HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-07 Minutesr- • if) • if , rn :r • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, November 7, 1974, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Larry Wood, Bobbie Jones. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell, Jack Whitting, Roy Hawkins. DEVELOPERS And/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Bill Raiford, Phil Engel, Larry Gage, Ron Revard, Ralph Goff. The first matter to be discussed was the proposed large scale SHONEY'S RESTAURANT development plan submitted to construct a SHONEY'S RESTAURANT General Growth Properties on property owned by General Growth lying to the North of the North College Ave. present parking lot of Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Bill Raiford from Memphis, Tennessee, was present to represent Shoney's. Phil Engel of Des Moines, Iowa, was present to represent General Growth, along with Larry Gage, Manager of the Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Since the Mall frontage road has been such a controversy going south and the access to the Mall and the traffic hazards that exist, my position would be that the service frontage road be extended to your North property line for possible eventual extension across the creek to Johnson Road (as it intersects with Highway 71 North of the Mall). The basis for this recommendation is that the former Mall manager, Mr. Hoekstra, hired an engineering traffic consultant and, based on his actual traffic count, over 65% of the patrons of the Mall go North to the Springdale -Rogers area. I feel that with the two existing accesses the problems are extreme there; and with the possibility of extending the service road to Johnson Road and the possibility of future signalization at that intersection, it would be much more practical to carry the northbound traffic from the Mall complex to that intersection rather than the existing exit at Zion Road. As far as the drive, all the other drives into the parking areas in the Mall are private drives and private parking lots. In all other shopping centers in the town we do not have any public dedications, thereby we do not have any public maintenance responsibilities. I would propose that if you want to utilize this drive which is in existence as a driveway access to Shoney's parking lot, then that remain as a private drive. There would be some benefit to you, if my recommendation is accepted to extend the service road to the North property line on the East side of Shoney's, in that you could have your driveways off it and arrange your parking to a more beneficial use. As far as drainage on private property, the frontage road as constructed does have adequate drainage. I would insist that your parking lot drainage be tied into the existing storm drainage on frontage road or into storm drainage on the portion to be constructed if my recommendation is followed. Mr. Engel asked Mr. Powell what he thought the chances of getting the frontage road extended across the creek and on down to Johnson Road actually are. Mr. Powell said that with the growth rate we have experienced in the past 4 years, he would say that within the next 4 years this would be a reality. • • • Plat Review Committee -2- 11-7-74 Mr. Engel told Mr. Powell that they were most anxious to get any additional access to the shopping center that they could and that he thought their actions or commitments on the parcel South would bear out their willingness, as far as spending money off their parcel, to try and get additional access. He asked if, in order to minimize their outlay at this point, would a letter from General Growth stating that in the event there was a possibility, somewhat firm, that plans were to be made for an extension of the service road to Johnson Road they would be willing at that time to complete the road suffice, rather than'building the frontage road now. He said this seemed most beneficial to him for two reasons: (1) From a safety standpoint ---there is a tremendous drop-off at the North end of their property and he would hate to have someone go over the end and into the creek; (2) Money to be expended. He emphasized they would be most anxious to extend the service road if there were a possibility of it being extended to Johnson Road anytime soon. Mr. Powell said that under the circumstances as described by Mr. Engel, it is possible to post a perpetual performance bond with a lien on the property and for the City to issue temporary Certificates of Occupancy to allow them to go into operation. He agreed that the Mall management has been very cooperative in their overall project. He said he felt this would be a reasonable procedure to follow, but added that this would have to be approved by the City Planning Commission and Board of Directors. He also said it might facilitate some of the traffic from the multi -family dwellings (to be built to the West) if they could get additional access to Johnson Road to the North. Mr. Engel repeated that they are most anxious to get a better and safer access to the North. Mr. Powell proposed that the "proposed access road" shown on the plan as going to the West and stopping at the West line of the Shoney's development site be retained as a private drive.and that the expense of constructing this be applied to the extension of the service road to the North. Mr. Engel said this will be constructed in a way which would be suitable for acceptance and dedication when and if it is completed for access to the property to the West. Mr. Powell said this could be done provided they submit engineering plans and profiles to him for review and approval before construction and provided it is then constructed to City street standards and inspected by him during construction; but if he did not approve the plans and inspect the construction, it is not possible. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments, other than those already expressed by Mr. Powell concerning the service road extension. 3. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): (Not present, but Mr. Powell told Mr. Engel that Mr. Brt might have some comments regarding the location of the trash container. Mr. Engel was told that the container (LoDal) should be located in an area not blocked by parked vehicles, on level terrain, that approximately 60 ft. turning radius is needed to turn the tender truck, and that the container should be set on a reinforced concrete pad. Mr. Engel pointed out that the location of the container has been moved to immediately in back of the building. Pad location must be free of overhead obstructions. 4. David McWethy (City Manager's Office): Requested a black -line print in a size not to exceed 14" by 18" of the site plan only by November 12. 5. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): We have a gas line generally in the East area of your site. I did not have the overall site plan until this morning, I will confirm its location to you. s • • Plat Review Committee -3- 11-7-74 6. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): We have electricity very close to you. Will this be a 3-phase, 208 installation? Yes. It was ascertained that the main power panel would be on the northwest corner of the building. Mr. Whitting said he would locate a transformer on their back (site) property line. He asked what the construction plans are for the area in back of the building. Mr. Engel said it would probably be developed as a parking lot. Mr. Whitting requested a 10 ft. easement along the West line of the site for underground electrical service. We will give a connection at that point on the property line and you can include in your electrical contractor's wiring permit the extension from the transformer to the building. Mr. Whitting also said they do not provide temporary construction service, but would go ahead and install the permanent service to be used during construction. He said it is too difficult to install temporary service when the service is underground. 7. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Asked what kind of telephone service they would require. Mr. Raiford said they need one pay phone; and one with two incoming lines, one of which you would not be able to dial out on. Mr. Hawkins asked if they desired facilities for burglar alarm or fire alarm. Mr. Raiford said they did not. Telephone facilities are in this area running along Highway 71. All of the telephone facilities in the Mall are either inside the building or at the Southwest corner of the building. This will have to be fed from Highway 71; facilities are not readily available, but it can be gotten to without any problem. We will need some kind of access or 1 -inch conduit to your property line so that we can in some way get to it. I will contact you on a more definite location. We can provide a temporary phone for construction purposes. 8. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Is the site directly West of the proposed Shoney's site under General Growth ownership? Mr. Engel said he would have to check. (Larry Wood confirmed that it is shown as General Growth property on the rezoning petition recently processed.) Mr. Mattke explained that the purpose of his question was, if the proposed access road is to be a private drive, then this would leave a segment of landlocked property which is not good planning. He said he did know that when the original Mall plan was submitted, there was a parcel of landlocked property at the extreme Northwest corner of the site and which was not under General Growth's ownership. You still have the potential of landlocking an area for access. Will you install a sprinkler system in the restaurant? Mr. Raiford said they do not normally. Water is available at the Zion Road Mall entry. A line will need to be extended from this location down to this site. (Plans for this extension must be approved by both the City Engineer and the State Board of Health before construction of the line is begun.) The line will need to be of sufficient size to provide fire protection for this building. Since it will be a dead-end line, it must be 8 -inches in diameter. You will need fire hydrants at not greater than 500 ft. spacing or within 250 ft. of all areas of coverage. Due to the elevation of the parcel, the nearest sewer is at the middle on the East side of the Dillard's store. There is another sewer location at the Northwest side of Dillard's store. Both of these would require a lift station to obtain access to them. Due to the present E. P. A. requirements concerning sewer lift stations and the reliability that has to be built into them, I ask that consideration be given to a gravity sewer from the Shoney's parcel, going to the West, then proceeding South through your additional land that 12 t i 0 ;I1 A Plat Review Committee -4- 11-7-74 you have slatted for development as R-2 and R-3 density, then East to tie back into the present 10 -inch sewer main serving the present site. I believe that this line could be constructed for approximately the same cost as a lift station and then provide future growth potential for the balance of your property and it would also eliminate a costly maintenance item for the City ---a lift station. You will have high water pressure on the main (150 lbs. static pressure). You will need a pressure regulator on your service. We require that the pressure regulator be on the using side of the customers service, not on the water main. I assume the meter will be located somewhere near the Southeast corner of Shoney's site. It must be accessible to an all-weather road for reading and not behind fences, shrubs, or under trash containers, etc. I suggest it be just on the North side of the proposed access road in the little island shown there. Mr. Engel said he was trying to get as many workable alternates to building the lift station as possible and asked if the proposed sewer route Mr. Mattke had outlined would be feasibly total gravity. Mr. Mattke said it would be. Mr. Mattke said he would need easements for this: 15 ft. wide on flat terrain, but where the sewer line runs adjacent to other utilities and in the steeper terrain, 20 to 25 ft. easements (on the North part). We must keep a separation of 10 ft. between low pressure gas lines and sewer lines; 25 ft. between high pressure gas lines and sewer lines; and 10 ft. between water lines and sewer lines. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): (Not present but called in to say he had no comments). 10. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): (Not present) Mr. Raiford said they would not need TV cable service. 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): What is the square footage of your building? Mr. Raiford said it is a little over 4,000 sq. ft. Mrs. Jones said there is sufficient parking spaces for a building of that size. The parking spaces must be loft. by 20 ft. and paved. If they are closer to the North property line than 20 ft., they must be screened with a view obscuring fence or hedge. The building setbacks are sufficient. You must obtain a separate permit for the sign. Please obtain the permit before having the sign made. Check with Mr. Lieberenz in the Inspection Department on sign regulations. This is adjacent to a controlled access highway, so you are allowed up to 200 sq. ft. in sign; it must be set back 40 ft. from street right-of-way, cannot blink, flash or move. Roof signs are prohibited. Projecting signs are limited. Under the present regulations, the dedications of easements needed and rights-of-way for street purposes must be dedicated before approval can be obtained from the Board of Directors and a building permit can be issued. Wheel stops or curbs will be necessary to contain the parking on the property. State Board of Health approval must be obtained for the building before a building permit will be issued. Also, plans and specifications for any proposed extensions of sewer or water mains must be approved by both Mr. Mattke and the State Board of Health before their construction is begun. The Planning Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. on November 12; the Board of Directors meets at 7:30 P.M. November 19; someone should be present at both meetings; the Board will not approve this on the 19th unless the easement and right-of-way dedications have been made. ADDRESSES: Phil Engel P. 0. Box 1536 Des Moines, Iowa 50306 515-288-9512 (phone) Hill Raiford Shoney's South 3835 Lammar Avenue 9UMH-75?Bntphone S. J. McCloskey Const. Supt. • • • Plat Review Committee 11-7-74 Ralph Goff and Ron Revard were present to discuss with the Committee an interim change in the previously approved large scale development plan and conditional use of University Baptist Church, UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 315 West Maple Street. They brought with them sketches of 315 West Maple the Church property which showed some property which had been L. S. Develo.ment purchased since the last plan was processed. He said they wanteto p ace two metal educational buildings, approximately 30 ft. by 40 ft., on the property where the Lafayette House was located before it burned. He added that they would not want sewer or water connections in the buildings, but would want heat and electricity. He said they have purchased all the property which is crosshatched on their drawing except the parcel at the Northwest corner of Campbell and Watson. They plan to use this for parking when the permanent educational building is constructed. He did not have any definite proposals as to where on the property (with respect to property lines) the temporary buildings would be located and asked for comments from those present. Comments were as follows: 1. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): We have some very extreme problems with the Church complex now. When your original building was built, there was no provision for a telephone system. Since then you have grown a great deal and you now require a "key" system. We have some extensions off your key system scattered through your various buildings; it is extremely difficult to provide service with this and to maintain it. With any further building, we would like for you to provide a wiring system of conduit off your main key system if you require a telephone in the building you are building. Mr. Goff said he did not think they would want anything off their main system in a building that would be located on the Lafayette House property and that if a phone was wanted, they would probably just want a separate line. Mr. Hawkins said they could handle a separate line. Regarding the possibility of straightening out the log at Maple and Vandeventer, Mr. Hawkins reiterated the previous comments of David Tucker (7-11-73) as follows: "The telephone company has spent about 30 years building around this corner on Maple and Vandeventer and straightening out that corner will be a major problem for us. I cannot make any commitments on it, period. As far as our closing Vandeventer Street, I would like a letter as soon as possible and would have to have the commitment from someone else. There would be some easement requirements that would basically be in a straight line on the North side of your property from the East property line to the West property line to line up with Maple Street on the West side if this is worked out. I do not know whether it would be underground or overhead. On Vandeventer, we have facilities that feed several houses. As soon as it is no longer required, we would go in and take our portion down because it is old and in bad shape." 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): I would anticipate that you could utilize the service that was available for the old house. If you have any problems, call me. 3. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. 4. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): When the previous plan was reviewed, there was some discussion about what would be required in the way of additional right-of-way dedication to straighten out the jog on Maple Street at Vandeventer. Since that time there has been an ordinance adopted that requires the dedication of any required right-of-way. Maple and Lafayette are both on the Major Street Plan as 60 ft. collector streets. If the existing right-of-way meets the 60 ft. requirement on Maple and Lafayette (93 • • Plat Review Committee -6- 11-7-74 then the ordinance cannot require more right-of-way, but I think it is still desirable to try to correct that jog at the intersection of Maple and Vandeventer. There is a note in the Planning Office file from Paul Mattke in which he states he is opposed to closing Vandeventer as a street and retaining it only as a utility easement. His statement concerning Vandeventer being an arterial street from Dickson Street North just does not agree with the Major Street Plan and I will have to take exception to his remarks there. We still have the same problem with drainage because of a lack of storm drainage on either Maple or Lafayette. Drainage from any parking lots to be constructed will just have to empty out onto street surfaces, unfortunately. 5. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Until I can take the sketch you have and check it against my plat books and maps, I cannot give you require- ments on setbacks, etc. (See memo of 11-8-74). 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): (After meeting) As long as they are not going to be permanent facilities, I think this should be left up to the Planning Commission. However, a temporary use should have a definite time limit contained in it at the end of which time they should either come back for a re-application for an extension of the temporary use or it should be removed; otherwise they tend to become permanent. We do want to review any permanent type facilities. Mr. Goff said that the buildings which are now standing at the corner of Maple and Vandeventer will eventually be torn down and the area converted into parking. He said the buildings are unsightly and they hoped to remove 3 or 4 of them within the next year and that he thought something could be worked out as far as widening Maple Street at that time. The next matter discussed was a proposed large scale development CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD plan to add onto Calvary Assembly of God Church at 2070 North 2070 North Garland Ave. Garland Avenue by connecting the two separate existing structures. L. S. Development There was no one present to discuss this with the Committee. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Garland Avenue is a minor arterial street on the Major Street Plan. We need 40 ft of right-of-way from the existing centerline; the plat book reflects 30 ft. from the existing centerline; we request 10 additional feet to meet the Major Street Plan. The 20 ft. alley on the North is used by the Church as a private driveway. I do not feel that even though the Church is a non-profit organization, that we can maintain the alley with public funds since it is used only as a private driveway. Personally I would like to see this alley closed since all others have been closed for developers to use. Any new driveways or alteration of existing driveways would require a permit from the Arkansas Highway Department District #4 Engineer's Office in Fort Smith. The area in question is very flat and is a very poor drainage area. This should be kept in mind on any expansions. 2. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): No comments. • 3. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): No comments. 4. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): No comments. f /1 Plat Review Committee -7- 11-7-74 5. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): We already have a transformer bank serving that. Will they require more electrical capacity than they now have? If so, have them contact me. 6. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): (Not Present but called to say he had no comments). 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have an 8 -inch water main along the East side of Garland Avenue. We have a sewer line along the West side of Garland Avenue. They are probably already connected to it, but if they are not I don't see any problem assuming they have enough grade to get into the sewer. The last item for review was a proposed lot split question as submitted LEE BOSS by Lee Boss for property on Highway 112 and Cris Hollow Road Hwy 112 (Suzie Wong Road). Comments were as follows: Lot Splits 1. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): No gas in the immediate area. Developer would need to contact us if he desire service. 2. Jack Whitting (Ozarks Electric): I have located our existing primary lines in red on the drawing. When the subdivision is drawn up in plat form, we will lay out an electric system to serve the lots and request proper easements at that time. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): I will require a 15 ft. right- of-way along the East side of Tract C; a 15 ft. easement along the South property line of Tract B and along the North property line of Tract B. We do need a dedication of some type along Suzie Wong Road. The roads in this section have the fences built right up to the edge of the road; therefore if we bury service in here, and try to serve these people, we will be in the middle of the road. It could be that if he would furnish a 15 ft. right-of-way up the West side of Tract A then down both sides of Tract B we could serve him. 4. Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): I think it is time we saw an overall development plan on all three tracts if he intends to further divide down Tracts B $ C and owns A, let's find out what he has in mind. 5. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): This is out of the City Limits. We do not have anything programmed for water or sewer service in there. It is not part of the rural water growth project. 6. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): If this property is within the 3 -mile limit, the full City subdivision requirements should be followed. If it is beyond the 3 -mile limit, I recommend it be administered entirely by the County. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A.M. /85 A November 8? 1974_ • ZONING REVIEW OF UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH REQUEST TO PLACE TWO TEMPORARY BUILDINGS ON LAFAYETTE STREET. STREETS: Existing ROW Major. Street Plan Additonal Maple (E. of Vandeventer) 40 ft, 60 ft. 10 ft. (W. of Vandeventer) 60 ft. 60 ft. - Lafayette 50 ft. 60 ft. 5 ft. Vandeventer Avenue 40 ft. 50 ft. (each side) 5 ft. West Avenue 40 ft. 50 ft. 5 ft. Campbell Avenue 23 ft. 50 ft. 131 ft. • Watson Street 30.ft. 50 ft. 10 ft. ZONING: The area South of Lafayette, East of West Avenue., West of Campbell Avenue, and North of Watson Street is zoned R-0, Residential Office District. Churches are a use by right in this zone. The area South of Maple Street, East of West Avenue, and North of Lafayette Street is zoned R-3, High Density Residential District. The Church's East property line is the boundary line between an R-3 and an R-1 District. Churches are a conditional use in these two districts.' SXBACKS: F',:om Street rights-of-way in the R-1 and R-3 Zones From street rights-of-way in the R-0 Zone 25 ft. AFTER ALLOWING FOR STREET WIDENING. 30 ft. AFTER ALLOWVING FOR STREET WIDENING. From residentially zoned property not owned by the Church: (May be varied by if air-conditioned 50 ft. Planning Commission if not air-conditioned 100 ft. on L.S.Development) PARKING: 1 parking space required for each 40 sq. ft. of auditorium space. The Board of Adjustment in 1973 granted certain temporary variances. These variances expire in two more years and at that time the parking must either conform to all the parking regulations (number of spaces, setback of parking, screening, etc.) or a new variance must be, sought. IN SiJNMARY any buildings to be located where the Lafayette House was, must be 35 ft. from existing street right-of-way. The.present large scale development Ordinance does require the dedication of needed right-of-way before a building permit can be issued.