HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-24 Minutes• • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held at 9:15 A. M. Thursday, October 24, 1974 in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins, Kenneth Wagner, Jack Whitting. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS PRESENT: Clifton Gabbard The first item to be discussed was a Large Scale plan for a proposed Auto Salvage and Scrap Metal Clifton 'Gabbard. Mr. Gabbard was present. Comments were as follows: CLIFTON GABBARD Large Scale Development Development Operation submitted by 1. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.) : You show a drainage ditch on the drawing and Ray Avenue on your front page. It doesn't give any distance from Ray Avenue to the North edge of the proposed building. My engineers and I checked this on the map; it looks like the East end of your proposed building would be very close, if not on top. of,a 6-inch,high-pressure gas line (350-400 lbs. of pressure). I cannot say this is true but this should be kept in mind. We have a pipe finder that can trace the gas line out. Going down Ray Avenue from Helen Street to our gas line is 400 feet and going down Jerry Avenue from Helen Street to our main line is 100 feet. The building should not be within 25 feet of this line because it is a high pressure line. Clifton Gabbard: The building can be set over 50 feet to the West if the 6 -inch, high-pressure gas line is located where Mr. Wagner thinks it is. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Since they do not request T. V. service I have no comments. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): I think we can serve you without any problems. No other comments. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Mr. Gabbard and I have talked about the elevation since this is located in the 100 -year flood plain area. (Mr. Gabbard said he had found he needed 35'inches of fill where the building will be.) Water 'is available at this location from Ray Avenue and Helen Street. Sewer is not available unless you put in a pump station. On your cover sheet you show Ray Avenue coming down to your line; according to our maps it does not, it stops at the back edge of the platted subdivision to the North. Assuming this is not your property I hope you have access (drive or easement) somewhere across this. In the purchase of your property you need to have a written agreement to provide for an access. Mr. Gabbard: On the water, it is not mandatory, but I would like to have it for safety's sake in case there was a fire. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): In recycling automobiles there are a lot of times a great deal of plastic and rubber products that have to be disposed of. Frequently there are accidental fires in salvage operations. Mr. Gabbard: This process will only involve stripping tires and gas tanks and also floor mats which are resold, and upholstery material which I will haul off in a trailer. The motors and transmissions will be removed but the rest of the car will Plat Review -2- October 240 1974, be compactedand transported out, where they are run through a shredder (or large hammermill) which pulverizes it and separates the trash. I don't believe there will be a problem with pollution such as there would be with a conventional salvage operation where the motors are broken up, oil spilled on the ground and things of this nature. There would not be an accumulation of non -recyclable items; these would be hauled by truckload quantities to the land fill as it accumulated. And along this same line, since this is in the flood plain, if the water should ever get over this there would not be any items to float about. The only thing it .would affect would be the storage of these automobiles. 5. Jack Whitting (Ozark Electric): Three-phase service is available from the Fayetteville Wastepaper if you want it. It would cost a little more to bring three-phase service in to this. If single-phase service is sufficient we will plan on bringing it in from 13th Street and extend directly East from Fayetteville Wastepaper Works. Do you foresee any problems in building an overhead line across from the end of that paper works line.There could be a problem with the easement across the persons property that connects with yours. Mr. Gabbard said he would need 200 amps on single-phase power now and might want the same amperage on three-phase in the future. Mr. Gabbard• On the power, I will need enough. to operate a large welder. The last power pole sets pretty close to the top of a 12 foot embankment and that would be no problem. There shouldbe sufficient clearance there. Mr. Whitting: I don't think we will have any problem as long as there is an easement. 6. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): If you want sanitation service let me know and I will take care of this. Mr. Gabbard said he planned to take care of his own trash disposal. 7. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I think Mr. Gabbard is going into a very worthwhile business and I would like very much to see it go through. I was under the impression that this would be a temporary type business, processing abandoned automobiles, and then closing down. I would like to see that the public is not put into a position of maintaining undedicated streets or correcting drainage problems and thus subsidizing private enterprise. Ray Avenue terminates short of the South tier of lots on Helen Street. This leaves a considerable distance from the end of the existing dedicated Ray Avenue to the North edge of this property. From the South end of Ray Avenue to the North end of this property are huge eroding ditches that carry drainage from this entire area all the way to the North side of Highway 16 and I do not want anything thrown into these ditches to block drainage. I don't believe the street referred to as 13th Street was ever a public street, but the Fayetteville Wastepaper Company has extended the Eastern end of this street. We are dealing with a piece of landlocked property and I get the impression from the Large Scale. Development presented that this will be a permanent installation. I don't have any objections if Mr. Gabbard can obtain a notorized written contract from these property owners stating that a City or public agency would not have any responsibility for maintenance of streets or drainage from the end of the existing dedicated Ray Avenue right-of-way or from the questionable extension: of 13th Street. The extension of a dedicated street regardless of whether the existing street is gravel or first-class must be constructed to meet City street standards. 8. Larry Woods (Planning Consultant): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comments: 1. This property is in the Flood Plain. 2. Concerned about the possible pollution of White River. 3. What measures to be taken:to keep surface water run-off from polluting the river? Plat Review -3- October 24, 1974 • 4. Access to auto salvage being through residential area Any access limited through Highway 16 By -Pass. Mr. Gabbard: As to Mr. Wood's comment about access through a residential area; I can see how this would be objectionable, but this is the only suitable access to the place. I do not sell to the public. This will be a scrap metal operation only. I will haul one car at a time in to the place (from Fayetteville and Springdale with- out charge), process and compact them, and then carry them out on a semi -trailer. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): In regard to the access point, the property owner owns a lot of property back to the street; and if we get into the question of dividing this off of the property, and if the same owner does not own this property and the property between it and the street, an easement for access doesn't actually satisfy the Zoning Ordinance. It requires that the property, not necessarily this part which is being developed, but the property as it is owned, have access to or frontage on an improved public street. As long as you are under a lease -type arrangement with this person and they do own all the property between this and the street, there is no conflict. If, however, you buy this property and it is land- locked in a sense that there is actually no public street to it, then this conflicts with the Zoning Ordinance. It would get quite expensive to build a street into this, since it would have to be built with drainage, a curb and gutter, and paved. Mr. Gabbard: If I arranged -to buy the.property from the South end of Ray Avenue to this property and sign an,agreement stating that neither a City or public agency would be responsible for maintaining this, would this ease any of this? Mrs. Jones (Planning Administrator): Yes. It would be your private drive and as long as you would not obstruct the natural drainage there and the City wouldn't be expected to maintain the drainage or the drive. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): I think this would be a better arrangement in that if Mr. Gabbard owned the property and put his gate at the dead end of Ray Avenue and utilized it as a private drive, I believe this would meet the criteria of the Large Scale Development code requirement. Mr. Mattke (City Engineer): -If you could bring heavy traffic off of 13th Street it would help the problem of access through a residential area. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): This still does not get around the objection of Larry Wood, Planning Consultant, that access leads through a residential area. However, there would be nothing to keep you from working out an easement type arrangement and coming in through a "back door" so to speak. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent).: Another route would be from the questionable 13th Street out to the Southwest part of the property. This does go by an existing industrial operation. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): He could use this an an access by an easement arrangement.. - .,` Mr. Gabbard: With the easement from the West I would not have proper egress with a large truck of this type because of the terrain. I could bring them through the back route but would it be possible for me to use Ray Street to carry them out? There would be less trips going out because the cars will be compacted. Bobbie Jones: There is nothing in the Zoning Ordinance that prevents you from going out the Ray Avenue route, but I do not know if there is anything from a legal stand- point to prevent this. If there is it will probably come out in the Planning Commission meeting. RANDELL WEBB The last item for discussion was the lot split of James Freeman, Lot Split submitted by Randall Webb, for Part of Lot 1, Block 6, of Parkers Plat of Vally View Acres. Comments were as follows: 175 Plat Review -4- Octoliei 24 1974 1. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): No problems. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problem with Warner Cable. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): No comments. 4. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Question is how is water and sewer service supplied ---joint or separate water and sewer to each building. If they are joint I do not recommend approval unless they separate -services., 5. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): (Telephoned later) Everything okay. 6. Don Grimes (City Manager): Comments not available at this time. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 8. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Need 80 feet of right-of-way for Gregg Street. There is no vicinity map and I cannot determine the exact location. Therefore, request 40'feet of right-of-way from existing center line of Gregg Avenue. 9. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): I need to know the proposed width of each lot. There was no further discussion. Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 A. M. IRb