HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-03 MinutesDavid McWethy (Administrative Aide); You have a right.of-way problem along Old Wire Road. (They have 60 feet of right -of -:way now but 80 feet is needed,) fb3 J • • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, October 3, 1974 at 9:25 A.M. in the Directors Room of the City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITIES PRESENT: Roy Hawkins, Clyde Terry5 Frank O'Donnell, Randy Schneider CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS: Gary Jackson, J. E. McClelland, Dale Christy, Barbara Westendorf. VICTOR M. WATTS A discussion was opened on Victor M. Watts Lot Split. Isabell Bunten Watts Mrs. Barbara Westendorf was present to discuss the Lot Split "lot split" request (waiver of subdivision requirements) reviewed the week previously. Bobbie Jones said that City Manager Grimes had agreed in writing that 25 feet of right-of-way from the center line of Halsell Road should be required off the parcel Mrs. Westendorf proposes to pruchase at this time, but not off the balance of the property until it is further developed or divided. Mrs. Westendorf questioned why the right-of-way was required if there were no immediate plans to widen and improve the street. Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, and David McWethy explained that the requirement exists because the property is being "subdivided"; that unless the property owners themselves elect to form a street improvement district there are no plans to do more than maintain the street in its present condition; that if she objects to the right-of-way dedication she may appeal to the Planning Commission and Board of Directors. They further indicated there was a greater likelihood of the University of Arkansas expanding in that direction than there is of the City making Halsell Road a major street. Bobbie Jones said she had not received a comment from Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent, on the question of not requiring a dedication along Maple at this time. STANTON - WITT Planned Unit Development The next item for discussion was the South $ East of Old Wire Road Planned Unit Development of Loris Stanton and James 0. Witt to develop property lying South $ East of Old Wire Road where it intersects with Old Missouri Road. Mr. Gary Jackson, with Hight/Johnson/Jackson, Architects, was present to represent. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): Would there be a possibility of getting 20 feet for utility easement instead of the 15 feet? We can probably go ahead and go 15 feet but it would help us if we could have 20 feet, expecially where the transformers and pedestals, etc,will be located. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): I can see no problems with the 20' easement. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): We need a 20 feet easement. 4. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 5. Plat Review -2- October 3, 1974 Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator, (to Mr. Jackson) This will have to be settled before a building permit can be issued. It was discussed that this 80 foot requirement North and East of the intersection with Old Missouri Road is being appealed to the Planning Commission and Board of Directors. 6._Paul Mattke_ (City, Engineer)Water is available from Old Wire Road. If they have already asked for meter on site it shouldn't require any on-site water main con- struction. Sewer is presently at the Southwest corner of the property. I am not quite sure that these buildings to the East would have sufficient grade to get in there. There is no sewer to the EasVat the present time. Mr. Jackson: Are the houses off of Collette on a septic system? Mr. Mattke: Yes. We have an approved project to build sewer in to that area but the design has not even begun yet and I;would say it is probably a year away from reality. I notice that nothing was mentioned about Collette Street. This plat indicates the property stops 50 feet West of the center line of Collette. Is there property between Collette and this property. Mr. Jackson: No. The 50 feet shown is width of right-of-way. The property should go right up to the right-of-way on Collette. Mr. Mattke: The question arises as to the development of Collette. At the present time I believe it is a gravel street, and needs to be considered who would pay for half of the improvements of Collette that you would back up on for future development. I recommend that the portions that cannot be served with sewer at this time be removed from the project until such time as it can be served. 7. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): This is zoned R-1; with a Planned Unit Development.You are limited to the usage allowed in an R-2 district, (under Art. 8 Section 12, of the Fayetteville Zoning Ordinances.) Such as: 1. Whether or not these will be developed for individual ownership of dwelling units. 2. Maximum height requirement. 3. R-2 type use allowed in this has to be 100 feet from any other R-1 property and I believe this gives you a problem on the South. I will give you a copy of the Ordinance with underlined portions. Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent, is not present and I do not have any comments from him as of present. I will have to get back to you on his comments concerning drainage and waiver of the Major Street Plan. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present for meeting but submitted comments: Permission in writing from owner or buyer both that the City Sanitation Department be permitted to drive on all streets and thoroughfares. INDUSTRIAL PARK The next item for discussion was the large scale de- Large Scale Development velopment submitted by the Chamber of Commerce for a prospective developer in the Industrial Park. J. E. McClelland, McClelland Engineers, and Dale Christy, Chamber of Commerce, were present. Mr. Christy said they wanted to begin construction on the smaller building as soon as a permit could be cleared and on the larger building 90-120 days later. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): He pointed out a place to bring the service in' -to give easy access.to both buildings. I understand that you will want to go to 12.5 KV metering. The cheapest way to serve you wouldto go ahead and build like we were going to serve you for 12 and possibly go ahead and furnish a small transformer right now to serve this first building and charge a temporary cost for it. This would 1 V4- Plar Review -3- October 3, 1974 require you to go ahead and install your main conduit and spare conduit to serve the transformers. It would look a lot nicer to go underground and come up either midway or just before we get to the transformers and have a primary meter and cubicle. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): We can serve from the same location as SWEPCO. A switchboard system operation would require the location of a telephone room to get the telephone equipment into the building. We need an access point to get to this room, if possible, this should be approximately the center of the building. I would prefer an easement in the case of direct burial. If a conduit is furnished, I see no need for an easement. I would say a 3 inch conduit would be sufficient. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Since T. V. Cable is not required I have no comments. 4. David McWethy (Administrative Aide): NoiProblems. J S. Frank O'Donnell•(Arkansas Western Gas): No problems. 6. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): You show gravel parking and, of course, the ordinance calls for paved parking. I think, however, since this is just temporary and there will be such a short time between completion.of the temporary facility and the permanent one, that the Plannidg)Commission could go ahead and accept this as asphalt parking. If, however, the second pha )does not materialize, the parking area must be paved. Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent, is not present to comment but you will need permits from him to break the curb. You will need three 10x40 feet loading dock ramps in your parking: one for the first 40,000 square feet, one for the next 60,000 square feet, and one for every 100,000 square feet thereafter. Also, they should obtain a sign permit before a sign is made if you plan on have any signs. 7. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have water available (12 in. main) on the West side of Armstrong Avenue and a 14 in. water main going over to the Old Pump Station which would be the extreme Northeast corner of this property. We also have a 6 inch water main along the South side of Pump Station Road There will be high pressure so we will have_to use pressure -reducing regulators for distribution lines, particularly for their.potable)water; this should be designed to withstand 200 lbs working pressure. I would ask if they plan to install at the point where they enter their building with their potable water a reduced -pressure, back-flow preventer. This is normally done by bringing the pipe in a chase vertically up to a high level and installing the the back-flow preventer so that it can be maintained and serviced and then proceed with their piping on into their using plant. Fire protection water is normally unmetered and I would like to remind them in their design that it being unmetered water they cannot use it for process water for clean up. We will have to bore under Armstrong Avenue to get to water. They will have to enclose the water main where it crosses Armstrong Avenue and they will have to encase where their sewer main crosses the future extension of the railroad easement, but this can just an open cut. They didn't specify a meter location. Our water meter location is normally at the edge of.the property along the right-of-way, in a location accessible from an all-weather road and not behind obstrictions or under parked vehicles and needs to be in an area that is well drained. Their mechanical contractors indicated they want to bring meter point in close to thefirst building. This Would be possible but I see that they are going to eliminate the access road along the South and it would no longer meet this criteria. The mechanical contractors have been in contact with me and indicate ether wantedikto>bring a 12 inch water main onto this site. The only thing I am concerned aboutis‘on their initial stages 30,000 square foot building with normal occupancy will not keep the water fresh on a IBJ F. • • • • • Plat Review -4- October 3, 1974 12 inch water main. I am worried about keeping a chlorine residual first and also keeping the water to where it is potable or at least palatable. On drainage, if they do concentrate water (drainage) we need to look at getting back into our natural water courses and to look at some erosion control where it crosses public utilities. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present at meeting but submitted the following comment: Need 1 8 ft. x 10 ft. concrete pad (or 2) place for 1-6 cubit yard container. Concrete pad to consist of 4 inches of reinforced concrete. 9. Charles McWhorter (Fire Chief): Recommends sprinklers in all buildings. Mr. Mattke (City Engineer) recommended that the sprinkler system be tested properly (at least 200 lbs. -as the bulletin calls for- for 2 hours to be sure it does not leak.) Mr. McClelland asked about the blue lines on the prints. Mrs. Jones (Planning Administrator): said that the plans should be on a 14x18 sheet when they go to the Planning Commission. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Not present at meeting and did not submit comments. Mrs. Jones stated that they needed Mr. Powell's comments concerning drainage as she remembered he had very strong comments on Armstrong's development plan. ASBELL SCHOOL Large Scale Development The next item for discussion was the large North Sang Avenue scale development plan to build a library at Asbell School, North Sang Avenue. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): No'protiyems as long as they serve this off the existing service. If they do not do this, there will have to be a pole line built to serve it, because there isn't anything within 150 feet of this. • 2. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): No problems. 3. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 4. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): No problems. 5. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Not present at meeting but submitted following comment: Keep present container in a spot that is easy to get to and clear from all obstacles. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): No comments. The next item to be discussed was the lot split of 0. U. Green. Comments were as follows: LOT SPLIT 0. U. Green 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Sewer line stops approximately 300 feet South of the lot apparently intended to be conveyed to Dash and correspondingly to less distances from Henson's and Taylor's lots. Water is available from a 2; inch water main. As I see it they have two choices. They can install septic disposal systems for these lots or they can extend public sewer up to these lots. At the present time it does not reach them. Mrs. Jones: Mr. Grimes raised the question as to whether or not Plat Review October 3, 1974 the soil is suitable for septic tanks. Mr. Mattke: The soil in that area is extremely poor. I do not feel it will support septic disposal. There is the possibility that they could run a percolation test and may it would pass. I don't really think it will work but it might pass the test. LOT SPLIT The last item for discussion was the lot split of Oleta Ragsdale. OletaCRagsdale Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Sewer is not available. The closest sewer is at the intersection of Assembly and Mission. Water can only be obtained from Fallin Avenue or the existing service that is serving the house that is there now. Pressure will be extremely low (14-80 contour splits the property running in a North-South direction.) If they get service off of Mission they will have low pressure, but if they get it from Fallin their pressure should be good. However, there is a high pressure line as well as a low pressure line on Fallin and water pressure would depend on which line they connected with.