HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-08 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING • A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, August 8, 1974, at 9:00 A.M., in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, David McWethy,Charles McWhorter,Clayton Powell, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clyde Terry, DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Mrs. Russell Kilgore The first item of discussion was a large scale development DORWIN L. KILGORE plan submitted by Dorwin L. Kilgore to add to a single 1536 Mission Boulevard family dwelling at 1536 Mission Boulevard. Mrs. Russell L. S. Development Plan Kilgore arrived late to represent her son. Mrs. Kilgore said that Mr. Kilgore was adding a garage, and was remodeling the existing house 1 -Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 2 -Charles McWhorter.(Fire Chief): No comments. 3 -Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): To the best of my determination, Highway 45 ap- pears to have adequate right-of-way at this point which is 80 ft. If there is an exis- ting driveway, it is permissible to continue in use with it; if there isn't, being a state highway, they will have to submit their request for a driveway permit through the City Engineer, Paul Mattke, to the State Highway Department District Engineer in Ft. Smith. Mrs. Kilgore said they were going to use the existing driveway. Telephone comments were received in the Planning Office from the following: 4 -Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): I don't see anything that will affect our service with the building they are planning. 5 -Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Nothing wrong with this. 6 -Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas Company): No comments, (Mr. Clyde Terry arrived 9:15 A.M.) 7 -Mr. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No problems. 8 -Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): The setbacks are o.k.; the right-of-way is suffi- cient. There is a lot of record. It is a permitted use so there are no zoning problems. Is the house on sewer or septic tank? (septic tank) Will the addition be near the septic system? (NO) Bobbie Jones brought up the question whether Mr. Kilgore was going to use the existing drive or not and it was answered (afirmative) 8 -Paul Mattke, (City Engineer - not present, left comments later): I am submitting a sketch which will show the location of two existing sewer lines which cross this property. I request that they do not build within 20 ft. of the sewer lines and there will be no pro- blem. Also, there is a subdivision plat which was filed on this property when it was still out- side the City. I have drawn the location of a street dedication on the sketch. They can- not build within that dedicated street, nor within the setback distances (25 ft.) of the street. If the street is to be closed, it needs to be done officially. I would urge them with this expansion to go ahead and get on sewer. The cost of making taps onto the sewer line is going to go up in the very near future. • A large scale development plan for the AMVETS CLUB, 3615 Highway 62 West to cover an addition to the existing build- ing was reviewed. Bobbie Jones said that actually the 12 by- 25 ft. addition was made sometime last year without a permit being obtained and they are lust trying to get it all AMVETS 3615 Highway 62 West L. S. Development Plan straightened out since AMVETS PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -2- August 8, 1974 is doing some work inside now. There was no one present to represent the proposal: Comments were as follows: 1- Charles McWhorter: I had some problems there about a year ago in reference to the exit door on the West side; I want to make sure that they keep this door in operat- ing condition. Also, I want them to keep the exit lights on both doors working pro- perly. They must also keep the front entrance. 2- Roy Hawkins: No comments (telephone comment) 3- Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No comments 4- Wally Brt: Thought they might already have a lod-dal container there. No further comments. 5- Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator) This is a Lot of Record. The plat book shows 80 feet.of right-of-way; the setbacks are o.k. and the use is a permitted use in that zone. 6- Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): My plat book does not contain this area; how- ever, we would like to assure that there is 40 ft. of right-of-way for U. S. Highway 62 and 45 at this point from the existing centerline. Other than that, they are us- ing an existing structure; all driveways exist. If we have adequate right-of-way for Highway 45, and 62 at that point, I have no further comments. 7- Randy Schneider (SWEPCO telephoned comments): It doesn't look as if it will affect our service, but if they are adding a kitchen, they might notify the Engineering Department on the load they will be adding. 8- Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas called comments in): No comments. 9- Paul Mattke (City Engineer, not present, but submitted comments later): There is no problem'as long as it meets the plumbing code. I think they should connect to pub- lic sewer as soon as it is available. They should arrange the plumbing so it can be done conveniently. Sewer will be to the North, more than likely on the North side of the highway. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Regarding the "Rider" WINWOOD II SUBDIVISION to the Performance Bond, submitted for release of lots in Winwood Phase I Subdivision, Phase I, there are too many reservations and stipu- Performance Bond lations here that I will have to have an opinion from the City Attorney; therefore, I reserve comments until I get in touch with him. Regarding a request for a lot split on the_Payte property at the end of Happy Hollow Road, Mr. Mattke said that he had prepared some easement descriptions across the entire Payte tract (including the tract sold when the property was divided into Tract A and Tract 8). Since that time, the City has acquired one easement. Before Mr. Mattke would recommend granting of this lot split, he would like to have them sign the other two easements so that the City can in the future extend sewer on into that area. These easements affect both properties. The easements (instruments) are prepared and Mr. Mattke would like to go ahead and get them signed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 A.M. • • • •