HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-21 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:05 A.M. Thursday, November 21, 1974, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ' UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Randy Schneider, Clyde Terry DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: John Parker, Joe Backus. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: David McWethy, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Harold Lieberenz, Paul Mattke. The first item to be discussed was Swepco's extension to an existing garage building for a transformer repair facility and testing area. Mr. John Parker from Swepco was present. Comments were as follows: SWEPCO Gregg St. 1. John Parker: We want to put an extension onto the existing garage building to conform with the existing building for a transformer repair facility and testing area. We will not require any additional outside services 2. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): No comments. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. T. V. service is not involved. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): What kind of oil will be used in the testing? Mr. Parker: Mineral oil. We plan to bury two holding tanks (1,000 gal. each)-- one will be for transformer oil and the other will be for hydraulic oil that we collect. This will be picked up periodically for salvaging.or sale for reprocessing. Mr. Mattke: I know transformer oil has some different properties and I was wondering if this would give us any problems as far as toxic discharges. Mr. Parker. This will not go into the sewer system at all. It is designed in the building to have a separater in the floor which will be separate from the oil sump. Mr. Mattke: This is all I was concerned with that there will be a sand and oil separater. I have no more comments. 5. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Gregg Avenue was included in the old Major Street Plan as well as the current one for a central North- South expressway. The City has already pruchased right-of-way from Cy Carney for the North end of Gregg Avenue. The plan is to relocate all of Gregg Avenue on the east side of the Frisco railroad tracks in order to eliminate hazardous crossings as well as a hazardous intersection on Highway 180 when going North from Township. Since this project is included in the City's urban systems programs which is a matching Federal -State - City grant, this has to be done by a Consulting Engineer. The railroad spur, pole racks, and fence will have to be relocated. We have done some negotiating on this but there need to be some further negotiations made on this. 80 feet of right-of-way is needed on Township Road since this is an arterial street; 40 feet from the center line for the property abutting • • • Plat Review -2- November 21, 1974 Township is requested. Rather than causing a hardship on the property owner to have a survey made, I am sure the legal description contained in the plat book would provide the City Attorney the information needed to draw up the necessary deeds for the dedication providing SWEPCO agrees. Mr. Powell did not request right-of-way for Gregg at this time. David McWethy: We need to know the requested amount of right-of-way before the Planning Commission can consider this. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): You have a 6 cubic yard trash container already there. If you leave this so we can get to it everything will be 0. K. Mr. Parker: The container will stay right where it is now. 9. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): No problems. 10. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): No problems. 11. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No problems. 12. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You do meet the required setbacks. 13. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Supt.): No comments. DR. THERMON CROCKER Joe Fred Starr Road The next item for discussion was the addition of a two car garage onto the existing residence of Dr. Thermon Crocker, Joe Fred Starr.Road, Comments were at follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): This is in Ozark Electric's territory. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Joe Fred Starr Road is gravel at this location. This being a residential street,50 feet of right-of-way is needed. Request the dedication and confirmation by deed which will be processed by the City Attorney for 25 feet of right-of-way from the center- line. Otherwise, the addition to the existing structure poses no problems to the Street Department. 4. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 5. Harold Lieberenz (Inspection Supt.): No comments. 6. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): No problems --we will work with them on this. 7. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No problems, however, if the telephone poles need to be moved, they will need to call the telephone service department. 8. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No problem. � g� • • • Plat Review November 21, 1974 ALBERT MILLER The next item to be discussed was the proposed addition to be built School Street on the North side of a garage at 1863 South School Street owned by Albert Miller to be used as a boat shed. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): This will not affect our facility. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 3. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): No comments. 4. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): No comments. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I have no objections to the additional structure. If the policy prevails on requiring the dedication of right-of-way I would like to insure that we have 40 feet of right-of-way for South School Street from the center line to the property line. It would be the easiest for this property owner to make the dedication. If there is a legal description and it could be provided to the City Attorney in order for him to draw up the necessary legal deeds for the dedication. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 7. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No problems; however, if the telephone poles need to be moved, they will need to call the telephone service department. 8. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No problems. J. D. GILBERT 3295 Old Farmington Road The next item to be discussed was the proposal of J. D. Gilbert to place an 8' by 16' storage building behind his house at 3295 Old Farmington Road. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I have no objections to the addition. Old Farmington Road is an existing gravel street which has multiple maintenance and drainage problems. Again, if the ordinance prevails that dedication of right- of-way is required, Old Farmington Road is a residential street and I would request the confirmation of 25 feet of right-of-way from the center line. 2. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): I don't think we will have any problems. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments from Warner Cable. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): There is a high pressure gas line on the extreme South side of Old Farmington Road but this does not interfere with this addition. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have a sewer line which will be going right through here. Easements are okay. 6. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No problems; however, if the telephone poles need to be moved, they will need to call the telephone service department. g/ Plat Review November 21, 1974 JENNIE McCALLUM Lot Split The next item for discussion was the lot split of Jennie McCallum for property on Halsell Road South of where Oliver intersects Halsell Road. Joe R. Backus, real estate agent, was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Bobbie Jones(Planning Administrator): When I scaled out the McCallum property and the Hornsby Addition according to the legal descriptions I got a 22 foot overlap. The West line of this property is 22 feet West of the East line of the dedication of Hornsby Drive. And when the dimensions of the lots along Razorback Drive are added up and right-of-way for Smith Avenue, there is a 14 foot overlap between Smith Avenue and this property. This does not give them the full lot width or street width frontage on street right-of-way. 2. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): If they could put a 25 foot drive through the McCallum property off of Halsell Road these could be taken before the Planning Commission for approval as tandem lots. I would not consider letting them come off of Smith Avenue or Hornsby Drive. If they had the 25 feet off of Smith or Hornsby I would consider this as tandem lots, but they do not have the 25 feet. 3. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): Our facilities are located to where it won't affect us We can serve this easily. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We have T. V. service up to Block 2 of Smith Addition and Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Hornsby Addition and I want to make sure we have an easement between these subdivisions on up to the Halsell property. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): There are water and sewer lines running all through this property and before they start digging on the site we would be happy to go out there and locate these lines for them. They cannot build within 10 feet of the sewer and water lines. (Mr. Mattke furnished drawing showing approximate location of lines.) Sewer is available along Halsell Road and running North along Smith Avenue which comes into the property. There is a water line along Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Hornsby Addition and along Hornsby Drive which comes into the property and a 6 inch water line that comes down Oliver and jogs and then runs along the West side of the property. If this property is split I will need an easement to get water into it. If the house on the front of the property is tied onto the sewer that crosses the back of the property, an easement should be obtained by the property owner of the house if the property is split. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Halsell Road according to the plat book has only 40 feet of right-of-way. If the lot split is approved, in order to meet the Master Street Plan requirements, 5 feet of additional right- of-way is requested since this abuts Halsell Road. As far as splitting the two semi -landlocked blocks, it appears that these lots do have frontage on Hornsby Drive for the West lot and the East lot has frontage on Smith Avenue. If this lot split should be approved I would like to recommend that it is the property owner's (McCallum) responsibility to discuss with the other property owners (Guzman and Voth) to insure that there is a mutual understanding as to where the property lines are and that driveways would not enfringe on their respective private properties. I think the most ideal splitting of this lot would be the tandem lot method type having the private drive off Halsell Road to the two back lots rather than trying to gain access by driveways off of the two existing streets due to the narrow frontage contained in these two streets. See Voice ;0 pile, ° lA$. IGO as. Plat Review -5- November 21, 1974 7. Harold Lieberenz (Inspections Supt.): The way I see it is considered a tandem lot development it would have to go to the and if it is not it will have to go to the Planning Commission Board of Adjustment for a variance of lot width. if this is Planning Commission and also to the Mr. Backus arrived at 10:00 A.M. and Mr. Powell reviewed his comments with him. Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator, explained to Mr. Backus that if these two lots were considered tandem lots this would have to be approved by the Planning Commission and if they were not tandem lots they would have to go before the Board of Adjustment to seek a variance for lot width, and that Mrs. McCallum should not sell any part of this unless she wants to sell all of it until. she gets the Planning Commission's approval on this. Bobbie -Jones,. Planning Administrator, asked those for comments on the request of Berneda Steward to a 45.25 acre tract West of the City limits on Mt. 5 or 10 acres off. Comments were as follows: present divide Comfort BERNEDA STEWART Mt. Comfort Rd. Lot Split Road by selling 1. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas --letter in file.): Gas service is at the Northeast corner of this property on Mt. Comfort Road We will have to work each individual parcel out with the owner or developer. 2. Paul Mattke (City Engineer). There is no water or sewer there presently. There is a proposed sanitary sewer line with a HUD -EPA project to follow Hanestring Creek. There is a proposed rural water line to follow the South side of Mt. Comfort Road. Easements are okay for both of these projects. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): We need to insure 30 feet of right-of-way South of the center line of Mt. Comfort Road and to insure that each piece of property has frontage on Mt. Comfort Road. Subdivision into smaller parcels or of the back portion of this will require dedication of and development of streets. 4. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): Will work with her when she brings her plans in on it. 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): No problems; however, if the telephone poles need to be moved, they will need to call the telephone service department. There was no further discussion. Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 A.M.