Highway 71 and that is why Lot 2 is so small. He is purchasing Lot 2 from Mr. Bassett. I understand that Mr. Skelton will not settle with the Highway Department until something is worked out on this. Mr. Bassett decided to go ahead and subdivide the part that is available to sell. Lot 1 will have a very small building area. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): I sent a drawing given to me by Mr. Skelton on to the Highway Department which it was alright but since we have limits of no access all along here, Skelton and his engineer will have to draw up the proposal and submit it to the Highway Department who will in turn take it to the Department of Transporta- tion because they are the ones that will have to release this limits of no access to let the Frontage Road come through. This is a cooperative venture between the state and the federal government on this. However, they are aware of it and have tentatively indicated that they would be in agreement with it and are waiting for this to review and get their final okay so they can go on with it. Bobbie Jones: My only other comments are that I will need the signatures of the adjoining property owners on the plat to prove that they have seen it. The ordinance does not exclude commercial developments from our street light and side- walk requirements. These will have to be shown. Sidewalk down one side of the street, street lights every 300 feet, at point of intersections and at end of the culs-de-sac. Drawing must be to scale and at several points it is not. Scale • • • Plat Revie February 1975 -7- should be 1" = 100' or 1" = 200', not 1" = 50'. The bearings in the legal description do not agree with those of the drawing in three instances. That is all I have. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I would like to have an additional 20 foot easement that would run parallel with the Ozark Electric easement the total length of the property along the North side. I need another 20 foot easement North and South (on the back of Lot 6) along the East line of the subdivision and North and South along the East side of Lot 6. I would like the 20 foot easement along Lots 1 and 6 shown as a utility easement. I think we are all in agreement with this. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I concur with comments made by Larry Wood concerning limited access along Stearns Road and I concur with Bobbie Jones concerning street lights and sidewalks. Concerning the street design and drainage, I feel that Street A should be under -drained and at intersections with continuous storm drainage on Frontage Road from the North property line all the way to the proposed curb inlets at the intersection of Stearns Road. As this street is extended across the abutting property to the North it will be a continuous street all the way to Zion Road. It would make it impossible to install storm drainage to the North if it is omitted here. My recommendation for storm drainage would be drop inlets at the North line of the Bassett property with 24 inch reinforced concrete tile for drainage the full length of Frontage Road Based on the distance to the crest from that point going North it could be reduced to 18 inch.with the accumulation of the drainage for the full length of the street, which will ultimately go on North to Zion Road, without storm drainage in this section we would have a free flowing river. Sidewalks in Commercial zones must be a minimum of 5 feet. Mr. Mattke: We either have to use the back of the curb for the sidewalk. grade or the engineer has to submit plans and profiles. Clayton Powell: I would like to reserve further comments until I see the street engineering plans and profiles. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Mr. Terry asked if the additional right-of-way dedication along Lot 6 on Stearns Road was City street right-of-way or if it would be part of Highway 71 right-of-way. Chase Reid: As far as I know this will be City right-of-way. Mr. Terry: We can bury our cable if it is City right-of-way but we are not allowed to bury on U. S. Highway right-of-way. (Mr. Hawkins with Southwestern Bell Telephone said that if for some reason this additional right-of-way is not dedicated for Stearns Road, he would need another easement but if it is ded- icated he would not need the easement.) Mr. Terry: I believe what has already been requested will be sufficient. 8. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): We have a pole line on Stearns Road where we could serve Lot 6. We will probably need to seta light at the intersection of Stearns Road and Frontage Road. 9. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have an existing line along the highway right-of-way to serve Lots 3 and 1 easily. I prefer to stay away from Ozarks Electric and Southwestern Bell Telephone. I previously needed a 10 foot easement along the West edge of Lots 5 and 6 and conceivably a 10 foot right-of-way along the South edge of Lots 4 and 10 and around the culs-de-sac on Lots 8 and 9. However, since Mr. Mattke has asked for a 10 foot separation between gas and sewer, I will need a 20 foot easement. COLLEGE MARKET ADDITION Preliminary Plat The next item to be discussed was the preliminary plat on College Market Addition located off of Rolling Hills Drive. Comments were as follows: 15 • • • Plat Review -8- February" 1975 40 1. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Sidewalks and street lights are required and we want it shown on the plat. The scale is 1".equal 50' and it should be either 1" is 100' or 200'. You need to show your reference point for point of beginning NW corner of the NE; of the NE;, 35-17-30 We need the signatures of the adjoining property owners shown on a copy of the plat. There is a section (West of Lot 3 or part of Lot 3 that dog -legs down there) that I•question:.the usability of. There is a building setback line drawn but parking is about the only thing it could be used for. That is all I have. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I would like to have a 15 foot utility easement extending this easement you have along the West side of Lot 6 and I need a 20 foot easement running along Rolling Hills Drive. 3. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Do you know whether or not K -Mart is cooperating and will we end up with a 50 foot street all the way to Harold or will it dead end into the parking lot? Chase Reid: I believe it will dead end into K -Mart parking lot. Larry Wood: Johnnie Bassett owns the property North of this that overlaps Lot 2. When Byron Boyd worked this through and proposed apartments to the North he had a street proposed that came in and dead -ended into the East line of Lot 2. It would seem to me that it would still be preferable to get a street tied in there rather than dumping the traffic back in front of the houses on Harold Street. Since we have single -family facing right into this that was there prior to this being zoned R-0, I recommend (1) that we have no access from Lots 1 and 5 to Rolling Hills Drive where the houses are. It would be difficult if not impossible to have no access from Lot 6. (2) Recommend building a masonry buffer wall along Rolling Hills Drive to protect this residential investment, similar to that which McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates did with their property against the residential. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent). I concur with Larry Wood's comments concerning the access to Rolling Hills Drive from Lots 1 and 5 which will create a natural buffer between commercial development in this area and the residential to the South on Rolling Hills Drive. I think the construction of Market Street connecting the commercial areas of K -Mart in this area with Rolling.Hills Drive is compatible and has long been needed. I also think since the property to the East and North to Harold Street being under one and the same onwership that some ideas be given to the development of that for the establishment of traffic patterns, streets, and drainage. The length of Market Street would not require storm drainage within itself but I would like to talk privately with the consulting engineer and the owner for the possibility of incorporating storm drainage on Market Street to pick up drainage off of Rolling Hills Drive since we are limited in correcting the omission of storm drainage there from previous developments. Since Market Street would be commercially zoned, sidewalks abutting Market Street must be a minimum of 5 feet in width. I will have to reserve any further comment until I see the street and drainage engineering plans and profiles and also some idea as to what will be developed to the East in the strip that was previously submitted by Brennan -Boyd for apartment complexes since they did agree to cooperate in the improvement of Harold Street on the development of that strip to the North and East abutting Harold Street. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): In order to provide for the fire coverage that we need for this type of development, we need to have a fire hydrant located jointly on or near the lot line between Lot 1 and 2 along the West edge. Also if we are to provide sprinkler system for the development of these lots we would have to have at least a 6 inch line in there. With the shortage of 2; inch pipe you might be forced into that anyway. This is not a requirement, but with a 50 foot utility drainage easement, it seems to me that there will be a great deal of wasted land which will look "tacky." It will be an eyesore and a potential problem. In my opinion, it would Plat Revie -9- February); 1975 4 look a lot better if it were tiled and paved and turned into something useful. Clayton Powell agreed with Mr. Mattke on this and said that this natural drainage ditch does exist and part or at least some of the drainage from the K -Mart parking lot does drain to this natural existing drainage ditch. Maybe between the two property owners they could decide to share the burden of the cost of improving that to make it into something useful. Paul Mattke: My only other comment is that there was some talk before about having this intersection to line up with Oak Manor Drive. With the traffic density on Rolling Hills Drive and with the future traffic density I think the proximity of these two intersections is certainly unwise. I would suggest that consideration be given to lining this up with Oak Manor Drive and turning the street up through this development to intercept with the property (Johnnie Bassett property) to the East. It is going to be a problem in having a dedicated street dead ending into private property. I'm not sure this is a good idea. This would have some bad implications from the law enforcement and from whoever will be maintaining it, who sweeps it, etc. The way it is presently designed, I question whether or not it is needed as a public street. Bobbie Jones: They cannot sell as indivisual lots without each having street frontage. Paul Mattke: That is all I have. 6. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): This is split territory between SWEPCO and Ozarks Electric. We will serve Lots 1 and 2. We already have a dedicated easement along the back which is adequate. Either SWEPCO or Ozarks Electric will need an ease- ment along the side of the street for street lights. That is all I have. 7. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): The easement already requested down the West side of Lot 6 will be sufficient. 8. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): Easements look sufficient for what we will need. I don't know whether we will be able to serve this underground or not since underground calls for more than 4 lots. Since it is commercial we probably can serve this underground. We will probably use this utility easement coming from Highway 71 on the North side of the property. 9. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): I will need a 10 foot easement along the South line of Johnnie Bassett's adjoining property to get to gas service to the East. I will need a 10 foot easement along the East side of Lot 4. EXTENSION OF SYCAMORE STREET The last item to be discussed by the Plat Review Committee was the extension of Sycamore Street. At the last Plat Review Meeting (1-30-75) Clayton Powel(Street Superintendent): asked the utility representatives to study the profiles he had given them and give their comments on this which follow: 1. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I would like to reserve comments until I can check the location of the stakes. 2. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): The consulting engineer has got all the stakes and elevation hubs in place. I would like to congratulate them especially since the weather has been like it is. Some of you have probably not had a chance or the time to get out there and see if there are any problems, but would appreciate any comments that you do have at this time. Mr. Powell said he was not sure who was responsible for the clearing of the strip between the existing street and the Frisco Railroad tracks. Larry Whitehorn (with McClelland Consulting Engineers) understood that the City would be responsible for this. Street Superintendent Clayton Powell pointed out that the profiles reflected the use of 12 inch tile. He said in the City Limits 15 inch tile is the minimum used for driveways. • Plat Review -10- FebruaryX, 1975 (P Mr. Whitehorn said there would be no 12 inch tile installed and most of the existing would be replaced with larger tile. 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have been working with Larry White- horn on this and we have determined that our 2 inch distribution line which runs South can be moved alright. Going North has not been established. We are looking into that today. The main item of concern is how the drain tile will run across the intersection. When that is established we will know where that 6 inch line is. Everyone is "alerted to move" on it as soon as we can establish exactly what we have to do. Mr. O'Donnell asked Mr. Powell what was going to be done on the hill on Sycamore Street.toward Woolsey Avenue. Mr. Powell said they would have to do some leveling so the grade would match that of Woolsey Avenue. 4. John Parker (SWEPCO): We had a meeting with Ervan Wimberly last week and we are in conflict with only one down -guy on the first pole North of Spruce Street. We cannot remove that guy. When you are out there grading we will have to go out and remove the guy, hold the pole, then put it back when you are through. We had one other anchor we have already sent the crew to remove. The Engineer is to notify us if we have any conflict with the other poles when they get through staking it. 5. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We will have to coordinate our work with SWEPCO. We are overhead except for Spruce Street. We have an underground with telephone and at the proper time we will do whatever is necessary. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): I have a sanitary sewer running along Gregg. I have an 8 inch water line along Gregg. We need to have those picked up on the plan and profile to see what will happen when they start making these grade changes. The intersection of Sycamore is a critical intersection. I have an 8 inch water main running in Sycamore East and West and it interconnects with an 8 inch running North and South on Gregg. In addition, I have a 24 inch water main running East and West in Sycamore. We need to find the valves, valve boxes and in the areas where he has proposed to install the drainage we need to pick up the grades on these lines to see if there is any conflict with his drainage structures. Larry Whitehorn: On Sheet 3 the Sanitary Sewer shows up; the man- hole has to be raised. Paul Mattke: At this intersection I would like to see you just take this sewer line and shoot those inverts, make a rim shot and apply them on the profile and locate them on Sheets 1 and 2. Also need to pick up those going East and West on Sycamore particularly that 24 inch main. There is not much I can do with it because it is too big. We need to know if it is going to conflict with any of the drainage. Near the North end of the project, we need to be sure that the sewer and water lines are going to clear where we are cutting those humps out. You will probably find a whole cluster of valves to the West of the intersection near the fire hydrant. Those are on that interconnection of 8 inch mains. I can get Art Caselman to go out with you and help locate those valve boxes. On Sycamore,when we get over near the creek,I have a 14 inch force sewer main from Poplar Streetlift station that goes to North Street.that goes through here and I would like to pick it up on our profiles and plans to be sure that it is not in danger. This 14 inch main is Class D sand cast; I don't have any and I cannot get any. This pipe is lead and not leadite. It is about 30 years old. It appears to be in good condition and I would say it is good for another 50 years. Along Gregg I cannot relocate the water line and move it toward the tracks West because of the corrosion problem caused by the soil. If it has to move it will have to go East. From what I can recall of the terrain to the East side of that road I doubt that I can get East and get out of there with an 8 inch main; it is just too big. I think we will have to lower it where Plat Review -11- February/K 1975 10 it conflicts and leave it in place. Larry Whitehorn pointed out an error on the profiles between Stations 625 and Station 8; it should be +1.70% instead of +1.1%. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 P. M.