HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-31 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review was held at 9;15 A. M. Thursday, October 31, 1974 in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Joe Fox. REVISED FINAL PLAT This item for discussion was the revised final plat of of Sequoyah Woods Subdivision. Joe Fox was present on behalf of SEQUOYAH WOODS the developers. Comments were as follows: 1. Jack Whitting (Ozark Electric): Not present at the meeting but made the following comment: They have satisfied all the easements we have asked for. 2. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comment: Everything.looks 0. K. 3. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent). All we are concerned with is the drainage easement for Tract C which will be developed in the future.. As far as Joe Fred Starr Road right-of-way from the existing center line being only 22 feet, I don't know what we can.do about it since there is a controversial utility easement there that was obtained through condemnation proceedings in a court and the utility company paid a sum of money for this easement. The East half of Joe Fred Starr Road is in the County and there has never been any right-of-way deed executed for this road since it was a road prior to the requirements for a formal dedication of right- of-way for public streets. I don't know what else we can do about it unless the appropriate officials or agency wish to have the utility easements and power lines relocated to provide adequate street right-of-way. Mr. Fox: The owners would like to post a cash bond or check for one-half of the cost of the improvements on Joe Fred Starr Road 400 plus•feet--from the South boundary of Cherokee Drive to the Northeast corner of Tract C. How is this amount determined? Clayton Powell: The consulting engineer would give a current estimate and after the review I would comment on it. This should be a perpetual bond to be used at the time the Washington County Road Department decides to do something to the road. This money can be put in escrow and)llraw interest. I recommend that we accept the payment at current prices and when the County does repair or reconstruct the East side we will use that amount of money to repair the West side. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The plat book shows less right-of-way than they are showing for Highway 45. Their dedication is showing 5111 feet from the center line. Mr. Fox: The additional piece of property was surveyed and I think that when the road was constructed it was built about 1' feet off (centerline of right-of-way) and this is what makes the difference. We have allowed for this so that we have sufficient right-of-way. 4. Paul Mattke(City Engineer): No changes. 17) Plat Review October 31, 1974 -2- 5. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone): All of our cable is in place in this section. We are in the process of changing our feeder route to come in through your common property. 6. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): T. V. cable is buried along with Ozark Electric. I don't remember if Ozark Electric asked for an easement along Whippoorwill or not. Mr. Terry called Ozarks Electric and found out that 35 feet along street right-of-way should be left for an easement through the common property on the East side of Whippoorwill. 7. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): We are planning to come down on the West side of the street right-of-way of Whippoorwill from Highway 45. I will get in contact with your engineer, Max Hall, and when he gets the property lines staked out we will get out there and look it over. After discussing this, Mr. Joe Fox decided that the entire "common property" area East of Whippoorwill would be shown for "common property and utility easements." He said he would like to have the right to put a sign here. you 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I would like4to check with Mr. Lieberenz about the sign because there has to be a permit issued for a sign to be put up. A dimension was taken out on the East side of Tract C when this was revised. If you show this as common property a structure cannot be put there. The easement between Lots 94 and 95 was removed that was originally there for street light purposes. Will this give any of you a problem? Mr. Terry, Mr. Hawkins, and Mr. O'Donnell all said that it would not. Planning Commission minutes show that the Planning Commission asked for 30 feet of right-of-way from the center line of Joe Fred Starr Road. Mr. Fox said he had no objection to the dedication but did not feel that they could legally dedicate additional right-of-way because of the prior easement purchased by SWEPCO. He also pointed out that it would reduce the buildable lot width of Lot 76. He said it would also reduce the easement along Joe Fred Starr Road by 8 feet, but he supposed the utilities could use street right-of-way. 1.)?A • • •