HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-19 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, December 19, 1974, at 9:20 A. M. in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY"S REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT; Roy Hawkins, Randy Schneider CITY REPRESENTATIVES; Bobbie Jones, Clay tonPPow611,C.Wai1y Brt OTHERS PRESENT: Warren Segraves, John Brennan BALDWIN PIANO CO. The only matter to be discussed was an addition to Beechwood Avenue Baldwin Piano Company to be used mainly for storage, but which will contain some offices and also to construct a separate meeting room. Comments were as follows: 1. David McWethy,(Administrative Aide): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments. Ordinance 1998 specifies a Large Scale Development should be submitted with a black line print size not to exceed 14 x 18 inches. I don't intend to violate the ordinance so there is a possibility existing that this matter will not be brought before the Board of Directors for approval until a black line printcis submitted. Other than that I have no comments. 2. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electiic): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: This is in SWEPCO's territory and not ours. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): At the present time we do not pick up anything at Baldwin Piano. We don't because the material you have deteriorates our trucks to nothing. If you can get a stationary compactor of a size our trucks can service, we will be glad to service it. If they want to go on doing as they are at present, however, it will be fine with us. You can contact me the future if there are any problems. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: Warner Cable is not involved in this. If they do need any information on this they can call me. 5. Frank O'Donnell (Aikansas Western Gas): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: Everything has been worked out sometime ago. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer). Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: I don't see any problems. Water and sewer are both existing. 7. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: There is a fire hydrant at the Southeast corner of the existing building which is not sh own'i and if they sprinkle the building and move the existing fire hydrant which is between the buildings so that it is East of the enclosed walk and drive, there will be no problems. • • Plat Review -2- December 19, 1974 8. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): They say they will not need a great deal of telephone service in this area but will have to have some service. In situations like this instead of waiting until the last minute when perhaps more service is needed, I would rather go ahead and run a large enough cable to handle whatever might come in this area. I would like to have a 2 inch conduit in the center of the North wall of the new addition at the end of the enclosed walk and due to the hazards of trying to run a cable from the existing section of the building, I would like for you to run a conduit. There is a great deal of obstructions in that area. Mr. Hawkins asked them to check to see if they need any more service and told Mr. Segraves that a 3/4 inch conduit would be more than sufficient in the proposed meeting room addition. 9. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): My information shows that you have 100 KW lighting, for the motors. Mr. Segraves".agreed with this figure. Randy Schneider: Our bank is sufficient for that and all you will have to do is get your normal electrician work connecting onto the existing service. It will be your own transformers since you are on private feeder. 10. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): For the driveway use 15 inch corrugated metal pipe or reinforced concrete pipe. On the North driveway (the new one) take the drainage off the parking lot into the drainage ditch on the West side of Beechwood and not run it down the driveway and out into the street. You need to go to the City Engineer's Office and obtain a permit for the two new driveways. I think they charge 50 cents for the permits. There is adequate right-of-way on Beechwood Avenue (50 feet). With the cooperation we have had from° Mr. Segraves, and Baldwin Piano, I don't foresee any problems. 11. Bobbie Jones,(Planning Administrator): They do have adequate parking spaces shown and if they are improved in the manner indicated they_will meet the requirements except the Zoning Ordinance calls for some kind of wheel (curb) stops. Mr. Segravez: We will be curbing most of this. Bobbie Jones: This doesn't fall under any screening requirements since it is far enough from other property. Mr. Segraves told Mrs. Jones they did plan to grade, drain and surface this and that they exceeded the requirements on it. He also said they exceeded the required number of loading berths. 12. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Supt.): It is written in the Zoning Ordinance that any thing over an acre (because it is a Large Scale Development) has to go to the City Board. If we follow the normal procedure it would be delayed until the second week in January. I talked to Mr. Grimes (City Manager) and he wants Bobbie to call a special meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss this. Mr. Grimes will be calling a special meeting of the Board of Directors Monday, December 23, and this way we can get back to you on it by next Tuesday (December 24). You will need to supply them with enough plans for the meeting. This will allow you to go ahead with the footing and foundation. I,cannot approve this: until the Board of Directors approves it. Mr. Segraves`. I discussed the stairway problemswith the Manager of Baldwin Piano. Would you accept a letter from me stating that I will either provide two required exits or either abandon that space? Mr. Lieberenz indicated he would. There was no further discussion. • The meeting was adjourned at 10;55 A. M. jG3